Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
Eek! We are in the last weeks of 2017! It’s unreal! I think it’s safe to say I am done racing for the year, and I’m just going to finish it out with some strong training. I can’t wait to recap the whole year in the upcoming weeks.
Sunday – rest
While it was technically a rest day, Sunday was anything but lazy. It was the last day of the mother-son camping trip, so we had to pack up all our things, make sure the campsite was cleaned up and tidy and make it home.
There, it was time to sort out the muddy mess of camping gear, shower and go to an annual White Elephant Christmas party. I got a second wind to enjoy the party but by the time we made it home that night, I was all out of energy.
Monday – rest
I was pretty glad to be back in the regular routine. The weather remained pretty cold and it felt like it was finally winter. Brrr.
Tuesday – 7.10 miles, running
With temps in the 40s, the idea of running was not particularly appealing, but we did it anyway.
We’re beasts like that.
Little man had his last musical rehearsal after school, and after work I went to help finalize the props and set. Based on what I had seen, the final show was going to be amazing (and hilarious, but mostly just amazing).
Tuesday was also the first night of Hanukkah, so we brought dessert to my mom’s to enjoy a traditional dinner of matzoh ball soup, brisket, kugel and latkes. She did a great job cooking and we were stuffed when we rolled home after the lighting of the first candle on the menorah.
Wednesday – rest
I do love my rest days, even if I didn’t get done quite as much as I wanted. I was still so exhausted from the weekend prior and overwhelmed by the idea of the upcoming weekend that I couldn’t really get myself together to do much besides fix dinner, help with homework and work on some decorating.
Thursday – 6.25 miles, running
Another cold one. I didn’t get in as many miles as I wanted because Mr PugRunner and my neighbor both started texting me for different things. I broke off about one mile shy of what I hoped to reach in order to get the day started.
I dropped little man at school, ran my errands, returned to school to help set up for a holiday lunch, came home to get stuff done there, and then waited for my parents to show up.
Little man’s performance was that night – he and I went to school early for final set up, and my parents, Mr PugRunner and my cousin followed. The show was 20 minutes, featuring a small play and five songs. Little man had an inflatable air guitar solo, which was priceless.
After they wrapped (to thunderous applause), we went out for Japanese, at little man’s request, to celebrate.
Friday – rest
Friday was the marathon. Mr PugRunner worked from home in the morning and then we had to make a trip to the bank for some financial planning type activities. We had a quick lunch date afterwards.
That evening, we were doubled up on parties: I went to the St. Augustine Moms Blog Contributor Party while the boys went to a birthday party for one of our friends. One of the contributors opened her home and served us all kinds of yummy food and drinks. It was a blast, and I ended up staying a lot later than intended.
When I was finished, I met the boys one neighborhood over at their party, and had a great time there as well.
It was an almost midnight bedtime for me, which is unheard of anymore!
Saturday – 7.25 miles, running
Clearly, I was a grumbly mess when I got up to meet S for our run. I was hoping to sleep in a little, but Mr PugRunner had gotten 9:45 AM tickets for The Last Jedi and we had to leave for the theater at 8:30 to ensure we had decent seats.
Without spoilers, we loved the movie. It was incredibly hard for me to watch, just because the Star Wars saga has been such an integral part of my life for decades. I definitely struggled to process everything I was seeing and feeling and will need to go again to fully absorb it all.
After a trip to Target and a quick lunch, we had a neighborhood party to attend. I made some peppermint brownies to bring, and we walked on over. We enjoyed some cocktails and delicious food, as well as a beautiful fire and lots of great conversation. The boys stayed much later than I did, but I was ready for some shuteye.
Even without a race on the imminent horizon, my training runs remained fairly solid. I really want to sit down and start mapping out the 2018 race season, but I haven’t had a spare minute to do it yet. So much is going on with the last week of school and Christmas and the upcoming New Year… I’ll get there, but not sure when.
How was your week in training?
Are you enjoying the holiday season?

Hope you all had a great Hanukkah celebration! Temps in the 40’s sound pretty perfect to me! 🙂
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Spicy Thai Tofu Noodle Soup
So chilly for us! But that’s ok – I’m going to miss it now that the warmer temperatures are back!
Busy week. My daughter’s have their Christmas Concert tomorrow , it should be fun. I’m not ready for the holidays at all!
Aw. I bet their concert will be awesome!
You’ve been doing a great job keeping your mileage up! Looking forward to hearing about all of your race plans. I need to get to work figuring out my plan.
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Runner Rebuild Week 7 – Time for Training
There are just so many races!!!! I want to run them all!
Sounds like another great week, girl! Keep it up!
Rachel recently posted…Back on Injured Reserve: Hamstring Tendinitis
Seriously impressed with all of you runners crushing it in the cold. Way to go!
Andrea recently posted…Christmas in pounds | Fun facts for the holiday season
Sounds like a lot of fun! I’m like you–those late nights kill me!
Wendy recently posted…Baby It’s Cold Outside!
You are doing a fantastic job at keeping up with your workouts/runs during the bust holiday season- great job!
Kimberly G recently posted…Weekly Wrap: One Week Till Christmas!
Hard to believe the year is a most over. Cheers to 2018!
I finally got the last of our holiday cards (and packages) mailed…so now I can just cruise for the next week 😉 My run this morning had perfect temps for me…in the mid-30’s LOL It actually felt rather balmy!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…My #PlotTwist of a Year – Races & Bling
This is such a crazy time of year. I can’t stay up late anymore, but baking cookies or wrapping presents keeps me up later than I’d like!
Coco recently posted…Why You Should Add Quick Strength For Runners To Your Fitness Routine
Happy Hanukkah!
Good for you in getting those runs in.
I’m the same. I stay out late and struggle in the am but after I’m done, I’m glad I did it.
Darlene recently posted…My Year of Running in 2017
If I could just get in some quality naps, I would be golden. Unfortunately, with all I have left to do, I dont’ see that happening. Oh, well.
Happy Hanukkah! I want to see that inflatable air guitar solo!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…The BodyBoss Superfood Nutrition Guide Review
I wish I could crop it out of the footage. It was epic.
So many parties! I can’t believe you still got all that running in with everything going on! Chanukah dinner looked amazing!
Also, LOVED the Star Wars movie. It was so good.
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads