Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Here’s the week in numbers:
Sunday – 8 miles, running + arm challenge
Monday – arm challenge
Tuesday – 6 miles, running
Wednesday – arm challenge
Thursday – 7 miles, running + arm challenge
Friday – 6 miles, running
Saturday – rest
Still going strong with the arm challenge, even though the increased numbers are getting a bit daunting. Also, this was another solid mileage week. I’m looking forward to some kind of break in the temperatures, but we all know how that goes around here.
Sunday – 8 miles, running
I’ve been feeling like a bit of a slacker with my long runs, so we pushed for eight on Sunday.
When I was finished, and handled the grocery store, I went off to the movies with some girlfriends (take two of The Spy Who Dumped Me), while little man went to see The Meg with a friend and his dad. Shockingly, he loved it.
I got home from the flick to pouring rain and an impromptu, back to school BBQ set up in the driveway. It was a nice way to end the day.
Monday – arm challenge (18 pushups, 25 tricep dips, 50 curls, :35 punches)
I took a bit of a rest on Monday, sticking to the arm challenge and then handling PTA memberships before karate and a Scout leader’s meeting. Our first meeting for returning scouts is soon, so we are trying to make sure we have all our ducks in a row.
Tuesday – 6 miles, running + arm challenge (20 pushups, 30 tricep dips, 55 curls, :40 punches)
I was tired from being up late, but was able to get in six miles of running, along with the scheduled circuit of arm stuff.
Wednesday – arm challenge (22 pushups, 35 tricep dips, 60 curls, :45 punches)
Arms! Ugh. Upper body is not my favorite. I confess to being a little envious of those who have a little more natural strength up top. My power has always been in my legs, so it’s easy to neglect my weaker spots.
At school, we had our Boo Hoo or Yahoo Breakfast, welcoming parents of new Kindergarteners, followed by a PTA meeting.
There are lots of faces, both new and familiar, and everyone seems very excited about what we have planned for the year. Hopefully, that shows in the assistance we get at our events.
S and I had a few things to discuss regarding an upcoming fundraiser, so we opted to go to lunch. I have been wanting to try the Smoked. Southern BBQ joint at the Fountain of Youth, so off we went. My only regret is that I didn’t have enough room to eat one of everything on the menu.
Thursday – 7 miles, running + arm challenge (25 pushups, 40 tricep dips, 65 curls, :50 punches)
This run felt really good and I was glad to reach seven miles.
Friday – 6 miles, running
And finally, it was Friday. Yay, Friday! First, we ran.
I ran some errands to pick up things for the evening, because little man was having a sleepover with one of his buddies at the house. At this age, they can pretty much entertain thesmselves, so I didn’t make too many special plans. We grilled (the boys helped with that) and then Mr PugRunner took them to the park to play basketball and check out the playground. While they were out, we had a pretty lengthy power outage, but the lights (and air conditioning!) came back before they returned.
Saturday – rest
I had played with the idea of getting in a few more miles, but I had gone to bed and woke up way too early anyway, so decided to skip it.
After our guest had breakfast and got picked up, we went on with the rest of our day. Little man had a pool party and then Mr PugRunner asked if we could go to dinner and the beach. I had a ton of work to do, but figured I could put it off for a night out.
I’m still catching up, but it was worth it.
And so there it is. We are almost to the end of July and still going strong! I am hoping to complete this arm challenge and start adding in yoga again. There’s just a bit of an adjustment to the new school year, and fitting things in, but it’s going fairly well. I’m always looking for that rhythm and groove, and I think I’m right about there.
How was your week in training?
How long does it take you to adjust to a new schedule?
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
That Boohoo or Yahoo thing is so cute! I hope back to school goes well for you all!
runswithpugs says
So far, so good!
The parents who attended thought it was cute, too! Some were super excited to send their kiddos off while others were really sad. I don’t know that the noisemakers got much use, but they appreciated the sentiment.
Wendy says
Sounds like a fun but busy weekend! I hope your son loves school this year.
runswithpugs says
So far he really seems to.
Kim G says
The food at that Southern BBQ restaurant looks SO good!
That arm challenge sounds intense but I bet you will see more muscle definition in your arms but the end of this month!
runswithpugs says
It was incredible.
I am already seeing quite a bit of change in my arms. The bummer is that I guess I’ll have to do something else to maintain the gains when this is over. Womp womp.
