Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Here’s the week in numbers:
Sunday –8 miles, running
Monday – back + bicep workout
Tuesday – 6.25 miles, running + leg/glute workout
Wednesday – 1.5 miles, running (hill intervals) + shoulders/standing core workout
Thursday – 5.9 miles, running
Friday – rest
Saturday – 8 miles, running
I feel like every time I say things are going to settle, they just don’t, so obviously, I need to stop saying that. It’s not working well for me.
Sunday – 8 miles, running
I took off on a somewhat later solo run. And I managed to get to 8 miles, even though the sun did its worst. I was ok with the tradeoff of getting a little extra snooze in.
While out there, I had a huge craving for a lobster roll and when I got home, asked Mr PugRunner if he would be down for it. Cousins Maine Lobster had opened in the vicinity and all the photos on IG looked so delicious. Bonus: it was a business featured on Shark Tank, which is Mr PugRunner’s favorite.
My meal was phenomenal and I can’t wait to go back to try the bisque. Say yes to the Whoopie Pies.
Monday – back + bicep workout
I was able to get in a fairly rigorous session at the gym. I would have liked to have spent more time on the elliptical (I just used it for a small cool down), but my body just doesn’t seem to move that way.
Tuesday – 6.25 miles running + leg/glute workout
We had a solid morning run as a group.
The humidity is unreal.
I did some writing and editing work during the day and in the afternoon, met up with S so we could stick cups in the fence at school. The glamour is real, friends. Since we are a newer school, we have not yet accumulated things like fence decorations, so we were finally able to get the name of our mascot stuck in the fence.
Living the dream:
Yes, it was burning hot and we were both sweaty messes by the time it was done. However, the fence looks awesome and we now know we are fully qualified to install cup art.
Another bright spot in the day is that Best Damn Race revealed their Jacksonville medals. Check out these beauties! I can’t wait to earn mine! Join me on January 12 and use code RUNPUGS to save $5 on this or any other Best Damn Race city or distance!
Wednesday – 1.5 miles, running (hill intervals) + shoulders/standing core workout
I took to the treadmill for some hill intervals. I don’t love them, but it’s a good workout and a great way to warm up for my strength session.
After that, it was on to the shoulders and my core. I found a workout that encompasses weighted side bends, woodchoppers, core stabilizers and bow and arrow moves, where you never have to even get on the ground. It’s still pretty rigorous and didn’t take very long at all.
S called me from the school and I went up to join her to try inflating our new event arch. We will be able to use it for our fundraiser run, but then also for our carnival and other school events. It’s a bit of a monster, but it’s going to be very impressive on the morning of our event.
Thursday – 5.9 miles, running
Thursday’s run was great, but I had to cut it short – my stomach had had enough and I barely made it home in time. Who’s been there?
Oh, and adding insult to injury – we have a new neighbor. This has been identified as a baby panther, which seems to live under a magnolia tree in a part of the neighborhood that touches a preserve area. It’s a bit unsettling and I hope we don’t bump into him.
It took me a little while to start feeling better, but I probably could have benefited from a bit of a nap. It wasn’t meant to be, as we had more meetings at the school: one with the principal regarding some future plans and one with the PE Coach about our fun run. I love being part of the planning process and I am so hopeful this year is hugely successful.
In the evening, we welcomed our new Scouts and leaders to our Pack. It was nice to meet the new kiddos and their parents. I will have five new scouts in my den this year, and while that’s a few more than I was expecting, they seem like fabulous kids and it’s going to be a great year.
Friday – rest
I really don’t have much nice to say about Friday. It started out nicely enough with a breakfast with another Scout leader, but quickly deteriorated. Mr PugRunner ended up at the Minute Clinic with suspected pinkeye (he was diagnosed with conjunctivitis, which may or may not have been contagious and may or may not have resulted from allergies). This led to me coming home to bleach, scrub and sterilize every surface in the house.
On the plus side, my friend had planned to take little man to her house for the night, and she is absolutely not as squeamish about pink eye as I am, and said that as long as he came home from school without symptoms, she was fine having him. It was a huge help to me, and the best news is that little man and I remained completely unscathed.
Needless to say, my only exercise for the day involved carrying loads of sheets and towels up and down the stairs.
Saturday – 8 miles, running
S was gracious enough to join me for eight miles. It was the hottest day of the year, and we could feel it. Regardless, it was good to bank those miles, even though I chafed miserably from my shorts (they were soaked by the end of the run).
After a shower, I treated myself to an iced coffee and picked up little man. We watched the Miami Hurricanes beat Toledo State and then he went off to play while I handled a second round of deep cleaning, just in case (by this point, he had been on his meds long enough and no one else was showing signs, so we were pretty much in the clear).
The icing on the cake of the day was Bentley had another semi-severe episode. It broke my heart to see him disoriented again. Hopefully, the vet will have some more answers for us this week.
I crashed in front of the The Greatest Showman with a beer and a bowl of popcorn, and that was how my day ended.
I was just incredibly run down and defeated this week. I work really hard to stay positive and brush things off, but there are days and weeks where I just don’t have the enthusiasm for it. I am feeling myself withdrawing a lot, which happens from time to time, but I need some down time to recharge. That’s going to have to be a priority this week, or else I’ll probably start hiding under the kitchen table.
Onward and upward (but hopefully far from that big baby panther!)
How was your week in training?
