On Wednesdays, we (really, really try to) link up with Deb Runs for the Wednesday Word. You can be part of the action, by checking out her page and linking up, too!
Today’s word is…
In about seven months, I’m going to turn 40 years old. To be honest, I’m kind of excited. Forty is the new 2o, after all. Ok, maybe it’s the new 3o. It doesn’t matter. I just know that I will be leaving behind a decade spent gaining confidence, growing, developing as a human and discovering lots of cool thing about myself.
For me, with age comes wisdom. Back in my teens, I thought I knew it all, and yet I lacked the self-confidence that comes with such arrogance. That continued into adulthood and my twenties, when I was out on my own for the first time. I was young and naive, without a lot of life experience on which to build.
I made some monumental errors. I was unkind, sometimes even cruel, to myself. I wasn’t happy. There were times when I sat back and wallowed in the pity party, but as I got older, I tried to turn each error of judgment and mistake into a teachable moment. I learned to love who I was, with all my flaws. I’m not perfect, but I’m human and learning.
Every step of the way, I’m gaining wisdom.
In the past decade, I have worked hard on my self-esteem and finding my personal worth. My goal is to keep myself open to learning and trying new things. It is my hope to never stop growing and never stop evolving.
The benefits are very rewarding.
I have stopped mentally beating myself up over my appearance, my weight, and my caloric intake. Instead, I have redirected that energy into being more fit and active. I have also stopped worrying about what people think of me. My focus is on myself and those I love, and if someone wants to laugh because I fall out of a pose in yoga or look silly running, it’s a sign of their insecurities, not mine. I’m not going to stop doing the things I love just because someone else disagrees.
In addition, I am more confident in my choices. I have become more adventurous. And I am so much more willing to take on new challenges. Experience has been a phenomenal teacher and I am always excited to see what else I can learn.
Wisdom can be a liberating thing.
How has wisdom played a role in your life?

Congrats on all of your growth!! It’s exciting to have the freedom to just do what you want to do without worrying how others will react 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Lessons Learned
“Wisdom can be a liberating thing” – well said. You seem very wise to be so young!
Thanks for linking up!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Wrapping Up That Race I Ran Two Weeks Ago…