Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin and guest host Darlene!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
I guess the question becomes, where have I been? Sadly, we lost my father-in-law two weeks ago and we have been working through his passing. While it wasn’t wholly unexpected, it’s been incredibly difficult, and we are just doing our best to keep our heads above water and get through.
Sunday – rest
The timing couldn’t have been better for a family day with our Cub Scouts pack. They had organized a day at the beach with paddle boarding and kayaking, a picnic lunch and a scavenger hunt. It was little man’s first time doing either of those water sports and he took right to them both!
We spent the rainy afternoon chilling and helping Mr PugRunner pack. We knew the next few weeks were going to be tough.
Monday – rest
Mr PugRunner left fairly early to make the trip to see his dad one last time. It was a very emotional day, and
In the meantime, I held down the fort on this end. Little man was enrolled in film camp for the week, and it was great ferrying him back and forth, listening to all he had learned. As a former film major, it did my heart a world of good.
Tuesday – 2 miles, running
It had been a very late night spent on the phone with Mr PugRunner, and I only had time for a quick two miles.
He came home later that afternoon and we both went to pick up little man and break the sad news about the family’s loss.
Wednesday – rest
Obviously, we were all pretty off. Mr PugRunner and I had to sit down and plan out how we were going to handle the rest of the week and the upcoming logistics, while trying to help little man work through his questions and emotions.
Thursday – 6 miles, running
I ran a few miles before dropping little man at camp and convinced Mr PugRunner to join me for a few miles afterwards. Ultimately, it was good for him to get out and clear his head and I was glad for the company.
Friday – 2.25 miles, running
It was the last day of film camp and little man invited us to the screening of his first movies. Over the course of the week, he learned to shoot, edit, act and direct. It was awesome seeing the fruits of his labor up on the big screen, and he did such a great job.
We celebrated with a nice dinner and turned in early.
Saturday – Bridge of Lions 5K
We had registered for the Bridge of Lions 5K back in the beginning of summer – doing a race together as a family was an item on Mr PugRunner’s bucket list. In light of all that had happened, I wasn’t so sure he would be up for it, but he surprised me when he said he still wanted us to run.
Of course, this made Saturday a crazy day – we had to take two separate cars to the race, run, and then clean up as best we could. Mr PugRunner would be leaving to head back to his stepmom’s house, and I would be bringing little man to pre-check-in for camp. We had to turn in medical forms, get camp shirts, set up his canteen account, and get him tested for swimming.
That’s right: the poor kid had to run 3.1 miles in oppressive heat and humidity, and then execute a pretty precise swim test. I was feeing pretty guilty that I didn’t do a better job of prepping him, but for some reason, I didn’t think he had to actually take the test. Mom fail. Regardless, he absolutely rocked it.
With all those details complete, I was able to give him lots of hugs and kisses and hand him off to my mom. She would be have him for the next week for all his camp stuff (it was much closer to her house than ours).
Sunday – rest
I got packed and hit the road. Almost four hours across the state and then everything was just a blur of family and memories and stories.
Monday – rest
Just a long, sad, bittersweet day. Saying goodbye is never easy.
Tuesday – rest
I wanted to leave Monday night to get home, but Mr PugRunner asked me to stay – it had been a long few days and he didn’t want me making the solo trip at night on little rest.
In a way, I’m glad he insisted – I was just getting to the twisty turny part of the trek that I don’t know when both my GPS and phone gave out entirely. I was literally lost in the middle of the state for 30 minutes with no idea how to get home. It was pretty terrifying, but fortunately, I was able to piece my memories together and get myself back to a service area. That has NEVER happened before and I never want it to happen again.
He was a few hours behind me and I was glad to be together and home again, although we were missing the heck out of our little guy.
Wednesday – 4 miles, running
I desperately needed this morning’s run. It had been too long and I just desperately needed to let my brain unwind. Getting back to it wasn’t easy, but I really welcomed the challenge.
It was also my first day back at work after everything. I was glad for that as well.
In the evening, Mr PugRunner and I met up to pick up little man from camp and take him out to dinner. We hadn’t seen him since Saturday, and we missed the heck out of him. He was tired and dirty and ravenous, and it was fabulous to hang out with him.
Thursday – 3 miles, running
For the first time in a really long time, I was able to just sit. After a too-hot, too-late morning run, I didn’t want to do anything. I literally read and napped for the majority of the day. Lazy? Oh, yeah. But my body really seemed to need that laziness.
In the evening, we had a nice dinner with friends recently moved to our neighborhood. It was a nice breath of normalcy and we were grateful for it.
Friday – rest
It was a pretty quiet day, filled with lots of laundry and cleaning. I’m getting to a point where I need to do a huge purge and reorganization in the house, but I’m putting it off as long as I can.
Regardless, everything was fabulous because it was time to finally bring little man home! When Mr PugRunner left work, we headed up to my mom’s to get him! He had begged to stay late that night for the “Floating Flick” at her community pool; who were we to refuse Lego Batman? We brought a pizza to the pool and enjoyed the movie, before making our way home.
Saturday – 5 miles, running
I knew I wasn’t up for a huge run, but five miles seemed manageable, so that’s what I planned on. It wasn’t even so awful getting up early.
After my run, I cleaned up a little and hurried to help one of our neighbors with her landscaping improvement initiative. I know nothing about gardening, but I can follow directions and it was good to help be part of the solution, so to speak.
The day wasn’t over, yet. We had a friend’s daughter’s birthday party, which made for a fun afternoon. I was very glad to spend some more time with good friends.
