My goals this year included spending some more time with this little blog of mine, so linking up for Tuesday Thoughts with KookyRunner and Zenaida seemed like just the way to keep things moving!
Please visit these lovely bloggers, plus check out some of the other blogs on the link-up, and don’t forget to share your own post, as well!
On tap for this Tuesday? Well, I write all. the. time. about running and fitness, but I promise, I have so many more hobbies and interests.

I absolutely love running and active things. Fitness is a huge part of my life, and the basis for this blog. However, here are the things I do when I’m not lacing up and logging miles.
I’m a writer.
Whether I’m writing for my own personal pleasure or on deadline for a freelance assignment, writing has always been my first love. (In fact, I actually graduated University of Miami with my Bachelor of Science in Motion Pictures for screenwriting). It’s very hard for me to share my fiction with the world, but blogging and writing for other media outlets allows me to express myself via the written word. I prefer pen and paper to the keyboard and I’m fairly sure a day doesn’t pass without my spending some time just writing.

I decorate cakes.
Completely self-taught, I’ll have you know. When we first moved to North Florida, I had left my job and really had nothing to fill my time. I loved baking and decided to try my hand at cake decorating. I only bake for friends, and it comes in handy for little man’s birthdays.

I love being behind the camera
I am a very behind the scenes kind of person. Photography is one of my hobbies, although I haven’t had much time to spend on it lately. I have a trusty DSLR, but I also go with the notion that the best camera to have is the one in your hand at the moment. I like doing photo shoots for friends, but I really love taking pictures in new places. And photos of food.
Helping out is my jam.
If you read here enough, you probably see that I do a lot of volunteer work. I am currently the VP of little man’s PTA, the Assistant Cub Master and Den Leader in his Cub Scouts pack, and am often out and about on beach cleanups or assisting at different events. I love doing my part for the community and hope that I set an example for little man to instill the same values in him.
I have a wanderlust “problem.”
I admit it, guys. If I could be doing anything, it would be traveling. There are so many beautiful places in this country and in the world, and I want to see them all.
There are certainly worse hobbies I could have, but it does get pretty tough with scheduling. I’m so excited for our summer vacation – we will be taking a New England road trip, and it’s going to be amazing, especially to get to share it with little man!
I am hoping we can swing an Alaskan cruise, a European trip taking on Ireland, Scotland and Iceland, and a tour of the Southwest in the not so distant future. And I’m also still chipping away at the 50 Races in 50 States goal I set for myself.
What are your favorite non-active hobbies?
Do you get to spend enough time on those hobbies?

Wow you are a cake decorating pro! You are so talented – that’s definitely a skill. I love that you volunteer so much as well. A big part of my job involves volunteering and it’s such a rewarding experience.
I think it’s so important to be part of the community in which we live. Not everyone feels the same, but I’m glad to have the chance to serve others for the greater good.
runswithpugs recently posted…give a girl the right shoes….
Thanks for linking up with us! Those cakes are BEAUTIFUL!!! They are so pretty that I would feel guilty eating them.
No need to feel guilty! Cakes are made to be eaten!
I feel like I just got to know you even better! Cakes! I love decorating cakes but girl, you look like a pro!
I still do it from time to time, but I have so much going on on the weekends now that I don’t get the chance very often.
I have a lot of hobbies, but sadly, I don’t get much time for them. Working full time and blogging (for what feels like full time hours as well) takes a lot of my time. When I do have down time, I love reading magazines and short story fiction. I’m also an art geek and LOVE drawing and painting as well as knitting/crocheting. My major in college was Communications with an emphasis in broadcasting and film…a similar course of study as you 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Heroes Memorial 10K Run
Interesting on short story fiction. I love reading big bricks of books and I hate when they are over.
I used to do a lot more with drawing and painting, but I think photography took over for that.
I loved studying film. I love movies and theater and all kinds of visual performance arts.
I do love to travel, and that is part of why I am trying to do halfs in 50 states, too.
I love to cook & bake, but as I get older, I can’t bake as much as I’d like to — because I can’t consume as much as I’d like to and it’s just the 2 of us (and Mr. Judy doesn’t really need a lot of baked goods either).
Even not working, I still don’t get enough time to devote to my hobbies!
I left my distance open-ended, just because our schedule weighs heavily around the school year. I have to plan more for races while I’m at a destination vs destinations for particular races. We actually shifted our summer vacation by a week so we could accommodate a 10K, as it was really the only offering. It’s our season for that right now, so it’s ok.
I don’t ever really bake for us. Even if it’s here, we can never really eat it all, and homemade stuff goes bad so fast. However, I am always happy to help out for friends and potlucks and the like.
Never enough time.
I used to quilt a lot. Now I knit.
I love traveling. Not enough $$ or time for that either.
I love taking pics. That I can do while running LOL
Darlene recently posted…United NYC Half Marathon Race Recap
also love reading, movies and theatre!!!
Darlene recently posted…United NYC Half Marathon Race Recap
OH my gosh. I need so much more time and money. We are so incredibly lucky that my husband has his own business that he can work from anywhere and that my social media work allows me to do the same. The money tree is not bearing fruit quite as much as I would like, but we are fortunate in that we an take 1-2 bigger vacations a year as well as lots of long weekends. It doesn’t hurt that I am pretty adventurous, and over the summer and breaks, I’m always game to throw little man in the car and head out to see some of the sights Florida and Georgia have to offer, as well.
Quilting is so intimidating. I don’t have the patience for that kind of precision.
I did not know you were a baker. Love your designs. I love to cook and bake but have not really tried the decorating part. Art was never my talent.
Deborah Brooks recently posted…How to get your running mojo and confidence back after returning from injury
It was just something I started to do on a whim. I do really enjoy it, but it was getting a little time-consuming and to be honest, it really does a number on the back, LOL!
I love cooking, too. And eating. And looking at menus and pictures of food. It’s just so amazing.
Your cakes are amazing! Wow! I am so impressed that you are self taught! What a cool hobby! I am a writer too . . . the blog and trying to write a Children’s Picture book story.
Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Weekly Workout Recap March 4-March 10
It was really fun to see what I could create out of cake and edible things.
Ooh, a children’s picture book sounds awesome! Are you into illustrating as well?
CT is in New England…
That is a true fact.
You should come run my race with me.
Ooo, which race?! Not the Boston 10K I hope… I’m sticking with 5K’s for awhile.
I mean…. look at it like two 5Ks stuck together. (You know you want to)
You did an amazing job with the baking! Wow!
Outside of running and coaching, my favorite thing to do is spend time with my little lady. She’s 2.5 and the love of my life!
Awww! I love spending time with my little guy. He turns 11 next month, and we are very hard into that tween life, but we are going to get through it.
Thanks for sharing