It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
Sunday – rest
After a quick breakfast at Starbucks, I said goodbye to my friends and sent them off on their long drive home.
The rest of the day was dedicated to absolutely nothing: we watched the Olympics, snacked, and lounged. The upcoming week was promising to be a whirlwind, and we just wanted to be prepared for it.
Monday – rest
Little man and I had the day together and he wanted to just chill. We went out to lunch and Publix, and I took him to buy a new pair of “fun” shoes. I almost cried when the salesperson sent us to the men’s section of the store for his size. Clearly he hit a growth spurt or two this summer.
Mr PugRunner took him to get his hair cut, too. All summer he has been trying to grow it out, but I guess he decided to go for the buzz for school. Totally in favor of it.
That evening, I babysat for a friend of mine so she could take her new Kindergartner to Meet the Teacher Night. It was a nice, quiet, uneventful night, the perfect quiet before the storm.
Tuesday – 5 miles
I popped up for five early sunrise miles.
On the agenda for the day: work (for me) and Meet the Teacher and a dentist appointment for little man.
I got mostly good reports: he loves his 3rd grade teacher and classroom, and while the dentist visit went well, there is a shark tooth that has been hanging on that has to be pulled. Little man isn’t too thrilled about it, but it has to go.
That night, we went out for Italian: little man’s back-to-school request. We had a calm evening, and everyone turned in early to get a good night’s sleep.
Wednesday – rest
The big day had arrived! Little man was off to third grade! He had a yummy, protein-packed breakfast and we made his lunch together.
He wanted us to walk him in to his classroom (I was good with that because I wanted to see where he was and say hello to his teacher), so we all hopped in the car, after obligatory first day pictures, and set off.
Of course, the first day is always chaotic, but we got a decent parking spot and made the drop off.
After we said goodbye, Mr PugRunner and I went out for bagels. It’s nice when we can get a little untraditional date in, and it was a nice way to ease into the rest of the day for me.
I baked chocolate chip cookies for his welcome home snack
and put together little man’s requested dinner: cereal bar.
He had a great first day and we are all excited to see where the year takes him!
Thursday – 5 miles
Another five miles, and it went pretty well. I’m focused more on feeling strong than anything else.
Friday – rest
This rest day was much needed. I’d been dragging a little and there was no body circuit scheduled, so I just took advantage of the time off to watch some movies and Olympics and hold down the couch. Sometimes, it just has to be done. I had no regrets.
Saturday – 8 mile long run, Stadium Challenge 5K and fun run
After a mostly sleepless night, I went out late for my long run. While I don’t love splitting miles, I didn’t really have a lot of other options, so I gutted out my eight in the sun. Boo.
After I got cleaned up, we packed up our race things and went to a birthday party for one of our friends’ kids. There was a waterslide, and pool, along with lots of pizza and cake and yummy things to eat and drink.
I did my best to only drink water and watch my food intake. It was brutally hot, and I wanted to make sure I was fueling smartly. A storm rolled through, but when it passed, we drove to Everbank Field for the Stadium Challenge 5K. More on that later this week, but it was a fun night, and I was really glad that little man decided he was up for the fun run.
It’s been some time since we raced together, and I’ve missed it. He said he loved it, too, so it’s a win in my book! At the end of the day, I completed 12 miles, and am feeling pretty ready for Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia.
Oh, and that big news I mentioned last week? Well, it’s official. I’m all registered for my very first Ragnar Relay: the Ragnar Trail Alafia River!
For whatever reason, being part of a Ragnar team has sounded like such a wonderful experience. I’ve never camped, never done a relay and I don’t know half the people on my team, but it’s going to be epic! I cannot wait!
How was your week in training?
Have you ever done Ragnar?
Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs says
Your son always looks so happy and proud of himself when he races. Good job mom for getting him active with your.
Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs recently posted…Introducing the Gerolsteiner Mineral Water #SparklingDetox
runswithpugs says
He hasn’t been wanting to run very much, so I was surprised he was down for this. He did so great.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.7 – 8.13
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
I can’t believe it’s back to school time already! Sounds like you had a great week. I still love that little man runs with you, and I’m slightly jealous you’re doing a Ragnar! I really want to do one!
runswithpugs says
It’s going to be a once-in-a-lifetime kind of experience. Of course, with my luck, I’ll get the bug and then it will be all over!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.7 – 8.13
Amy @ Life to the Full says
Congrats to your little guy on his first day of 3rd grade! Where has the summer gone?! Enjoy your training for Ragnar!
runswithpugs says
I will definitely enjoy it! I can’t wait!
Marcia says
Aww, all the best to the Little Man and his year in 3rd grade! My youngest starts 5th grade on Wednesday. Sigh I have done a Ragnar and it was a freaking blast. It was brutally hot but still so, so fun!
Marcia recently posted…How I’m Letting Go of Fear and Living Bold
runswithpugs says
Well, it’s always brutally hot down here, so I guess it will just be another day LOL!