The last two weeks have been incredibly draining. While it was nice to see family members, the reason for the reunion was indescribably hard. Mr PugRunner and I are both worn out from the emotions, the travel and the lack of solid sleep. We are glad to be back home, but the loss still hangs heavy and it is going to take us a while to feel back to ourselves. We will work through it, of course, and we are grateful for everyone who has been there to offer support and assistance through this difficult time, but things won’t ever be quite the same.
How was your week in training?
Have you ever gotten hopelessly lost on a trip?
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
Jenn I’m so sorry for the loss of your father-in-law.
It’s great that you all were able to do the race together as a family, and it sounds like your son had a great time at camp!
Hope this week brings some peace.
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Weekly Wrap – Feeling the Heat
runswithpugs says
Thank you so much.
The Accidental Marathoner says
So very sorry about your father in law. It’s difficult, regardless of the situation. I lost mine in 1999 after a very long illness, and then 5 weeks later my own father collapsed and died completely unexpectedly. Two completely different scenarios, but each extremely difficult, nonetheless. Glad your family got out for the run…probably very healing for all of you.
runswithpugs says
I really don’t think either way is better or easier to handle. It’s awful no matter what 🙁
Coco says
So sorry for your loss. It sounds like you are handling things very well with your son. I struggled when my dad died because his wife decided not to have any service, and I think that made it harder for my kids too — but they were high school/college age. Your son is such a champ with all those activities! The film school sounds so cool.
Coco recently posted…How To Plank For 5 Minutes Without Losing Your Mind
runswithpugs says
That must have been very difficult. It’s so hard when there are different families and dynamics at play. I guess everyone has their own ideas on how to say goodbye, and it can be tough when those ideas don’t mesh. 🙁
Anna@ pPipers Run says
So sorry for your loss. I’m happy that the four of you ran that race, what a great experience when going through such a hard time. Take care of yourself. Sounds like your son will have a blast at camp!
Anna@ pPipers Run recently posted…Week 4 Half Training MRW
runswithpugs says
Thank you. I’m glad we did it, too. It was a really nice experience for all of us. And he had a blast at camp. He can’t wait for next year. I feel like we made the right decision allowing him to continue with it through the difficult week.
Marcia says
I’m so sorry about your Father In Law Jen. I can’t even imagine how physically and mentally draining that was. I’m glad running was there for all of you. Sometimes it’s the perfect thing to clear your head. Hang in there.
runswithpugs says
It’s funny how my body was really craving a run when we got back home. I could feel all the stress and tension melting away. It didn’t make the sadness go away, of course, but at least it was a form of relief.
Kimberly Hatting says
Oh, so sorry to hear of your father-in-law’s passing. We lost my husband’s father on Christmas Eve (2014), and that made for a tough holiday season. It’s tough to lose someone you hold so dear to your heart. Best wishes to your family as you work through this difficult time <3
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Epiphanies Aplenty
runswithpugs says
Oh, that is definitely tough. I guess there’s just never a good time, is there? 🙁 Thank you for your thoughts.
Rachel says
I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how you must feel. 🙁 Hugs to you and your PugRunner family. xxxooo
Rachel recently posted…Midweek Long Run + B’nai B’rith Health Run 5K Recap
runswithpugs says
Thank you. It’s been really hard 🙁
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your father in law. Sounds like you were really close and that always makes it tough. I don’t even want to consider that happening. I feel so lucky to have him and both my parents–so many of my friends are losing parents and it’s tough. Sending big hugs your way.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Like a Boss: Recovery Week
runswithpugs says
Thank you, Wendy. He was a very good man. My mom is significantly younger so it really hasn’t been something on my radar, but we do hope to keep her and my stepdad and stepmother-in-law around for a good long time.
Kimberly G says
Sending you and your family so many hugs and prayers. I’m so very sorry for your loss
Kimberly G recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Recap – Week 9
runswithpugs says
Thank you so much.
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner says
So sorry for your loss. It’s great that you tried to keep your schedule as normal as possible for your little guy.
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Skillet Charred Tomato Bruschetta
runswithpugs says
Thank you. This was a hard one to navigate with a little one, and we hope that we were able to get him through it ok. It’s been the toughest part of the entire experience 🙁
Mary Beth Jackson says
I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy and I will agree, expected or not, quite draining! I am glad the little man is keeping up with the summer activities, you do the same. Hugs!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…ZOOMA Summer Challenge Week 1
runswithpugs says
I wasn’t expecting to be just so spent. I think I napped three hours one day last week. Like out cold kind of napping. I never feel like that. <3
Stacie Seidman says
I’m so very sorry for your loss. Expected or not, it’s still hard.
I’m amazed at all you managed to keep going and doing though, despite the hard times.
That movie at the pool is a great idea! Glad to see Little Man having a great summer!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
runswithpugs says
I’m on of those people that just keeps on trucking. It’s when I stop that I run into trouble 🙂
He is having a great summer. Even though we’re busy, we’ve been a lot less structured, and I think it’s done us all a world of good.
Jamie says
Oh, Jen. I’m so sorry for your loss. I had no idea. Your photos had been so happy on Insta. Give Mr. PugRunner a huge hug from me. 🙁
runswithpugs says
Honestly, I haven’t been posting much at all. It just felt really weird to, even now :/ I will send your best. Thank you.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says
I’m so sorry to hear about your father-in-law’s passing. Regardless of whether it is expected or not, losing a loved one is never easy. Hugs and love to your entire family.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 7
runswithpugs says
Thank you <3