It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
Sunday – SUP yoga, 90 minutes
This yoga class was so needed. So. Needed. I never really considered myself a huge water person, but I notice that I find myself craving these SUP times: just sitting on the board in the water is so restorative and brings me so much peace.
While I don’t have a photo of it, a huge manatee was nosing the boards while they were balanced on the pier (the tide was too low for us to do a beach entry). I was over the moon with glee, and was even happier when a trio of the majestic creatures poked their noses up to watch us. I wish they had come closer, but it was so cool seeing them nearby.
Mr PugRunner and little man were busy, too. They bundled up their clubs and went to the driving range to hit some golf balls. I know next to nothing about golf (unless it involves windmills), but his form seems pretty good.
In the afternoon, we did nothing but grocery shop, attempt to meal plan and get ready for the week. Now that school is back in session, that’s what Sundays are for.
Monday – body circuit, 60 minutes
Due to scheduling conflicts, body circuit has been on the back burner. However, I was back to it today, and thrilled, even though it was tough. I’m not going to be at all sorry when cooler weather comes.
Little man also went back to karate after a summer hiatus. He is an orange belt now, which means he will be learning how to spar. It’s exciting to see him put the techniques he’s been learning to practical use, but also a little nerve-wracking!
Tuesday – 5 miles running
I ran near home simply because it was going to be a rough day.
Little man has had a shark tooth situation (adult tooth growing in on top of baby tooth) and it was time for the baby tooth to be extracted. He was extremely anxious about the procedure and there really wasn’t much we could do to calm him. Fortunately, his dentist is a bit of a rock star, so the whole thing went very smoothly. Whew.
Wednesday – rest
I think the heat is really starting to get to me, because I really just wanted to flop down on the couch and do nothing. Not that there’s anything wrong with really taking a rest day – I made sure to get in some good reading.
Thursday – 3.72 miles walking
So Thursday was crazy. My friend had made me aware of a man by the name of Ernest Andrus. He is a (now) 93-year-old retired Navy vet, who has spent the last three years running across the country. He started at the Pacific Ocean in San Diego, and has been steadily progressing ever since (I’ll share more details this week, but you can learn more at at Coast 2 Coast Runs). The final portion of his run would take him through Georgia, and towards the end, he was going to be about 90 minutes away. We had talked about joining him for the final leg of his trip, but our schedules said otherwise.
Instead, we got up at 3:00 AM, loaded into Stacey’s car, and drove to St. Simon’s Island to meet Ernie. Along with about 40 other people, we walked alongside this amazing and inspiring veteran for the second to last piece of his journey.
It was one of those once in a lifetime experiences, and we were both just so overwhelmed by it.
Little man and I did get to have a nice evening in while Mr PugRunner went to the local Cub Scout’s information meeting. Little man has been asking to join, and it seems like this will be the year.
Friday – rest
I met up with a friend for coffee in the morning, and then Mr PugRunner and I had a day date when he was finished with his work of the day. We picked up new running shoes and had a delicious lunch together. It’s fun to have that time together.
Saturday – 10 miles running
Much as I didn’t want to run, it was long run day. And it was all kind of a mess. There was a controlled burn going on, which really ruins my breathing, and I just wasn’t feeling great about any of it. I finally had to just give in and do some serious walking in the last miles. I wanted to get the distance, but I didn’t have anything left. Boo.
I did come home to a plate of pancakes and chocolate milk. Unfortunately, I was too hot and worn out to really enjoy them. Boo again.
In the afternoon, we went to my parents’ house for a BBQ with some other family members – it was a great way to unwind.
Mr PugRunner and I tried to stay up late to watch a movie on TV, but we were both wiped out and had to take a rain check.
I’m not overly impressed with myself this week. I felt pretty lazy and unmotivated, which I don’t love. The summer is getting to me, though, and I’m just trying to tough it out. I am excited about my trip to Philly and all the running adventures to come, but at the moment, I’m struggling. It will be ok, I know, but I would love to feel a little more on top things.
How is your week in training?
Are you starting to see signs of fall where you live?

Manatees and Ernest in one week! What an epic few days!! Don’t be down on your training. We need rest every now and then, and you deserve it!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…The Best Gluten Free, Vegan Pizza Crust
I’m a little down. It’s hard to stay positive when everything just feeling so plodding. Oh, well. This, too, shall pass.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
I really need to try SUP yoga. I even have a girlfriend who owns a studio who’s been teaching it, but I haven’t made it to class yet.
My grandsons are loving golf too! They’re only 11 (twins) and they’re getting pretty good. One in particular is playing everyday!
Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs recently posted…It’s Monday Madness! Share your prAna Weird Workout!
You definitely need to make the time!
Golf is huge around here. Mr PugRunner has the clubs and shoes and all that but I would really rather watch paint dry LOL. It would be great if he can teach little man to play (or get him lessons).
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
As another non-golfer, I think his form looks great too haha. He looks like he’s having fun! 🙂
Carmy recently posted…Monday on the Run #50
Right! He did like it. They are building a 3-4 story driving range out here, so that might be a fun activity for all of us.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
I need some SUP yoga in my life! Manatees too! Love that pic of little man golfing. We got a twinge of fall just last night. Woke up to 56 degrees. Wow!
Marcia recently posted…Fit a #WeirdWorkout Into Your Busy Day and Win!
56 sounds heavenly! We are still getting 90s. Blah.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
Your Ernest adventure sounds cool! WE so loved our long weekend in St, Augustine but dang it was HOT!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…August Week Three and the Treadmill!
