Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Here’s the week in numbers:
Sunday – 5 miles, running
Monday – rest
Tuesday – 7 miles, running
Wednesday – rest
Thursday – 7 miles, running
Friday – rest
Saturday – 1.25 miles, stand up paddleboard
July is coming to a close. Can you believe it? Furthermore, we go back to school on August 10, so everything is in full planning mode. We got a bit of crazy news: even though our school has only been open for one year, we are getting a new principal! It was a bit of a shock (and we wish our old principal best of luck in the next phase of his journey), but obviously, it’s one more stressor to the year. Stay tuned on that.
Sunday – 5 miles, running
I woke up, raring to go on Sunday. It promised to be a crazy day.
First, five miles of running.
I rushed home to make breakfast for the family. It was the first day of Shark Week, and I wanted to make it special.
And then it was time for one of the hardest things I’ve ever done: dropping little man off at Webelos Resident Camp. He would spend Sunday afternoon through Wednesday morning at a Scout-specific camp, about 90 minutes from our home. We would not be camping with him, nor would we have any contact with him (unless there was some kind of emergency) until we saw him again on Wednesday. While there, he would be earning two of his Arrow of Light Adventures, as well as two Electives, and would also participate in archery, BB guns, swimming. climbing the rock wall, crafts and campfire programs.
The weather was absolutely awful when we checked in and made our way to his campsite, but he had a poncho and a great attitude, so we got him set up in a tent and headed home.
It was absolutely insane not being able to know what he was doing or how he was feeling, and I couldn’t relax the slightest little bit, not even with a cocktail.
Monday – rest
It was a rough night – I didn’t sleep well, and neither did Molly. When the alarm went off, I didn’t really think twice about bailing on the planned run. I just didn’t have it in me.
It was a long day. I watched some Shark Week shows and worked on some Scout stuff for next year, but mostly just worked on keeping myself distracted.
By the evening, Mr PugRunner broke down and messaged the camp. Apparently, the weather had been awful with high winds and storms, and he just wanted reassurance that everyone was ok. The Camp Director was very gracious and let us know that the kids were fine and adjustments had been made to keep them safe during the bouts of bad weather. It would have been nice to chat with little man, but I felt a little better after the communication.
Tuesday – 7 miles, running
I had a lot of pent up, nervous energy, so seven miles seemed reasonable.
That evening, it was out with some girlfriends to Treylor Park. It was really good to see them both and catch up. And I was more than happy to devour this Grilled Apple Pie sandwich (cheddar, crispy bacon and cinnamon apples). Yum.
Wednesday – rest
It was pickup day!!!!!! We had to be at the camp by 9:00 AM, and I could not WAIT to get on the road.
We arrived, got to the office, and one of the counselors brought him out to us. I think he probably grew two inches during the last few days.
He chattered the entire hour-long ride to IHOP (we figured he would be ravenous and figured a huge breakfast of pancakes would do the trick). He made some new friends, learned lots of cool stuff, and even though he was a little homesick, he got through it. We couldn’t have been more proud.
Thursday – 7 miles, running
Seven felt good again. Due to the heat and humidity, our pace has really suffered. If I can’t go faster, the plan is to go longer.
Afterwards, little man went to his friend’s house and I went with S to meet the new principal. Any concerns about the transition disappeared pretty much immediately. It’s going to be a great school year.
I had also promised him that we would look into a real hiking backpack for future camping trips. He does plan to continue into Boy Scouts after he completes the Cub level, which means more trips on his own. We ended up at REI, where he had an entire pack fitting! We walked out with an Osprey Ace 50, which will apparently last him through high school.
Later that evening, we had our first official PTA Team Meeting. We had a yummy dinner, got to know one another a little better, and talked about our ideas, the calendar, and the next few upcoming events. We also got little goodie bags with our volunteer t-shirts and name tags. I especially love the quote on our shirts.
It’s a fabulous group of women and it’s going to be an incredible year.
Friday – rest
Obviously, I stayed up way past my bedtime and was looking forward to a little bit of a sleep in on Friday morning. However, the boys were getting a bit of an early start – they had a camping trip planned with another dad and his son.
Also on the agenda? Taking Bentley to the vet. He’s been getting awful ear infections, and over the past few days, another one cropped up that was causing him quite a bit of discomfort. I had an afternoon appointment for him, and I was a little nervous about it. First, it’s always nerve-racking when a pup is older and you never know quite what’s going on, and second, he’s not particularly in love with me handling him, so getting him in and out of the car and the office was going to be a challenge.
