Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
First, I’d love to share some big news! I am thrilled to have been invited back to the Rock ‘n’ Blog team!
This will be my third year as a Rock ‘n’ Blogger, and while my travel plans didn’t go quite how I wanted this past year, I’m pretty excited to add a few more states and Rock ‘n’ Roll events to my calendar this time around.
I will also be an Ambassador for Nuun for the first time!
Nuun is one of my favorite ways to hydrate and replenish electrolytes. I love the flavors, the light fizz and it makes regular water taste so much better. I’m excited to represent this great company this year!
This week was a little short on miles, but big on good times, so it all balances out.
Sunday – rest
This will probably be the last lazy Sunday we have until Christmas Eve. ‘Tis the season, right? We lounged around, had lunch out and went Christmas tree shopping. The rest of the day was absolutely dedicated to snacking on popcorn and watching holiday movies.
Monday – rest
Another work and school week begins. I like to keep Mondays relatively open because I have so much on which to catch up and prepare for the days ahead.
We did karate after school, and then we were all about the homework and bedtime.
Tuesday – 7.25 miles running
I knew I wouldn’t be getting in as much running this week, so I wanted my regular runs to go a little longer. Over seven miles was just the thing.
After work, little man’s music teacher asked me to come in to their music makers practice to help her organize the kids in advance of their upcoming holiday performance. When I tell you it was the cutest thing I have ever seen… well. It was simply amazing and I can’t wait to see the whole show.
Wednesday – rest
Thursday – 7 miles, running
The temperatures finally started to seriously dip down. Our run was cold, and even a little misty (which wasn’t fun). However, I scored another solid seven miles with the ladies.
During the day, I worked on packing for our first annual Mother-Son camping trip. We were expecting some not so great weather, but we had this trip on the books for six months, and no one really wanted to cancel. Everyone’s schedule is so hectic that it’s hard to reschedule things.
We had our final Cub Scout meeting of the year that night. Things got a little crazy with some leaders being out, but our den worked hard on the Socks for Souls service project (packaging socks with notes for the homeless), and then helping the Lions Den make ornaments and play some holiday games. It was adorable and I was very proud of how hard they worked.
Friday – rest
I dropped little man at school and headed into our open PTA meeting. We got through our agenda and then I had to scamper to Target for a space heater and a few more things for camping.
When I got home, I precooked some of our food items to bring, and took a tiny nap. I woke up to find Mr PugRunner packing the car for me! Yay! When little man got home, we were ready to head out.
The evening was a sad comedy of errors. By the time I arrived to the campsite, it was dark and storming. The sites we had reserved had been overtaken by an inconsiderate camper, so we had been moved to another set of (better) sites, which wasn’t a huge deal, even if it wasn’t what we wanted.
A and K had already set up tents for themselves and another mom. I had a smaller four-man tent I had planned to pitch just to have somewhere to get out of the rain, but by the time it was erected, it (and I) were soaked through. Ugh. We were able to get a warm dinner of chili from the crockpot, but there was no way to start a fire, and we were all pretty unhappy.
Upon seeing how wet my tent was, K offered the use of her 8 man tent. We all fit comfortably and got settled for bed. While we were tucking in, the other two moms admitted defeat: one tent had leaked, and the other tent had both leaked and had a spillage of ice water on the bedding. They said they would go home and come back in the morning.
K and I considered the same, but we were warm and dry and inside and decided to stick it out.
Saturday – rest
Normally, Saturday is long run day, but not this time. We woke up dry, but pretty dang chilly.
There was some damage to our campsite that needed to be tended to,
and we needed to make sure the boys were even better equipped for what promised to be a colder night. K and I made the executive decision to get dressed, and head off to Starbucks and Target for fortifications and supplies.
From there, everything was golden. The boys got warmer jammies and sleeping bags and we got precious caffeine.
