Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Here’s the week in numbers:
Sunday – rest, :20 plank
Monday – 5 miles, running, :20 plank
Tuesday – 4.5 miles, running, :20 plank
Wednesday – rest, :30 plank
Thursday – 4.6 miles, running, :40 plank
Friday – rest, :50 plank
Saturday – 7 miles running (4 miles + Gratitude America 5K); :50 plank
Another hectic week. I was thinking the because little man had camp, things would be much more calm, but not so. I found plenty to keep us both busy, and after a ridiculously packed day on Saturday, we are all looking forward to a calm Father’s Day.
Sunday – rest, :20 plank
The rain, oh the rain. Gross and disgusting and awful. I don’t think we did much of anything all day, other than starting the 28 Day Plank Challenge with a :20 plank. Not my favorite.
To be honest, I spent most of the day watching The Hunger Games marathon. I had yet to see the final installment and I finally got caught up.
Monday – 5 miles running, :20 plank
I kicked off Monday with a solitary run. It was miserable, both because I was lonely and the weather was so humid.
Little man wanted to ride to camp with the director and her son (his friend), so we had to be at her house at 6:55!!!! We are used to early mornings, but this was a daunting task – we got it done, but it was a struggle.
One of their activities was making chewing gum! So cool!
After camp, her son came with us and went to karate (little man had to get his pre-test for his next belt and was invited to test on Saturday) and then back to our place to play before he got picked up.I don’t know where these kids get all their energy from.
Tuesday – 4.5 miles, running, :20 plank
Tuesday was… well, it was a Tuesday. We ran again.
I planked.
Little man went to camp – he did some yoga, which was adorable.
I had plans for dinner with a friend.
And then little man also ended up with plans – it was the director’s son’s birthday, and she asked if little man could join them for dinner and dessert afterwards. Of course, we said yes, and they went out for ramen and huge pieces of cake from one of Jacksonville’s top dessert shops.
In the meantime, my dinner company was great, but the meal was laughably awful. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a restaurant (especially one that is supposed to be good!) where the food has been beyond redemption. We are talking mold on the recommended biscuit appetizer, separated macaroni and cheese and meh service. We had a great laugh over it and probably won’t try again.
Wednesday – rest; 30 plank
We were all tired from the late night, and little man ended up going to camp a little later to get some extra sleep.
I was very grateful to Mr PugRunner for taking little man to karate. He had some tweaking to do before the test, and I was just not in the mindset to do it.
Thursday – 4.6 miles running, :40 plank
I was very eager to get in this run, and it went fairly well.
S and I had a PTA meeting with the assistant principal and another admin, to cover our plans for the upcoming year and start our events calendar. It was very productive and good to get something done.
Afterwards, I picked up little man and his buddy from camp. We had hoped to go to the pool, but there was thunder in the area so the pool closed until the weather cleared. Instead, they played outside with some of the other kids on our street.
Before they left, we had a bit of excitement: in Florida, alligators are common things, especially in bodies of water. Well, it turns out, our neighborhood is home to at least two, maybe three, gators. This is kind of unusual, because they are territorial creatures, but I guess a group like this is possible. Nothing is done about them unless they reach a certain size (usually 5 feet) and prove themselves aggressive or a “nuisance” to humans). Humans are encouraged to not feed them or otherwise engage them so as not to acclimate them to people.
Well, these gators have been pretty visible in certain yards, and we’ve all been a little extra wary. I have forbidden little man to fish or go by the water behind our house (we do have a fence), simply because we just don’t know what’s there.
Correction: now we know.
It’s a bit disconcerting to see a 5ish foot alligator this close and personal, so we are going to be extra guarded and hope they all continue to keep their distance. Ugh.
Friday – rest, :50 plank
Not much to report, besides a plank. I ran some errands, and after camp, we got back in our pool gear and went to a friend’s house for the evening. Of course, another storm rolled through, but the kids got some swim time between the storm clouds.
Saturday – 4 miles running + Gratitude America 5K, :50 plank
I had been feeling a little badly that Saturday’s race was just a 5K, and figured I would get in a few extra miles prior to the race. S played along with my insanity and we knocked out four miles before grabbing a shower and our gear and making our way down to Marineland.
