Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
Sunday – rest; plank
Sunday was an interesting day. After I braved the grocery store, I made this chocolate churro dessert (with Nutella dip), and we went to our friend’s house for some help finished up little man’s Pinewood Derby car.
It was a really lovely afternoon, but a nasty storm was brewing. We got home about 20 minutes ahead of a tornado warning, where we had to take shelter. Nothing materialized by us, but there were areas of Georgia that were absolutely devastated 🙁
Monday – rest; plank
Back to school, back to work, back to normal. I was really struggling with my motivation this week and it was very challenging to get myself going. I dragged through the day, got little man to karate (he is almost ready to test again!) and was pretty happy to get myself to bed.
Tuesday – 7.1 miles running; plank
The morning’s run with K was fabulous – in fact, it was so good that we lost track of time and went an extra mile. Oops. On the downside, we got a rather rude reminder: we have been rather lax about mixing things up. As we were making our way down our usual route, we saw a man hanging out near a closed store. He didn’t approach us, or even seem to notice us, but it made us realize that we needed to be more aware and less predictable. Just in case.
It was also a double run day – parents are welcome to join in at Run Club, and little man asked me if I would, so of course, I brought my running shoes to work and went to school right after my shift. It was tough running in the field, but I hung out with little man and some of his buddies and had a really nice time. He seemed to appreciate it.
Wednesday – rest; plank
Wednesday was an awful day. I was completely off all morning, my anxiety was in full gear, there were some situations that cropped up during the day that just threw me even more off kilter, and I couldn’t wait to get home and go out to a much anticipated girls’ night.
Unfortunately, Mr PugRunner has been working through some serious sinus issues and had his worst bout yet. He had finally started taking some meds, but he wasn’t in any shape to parent so I canceled my plans. I was able to watch a movie at home, but it wasn’t quite the same.
Thursday – 5 miles running; plank
Having learned our lesson from Monday, K and I changed our route. I didn’t love it as much, but variety is the spice of life, or something like that. This run was less wonderful than Monday’s – we just couldn’t get in a groove. Our legs felt heavy and every step was a huge struggle. We got though it, but it wasn’t pretty.
I had to run some errands and check out a space for an upcoming party, but I really wanted to be home in my PJs.
The evening was a double whammy: little man’s school had a literacy night with dinner and a professional storyteller. We stayed for some of that and then scooted to his Cub Scouts meeting. I don’t often get to attend those meetings, and it was cool to watch him and his den-mates complete one of their Bear tasks.
Friday – rest; plank
Mr PugRunner and I met at little man’s school for his “Character Counts” award ceremony. Our school celebrates certain character traits throughout the year, and each class votes for one student who it feels best embodies those traits. Little man has earned a Character Counts award each year since Kindergarten, and this time, his classmates voted for him for “Respect.”
It was a great way for him to end his school week. We had a nice movie night, and I turned in early.
Saturday – Wolfson Children’s Challenge – 9.1 miles running
Much as I wanted to sleep in against the freezing temps, I was all in for the Wolfson Children’s Challenge Ultra Relay. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to stay all day, but I did want to be around for the team as long as I could.
Full recap to come, of course, but between my own 5K leg and some more running, I was able to score 9.1 miles. And I thought to myself that maybe running a 30K wouldn’t be so bad. Hmmmm.
It took a long time to warm up once I got home. Mr PugRunner cancelled date night in lieu of a trip to the doctor (finally) and so we did some more time on the couch.
Incredibly unimpressive week. I am a little frustrated with myself right now. I feel like I’m just not able to get all my training in, and it overwhelms me. I know it will all be ok, but I know that my body is missing yoga and circuit training and I need to find a way to make it work. Unfortunately, I am neither zen nor patient, so I have to focus on cutting myself some slack.
February – I’m coming for you!
How was your week in training?
Does winter get you down?
Darlene says
ooh those churros!!!
Great job planking everyday. I am such a slacker.
It seems to me like you are doing pretty well. 9.1 miles on the weekend. That rocks.
Darlene recently posted…Race Link-Up – January
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner says
I love that your little guy won that award! Definite reflection on you 🙂
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Vegetarian Greek Stuffed Peppers with Tzatziki Drizzle
Janalyn Sullivan says
That nutella dish looks sinful! 😛
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
If winter is bad in Florida, then what’s left for those of us in the north? I feel you. It’s been really gray here. The sun came out for the first time in 8 days today…and then it was gone.
Congrats on your son’s award!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Cruise Control
Rachel says
You had me at churro dessert… but I read a not-so-awesome article about Nutella yesterday. Whomp whomp…
Rachel recently posted…16 Smoothies to Fuel Your Training Cycle
Toni says
Congrats to your son oh his award! I have actually been loving the weather here in Tampa lately, perfect for running.
Toni recently posted…Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Marcia says
Those churros! Be still my heart! It seems like January was tough on everyone this year. It sure was for me as well. You must be bursting with pride for your little man!
Marcia recently posted…Who’s Up For a Runner’s Retreat?
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
That chocolate churro dessert, though!!
Cassandra says
I didn’t hear anything you said after Nutella! 😉 Seriously though, some weeks don’t work out the way we plan. Shake if off…hope you have a better week this week.
Cassandra recently posted…2017 Personal Goals
Kimberly Hatting says
I’m still in the midst of my off-season, but finally saw my attitude do a 180 last week with some time outside. ‘Milly is on my last nerve LOL
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Perseverance…while inside
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says
Last week will difficult for me too. Hopefully we’ll both have a better week this week!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll DC Half Marathon Training Log – Week 4
Katie Shepherd says
I completely can relate to feeling overwhelmed! I’m way behind on my half training. This is my last week to get in a decent long run. My half is next weekend. Yikes! It looks like you got some good mileage in and spent quality time with your son. I hope your husband feels better and that this week will go smoothly for you!
Ange // Cowgirl Runs says
That churro dessert looks AMAZING! I’m sure I’d try to eat the whole pan.
Too bad you needed to cancel plans on Wednesday. Way to get your planks in all week!
Ange // Cowgirl Runs recently posted…Hello February! My Goals for the Month
The Accidental Marathoner says
Congrats and a good week…and a great award for your Little Man! How proud you must be to have him recognized for respect!
Stacie Seidman says
Winter is the worst! Don’t be too hard on yourself, you fit a lot of miles in, even if you didn’t get to cross train much. It happens. Much more important is getting Mr Pugrunner healthy, and celebrating with Little Man!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursdays Threads