Back at the campsite, we got a fire started and our day went beautifully. We hiked, and went to the beach, the boys played hide and go seek and went to the playground.
It was cold and hard but so much fun. I am so proud of us for pressing onward in less than optimal conditions, and when we settled in for a much colder but drier night, all was well in the world.
And there we have it. Another seven days. I’m excited to try a run tomorrow – I’m hoping the days off didn’t leave me too behind. We have been experiencing hard freezes with lots of ice here which is definitely out of the norm, but I’m enjoying the departure from the heat and humidity.
How was your week in training?
What’s the weather like where you are? Ever been cold-weather camping?
Rachel says
Congrats on the ambassadorships! Woohoo!!!
Rachel recently posted…Yoga, Trail Running, and Getting Back to Training
runswithpugs says
Thank you!
Kimberly G says
So happy to be with you on the RockNBlog team again this year, and congrats on Nuun!
Kimberly G recently posted…Weekly Wrap: A Run-derful Weekend
runswithpugs says
Whoo hoo! Hope our paths cross this year!
Deborah Brooks says
Wow congrats on RnR and Nuun! That’s exciting. What are your favorite Nuun flavors? Have not tried it in years
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Spaghetti Squash Quinoa Latkes
runswithpugs says
Super exciting!
I love the watermelon and the grape the best. I don’t really care for plain water and Nuun is a great way to jazz it up and and get the electrolytes.
Wendy says
Congrats on your ambassadorships! Maybe we’ll finally meet at an RnR event!
You guys look so cold–I avoid camping at all costs but our weather isn’t exactly camping friendly. Hard to believe it’s been so cold by you!
runswithpugs says
There was legit ice on my car this morning! The weekend was rough!
You totally strike me as someone who would love camping! I always thought I would hate it but I surprised myself for sure.
Kimberly Hatting says
Sorry, no camping for me. I love the great outdoors, but sleeping out there (especially if it’s cold and rainy) is totally not my gig LOL My hubby, on the other hand, endured many campouts when our son was going through the Boy Scout ranks.
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Baby it’s Cold Outside
Marcia says
Congrats on your ambassador gigs! Maybe we’ll cross paths at a RnR race next year. Wow that was a cold camping weekend, huh? We used to camp in Door County, WI every Columbus Day weekend. That was really cold.
Marcia recently posted…Gyrotonic, Holiday Sparkle and a Treat
runswithpugs says
Uh, yeah! That sounds horribly cold! Yikes!
I hope we do get to see each other!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
Congrats on RnB and Nunn! Hope we get a chance to connect at a race net year!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Weekly Wrap – Catching my breath
runswithpugs says
I hope we do, too! Let’s keep an eye on each other’s schedules!
Coco says
Congrats on the ambassador gigs! I love Nuun too. You are more hardcore than I am about camping. I wouldn’t even try! Wise choice on the Target and Starbucks run!
Coco recently posted…My Christmas Cookie Baking Tradition
runswithpugs says
Starbucks and Target make everything better.
Since I despise water, Nuun is a life-saver. Helps me get my daily servings, while being yummy.
Stacie Seidman says
Oh man! Why is it so cold down there?! I give you mad props for not throwing in the camping towel. I would have!
Nice work getting in two seven milers despite all the crazy!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
runswithpugs says
I don’t know! I am taking all my ski gear for test drives, though, that’s for sure!
Thanks, lady. I’m trying to keep the momentum going!
Andrea says
What a great week! Some of my favorite memories as a kid were of the less-than-perfect vacation conditions with my family. Those are the true bonding moments. 🙂
Andrea recently posted…December Fitness Bingo | First mystery workout revealed!
runswithpugs says
Well I do hope this ranks up there for little man, because I don’t think you get more less-than-perfect than this!
Agness of Fit Travelling says
You had an awesome week, Jenn. Your running is so motivating. Congratulations on the ambassador gigs!
runswithpugs says
Thanks! It’s been a fun ride thus far!