We all headed out in different directions. Bentley proved to be very compliant, and the diagnosis is infection and ruptured ear drum. We won’t have the culture results until Tuesday, and we briefly discussed food allergies as a possible cause. So, he’s on a topical treatment, oral antibiotic and pain medication and a brand new salmon kibble. He’s feeling much better.
Saturday – 1.2 miles, stand up paddleboard
I didn’t have the most restful night, and slacked on the running front. Whoops.
My plan was to meet the boys at their campsite for a little while, and then take care of all Bentley’s medications in the afternoon. It was so hot, so we first enjoyed a shaded bike ride to the adjacent Farmer’s Market (which we need to do more often), where we scored these gorgeous cherries.
And then we rented some kayaks and SUPs and took them out on the inlet.
The wind was picking up, but it was a beautiful day on the water, and I was so happy to find out that even though I haven’t been on a board all summer, I was still really comfortable.
We had lunch together and then it was back home for some pug-nursing.
This week was definitely full of learning experiences for all of us. While I loved seeing little man be so independent and have the opportunity to explore and do things completely on his own, it was so stressful letting it happen. He was totally ready, although he did confess to missing us, and he said that he wants to do it again, but only after camping with us some more, too. Fair enough, little buddy.
I am also really looking forward to our neighborhood gym opening up next weekend. While it won’t have a ton of equipment, there will be enough for some cross training moves, and it will be so incredibly convenient.
As tomorrow is the last day of July, I’m proud to point out that I am wrapping up the month with 87.17 miles out of my planned 80 and I am at about 610 miles out of 1000, with five months to go. It’s definitely a boost to the ego, and I’m going to ride the wave.
How was your week in training?
Shark Week? Yay or nay?
Have you ever experienced sleep away camp (as a child or as the parent of a child who went)? How was it for you?

My miles are seriously lacking but I guess that’s ok. Still healthy so the reason is not an injury.
Apple Pie sandwich….yum yum
I really want to do some SUP but haven’t had the opportunity. My friends are not into it.
Darlene recently posted…Weekly Wrap for 7.23.18-7.29.18 – Rain Rain, Go Away….
If they kayak, you can SUP with them. That’s generally how I handle it – Mr PugRunner and little man don’t love the standing portion, so I just take a board and let them row themselves in boats.
Wow – I can’t believe that your son goes back to school on August 10th. That’s so soon! Most of the kids here don’t go back until after Labor Day.
So glad that your little guy had a blast at the camp!
It’s crazy! School gets out super early down here, though, too. We were already enjoying summer while everyone up North was still in school.
Our son did several years of Scout camp, but ours was in Missouri…a good 4 hours away. The hubby was a volunteer in the troop and went a few times, but most of the time the son was on his own (but with a huge group of local scouts he knew). That was before we all had cellphones, too LOL, so we didn’t have the routine of constant checking-in and knowing his whereabouts all the time.
Oh, that is far!
I sat this one out just because I think he was ready to do it on his own, but also because I really didn’t want to be one of the only females there. Just not my idea of a great time.
We knew he was totally safe the whole time, but it’s definitely different not getting to check in incessantly. It was probably good for both of us.
What a week! You should be very proud of little man for that first camping trip without you, but also of you and Mr Pugrunner for preparing him. Sounds like he had a blast!
Glad your pup is feeling better. The salmon kibble really helped P. She still gets ear infections from time to time, but much less frequently, and they seem milder.
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads: Shark Week Edition
We are so proud. It was really hard leaving him, especially with the rain and weather, and it was even harder not going to the camp or seeing what was going on. I’m really annoyed that we don’t have any pictures of the days’ events, but he is now almost halfway through his next rank, with some other extras included. It’s really hard to let go but he handled it so beautifully.
I hope the salmon works. I hate when the puggers aren’t feeling well and I just want to get to the bottom of it. Hopefully this is the answer.
Wow August 10th! I’m so not ready for back to school – summer’s gone by way too fast!
You had some great mileage for the month!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Wrapping up July
I really didn’t think I was going to make it to 80, especially in this weather, but it happened! I was pretty proud of that.
Yup. School is happening. I can’t believe it.
Good for him for going on his first camping trip alone. You logged some great mileage this week!