Do you share a community with a baby panther or similar wildlife?
How do you pick yourself up when things gets to be a little much?
Allie says
That’s one heck of a week! Love the fence art 🙂 That “baby panther” is crazy scary. Hope you only see it from the safety of inside your house!!
Allie recently posted…The Rundown – Hello Running My Old Friend
Kim G says
Awesome job with all of your workouts this week! It was pretty humid here this week as well. I feel like summer just won’t quit.
That baby panther would freak me out!
Stacie Seidman says
I feel like September is always a challenging month. So many things get thrown at you which unfortunately also seems to include allergies/germs. Yuck.
Hope everyone is feeling better asap and your schedule gets a little less crazy!
Darlene says
A panther? Yikes! Nothing dangerous here.
A lot of miles for you. Isn’t it easier when you are not alone. i suck on solo runs.
Our weather has been crazy..cool and then summer returns. But nothing like the heat you are experiencing.
Darlene recently posted…Weekly Wrap for 9.10.18-9.16.18: Travel and Tapering
Sandra D Laflamme says
A baby panther! O my goodness! Be careful. Nice mileage this week and I must say that lobster roll looks amazing!
Deborah Brooks says
A baby panther? That’s a new one. You look like you got in some good mileage this week
runswithpugs says
I was really happy with my mileage!
Kimberly Hatting says
Wow…a baby panther? Does it have a momma somewhere? We see a few raccoons (actually, it’s usually me who sees them in the dark early morning hours), but that’s it for wildlife in my ‘hood.
runswithpugs says
I am willing to bet there is a momma somewhere. And I have exactly zero interest in meeting her ever. I wish we had something normal like raccoons.
Cari says
Hope MrPug is on the mend
Luckily my only wildlife is roach & rat variety — occasional racoon.
Love that medal. Hmm, Jacksonville in January
runswithpugs says
He’s much better.
You should totally come! It’s a great medal!
Anna @ Pipers Run says
Um, a panther! I had to re-read that! And that lobster roll!!! Great week of workouts!
runswithpugs says
I know. Panthers and lobster rolls. What is my world coming to?
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
You had some great mileage this week! And a baby panther?! Seriously?! How are they going to deal with that I wonder.
runswithpugs says
Things are very “if it’s not bothering you, you don’t bother with it” where I live. So I’m not really sure they’re going to deal with it at all. Fingers crossed it sticks to its magnolia tree and leaves everyone alone.
runswithpugs says
We are very “if it’s not bothering you, you don’t bother with it” where I live, so I’m not sure they’re going to do much of anything to deal with it. Fingers crossed it continues to live underneath its magnolia tree and leaves everyone alone.
Wendy says
So what’s up with that baby panther? I didn’t think they were native to Florida? Yikes.
Hang in there, friend. I get it…life can weigh us down. Hopefully, you’ll have a better week this week.
runswithpugs says
They absolutely are! We even have the Florida Panthers hockey team! Unfortunately, with development and upheaval, these animals are losing their homes and are being forced into residential areas. I hope it finds a safe space.
Coco says
Oh, you had quite a week – I hope you do take the time to take care of yourself. Yikes on the panther. That makes me glad all I have to worry about is a fox. I hope Bentley is ok. 🙁
runswithpugs says
I would love to see a fox. They are so cute.
Bentley is ok. Fingers crossed it continues.
Liz Dexter says
Sorry to hear about your testing week, sounds like you do need some downtime. When I’m feeling like that I make sure I get extra sleep, as that’s a real trigger for my depression, so I do that as priority, go to bed super-early with tea and book, give myself “permission” not to do hard physical stuff and try to do some runs where I’m aware of my senses and the things around me rather than pushing it. Hope this week is better for you.
runswithpugs says
I’m a notoriously terrible sleeper. I have been trying to get in some catnaps, but when my anxiety is on high like this, it doesn’t always work out. I am going to try to prioritize it a little more.
HoHo Runs says
Umm…a panther? Yikes! OK, I admit that I’ve never thought of any fence décor being created from cups. You seriously can’t tell from that picture. I imagine the possibilities are endless. Are there cup art competitions? LOL. I hope your anxiety is better. I get unsettled from time to time (like right now). A little more rest seems to help. Hang in there. Thanks for linking!
runswithpugs says
So back in the day, schools and business would use solo cups in their chain link fences to spell out names, mascots, or even create designs. Of course, someone capitalized on that idea and made a company with “cups” designed for this very purpose. They are squared off instead of round, not quite as tall, and snap into the chain link. If you have the time, patience and budget, you can install some really gorgeous graphics. We are starting small, but it was well worth it and really completes the look of the school.
The anxiety comes and goes. We have a huge event on Friday, and I’m sure that’s contributing. Plus, I’ve got a lot of new Scouts in my den, so I’m nervous about passing muster with them and their parents. I have no idea how I even got into leadership positions – public speaking and teaching-type things just aren’t my strength LOL.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says
I’m so sorry to hear that you had another difficult week. Take some time to focus on yourself, take lots of deep breaths, and just take these one day at a time. We’ve all been there, and are here for you if you need a shoulder to lean on.
runswithpugs says
I hit a freaking wall today like you wouldn’t believe. Absolutely down for the count. So now I’m feeling terribly derailed. I just have to suck it up and realize it’s just a small speed bump and move past it.
Thanks for the support. <3