Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Here’s the week in numbers:
Sunday – rest
Monday – 6 miles, running + biceps/standing core workout
Tuesday – chest + shoulders
Wednesday – rest
Thursday –rest
Friday – 4 miles, running, total of steps
Saturday – 24,126 steps
Intentions. Mine were good. Great, even. And then, and then, and then.
Weather. School carnival. Death. When I finally sat down tonight to write this post, all the feels hit at once. It’s like being hit by a truck. Ugh. I haven’t had the luxury of time to acknowledge my feelings
Sunday – rest
After a busy Friday an dSaturday, Sunday was fairly low-key. I ran some errands and spent the afternoon in my friend’s garage, working on building games for our school’s annual carnival. We put a lot of work into creating really awesome attractions for our carnival, and when you have a lot of people working together, it’s incredibly fun.
Monday – 6 miles, running + biceps/standing core workout
I started the week refreshed and raring to go. We ran, and i t felt great to get back out there.
The gym was great, too. I missed doing weights while I was away, and it felt great to be back at it.
Tuesday – chest/shoulders
The weather was yucky, so some time in the gym again was just what the doctor ordered.
That evening, we had McTeacher Night at our local McDonalds. It’s a really fun night, where teachers and staff members man the drive-thru, fry station and register, and the school families come in to have dinner, with a portion of proceeds going back to the school. I was on raffle ticket duty.
Wednesday – rest
After a very restless night of sleep, I woke to the tragic news that a friend and fellow Scout leader had passed away, quite unexpectedly, at the age of 33. it was really devastating news, and I don’t know if it’s really sunk in, yet.
I was in a daze for most of the day. I couldn’t quite get myself together, and I really struggled with adulting. Fortunately, Mr PugRunner was there to pick up the slack for me, and I am grateful for that.
Thursday – rest
I don’t think I could have run if I wanted to. I wasn’t really in much of a mood to do anything. I worked on some signs for carnival, and headed over to school in the afternoon to help with some finishing touches on some of the games.
Scouts that night was hard. We had an emergency meeting to talk things over amongst the leaders, and then our den took on the 2nd grade den as their leader was out sick. It was a little intimidating to do a lesson for a whole new group of kiddos, but it went pretty smoothly.
Friday – 4 miles, running, total of 32,381 steps
This run was awful, but necessary. I was just not in the right head space, but I needed to move. I was absolutely miserable the whole time, but it got done. My garage was full of hay bales for the weekend’s events.
And then it was time to focus on the school carnival. The weather had not been in our favor, and while temperatures were beautiful, bands of storms had left our activity field a swampy mess. At 10:00 AM, the decision was made to move everything inside and we got to work, organizing games, signs and prizes. Gates opened at 6:00 PM, and it was go go go all day.
The event was a smashing success. We had a few hiccups on the operational end (namely, that an entire group of volunteers didn’t show up), so it felt like we were putting out fires all night. To be honest, I only got a few pictures, although I feel like this one was the most important.
Due to a fabulous, hardworking team, plus the support of our community, the carnival was a smashing success. We were able to get everything cleaned up and put away, and I was in bed by 11:30. Way past my bedtime, but that was ok.
Saturday – rest
I wanted to spend half the day in bed, but I had committed to help out at a local Kids Fest on behalf of St. Augustine Moms Blog. I’ve been contributing content for them for three years, and I love that we are able to provide so many resources to the local moms in our community.
When I had finished there, it was time to help Mr PugRunner with our neighborhood Trunk or Treat. He has been volunteering at the Events Chair for our community, and this was his second big production. Once again, photos were slim, but I did get this adorable one of little man, at our Mad Scientist display.
It was a little too windy to get everything right, but it was cute and we had tons of trick or treaters! All in all, another success!
I had to get to bed because S and I were running a 10 mile race on Sunday morning, as if we didn’t have enough to do!
So it was a hard week, for reasons listed here, and due to other horrible events this weekend. Obviously, my focus was on a thousand different things and not at all on how many miles I was running or what my gym time looked like. I tried to do enough to help keep my anxiety in check, to be supportive to those in need and to let the rest of it go. Staying busy was mostly helpful, but I did struggle in some of the quiet moments.
I’m still terribly sad, and it comes on suddenly and hard. I’m grateful for the friends and family who have been there through the tragedies, and I know it will get easier with time.
How was your week in training?
How do you keep yourself moving through the difficult times?

