Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Happy Spring Break to us! We are currently out of school, and although I have work and other things going on, it’s nice to have a bit of a break.
Obviously, things didn’t go quite as planned. Little man’s allergies and another bout of carsickness sidelined us, which was pretty rough. I could have really used a bit of a break, but it is what it is.
Here’s the week in numbers:
- Sunday – rest day
- Monday – rest day
- Tuesday – 7 miles running
- Wednesday – 5.6 miles, running
- Thursday – rest day
- Friday – goat yoga, 30 minutes
- Saturday – 8 miles, running
Sunday – rest day
A and I vaguely discussed getting up to run, but when morning came, I just didn’t want to do it. It happens.
Little man was supposed to have a play date, but it fell through, so Mr PugRunner took him out to ride go-carts. Apparently, he is old enough and tall enough to drive the bigger go-carts by himself. He’s growing up so fast.
Monday – rest day
It was the first day of Spring Break. Yay! Little man went to the day camp my friend runs and had the best day. Their theme was Disney and the kids made their own Mickey ears, played gaga balls, designed a theme park map and parade floats and even did an experiment by building houses out of Legos and seeing if they could be carried off by balloons, like the house did in Up.
After I picked him up, I brought him to dinner at my parents. They were going to keep him for the next few days so I could do work and stuff around the house. Mr PugRunner went to dinner with his friends, and we met at home later that night.
On our way up, we stopped at Target. For little man’s birthday, we are redoing his room, so I wanted to let him pick out his bedding and some new accessories. Target was having a great sale on their Pillowfort line and he made some really nice selections.
Tuesday – 7 miles, running
This was a rough run. It was humid despite the chill and I felt like lead. We hung in there for 6.5 miles, though I feel like we should have pushed for more. I hate this slumpy feeling I have and I need to knock it off.
After a fairly rough day at work, I got a call from my parents to say that little man’s allergies were getting worse. We had the nebulizer and humidifier at home, so Mr PugRunner just went to pick him up.
Wednesday – 5.6 miles, running
I mean, it’s like we couldn’t even try to get to six miles. At least the conversation and company was great.
Wednesday was not going to go as planned. I took advantage of the chill day at home to strip down and paint little man’s bedroom. It hasn’t been painted since he was born, and while I kind of didn’t want to do it, I couldn’t deny the improvement it made.
Little man was a huge help by taking off and putting on the switch plates, and he also was really good about going through all his many things and deciding what could stay and what could go out for trash or donation.
Thursday – rest day
The plan: a family day at Jekyll Island.
The reality? Little man had another bout of carsickness about halfway into the drive. And so we had to clean up, turn around and go home. It’s been determined that he can no longer play video games in the car, as it leads to queasiness and nausea.
For the trip home, we played a license plate game instead and he did much better.
The rest of the day was just really blah. I ran some Easter errands, and then we watched some movies, but I was feeling very edgy and anxious and in need of some time out and fresh air.
This was not the Spring Break we had been hoping for. Not by a long shot.
Friday – goat yoga, 30 minutes
I had been planning to attend the free goat yoga session at the Clay County Fair for weeks. Little man was supposed to come with me, but with how he had been feeling and the fact that his allergies were starting to fade, I didn’t want to bring him around all the hay and animals.
Mr PugRunner agreed with me and took little man to work with him, so I could go. Guys. It was amazing. I will do a full review of it, but needless to say, I love baby goats even more than I did before.
It was just what I needed, and since the boys decided to go out to lunch, I got to enjoy a sausage and ice cream on the midway after yoga. Yay!
I was in a much better mood when I got home, and fully ready to face the rest of the weekend. We dyed our Easter eggs and I started organizing the cooking for Easter dinner.
Saturday – 8 miles, running
Tapering for the Publix Savannah Half Marathon meant eight miles for a long run. It actually went really well, and I felt good afterwards.
Saturday promised to be a whirlwind.
First, we went to a Easter event at a nearby neighborhood. Little man wanted to do an egg hunt and see the bunny, so we obliged. Even though he’s almost 10, he still really enjoys this stuff, and I am happy to indulge until the magic is gone.
We got lunch and then it was off to a friends’ gender reveal party. It was so good to see everyone, and we were really happy that little man was back to himself and able to spend a day playing with friends.
