Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Here’s the week in numbers:
Sunday – rest
Monday – rest
Tuesday – 4 miles, running + arms
Wednesday – 5 miles, running
Thursday – rest
Friday – 7 miles, running
Saturday – rest
This week looks super light as far as miles are concerned. The Saturday night race right before it started ate into the overall totals. That being said, I ended August with a grand total of 94 miles so it can’t be too bad, right?
Sunday – rest
I was really tired and just wanted to chill on Sunday. However in the morning, I was scheduled for a second popcorn Show + Sell for the Scouts with little man, this one lasting two hours. It’s for a fabulous cause but it makes for a long day.
When we wrapped up, we had plans to meet friends at the pool. Due to some earlier rain, we had the entire area to ourselves, and everything was going beautifully, until little man bit wrong on a chip. With the amount of blood and carrying on, we thought he may have cracked it, so we moved the party back to our house and tried to keep an eye on his mouth.
Monday – rest
It was another morning where I struggled to get up. I let the run plans go and just focused on things I had to do. I had volunteered to help out with school pictures, and so spent the entire morning at the school, organizing the lines of kids. It went fairly smoothly and it’s good to be able to help out.
Little man was still complaining about his tooth, and even though he had a scheduled appointment in ten days, I made another appointment for Tuesday to get him checked. I didn’t want him to be uncomfortable, especially with a holiday weekend coming up.
Tuesday – 4 miles, running + arms
In the morning, thunder and lightning derailed my run plans. Ugh. I was really feeling edgy about it, so I decided to check out the new gym in our community.
While I do typically hate the treadmill, I was able to do a nice hill interval workout, good for almost two miles, followed by 25 minutes of arm work, and wrapped up with another two miles of running. In all that, I didn’t have to use any walk breaks, which was kind of nice and encouraging.
In the evening, I had to report back to school for the first of two Open House nights. Tuesday’s event was for VPK through second grade parents, and attendance was pretty high. The PTA sold memberships and spirt wear and it ended up being quite successful.
Wednesday – rest
After getting little man off to school, I had the rest of the morning to focus on some work. at 12:15, the PTA had a meeting regarding our upcoming fundraiser run, and some communication work. It was a productive day.
Thursday – 5 miles, running
Thursday was a bit of a tough day.
When I got back from my run, little man was having a tough time with some wheezing. Allergy season is back, but the wheezing made us nervous, so we kept him home and got him in to the doctor. The good news is that it wasn’t croup or the start of any other respiratory issues – she prescribed us another course of meds for his nebulizer and he was good to go. I hate feeling like I’m overreacting, but I don’t tend to mess around with lungs.
That night, we had the second Open House for the older grades. I worked the PTA table for the first shift and then sat in on the 5th grade session to see what they would be learning and doing this year. I love little man’s teacher (actually both of them – he has a main instructor for homeroom, math and science and then switches to the reading, writing and social studies teacher) and it sounds like they’re going to have a great year.
Friday – rest
Things returned to normal on Friday, and I was glad to have a quiet day at home. I attempted to send Mr PugRunner out with one of his buddies to catch a band at a dive bar near our house, but that buddy turned around and invited him and little man to a Mini Kiss concert at the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Museum.
The kids needed up having a blast at the show and little man wants to attend more concerts.
I sat this one out – I was just feeling ridiculously exhausted and worn out and needed a night on the couch. I ended up watching Deadpool 2 while I did some work, and had a great night in.
Saturday – rest
I vaguely considered getting up for a run but staying in bed was pretty darn nice, too.
Little man had a buddy come over for the afternoon while Mr PugRunner met with our HOA President regarding a fall event they will be organizing for the community. I did a bunch of cleaning and a little bit of shopping, and it was nice to just have nothing major on the agenda for the day.
This week was rough. I wasn’t feeling 100% and I wasn’t getting good sleep. Our oldest pug had some pretty restless nights (she goes through phases of wakefulness) and I think it all just added up for me. I would have like to see some more miles, but I think it was ok to cut back a little bit. I choose to give myself a break on this one.
How was your week in training?
Do you ever have those weeks where you are just completely overwhelmed and need to decompress?

Ha! Pretty much every week lately. I swear, being a mom is so hard! I just don’t think dads get it. I need to decompress quite often these days.
Hang in there, mama!
I finally read that article about the “mental load” that women carry and it really resonated with me. Mr PugRunner is a wonderful partner and he definitely does his share, but I don’t know that he keeps that running list in his head like I do, or if he’s constantly planning for the next eight things, but after a while it does run you down.
I’m looking forward to a break in a few weeks. I could really use it. Hope you are able to get some wind down time, too.
Awesome job on your monthly mileage!
Totally understand about needing time to decompress. I think that sometimes we stretch ourselves so thin and we don’t realize it until we’re alreasy stressed out
Thanks! This is the most I’ve ever run and I am really excited about it.
Some days, I just need to kind of go in a dark room to recharge for a few hours. I hate that about myself, but too much socializing and busyness can really drain my energy and motivation.
I have been more tired than usual recently, and that’s odd for me LOL Of course, we have had a lot of overnight rain storms, so none of us are sleeping…especially Max.
I wonder if the rain and the full moon and all that is having an effect. Plus, it’s that time of the month for me, which just absolutely wears me down. I hope to feel better soon and hope that you guys get some sleep.
It seems like you and I had some similar weeks last week. I needed this long weekend after such a busy and stressful week at school last week. I’m more than ready to get into the swing of the new school year routine.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 13
94 miles is something to be proud of! It’s hard not to over-react as a mom. It’s a non-stop, 24-hour, beyond full time job!
I don’t know how you do it! You’re such a busy Mom. I know it must be both rewarding and exhausting! There’s nothing wrong with a rest day. I hope the little man’s tooth is OK. I’ve had those sharp triangular type chips go down “wrong” and my throat scratched significantly. Even that hurts like heck! Thanks for linking.
My training week was absolutely insane, but it was the last peak week before my next big race. I’m looking forward to two weeks of tapering and decompressing!
RelentlessForwardCommotion recently posted…What’s In My Trail Running Bug Out Bag
I think adjusting to a new schedule can add that little bit of stress that just wears you down. I’m sure after a couple weeks back at school and what not things will feel less hectic. Good job still getting your miles in! Hope Little Man is feeling better! Between the tooth and the asthma, he had a rough week too.