It WAS hot. There is always a nice little breeze coming off the water that helps a tiny bit, but still. It’s hard to get dressed up and feel fancy because the makeup and hair goes melting the minute you get outside. Boo. I’m glad you had fun!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
Great wrap up! That tooth situation sounds NO GOOD! Glad it worked out. And I miss SUP. It’s just so cool to be right on top of the water and there’s nothing quite like it.
Coach Henness recently posted…Weird Workouts + A Giveaway
The tooth was ok – he has a little bit of anxiety, and I can’t say I really blame him. The Tooth Fairy took that into account and he scored pretty big. 😉
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
Doesn’t really sound like a bad week to me!
I was so terrified of the dentist as a kid, I completely sympathize with little man.
We are finally enjoying some cool weather — for a few days, anyway!
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Come run with me: 8/15-21 Weekly Wrap
I’m still terrified of the dentist! We have worked hard to make sure his dental visits are calm and peaceful. He has been doing great so far, and he is weirdly very excited about needing braces. However, extractions are scary and he didn’t like getting the nitrous and the mask on his face (understandably). I think he will be ok for his next trip. Fingers crossed.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
That is so wonderful that you went to see Ernie and walk with him! I read about him in the news. What an inspiration!
He was incredible.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
I so wish we had SUP yoga here! I can hardly do the crazy things in regular yoga so I would probably kill myself anyway 🙂
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Lentil Tabouleh Salad- Meatless Monday
Nah. Some people bust out some crazy poses, but the majority of the class is incredibly gentle and good for beginners. You would love it.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
I love that you got to meet Ernest! 93 and still running! Really, he wouldn’t have to do it for any reason but that. Very inspirational.
I think that anytime I can get out on the water it’s like instant calm. I think that’s why I need to live on the water somewhere.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Running with Mother Nature
I hope that when I’m 93, I have the interest, ability and presence of mind to be moving like Ernest. He was amazing.
I never used to get that calm on the water. However, it’s been very therapeutic for me.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
Oh how cool you saw a manatee! I know they’re common where you live, but I’d just love to see one!
Ange // Cowgirl Runs recently posted…If Girls Ran the World
They are common, but they can be quite shy, too. I was out of my mind getting to see them so close and knowing that with a few strokes, I could have been swimming WITH them. Eeek!
It seems like summer came to an abrupt halt this weekend. The weather got cooler, we took the son back to college, and the last child at home goes back to school on Wednesday. I’m also starting to see leaves on the ground and the morning runs are getting a little darker…..I’m not ready to say goodbye to summer ;-( Yay for your son joining Scouts! Our son was in Scouts all his life, and earned his Eagle just before he turned 15.
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Keeping It Real
I’m jealous of your cooler weather! Best of luck to all the kids! The mornings are darker, but no leaves have fallen yet.
I’m interested to see how Scouts works out. I know it’s definitely something out of our comfort zones: we’re not super outdoorsy (although I’m trying to be), and I’ve never been camping. Little man just isn’t digging team sports right now, so this seems like it will be a reasonable complement to karate. He’s absurdly excited: I was trying to sew the patches on his uniform and he was hovering like an expectant father LOL!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
I love manatees!!! What an awesome opportunity to get to walk with Ernest!!!!
Toni recently posted…NOW Foods Immersion Day 1 #NOWWellness
I love manatees, too. It’s so magnificent getting to watch them in action.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
You had a great week of activity. I feel you on the lack of motivation for long runs. This late summer heat is taking a toll on everybody. Kudos to you for pushing through and completing your run.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon Training Log – Weeks 7 and 8
It’s miserable. And from what I understand, Philly isn’t going to much relief. Booooo.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
As much as I love my summer water activities, I’m at the breaking point now with summer running. I’m so over it and doing my best to just suck it up. But, this week I want to WHINE. My hubs and sons are golf lovers. I’m like you — I need a windmill. How inspiring it must have been to meet Ernie and share a portion of his trek with him. Thanks for linking, Jenn!
It was great to meet Ernie. I am trying to carve out some time to write about it.
I’m so done with summer. Done. Done. Done. It’s at the point where I can’t even see the light at the end of the tunnel. Blah.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
I had a crappy long run last week too with lots of walking. annoying but what can you do. i tell myself at least I got the distance in, even if it was super slow!
my yoga studio is offering some SUP yoga classes. do you think I’d fall in a lot though? that’s what makes me nervous lol.
also, I had the same shark tooth issue as a kid! in fact, this girl would legit call me shark tooth in school. awesome right? =/
Patty @ Reach Your Peak recently posted…Week 8 – NYC Marathon Training
All miles matter!
Listen, at some point, you will fall off. In fact, the sooner you fall off, the better it’s going to be, because then you won’t worry about falling off. I was terrified to fall – mostly because I didn’t think I would have the strength to haul my butt back up on the board. It was probably my 10th class when it happened, and you know what? It was so much less of a big deal than I thought it would be. I was back on the board in seconds, and I got a little cooled off in the process. Try it!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.14 – 8.20
You did have a full plate this week. I too need to get back in my kayak I find great peace in it being out on the water!
Glad you have a Rockstar as a dentist! It does make this easier!
Thanks lady for linking up with us!
Tricia Vaughn recently posted…It is Runfession Time – August Edition
I loved that you walked with Ernest! I really wanted to go up for the last leg, but I didn’t make it.
Angie recently posted…Lazy summer days