Happy Halloween! This is honestly one of my favorite nights of the year. I got set back a little with the hurricane, but now, our house is looking nice and spooky and we are ready to trick or treat!
With that said, it’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
On paper, this week looks a little light.
Sunday – rest
The boys came home from their campout! Yay!
Little man earned some sweet patches, and will be getting some belt loops at his next pack meeting.
Unfortunately, after helping to put away the camping supplies and a shower, Mr PugRunner had to head right back out. Meetings and a family visit would keep him on the road for much of the week, so we said our goodbyes and wished him well.
Little man and I had a lunch date and visited the pumpkin patch. The crop was pretty lacking this year, but we were able to score a few decent pumpkins. They were too squat to carve, though.
Monday – body circuit, 60 minutes
For some reason, body circuit really rocked my world this morning. I was pretty sore when it was over, in all the best ways. Love when that happens.
I had the rest of the day to decompress from the insanity of the weekend. By the time little man got home, dinner was ready to be served and we were good to head out to karate. He had a great sparring session – I was really proud of him.
Tuesday – 6 miles speedwork
After dropping little man at school, I went to a nearby walking track to dig into my speedwork: 800m repeats. Since it was later in the morning than I like to run, I struggled with the sun and the heat, but got it done. I wasn’t spot on my assigned paces, but I was close.
The morning had not been the most pleasant for both of us, and I wanted the evening to go better. After little man completed his homework and we talked about his day, we rented the new Ghostbusters and watched it while we ate dinner at the coffee table. By bedtime, we were both in a much better mood (and also, lots more in the Halloween spirit!)
Wednesday – rest
Little man had been asking to bring Pumpkin Spice Lattes to two of his favorite teachers (this year’s and last), and I had told him that if he got up early, helped me crank out all the chores and morning tasks, and had a great attitude, I would take him to Starbucks and let him do so. He was raring to go and we were able to make a caffeinated delivery to the school (I was also able to snag a Salted Caramel Latte for myself).
I had another meeting with Jacksonville BUZZ – I’m so happy to announce that I will be working with them as a Health & Fitness Blogger. We shared lots of great ideas, and I am working on November’s pieces.
Our big evening plans involved a dinner out and Tour or Treat at Everbank Field. We have done this the past few years, and little man always enjoys it. He loved getting to wear his costume a few days early.
He also loved being the only Star Lord in sight.
I think the only thing that topped it were these guys:
We went through the Jaguars fitness center, rehab room, locker room and out and around the field, before coming to the concourse, where they had supplied inflatable obstacle courses, face painting, games, contests and snacks for sale. It was a great night.
Thursday – rest
Thursdays are usually my run days, but I wasn’t able to get in my miles between school drop off and work. No worries. Mr PugRunner was coming home later in the afternoon and I would be able to get back to it.
Work was slammed (which was great because it made the hours pass pretty quickly) and I was more than happy to get home to my guys.
Friday – 4 miles
Little man’s second grade teacher had asked if she could join me for a run, and I was happy for the company. We went out together for a really easy four miles, and she did great. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to get out with a running partner, and I was incredibly grateful for it. We have planned to do it again.
My friend’s daughter asked if little man could come over for a play date after school. Usually, with these playdates, the kids stay over for dinner and most of the evening (we try to alternate houses), so Mr PugRunner and I took advantage and went out on a date.
We visited Catch 27 for dinner. It’s one of our favorite seafood restaurants and we were happy to bring some business to our recovering downtown. Plus, their shrimp and grits is one of my favorites.
We got dessert at Cousteau’s Waffle & Milkshake Bar, and then drove to pick up our boy. Of course, we visited with our friends while the kids played for another hour or so, and then we just had to get going. I think we were all exhausted
Saturday – rest
I wanted to do absolutely nothing on Saturday. Short of grocery shopping for the culdesac party we had planned for Sunday, sitting on the couch was the only thing that sounded appealing.
The neighborhood kids have been playing beautifully together on most days, and Saturday was no exception. Little man headed out right after breakfast, popped in for a sandwich around lunch time (his body clock is remarkably accurate) and vanished again until dinner. Of course, we checked on them periodically, but they were all totally immersed in playing. They ended the day with hot dogs and marshmallows roasted over the neighbor’s fire pit. Perfection.
This is the last week before Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah! I am nervous but also excited. Training is going well, but the weather isn’t giving me much of a break. I have come to terms with working on being strong and consistent, regardless of what kind of time it yields, and that mindset has been hugely helpful.