There was lots of good food and love and celebrating and we stayed a lot later than I planned. It was totally worth it, though, even if I was up super late on Easter Bunny detail.
All in all, it was a solid week, but I wish things had unfolded a little differently. I have already promised little man another attempt at Jekyll for bike riding, and I’m hoping we will have better results in a few weeks.
In straight running news, I completed 93.27 miles this month. Just a little shy of 100, but close.
For my efforts, I won a pedicure gift card, from my local MRTT chapter – it was a random drawing for members who completed a certain number of mile and I was so excited to be selected! Thanks, ladies!
On Friday, I am off to Savannah for a gorgeous racecation weekend, at the Publix Savannah Women’s Half. Online registration closes Wednesday, so this is your last chance to save 15% on the half marathon or 5K with code PUGS18. I am so excited for the entire weekend of fun, including the expo, the race and afterparty and Sunday’s recovery Yoga on the Square. It’s going to be fabulous.
How was your week in training?
How is your Spring going so far?

Spring? What spring? We had snow this morning.
Goat yoga sounds like a blast.
Good luck. I really want to visit Savannah someday
Not more snow!!!! What is going on???
Goat yoga is the greatest thing ever created.
They do grow up so fast. How fun to redo his room. Looks like he chose great stuff! Spring is nowhere to be found in these parts. We’ve got snow in the forecast. I’m so over it. Have a blast in Savannah!
Marcia recently posted…March by Number
He did make some great choices. I have a few fun surprises planned for him, too, and can’t wait to see his reaction.
I can’t believe more snow! I would love some of that cooler weather down here. I think summer is back for good.
Congrats on winning the gift card and amazing miles for the month! Love thr new colour for you sons room, this is something we need to do as well.
We are also going to paint the master bedroom (or, I am going to). We are looking to redo the kitchen and formal living area, so it’s nice to just get things freshened up a bit.
It was our spring break last week as well. Florida was awesome!!!!! Then, we returned to Iowa and had winter temps (and so.much.wind) blasting us the second we left the airport.
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…A Break from the Weather
I’m sure it was quite a shock to go back to those Iowa winter temperatures! I know you were further south, but it was actually pretty chilly and raw here last week – plus the wind was ridiculous! This year has been much colder longer, so I’m curious to see how our summer will be.
Hang onto those childhood traditions as long as you can! Because when they’re gone, they’re gone. I still do Easter Baskets, by the way, and I don’t hear any complaints. My youngest is graduating from high school in May…
I’m so jealous that you have Savannah this weekend. I really want to do that race (or RnR)! Have fun!!!
Oh, you know I do. Last year he was a little ho-hum about the bunny so I didn’t really plan for it this year, but the minute he said he wanted to do a photo with it, we found a way to make it happen. And my mom still makes me Easter baskets from time to time, and I’m in my 40s. No complaints from me LOL! It’s nice to get little treats like that from time to time, no matter how old you are.
I hope you come down for one of these big races. It would be awesome!
So, on the goat yoga — do the goats smell goat-y? 😉 Also, did the balloon experiment work?? Sorry to hear about little man’s car sickness but glad you’ve figured it out. My son use to get sick on airplanes — luckily he outgrew that.
Coco recently posted…I’m A Farm To Fork Fondo Ambassador
I didn’t think they smelled much. I mean, I did scrub my hands when I was finished, and when I got home, I hopped right in the shower. But they were all goats that were raised by the 4H clubs and fair people, so they seemed super clean and cared for. That’s just my unprofessional opinion, though.
The balloon experiment worked for one team, but not the other.
I always got car sick as a kid (I still do much better in the front seat, or even driving), so it’s not a huge surprise. It’s just taken a little while to materialize for him (this is literally the fourth time he has thrown up in his life), so it’s a new learning curve for us. What to they say? The minute you get something figured out, they go ahead and change the rules, or something like that? Now, we know to travel with plastic bags and an extra outfit.
So I have seen other people post about the goat yoga and I don’t get it. Looking forward to hearing all about it!