Best of luck to your youngest! Fifth grade is a big deal!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.7 – 8.13
Coco says
Wow, most schools around here don’t start until after Labor Day. I’m still holding on to a few more weeks of summer!
Coco recently posted…The Dog Days Of Summer
runswithpugs says
We got out before Memorial Day last year, so it’s right on time.
I can imagine you are still enjoying these final few weeks! Have fun!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
So I’ve wanted to do Ragnar but my husband, who never says no to me, told me he didn’t want me to do it. I feel like I had to honor that request. I’m not sure why he didn’t want me to do a relay. I do have some FOMO but it is what it is…
School starts next week here. It feels weird only sending one boy off to school.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop!
runswithpugs says
I get it. My husband is not really down with my doing a tri (mostly in any open water, but he is more ok with an ocean than a lake), and like you, I feel I have to honor the request, simply because he doesn’t say no to a lot. It’s a bummer, but we’re a team, and sometimes these things happen. I have gotten flack for it, but his opinion matters, too.
Best of luck to your son next week! I am sure it will be a great year!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner says
Wow you are already back in school! We don’t start until after labor day. Your son always has the best smile on his face I love it!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Blueberry Iced Tea Spritzer
runswithpugs says
We got out super early – quite frankly, it’s time for summer to be over LOL! His laugh and smile are absolutely contagious.
Markita @ SweshFit says
Geez I’m doomed with I have kids if I make them stuff like cookies and yummy snacks lol…that has to be hard! Adorable kid 🙂
runswithpugs says
Thanks. We like him a lot. 😉 I don’t know if you have to make them stuff, but they do insist on eating pretty regularly LOL.
Stacie Seidman says
Looks like Little Man had a great week! Back to school was always kind of exciting even if it does mean back to work.
YAY! I’m so excited you’re going to do a Ragnar! I haven’t done any of the trail relays, but I did do Ragnar Cape Cod and it was a BLAST! I can’t wait to hear all about it!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
runswithpugs says
Lucky for us, he really likes school, so it’s good to be back for all of us.
Oh, I bet Ragnar Cape Cod was gorgeous! We used to have a Miami to Key West version, but it was canceled this year. I think that would have been mostly great (it’s a long drive down to Key West, though).
Karen says
Nice job on the double run day! How fun for you and your son to run together 🙂
I love the cereal bar! Good idea for dinner.
You are so brave with the Ragnar experience! I have never run one. I visited friends at their campsite back in spring and got a feel for it, it will be epic running all night! I am thinking the camping will be lots more fun than a van experience.
Karen recently posted…Klutzy and Hot
runswithpugs says
At least with the camping, you can kind of get up and move around and not be confined. I get carsick and claustrophobic, and I can’t imagine being trapped in a moving vehicle with 5 other (sweaty, smelly) people for long periods of time. That being said, I’ve never gone camping, so this will be interesting!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.7 – 8.13
Tricia Vaughn says
I just love all the signs people are using showing what great their kids are going back to school in! I wish we had thought of that! First Ragnar?? Oh how much fun!!! I so want to do one of these, I can’t wait to see you through this! When is this one and do you know any team members?
Tricia Vaughn recently posted…National Rum Day
runswithpugs says
I usually do a whole back-to-school photo shoot, but little man hasn’t been as into it, so we just did a few quick iPhone pics outside. There’s sign for everything, it seems LOL!
I cannot wait for this Ragnar! It’s going to be amazing! It’s in December, and I personally know 3 of the members. The other 4 are friends/relatives of one of the other women. Should be great!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.7 – 8.13
Kimberly Hatting says
Ragnar? Two words…”I’m jealous.” Our daughter heads back to school next Wednesday…the son goes back to his college life on Sunday….and the other daughter (sigh) done with college and an official adult. Summer flew by!!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Rocking the Early Mornings!
runswithpugs says
Summer did go by pretty quickly! I am so excited about this Ragnar! I’ve been wanting to do one, but this opportunity dropped in my lap and I cannot wait!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.7 – 8.13
HoHo Runs says
Back to school week is usually so busy. I was always amazed at the ton of paperwork I had to fill out the first night of school. Don’t that keep that information somewhere? I would love to do a Ragnar Relay. Bucket List Item. It’s got to be so rewarding to race with the little man. My grownup oldest and I have raced a few halves together and I always love it when we do. Thanks for linking, Jenn!
runswithpugs says
There is a ton of paperwork. I wasn’t able to go to the meet the teacher, so Mr PugRunner had to fill out most of it 😉 Oops.
I love running with little man. I hope he enjoys it as much.
runswithpugs recently posted…race report: jaguars 5k stadium challenge & fun run {8.13.16}
Mary Beth Jackson says
yea for back to school 🙂 A friend of mine and I looked at the Ragnar race but trail running in the middle of the night freaks me out just a bit! Good luck- I can’t wait to hear about this one!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Starting Week 2 with StepBet!
runswithpugs says
I’m trying not to think about the middle of the night part. Trying hard.
runswithpugs recently posted…race report: jaguars 5k stadium challenge & fun run {8.13.16}