How was your week in training?
How do you celebrate Halloween?

You always seem to pack so much into a single week… glad you and your son have had so much fun with Hallowe’en and costumes. Wishing you a great fun time at RnR Savannah. Can’t wait to read about it and see some pics!
Elle recently posted…Wrapping up October
This time is year is crazy busy. I love the holidays and we always try to go all out. Just got a weather report for Savannah and I have really high hopes.
You guys really pack a lot into a week!!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Spinach & Feta Mashed Potatoes Meatless Monday
Tis the season!
So exciting about your writing gig! And the T-Rexs at your race? LOL!
Good luck at RnR Savannah! That is one place I’d like to visit.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…The Color Runs…
Thanks! I’m nervous and excited. I hope I can rock it.
The T-Rexes were at the Tour or Treat. Super hilarious. I would love to see someone run a 5K in one of those suits.
I hope you make it to Savannah one day, even if just for vacation. It’s a great city.
The weather has been so temperamental in Iowa! Freezing cold and damp, then it’ll be hot and windy….there’s no way to know day-to-day what’s gonna happen because it’s never quite what is predicted.
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…It’s almost Taper Time!
That’s annoying! I hate when the weather swings like that.
runswithpugs recently posted…october wrap + november goals
Sounds like a really lovely week! I love that he wanted to bring lattes to his teachers – so cute!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Healthy Pumpkin Pie “Ice Cream” (vegan, gluten free, paleo)
He can be a very thoughtful guy. I love his heart.
runswithpugs recently posted…october wrap + november goals
Love those T-Rex’s! And love me some shrimp and grits! Looks like you had a fun week.
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…DuClaw Hop Hammer Chocolate Mousse
You can’t go wrong with inflatable T-Rexs!
runswithpugs recently posted…october wrap + november goals
Love our son’s costume! Your dish looks delicious. That’s funny you have a Catch 27. We have a Catch 31 and it is one of the best seafood restaurants in our area. Guess that’s a popular name.
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…It’s the Wicked!
Everyone loves fresh catch, right? This place does seriously have the best shrimp & grits.
runswithpugs recently posted…october wrap + november goals
Congrats on your opportunity with Buzz! I’m sure you have lots of ideas already on how you want to contribute to them.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Wine and Dine Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5
We will see!
runswithpugs recently posted…october wrap + november goals
Congrats on your new writing position! Super cool and exciting! Can’t wait to hear how Savannah goes- I would love to race there! Have fun!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Week 4 and Mom, I have a Surprise!
I’m excited to do this one. RnR always puts on such a great event and I know it will be good.
runswithpugs recently posted…october wrap + november goals
What a great week! I’m so happy to hear about your neighbor kids all getting along. I grew up in a neighborhood like that, but it seems less and less common these days. Not so much the getting along, but the kids being able to head out and play somewhat at will.
Nice work on your runs and workouts too!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
I love the way they all play. It’s such a good thing for him and they all look out for each other. Warms my icy heart.
runswithpugs recently posted…october wrap + november goals
Sounds like a full week to me. Congrats on the Buzz work!
Coco recently posted…I Survived Orange Theory Fitness Hell Week
Thank you!
That’s exciting to be working with the paper! Congrats!
800s are no joke! Great job in getting those done. It’s so sweet Little Man wanted to take his teachers a PSL! He’d be my favorite student! Coffee is definitely the way to my heart! I really want to run Savannah one year soon. I always forget about that one for some reason! Good luck and have fun. Thanks for linking, Jenn!
800s and 1600s are both pretty tough. Not my favorite. Yeah, he sure knows how to charm his teachers. But I was happy to help him with his master plan.
Check out the Publix Women’s Half in Savannah in April – that one is great too!
runswithpugs recently posted…october wrap + november goals
How very cool you are going to be working with the Jacksonville Buzz! So maybe you can tell me if they have any races on Thanksgiving near Baymeadows Road? Seems like one year they had a race near a running store. I always try and run while I’m visiting but I don’t have a car to travel around in.
I too love Halloween it was my late granddaddy’s birthday so we always had a family gathering!
Tricia Vaughn recently posted…Weekly Wrap 65 Racing Again in New Orleans
I sent you an email, but yes! There is a 6k/half marathon on Thanksgiving near the Baymeadows 1st Place Sports. Here’s the link – I’ll be running the 6K and would love to see you!