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Roasted Chermoula Eggplant with Farro and Spiced Chick Peas
I will definitely share lots of pictures and thoughts later this week. It’s just … yoga… and goats. And I love both of them, so to have them together in one activity was simply perfect. Of course, now I want a goat more than ever, which my husband is not really thrilled with LOL.
Hooray for Soring Break!
I love that you tried goat yoga. I would love to do that but with puppies! I probably wouldn’t get much yoga done though lol
So sorry to hear that your little guy is having a hard time with allergies. I can totally relate as I suffered all weekend with allergies. Drinking tons of water as nettle tea seem to help allieviate it a little. Hope he gets relief soon!
Kimberly G recently posted…Rite Aid Cleveland Half Marathon Training Recap – Week 2
There was actually a Cat Yoga thing around here last month. I wasn’t down for that. I like cats, but I don’t LOOOOOOOOOVE cats. If they had a pug yoga class, I would never leave the mat.
Allergies are the absolute devil. It’s been a rough year with the pollen – even the pugs are having skin reactions to some of the blooming out there. I hate it.
How fun to redecorate your son’s room. We did that for my youngest son last year on his birthday and he really enjoyed being able to pick things out. Looks like your little man made some great choices!
Goat yoga just looks like it would be a riot 🙂
Good luck in Savanah!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…March Wrap-Up
It was totally a riot. I loved every second of it.
He started asking last year, and I’ve been too lazy to commit to making it happen. However, as he’s getting older, he needs/wants less “stuff” so a room overhaul is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.
Poor little man! He’s has a rough couple of weeks with allergies and what not. You’re probably right about the video games though. A lot of people can’t read in the car, and I imagine moving objects on a screen could be even worse!
Nice work getting plenty of miles in anyway, despite the busy! Can’t wait to read all about Goat Yoga!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
It’s been terrible. I feel awful for him, but there’s not much we can do.
Goat yoga was the best. I wish I could do it all the time.
Goat yoga!! Lol. Our airport had goat yoga over the holidays and people were having a field day (in a good way). Too funny!
At the airport???? That’s awesome!
Yes it’s definitely warming up down here! Your little man sounds like my little man. Cayne has allergies and a nebulizer and gets car sick. He’s 7 and doesn’t have to use the nebulizer as much but this time of year is rough for him. Great job on painting his room too and for the miles you ran!!
It’s rough. We don’t use the nebulizer often, either, but when he needs it, he needs it. He’s a trooper, though, and we’ll get through it.
moral of the story is: do yoga with goats for a bit of an upturn 🙂
seriously, sorry you had a let down spring break. I guess it happens. we have high hopes and then BAM. but you will get another chance next year right? and I’m sure other chances throughout this year. it’s so tough with kids sometimes! my step son used to have panic attacks or just get extremely hyper (he’s PDD-NOS so sometimes noises really set him off or crowds, flashing lights, that sort of thing) and we’ve had to turn the car around more than once 🙁 Allergies and car sickness are real bummers for sure.
he sure is getting big though. pretty soon you can’t call him little man anymore! My friend used to call her son The Kid on her blog and then The Teen. Now I think he’s something like Adult Child hahaha!
I had a good week in training in any case, I feel like after several weeks of it being off that I’m finally on again! Spring can arrive any moment as well… it keeps poking it’s head in the door and then running away!
Renée recently posted…Catching Up || Recap: Week 11 + 12 2018
That is EXACTLY the moral of the story.
He’s honestly so rarely sick or under the weather, and it’s bound to happen. I’m grateful it’s not a regular thing but I’ve been going nonstop and could have really used the break. But yes, we will get another chance and it will all work out. It always does 🙂
He really is getting big. We just had to boost his bike seat and handlebars because I think he shot up another few inches!
Redecorating little man’s room since like a really great present for a growing boy. I can’t wait to see pictures of the final outcome!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5
I was so excited to get everything out that I didn’t really take a “before.” I hope it comes together how we are envisioning.
I can sympathize with your little man. As the youngest and smallest in a family of 6 (with an aunt in tow making 7) I always got car sick when squeezed into the back seat on long trips. UGH. I’ve got to hear more about this goat yoga. Very intriguing. I hope you enjoyed the Publix Half Marathon. Thanks for linking.
Goat yoga is amazing! Working on that post now.