Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
Things are mostly back to normal after Hurricane Irma. It’s amazing how one storm can derail so many things (and for us, it wasn’t even that awful, once things settled). We basically had to start from scratch with a lot of things, including the return to school – with the kids out for over a week, it was tough to fall back into things.
Sunday – rest
We ordered room service breakfast, simply because it’s one of little man’s favorite things. Mr PugRunner and I enjoyed our egg sandwiches on the balcony, while little man caught some more z’s. He must have been exhausted from everything because not even the smell of bacon woke him right up.
Before our check out, we got in some more pool time. It’s not often that we find ourselves swimming before 9 in the morning, and it felt pretty indulgent.
I had promised little man that we could go to the Lego Store in Disney Springs, but I had an ulterior motive: for months I’ve been wanting to try Chef Art Smith’s Homecomin’ Kitchen, and I was able to snag lunch reservations before we needed to leave Orlando.
While it was a lot heavier than what we would usually enjoy for lunch, it was absolutely worth it: I had the Moonshine Mash (with watermelon infused moonshine), and we all shared deviled eggs and cheddar biscuits. Mr PugRunner and I split the Fried Chicken and Donuts, and little man got a chicken sandwich with macaroni and cheese.
I would have loved dessert, but we were stuffed, so we got cupcakes to go from Sprinkles.
Monday – rest
I wasn’t quite back to normal life – I was supposed to be on vacation, so wasn’t scheduled to work, which left me a fairly wide open Monday. I had some work to do at the school, and then some errands, which kept me fairly busy.
Tuesday – 5.5 miles, running
And running was back on, too! I met S for some pre-dawn miles, and managed to log 5.5.
I had another day off, and then I had to pay a visit to our outdoor mall to grab a few more things for our upcoming Scouts meeting. While there, I had lunch with S and another good friend.
Wednesday – 1.25 miles, running
And finally back to work. It was a quiet day. Little man seems to be going through growth spurt because he fell asleep after doing his homework, and missed his karate class. I didn’t want to wake him, just because he never goes down like that, and I was relieved that he didn’t seem to have a fever when he woke up.
Before dinner, Mr PugRunner asked if I would do a mile with him, and I was glad to oblige.
Thursday – 5.5 miles, running
Another early morning run.
I love seeing my miles add up!
In the morning, I helped distribute spirit shirts at the school. It was good to finally have them in and passed out. It’s going to be so cute to see all the kids in their new school-branded gear!
Thursday evenings are for Scouts. My den is almost finished with their first badge for their rank, which is pretty exciting. I can’t wait for them to be presented with it!
Bad news was our upcoming camping trip was canceled due to flooding at the Florida Springs and associated campsites, but we decided to make the best of it with a fun weekend.
Friday – rest
I really wanted to go to the movies, but instead, I rented Wonder Woman on Pay Per View and made myself some popcorn, which I enjoyed after running a few errands between some of my work locations.
We had a quiet night – I think we were all kind of worn out, and I had a long run in the morning.
Saturday – 9 miles, running
Before I met up with S, I managed to run four miles. I was going to stop at eight, then 8.5, but S pushed me to nine and I am really glad she did.
Mr PugRunner and little man took advantage of the rainy day to work on some tasks for a Scout badge. They talked about the circuit breakers and heating system in our home, changed some lightbulbs, changed the batteries in and tested all our fire alarms and lubricated all the squeaky doors.
It was a fantastic bonding experience for them, and we got some home repairs done out of the deal. They still have to wash the cars and take care of a few other things for the badge completion, but it was a great start.
That evening, there was a little birthday party in the culdesac. We had pizza and drinks while the kids played Infection until late at night.
I had 21.2 running miles this week, which was pretty excellent. I hope to keep my numbers right in this vicinity. I also hope that I can get to yoga fairly soon. My body really craves some stretching, but there just never seems to be any time.
I’ve got a great Breast Cancer 5K, Pink Up The Pace, coming up in two weeks, the family is going to run the IOA/Jaguars Stadium Challenge 5K (complete with concourse ramps and a finish on the football field), and then I have my Durbin Trail Mix Relay towards the end of October (if you’re local and want to win a free entry to the Durbin Trail Mix, visit the Empower Coaching page on Facebook and enter here). I’m pretty excited that race season is here!
How was your week in training?
Do you ever have those days where you really need to push for that last mile or chunk of distance?

Room service is always good! I watched Wonder Woman on pay per view also loved it. She rocks!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Skillet Black Bean Taco Zoodles Meatless Monday
I bet Art Smith’s restaurant was good! You got some nice mileage in this week! Hope you make it to yoga this week 🙂
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Harborside Week 4
Good job on your mileage! I’m working on getting my “running” mileage back on the charts 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…On The Road Again!
Great mileage this week! I’ve got a high mileage this week — heat and all!
Rachel recently posted…The Return of Summer Running {MCM Training: Week 13}
It has been many years since I was in Orlando. Really must think about going back.
What a fun week! We almost rented Wonder Woman but opted for another movie instead…should have gone with Wonder Woman!!!
The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…Chicago and Marine Corps Marathon Training Recap, Week 13
We watched Wonder Woman Friday night but were underwhelmed. Maybe it was just too hyped up. We watched The Big Sick on Saturday and loved it.
The Big Sick is on my list. It’s not a Mr PugRunner kin dog movie though, so I have to get it in one day when he’s not around.
There are only a couple of superhero movies that don’t do it for me (Green Lantern, Green Hornet and any iteration of Fantastic Four, to be specific). I just love where the DC Universe is heading and I am excited to see all the pieces come together. With Aquaman.
I am so jealous of that chicken and donuts dish… Keep up the hard work!
I’m glad that things are mainly back to normal after the hurricane.
I typically don’t watch a lot of movies, but there are quite a few that came out this year that I want to see. Thank goodness for Netflix!
Kimberly G recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Recap – Week 18
Sounds like another great week! That lunch you all shared in Orlando looks AMAZING!
Awesome job with all the miles, especially the nine miler. I dropped down from the half I was pretending I was going to do, to the relay with my best friend instead. Excited to still take part, and even more excited for the more attainable distance at this point. A bunch of 5K’s on the horizon too! So excited to be getting back into it!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
I’ve heard nothing but great things about Homecoming. I hope to be able to try it out during one of our upcoming Disney trips.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 16