Happy Tuesday! I’ll be joining up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice and MCM Mama Runs for “Tuesdays on The Run”!
This Tuesday, we are talking about….
Running in the winter in Florida? It’s kind of the same as every other day in Florida.
Of course, these sunrises are stunning and inspiring, but a little lacking in winter wonderland quality.
Don’t get me wrong. The temps do sometimes dip into the 20s and 30s. And it’s pretty awful because we aren’t acclimated to it and for the most part, I don’t have the gear to make those cold-morning runs more tolerable. But it’s nothing like what people in the north and other, more wintery parts of the country face in the month of January and February.
I did have the opportunity to run in snow one time. It was in Savannah last April, and it absolutely flurried on me while I was out for a few miles.
It didn’t stick. There was no accumulation. But somehow, it was one of the most magical runs I’ve been on. I would really enjoy the opportunity to do it again!
What does winter look like in your part of the world?
Do you prefer having an actual winter or do you like the idea of spring/summer year-round?

Our winters are usually between 30-50 degrees and this year has been mild. We get a snow once in a while but when we do school is usually delayed so we always cross our fingers for snow….lol.
I certainly wouldn’t mind Florida weather. Running in snow is magical some how but after having done it a few times, I don’t think I would miss it if I didn’t do it again.
The grass is always greener, right? Literally.
I think we always look for that which we do not have. 🙂
Ahhhh! I could use some Florida about now. I do like the change of season we have here but could do without the extreme (sub zero) cold and ice. The snow is beautiful and yes, magical. How wild to see some in Savannah!
LOL! I bet you could after all the weather you’ve been having!
Savannah was crazy! No one could believe it was snowing (and everyone was totally as excited as kids, present company included).
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I’m in Orlando! It is realllly difficult to get myself out for a run when it’s under 50 degrees Lol! And then I see pics of people running in the snow and ice hahah.
It’s all about perspective, right? That being said, I would love to have some snow!
I legit hate winter. Thankfully I’ve been able to escape for short periods the last few years! Apparently there are several inches of snow at home and more on the way. My flight’s been canceled so I get one more day of Florida winter! You know, 83 and sunny.
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