It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
It’s time to welcome in September! August was pretty successful in a lot of ways. We’ll take a look at how I did as well as my September goals after the week’s training recap.
Sunday – rest
Errands, hanging out and family time. The best way to spend a Sunday, as far as I’m concerned. Well, minus the errands, because I don’t love those, but you get the idea.
Monday – 60 minutes body circuit
This class was much more fun than the last one. I really enjoyed it and felt like it was a great workout.
It was a quiet Monday – little man did his homework and went to karate and we called it a day.
Tuesday – 5 miles running
It was a lovely morning for a five miler. The humidity was high so I just went with the flow.
Afterwards, I tidied up and started prepping dinner. Mr PugRunner was going to Ronald McDonald House to help with dinner for the residents and so my parents were going to join me and little man for spaghetti and meatballs. I made extra so Mr PugRunner could serve some to his buddy, who was coming over later for the Fantasy Football draft.
It was a fun night, and little man even got to practice selling his popcorn for Cub Scouts.
Wednesday – 50 minutes spin
I screwed up my courage and went back to another spin class. This time, I was able to stand up in the saddle for a couple of the moves: not for very long, but I was starting to feel a little more stable and confident. I can’t believe how much I sweat in this class. I still think I hate it, but it feels so great to work that hard.
In the meantime, we were keeping a very close eye on Tropical Storm Hermine, which was working it’s way towards the west coast of Florida, gaining and strength and threatening the coast. We’ve had a pretty inactive season, so it was worth considering.
Thursday – 50 minutes spin, 50 minutes body recon
Little man had a bad dream, and asked me not to run so I could snuggle with him, so I did. I hate when he gets scared, so it was the least I could do.
After he went to school, I decided to do another turn at spin. This class was even better than the day before, and I did even more standing. Yay me! I actually really like the climbing, with the tension cranked all the way up. Of course, I was dripping by the end, but I decided to try out Body Recon, which was next on the schedule. My friend assured me I would enjoy it.
The class seems to be a continuous stream of 60 second exercises. We did cardio, weights, kettle bells, and abs. I guess the premise is that you can do anything for 60 seconds. It moved very quickly, and I liked the constant change up of things.
I showered and went out for sushi with Mr PugRunner.
We were waiting to hear if the county was going to close school the next day – surrounding counties were doing so because of the threat of winds and tornadoes. We did some last minute food shopping, just in case, and were actually pretty relieved to get the text that little man would have a four day weekend.
Little man was nervous when he got off the bus. Of course, rumors were flying and he was a little scared about what might come. We did our best to reassure him that we were safe and tried to make it a fun night. He played with all the other kids on the street, and then we settled in with a movie and late bedtime.
Mr PugRunner decided to sleep downstairs with the TV on, just in case, so little man slept in our room. I stayed up late enough to catch the 11:00 PM storm update, and then it was time to hunker down.
Friday – rest
Hurricane Day. The howling wind woke me before dawn. Fortunately, little man had a great night’s sleep.
It was kind of a dull day. We watched a lot of weather reports and lounged around. There was one tornado warning in the early afternoon. Little man wanted nothing to do with it.
Finally, the rain clouds moved on and we were able to get outside for a little bit. We took the pugs for a walk, and let Molly ride in the wagon so she could get some fresh air, too.
Saturday – 5 miles running
I wasn’t up for a long run, so I did five miles again. It actually felt really good.
The rest of the day was pretty busy. We went to the mall to pick up some new Miami Hurricanes gear for the new season, and got build-your-own salads from a place in the food court.
I love chopped salads, especially with lots of yummy stuff.
We had a BBQ at a friend’s house and then Mr PugRunner had a buddy over for the first Hurricanes game. The Canes dominated the Rattlers 70-3!
The season is off to a great start!
Ok, so let’s check out how August’s goals went.
1. Continue with increased mileage – After a very slow start this year, I ended August with 89 miles. I probably should have gone for 90 for OCD purposes, but I didn’t. The bump from three to five miles for my regular training runs has been pretty effective, as far as boosting my strength and my confidence.
2. Yoga, yoga and more yoga – Ehhhh….. So there wasn’t a ton of yoga in August. It just didn’t fit into my schedule. However, that doesn’t mean I let the cross training go by the wayside. I have been dedicated with my body circuit, and added in some spin and other workouts.
3. Secure coaching for goal race and establish goals – I have my questionnaire and just need to get it filled out and submitted. That will happen this week.
4. Register for another 5K – Check! I registered for and ran the Jaguars 5K Stadium Challenge (and Fun Run).
It was fun, and it was good to get out there again.
5. Get back to running with Mr PugRunner – Mission accomplished. Mr. PugRunner got his new shoes and has been out a couple of times. He doesn’t have a goal in mind yet, but it’s good to see him out there.
Overall, I think I did pretty well. So what’s next?
1. Have fun at Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia!
I haven’t visited Philly since an elementary school field trip! I’m staying with a great running friend! I’m going to meet some of my fellow Rock ‘n’ Bloggers! I’m trained for the distance! My hip hasn’t been giving me any trouble! These are all good things, and there’s no reason not to just enjoy the experience.
2. Hydrate more/cut back on my Diet Dr Pepper habit.
I had been doing REALLY well with my balance on this. My soda intake had been way down and my water consumption was way up. Somehow, along the way, I’ve gotten lazy about that. I’m sure that it is making a negative difference in my performance, so I’m going to crack down.
3. Cut back on sugar.
I do need to be more careful about my sugar intake. I don’t want to be too restrictive, but I can certainly make some healthier choices and increase my protein. Time to get on board with that.
