Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
It’s also Marathon Monday! Good luck to everyone who is running today!
And so another season of distance running comes to a close. As a result, this week was kind of unmoored and disorganized. We wanted to rest from our half but at the same time, didn’t want to lose major momentum. It’s a fairly delicate balance.
Here’s the week in numbers:
Sunday – Yoga on the Square
Monday – rest day
Tuesday – rest day
Wednesday – 6 miles, running
Thursday – 5 miles, running
Friday – HIIT Circuit Class
Saturday – 6 miles running, 3.5 miles cycling
Sunday – Yoga on the Square
The Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon wraps up with a complimentary recovery yoga session in Ellis Square on Sunday morning, led by Dancing Dogs Yoga. It’s such a great event and a lovely way to unwind before we check out and hit the road for home.
Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating: it was 45 degrees as we walked to our session. We popped into both Rise Donuts and The Coffee Fox for some fortifications.
It’s tradition.
The flow warmed me up fairly quickly, and my muscles for very grateful for the deep stretches.
Afterwards, Meghan, Amy and I checked out of our hotel and met S and M for a final breakfast. Yum.
We got home mid-afternoon, but it wasn’t the happiest scene. Bentley had not been feeling well at all. He had his tail down, wasn’t eating or drinking and was isolating himself far from everyone. I was so sad to see him unwell and couldn’t wait to get him into the vet the next day.
Monday – rest
Because we deserved it.
There’s no rest for the racecationer, though. We got little man off to school and Bentley off to the doctor with Mr PugRunner. Work was awful because I was just waiting for news. The final verdict – everything was clear, including his X-rays, except he was going to need some teeth removed. Boo. He came home with a bunch of prescriptions and a surgery date for Friday.
Our Scout Leader meeting for the evening was thankfully canceled. I usually don’t mind them, but I desperately needed a night off.
Tuesday – rest
This was an unplanned rest day, due to impending thunderstorms. And what storms they were. The thunder was so loud it woke me up in the middle of the night, and I was pretty glad we decided to stay in.
I drove little man to the bus stop, got him off to school and no sooner did I walk back in the house than the hail started coming!
It was crazy! At our house, it wasn’t so bad, but there were softball sized chunks of ice coming down not too far from us. Yikes!
Wednesday – 6 miles, running
Finally, we could get back out there! It was a wonderful feeling!
Wednesday was fairly uneventful. I love having the early release day for little man from school, especially knowing that his karate class isn’t until after dinner, so we have a little down time.
Thursday – 5 miles, running
We weren’t able to go to the gym on Thursday, so we opted for another run. It wasn’t the best one ever, but I was glad to be out there, doing it.
I had hoped to take myself to a movie, but Bentley was still feeling poorly despite his meds, so I decided to just stay home and be there if he needed anything. I didn’t mind the excuse to wear pajamas most of the day and veg out.
That evening was our last official den meeting for Scouts. Our Cubmaster had asked for parents to join her for a brief final meeting, so I took the Den outside for some “Silly Olympics.”
When the meeting ended, Mr PugRunner and the parents came out with some exciting news: I had been named Assistant Cubmaster for next year! What? I had offered my assistance, but I didn’t realize I had been selected! Holy moly!
Friday – Circuit Class, 60 minutes
I woke up with a bit of a headache so skipped my gym session with the ladies, but made it up by going back to the Circuit Class I used to attend. It was a good workout, and it was nice to mix things up.
In the meantime, Bentley went in for his surgery.
After a quick shower, I met another friend and her little boy for lunch. We haven’t seen each other in a while, so it was nice to get together.
After a very long day, Mr PugRunner came home, with a much happier (although still slightly drugged) Bentley. The surgery was a success and all was well!
We went out for sushi instead of cooking at home. No way was I complaining about that.
Saturday – 6 miles running + 3.5 miles cycling
Our neighborhood was having a community event for which Mr PugRunner had agreed to volunteer. I slept in a little bit but then I went out for a run, leaving enough time to get back for him to leave.
I had wanted to take little man to an open ride near a local farm as part of the start to blueberry season, but I also knew Mr PugRunner wanted us to come to the neighborhood shindig, so I compromised. Little man and I rode our bikes to Dunkin for breakfast, and then back to the fields to hang out.
My parents came down, too, just to visit and see Bentley. He was doing 100% better and we were very grateful (after all, he’s 12 years old, and it could have been so much worse).
After that, we were good with just chilling at home. We got dinner and then the boys went outside to hang with the neighbors around a fire, while I called it a night.
I feel like it was a fairly productive recovery week, and while I am a little disappointed to see my miles drop off, I know my body needs and deserves the break, and I have to honor that.
We are going to take another easy week and then it will be time to look at the spring and summer training calendar. We’ve already highlighted a few events we’d like to run, so that should hopefully keep us motivated.
How was your week in training?
Do you even take on leadership roles in your community?
Darlene says
Your season is ending and mine is just beginning. You need to plan a trip up north.
Our weather was awful this week except for one day and I have been on the verge of tears for days after our cat died.
Running was fine and my race went great.
Looking forward to spring weather.
Darlene recently posted…Weekly Wrap for 4.9.18-4.15.18 – Here, There and Everywhere…
Wendy says
I”m so glad Bentley is feeling better. Sounds like you need a week of just doing nothing! Hang in there!
Anna @ Piper's Run says
Glad that your dog is okay. Sometimes I wish they could talk and tell us whats wrong or what they need from us!!!
My training was next to till last week due to the fact we’ve all been sick!
Anna @ Piper’s Run recently posted…Half Marathon Training Week #7 – Bluenose
Kim G says
I can totally relate – it’s definitely a very delicate balance of resting, but still wanting to maintain a certain level of fitness.
Thankful that Bentley is feeling better!
Katie Shepherd says
Great week of running and workouts for you! So glad Bentley is doing okay from his surgery! My sister’s bulldog is named Bentley too! My big 8 year old lab had to go to the vet last week for hot spots and an ear infection. He swims almost every day in our lake. Dogs are just like children aren’t they? Hope this week goes well for you!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
Poor Bentley – glad he’s doing better! Great job on getting your workouts and runs in!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Wrapping up a long week
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says
A group yoga session sounds like a great way to close out a race weekend. Maybe more race organizers will consider adding such a session in the future…I guess we can dream, right?
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 7
Kimberly Hatting says
Glad to hear Bentley is doing better! I’m sure that made for a stressful week….you’ve earned some R&R 😉
Stacie Seidman says
So glad Bentley is feeling better! P is 12 too, so I definitely worry extra when she isn’t feeling right. Glad it was a fairly easy fix for him.
Sounds like a nice week otherwise! Congrats on your new position with the scouts!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
Deborah @ Confessions of mother runner says
yes you definitely do need recovery days! You do a ton of races 🙂
Deborah @ Confessions of mother runner recently posted…Smashed Pea and White Bean Toast ~ Breakfast update
Andrea says
Aw Bentley! I’m glad to hear he’s doing better, but what a picture. Lol! And yay to Dunkin Donuts treats. We just had one open in our town and I was beyond excited. Will be perfect for those post-deadlift workouts 😉