The race wasn’t due to start until 8:30 (which is obscenely late for us) and we were a tad bit early, but it was fine. The course was “all-terrain” so it included some road and some trail. It was a first for me, and I was glad to give a new event a try.
We couldn’t stick around to enjoy it as I had to make it back to little man’s test! I managed to get there 20 minutes after it started, so not too bad when you consider these tests run about two hours or so. He did a wonderful job and earned his red/black stripe belt!
This was a huge test – after achieving this rank, his instructor has a black belt embroidered with his name on it. This will hang on the belt rack in the dojo, waiting for the day when little man masters the black belt test. It’s a pretty weighty incentive, in my opinion, and I know I am going to get goose bumps when I see it.
On the bad side, we were supposed to go to a summer Scout event. Well, by the time we got out of the test, we were already late and wouldn’t make it up to bowling in time. In addition, the “star party”, hosted by a local astronomy club, has also been postponed due to cloud cover. Not quite the end we envisioned to our Saturday, but sometimes, there’s nothing you can do. Karate was definitely the priority.
For dinner, we had some appetizers and I tried making these Jalepeno Popper Crisps. They are low carb, so easy and beyond delicious.
It was such a great week of running, with plenty of miles and I felt really good about doubling up on runs on Saturday – it’s like I was back on my game.
Little man had a blast at camp – he did plenty of crafts, as well as some soccer and other activities. The theme of the week was “color wars” and they did a color run on Friday to cap off the festivities, which was cool.
Time to figure out the next batch of races on my schedule and continue working on my planks, along with my miles. I also want to continue on at boot camp as time allows. Summer is always tricky, but I’m figuring things out as I go.
How was your week in training?
What kind of predators live in your area?
Kimberly Hatting says
Well, no predators in Iowa, at least of that magnitude. Congrats to the son on his newest belt achievement! We’ve had Florida-like weather in Iowa recently….it was 76F at 5:30 this morning (and humid), and it was 103F when I got home from work around 3:45. Fun!!
runswithpugs says
I would totally melt!
We are so proud of him, and it’s going to be so cool to follow the rest of his journey to the black belt end game.I can’t wait.
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
Yikes about the gators! The most exciting wildlife I’ve got in my neighborhood at the moment are rabbits and a family of Canadian Geese.
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Weekly Wrap – Summer mode
runswithpugs says
No bunnies here 🙁 We do have the Canadian geese, but our gator friend is practicing a little “circle of life” on them. It’s pretty crazy.
Darlene says
No predators that I’ve seen but I have heard that there have been sightings of bear and moose.
Congrats to the Karate Kid. lol
And another successful week of training and racing.
We had Florida like weather here today.
Darlene recently posted…Weekly Wrap for 6.11.18-6.17.18 – Running for Ice Cream
runswithpugs says
Bears can be pretty scary!
I am so excited to see his next few tests. Black belt is going to be crazy and nerve wracking. It’s a five hour test! What can they possibly do for five hours???
Deborah @ Confessions of mother runner says
You just reminded me that I need to start planking again 🙂 those alligators would really freak me out!
Deborah @ Confessions of mother runner recently posted…Raw Pad Thai Salad With Kelp Noodles
runswithpugs says
And I slacked on the plank today. Boo to me.
Yeah, if we didn’t have a fence, I would probably be a lot more upset about the alligator, but he’s not bothering anyone so far.
Michelle says
I lived in West Palm Beach for a few years and remember the gators well! Kind of scary sometimes when they’re too close for comfort.
runswithpugs says
When I lived in South Florida, I don’t remember ever hearing about them in actual neighborhoods. In the Everglades was a different story. But maybe I was just too close to the cities for them to be near. Florida has all the fun things.
Kimberly G says
I’m always amazed at how when we think we will have more free time, we end up being busier, lol. Great job on all your workouts this week!
Kimberly G recently posted…Weekly Wrap: The Heat Is ON!
runswithpugs says
Just a wee bit unfair, isn’t it?
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
Mold?! On your food? That is horrible!!! I know there is so much more to this post but THAT… GAH!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Smoked Cajun Shrimp with Garlic Mashed Cauliflower
runswithpugs says
Even worse, it was on the “fresh-baked” biscuits and cornbread that were allegedly made in-house every day. I’m calling shenanigans on that. I hate to leave bad reviews and always try to give places a second chance, but the reaction to the situation from management was so bizarre and off-putting. I mean, considering they are a new place, you would think they would bend over backwards to make it right. They just took the plate, said they threw out the rest of the batch and asked if we wanted the check. Um. We have more food ordered, so…. It was very strange.