4. Continue the cross training.
I have really been enjoying mixing things up in the cross training arena. I know I haven’t been on my road bike in a while (the weather hasn’t been optimal for it), but I think I’ve been making it up in other ways. It can only make me better, so I’m just going to keep it up.
5. Try something new.
It’s always fun to try something new, and it’s time I broaden my horizons a little. Stay tuned – this month I’ll be trying a new activity for the first time and I can’t wait to share it with you!
How was your week in training?
What’s on your list of September goals?
Anna @ Piper's Run says
Training is on the back burner at the moment but I got out for two bike rides (yesterday and today), so that is progress!
Great job on your mileage. The only goal for September is to avoid injury and get my ankle better…small goals for me 🙂
Anna @ Piper’s Run recently posted…Maritime Race Weekend Training Week 10
runswithpugs says
You’re doing great. It stinks to be injured, but you are doing great. Here’s hoping you get that cancellation opening and can get into the PT sooner rather than later. :hugs:
Kimberly Hatting says
You were busy! Great job on the spinning…I tried a class once, and I was able to keep up (surprisingly!), but I’m not much into biking and I felt like a little lost on all the stuff they were doing. I need to give it another whirl LOL but I prefer being outside (same with running!).
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…How did August play out?
runswithpugs says
I prefer being outside, too, but I did like having something a little different. I never really saw myself as a gym type, and this isn’t really a studio or a big box gym (they do spinning, kickboxing, bootcamp and personal training in a gym set up in a warehouse style building), but it seems to be what I need right now. I like cycling a lot, but I was getting bored doing the same routes over and over. Mr PugRunner has been using the bigger car, so if I want to bike, I have to do it from the house, which limits where I can go. And of course, everything here is flat flat flat, so getting some resistance and learning how to deal with it is a nice change.
Coco says
I’m glad you’re liking spinning better. That other class sounds intense. 60 seconds sounds easy but it can be tough!
Coco recently posted…Cycling To Harpers Ferry West Virginia
runswithpugs says
The other class was crazy. I was actually really proud of myself for being able to keep up.
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner says
You logged a lot of miles this month! Nice job. Spin class can be really challenging. I always love the sweat I get in there.
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Easy Make Ahead Breakfasts for Back To School
runswithpugs says
I am dripping by the time I leave. It’s almost embarrassing. But I feel really good about it.
Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs says
Glad to hear you made it safely through the hurricane. I know most non-Californians are more worried about earthquakes, but hurricanes and tornadoes scare me silly!
Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs recently posted…Be #AwareWithPink with Trekz Titanium Pink Headphones
runswithpugs says
I would take a hurricane over an earthquake or tornado any day. You know it’s coming, have plenty of time to prepare, and can get out of dodge if necessary. Earthquakes and tornadoes hit in seconds and we don’t have any kind of alert system here, or storm cellars, or any other kind of precautionary stuff. No, thank you!
Bradley says
Gosh I love your blog! Sorry you’ve got to deal with tornadoes & whatnot…that’s got to be scary. I have never tried spin class and it terrifies me, but I feel that it’s something I want to try. I also want to cut back on sugar intake…so cheering you on there!
runswithpugs says
Thank you for visiting! My husband went to one spin class a couple of years ago. He left without water and without a towel. Apparently, he thought it would be no big deal. He came stumbling back, and it was never discussed again. I understand exACTly where he is coming from LOL. It was totally terrifying, but everyone has been really nice and supportive, so I’m handling it.
I do love my sugar, but let’s get it cut back this month!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
Sounds like the hurricane was kind of a non-event! I feel like the weather forecasters over dramatize everything lately and so no one will take them seriously. Boy who cried wolf, anyone?
Great week of workouts! Love that pic of you and little man running together!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Balanced and Back on Track
runswithpugs says
Running with him is my favorite.
We were very lucky this time. The Gulf Coast, Tally and Big Benda areas, not so much. 🙁
You know, the meteorologists are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. People don’t pay attention when they are low-key about the storms, and they don’t pay attention when there is hype. There is a complacency which sets in – it’s worse now because Florida hasn’t had a storm hit in 11 years. Having been through some pretty devastating storms, including Wilma and Katrina, I prefer to err on the side of caution.
Michelle Rogers says
What an awesome week of cross training! Great job!!
Janalyn Sullivan says
What a month! I love your September goals, btw! I need to hydrate too, as well as cut back on processed sugars. Glad I’m not alone in that!
Mary Beth Jackson says
So far my training is on track and I am getting ready for a few longer distance runs. I am so glad that the thunderstorm pooped out some and create to big of a mess here! I am always trying to cut down on sugar, ugg……. congrats on that spinning class- I have NO interest in those 🙂
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…September Summer Taper Weekly Update
Celia at Chicago Jogger says
It looks like you had a great series of workouts! 89 miles is super impressive 🙂
Celia at Chicago Jogger recently posted…5 Must Have Items for a New Baby
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says
So glad to hear that you’re feeling strong and ready for RnRPhilly. Hopefully I get to meet you during race weekend.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon Training Log – Week 10
Tricia Vaughn says
I’m glad the hurricane didn’t do any damage for yall! I was quite nervous myself traveling. I really need to take a look at goals on a monthly basis. You have peeked my curiosity I can’t wait to see what you’ll be trying new!
Tricia Vaughn recently posted…Weekly Wrap 57 Orlando Fun
Angie says
Good luck in Philly!
Angie recently posted…Lazy summer days
HoHo Runs says
The spin classes sound intense but an excellent way to cross train. I’m so glad the storm did not strengthen. Good luck next weekend in Philly. I think you are going to have a wonderful race. Thanks for linking, Jenn.