Deborah @ Confessions of mother runner recently posted…Blueberry, Banana, Carrot and Zucchini Squares
Sometimes, you just have to go for it. It’s so gross out, but the slow speeds mean more miles. I’ll take it.
My baby is going off to college in a month and I’m struggling with that! I think he’ll be fine. Just like your guy. It’s so hard letting go, isn’t it? Every step of the way. Hang in there, mama. You’ve got a lot of company!
Cocoa has been having lots of trouble with her ears. The vet thinks it’s allergies too. We have her on apoquel, which is a very expensive allergy med. It’s helping some, but she’s still digging at one of her ears.
Poor Cocoa. Those floppy ears do lead to tons of infections. Bentley has super narrow ear canals, and I had all three pugs on grain free food due to skin issues, but these ear issues have been creeping up on my boy. He will not allow me to clean his ears or even really look in them, so it’s tough to stay ahead of them. I a hoping the salmon does the trick.
I am just so proud, but so sad, too. I can’t even imagine how fast they are growing up. He can set up a tent, and cook breakfast, and make his own lunch and he barely needs me at all, it seems like. On the one hand, it’s great and we did that and helped him find his way, but on the other… OMG WHERE IS MY BABY??? Your baby is going to be amazing. Lots of hugs right back at you.
I LOVED sleep away camp as a kid. My daughter went once but wasn’t a fan. My son did sports camps but he was older. I’m sure it was harder on you than it was on him!
I never really got to experience it. I lived in an area where a lot of kids did sleep away camp for a whole summer, but that wasn’t in my cards. I don’t know if I would send him to a summer-long camp (we have too much fun together), but he would be down for a week or two.
but to more important things – i can TOTALLY imagine how nerve-wracking it must have been to drop off your son and NOT have any contact for several days! And I’m not surprised that one of you caved (you and Mr PR) and contacted the camp. I think I was 10 when I went to GS camp and I do remember missing my mom and feeling sad but also having a great time. It’s all part of the growing up process right?
you did so well with your mileage – it’s just incredible how much you guys do with fitness on top of all of that. really amazing!
i confess I still have no idea what shark week is – I always thought it was when we ladies got our period hahahahaha!! I think I’ve been out of the US for too long! Is that just documentaries on sharks and stuff on the telly?
Renée @runlaugheatpie recently posted…Week 30 + July Recap
Well, yes. Shark Week is that. It’s also a weeklong series of programming on Discovery Channel, completely devoted to sharks. Some of it is silly and sensational, but a lot of it is really interesting and informative. I think it’s a lot of fun and can honestly watch it for hours.
The Grilled Apple Pie sandwich is divine. I make my grilled cheese at home with cheddar and slices of green apple, so it reminds me a lot of that flavor. Huge plus that I don’t have to cook it for myself 🙂
I’m glad the overnight camping experience went well. My kids didn’t do that unless you count my in laws. They live 2 hours away and always had summer camp for them when they were younger. LOL. It’s great you like the new principal. It makes such a difference. Thanks for linking!
Wow, what a week you’ve had! Congratulations on your monthly miles! I’m glad your son had fun at camp. Scouting is such an amazing program. Hopefully he will stick with it. All 3 of my boys are Eagle Scouts and they still do tons of high-adventure camping (now in their 20s). My husband and I were Scout Leaders from Tiger Cubs through Eagle for all 3 of them, so it was unusually we wouldn’t be on campouts with them. It’s definitely tougher on the parents than it is on the kids to send them off on their own!
At first, I really wasn’t into Scouts, but since we started, I’m really glad we got involved. He is learning so much and we have found such a great group of people in his pack and den. I’ve been a leader for two years and it’s been great for me, too. I do hope he chooses to go all the way to Eagle Scout.
I am loving the special breakfast for shark week! My kids would get a kick out of that…great idea!!!
I found a few versions online, and couldn’t resist!
Shark week! Yes! My son looooves sharks (not quite as much as he loves dinosaurs, but still solidly a shark fan). I love your shark week breakfast!
Crazy week Jenn. It’s great that your son did his first camping trip alone.
Anyway, I’ve run for a week and I want to buy a watch that can calculate the miles, footsteps… do you use the garmin fenix or sth?
Luna @ HikerTrack recently posted…5 Best Sunshades For Beach 2018 – Reviews & Buyer’s Guide
Awesome! Welcome to the world of running!
I use the Garmin Forerunner 735XT. I dabble in triathlons from time to time so it was a good fit for me.