Coco says
We have foxes in our neighborhood, but I think I’d be more afraid of an alligator!! Congrats on your great week. It’s hard to fit it all in but feels so good when you do!
Coco recently posted…Finding Fabulous Fitness Instructors
runswithpugs says
Oh, I would love to see a fox! They are so cute (I know, they are ruthless and terrible in their own ways, but at least they’re fluffy!)
Wendy says
No gators here in the Chicago suburbs, but we do have coyotes. They aren’t a threat to humans, but people worry about their pups. I guess we have to learn to live with wildlife, right?
runswithpugs says
We have a few of those here. I don’t hear too much about them, but I imagine they will start cropping up more as developments continue to be built. I do feel bad or the wildlife. It’s not their fault we are building on their homes 🙁
Andrea says
Nope. Nope. NOPE. Cannot handle the thought of gators being that close. I can barely handle the bull snakes here (haven’t seen a rattle snake yet…). You are a stronger woman than I am!
Andrea recently posted…Do you have fit grit? | How to increase your grit factor to reach your fitness goals
runswithpugs says
I just googled bull snakes… they look pretty terrifying. I am way more afraid of snakes than I am gators. At least I can see the gator coming! We have all kinds of vile snakes here… Apparently, they are more afraid of me than I am of them. Or something.
The Accidental Marathoner says
We are surrounded by forest preserve, so there is plenty of wildlife, but nothing dangerous. We see lots of deer and coyotes as well as some smaller critters, but that is about it. I would be terrified to know gators were that close to my home! Congrats to your son on earning his belt! It sounds like you all had a great (and busy!) week.
runswithpugs says
It’s crazy what can live so close to us. And also what we consider somewhat “normal.” I don’t love having the gators so close, but they just kind of come with the territory. :/
Stacie Seidman says
I’m so afraid of Gators. I’m not sure how I’d feel about living in the same neighborhood with one let alone three! eek. Keep those pugs away from the canal!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
runswithpugs says
The pugs have zero interest in the canal. Or outside, for that matter. We have signs posted that restrict swimming, fishing and boating and you have no idea how my heart sinks when I see kids swimming in it (first, because the water is just not the kind I would ever swim in and second, because OMG GATORS!!!!), or when a dog gets close to the edge. I don’t think I could handle it if something happened.
Esther says
Wow, what a busy week with lots of running!
I always feel like some weeks will be less crazy and then they end up being more than normal!
Ekk those gators! We have coyotes around here sometimes, but thankfully I don’t see them too often!
runswithpugs says
I don’t know how some weeks get so crazy.
We have coyotes here, too, but they are very rare. I have never seen one walking through the neighborhood, though.
runswithpugs recently posted…an all-terrain 5k for gratitude america
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says
Omg I’d be so scared about those gators! Despite that little hang up, you had such a great week. You got so many miles in! Here’s to another great week this week!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 2
runswithpugs says
Fingers crossed that I can stay on track and get to 500 at the end of the month! It would be a huge boost towards my 1000 in 2018 goal!
runswithpugs recently posted…an all-terrain 5k for gratitude america
Renée says
your meal Tuesday sounds absolutely AWFUL! mold!!! ugh!! I’m glad you could laugh about it!
so, saturday you knocked out 4 miles BEFORE the race started at 8:30??? that is crazy! haha!
Alligators… OMG. You are not selling Florida to me at all! Heat, humidity and now gators in your back yard!
my week was good last week, actually pretty on par with what I wanted to do. well. sort of. didn’t do my AM workouts and didn’t get enough steps in but I feel ok about my first week of marathon training.
no predators here – well, in some areas we do have wild animals running around but they are fairly used to people and you don’t hear of things going wrong. big highland cows and deer are two examples. also, if you are respectful of them and their surroundings it is not an issue.
runswithpugs says
If I didn’t laugh, I would be crying! Of course, the worst part of it was that we had eaten oysters before the biscuits were delivered. Spent the rest of the night worrying if they were going to make us sick LOL. Fortunately, we were ok.
Aw. I love big highland cows!
runswithpugs recently posted…an all-terrain 5k for gratitude america