Coco says
I need to know more about this BooHoo vs. Yahoo breakfast — what a cute idea! Glad your power wasn’t out for too long. It’s so frustrating! Your workouts were solid!
runswithpugs says
So when the parents send their kiddos off to Kindergarten for the first time, a lot of the schools and PTAs throw a BooHoo breakfast. They pass out little packs of tissues and have something to eat and support each other through the hard time. This year, we found an idea to add the “Yahoo” to it, for those parents who were maybe a little more excited, so we had noisemakers for those who wanted to loudly celebrate. One year, we did a Bon Voyage theme – it was a little more positive than “boohoo” and I think sent a better message.
Deborah Brooks says
That arm challenge does sound like it is getting tough! Way to hang in there.
runswithpugs says
I’m halfway through. I’m getting fairly bored with the higher numbers, but still hanging tough.
Kimberly Hatting says
The arm challenge sounds tough, but fun…then again, I love upper body strength work 😉
runswithpugs says
I hope I get to a point where I love it, too. It’s just very much not my favorite.
Liz Dexter says
Great work – those arm things, though – how on earth do you do two more push ups a day? I can only manage 3 or something at the moment!
It doesn’t usually take me long to get into a new schedule, but starting it in the first place … it’s a week since my fitness assessment and I haven’t done any of the exercises yet! Oops. I’ll use this as a prompt to make me try.
Liz Dexter recently posted…Sedate lady running 13-19 August 2018 #amrunning #running
runswithpugs says
I can only do a few full pushups – the modified on my knees are a bit more manageable, although still tough. 🙁
I hope you are able to get started on some of those exercises.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.12.18 – 8.18.18
De Bolton says
That yahoo or boohoo is too cute. I love how you challenge yourself. Looks like you had a great week!
runswithpugs says
It was fun and the week was great, indeed.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.12.18 – 8.18.18
Sandra says
Love your arm challenge! And way to get in some great mileage this week! I am trying to build back up!
runswithpugs says
I am hoping to keep my miles up there, but we will see how it goes. I’m hoping for some cooler temps to help keep my motivation going. Fingers crossed.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.12.18 – 8.18.18
Stacie Seidman says
That’s a lot of miles! Good for you!
The BBQ looks good too. Yum!
I’ve officially started back to running. I’m taking baby steps. 1 mile a day for a few runs, and then I’ll build up. Happy to say I can run the one mile with no breaks, so that’s something! We’ll see how two goes next week… Ha! Gotta start somewhere.
runswithpugs says
So glad to hear! I still can’t run without breaks, so well done you!
Esther says
I had never heard of the boo hoo/yahoo (or woo hoo at the schools here) till last year at my nanny kids first day of kinder.
Hope you are all able to adjust to the new schedule. I know it usually takes us a few weeks to get it down solid.
MMMM That BBQ looks delicious!
I am slowing healing from a knee injury then I am back to running!
Have a great week!
runswithpugs says
It’s been a thing for a while around here. I don’t know that I love it but it’s a nice icebreaker for new parents and they seem to enjoy it.
Yay for recovering from injury! Get it, girl!
Renée @runlaugheatpie says
I often have the same type of regrets at a tasty food place! DELISH!!
you still had a good, active week. Love the pic of you and Mr.PR. it’s important to have together time too, ESPECIALLY when we have such packed schedules!
last week was a really good week in training. I did more than usual even. But felt good. So that is something. Maybe my body is slowly coming to accept the different types of activity and not protesting as much!! Even my long run was tough and I still had to take breaks but that’s more to do with fuelling than how my legs and foot was feeling.
adjusting to a new schedule is challenging sometimes. I tend to give myself a break for a few days and not worry too much about it.
runswithpugs says
Sometimes, you just have to dive in and enjoy.
You totally had a busy week, but it looks like you had a lot of fun too. I hope you can get a handle to that fueling. Sometimes, if you can just get that down, everything else falls into place.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says
A night out with the hubby is definitely worth putting off work for a day. Hopefully you’ve gotten got up!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 11
runswithpugs says
It absolutely was. We don’t do things like that too frequently, so it was fun and spontaneous and different. It was a beautiful night, too.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.12.18 – 8.18.18
HoHo Runs says
An 8 miler and a 7 miler in one week is a strong week, Sista. Not to mention two “short” runs of 6 miles. I hope you’ve settled into the new school year routine. Boo Hoo or Yahoo…very clever! I think I’m feeling both right now as an Empty Nester. Thanks for linking!
runswithpugs says
Oh, that’s so hard! I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself when he decides to up and leave home.