I’m so sorry to hear about the sudden loss of your friend 🙁 Death is never easy, especially when it’s someone so young and unexpected.
I think that you did a great job at pushing through the rest of the week and it’s great that the school carnival went so well.
We worked really hard and i was grateful that everyone had such an amazing time.
I’m so sorry for your loss. And I’m really impressed that you pushed through and got all of this done despite suffering that loss.
Also glad there was a cute pony at the carnival to cheer you up. Ponies help. Scientifically proven.
It was a legit therapy horse, so…. i am calling that legit therapy.
So sorry about your loss.
Sometimes life get sin the way of running and then again often running is the best medicine.
You will figure it out.
Your virtual friends are always here for you.
Thank you ❤️
Oh, so sorry on the loss of your friend. There’s no perfect way to deal with loss and fitness routines, as well as all the other mom stuff. Let’s not forget YOUR feelings and the added stress of all the events over the weekend. Take each day as it happens, and take your time processing the reality of everything. ((hugs))
I always do. This week is harder because my schedule has calmed down so i have more time to dwell.
Jenn you are always so busy. that you actually make time when you can or even kind of “force” yourself to do something is really something to be proud of. It’s so important for many of us to keep moving when anxiety or depression rear their ugly heads. Even when I’m only half into it, I still keep moving because I know I’ll be worse off if I don’t. I am so very sorry for your loss. One day at a time. xx
My anxiety is through the roof right now. I think it was almost better this weekend because i had so much to do, but now, it’s just me and my thoughts. Ugh.
I always love to see how involved you all always are with your community. Have a great week ahead!
It makes such a difference. I wish more people would pitch in, but we get it done.
First of all I am so sorry for your loss and, it sounds like, the loss of a valuable community member and maybe parent and friend. That is tremendously difficult and I feel for you and the community during a tragedy like this, especially when young kids are involved. It sounds like, despite everything, you got SO much done and you and your husband are SUPER volunteers – wow!!
Allie recently posted…The Rundown – Sorry Doesn’t Make the Noodles
Thank you. Yes, he was very much a valuable member of our community and we feel the loss so deeply. 🙁
I believe that giving back is just one small way I can help make this world better. It is thankless and hard and you can really tell a lot about a person by how they treat volunteers, but I want to do the things that will help and make others happy. I’m glad my husband is starting to see the joy that comes from helping others, too.
I’m really sorry to hear about your friend’s death. I’ve never dealt with death well. Especially when it’s so sudden and tragic. It’s a really exhausting thing to go through and it’s ok to take some time. I usually take some time off of running and then all at once I will feel the NEED for running. To feel the movement so I dont feel like I’m not doing anything, to feel some kind of progress, to help me clear my head and start processing everything. It takes me time but it always comes back quick.
I just needed to move, but I was so bone tired. I’m still nowhere near acceptance of this right now, and while time will help, the reality is we are going to be feeling this for quite some time.
Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. (((Hugs))) You had so much going on this week, make sure you take time for yourself.
I went to get my nails done today, just to have some time to myself. It was much needed and I’m glad i did.
I’m so sorry about the death of your friend. It’s always a shock when someone so young passes away. You’re so busy and it sounds like you needed some time for yourself to process it all. Glad you got that run in.
What a week!
Thank you, Wendy. I am sure there will be plenty of ebbs and flows along the way as we navigate. We are trying to be there for the kids and for the den he left behind.
Sorry for your loss. It’s such a shock to your system when someone passes away so expectantly. Glad you were able to have a successful carnival.
It really is. I’m grateful that I was able to immerse myself in work after it happened. It made things a little more tolerable.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. I had a loss last week too, and just kind of took it easy on myself the rest of the week. I guess I still am somewhat. Sounds like you had a very busy week…staying busy definitely helps.
I’m so sorry for your loss as well.
I definitely think staying busy helps.
I’m so sorry to hear about the sudden death of your friend. I do think keeping busy helps initially. Just remember not to get too burned out — you already do so much for everyone! I’m glad your carnival was a success, even with the last minute change of venue. The horse (donkey?) pic is adorable! Thanks for linking.
You’re right. I was able to get some downtime this week and it was very much needed.
That’s a mini horse! He is used for therapy and general cuteness!
Jenn I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend. Loss is always hard, but when the person is so young it is and it is unexpected that is especially jarring.
I hope you get some time for yourself to process all of this.
Thank you. It’s been a difficult process.