Happy Sunday and Hoppy Easter! I hope you’ll join us for the #RIOTS (Running Is Our Therapy Sisters) link up every week on Sundays. We’d love to be a part of your weekly routine!
Set some goals, share them on your blog and then link up with other awesome fitness bloggers to help keep you on track! We’d all love to support you!

It is Easter Sunday and we are in for a day of family and visiting and celebrating. We usually go for a quiet morning at home and then we go to my parents or they come here. Today, it’s off to see them.
Little man was up at the crack of dawn to hunt out his Easter basket, and then we were hit by a power outage so there was no sleeping in for this mom. Not that I often get to, but I was hoping to get a little past 5:20 AM. Oh, well.
Sunday – rest
Sundays are for all sorts of things: errands, food shopping and … at least for the next few weeks, Game of Thrones. We will be hosting fellow fans through the end of the show so we can all watch together. The first episode of the final season did not disappoint, and we snacked on brie, roast chicken, Lannister Gold potatoes, Game of Thrones oreos, Children of the (Black) Forest brownies, Sansa’s Lemon Cakes and Wildfire Jello shots.
Monday – 6.26 miles, running
Much as I hated to drag myself out of bed, I couldn’t not run on Marathon Monday. I was aiming for 6.26 miles, but hit 6.27 by accident. Oops.
I had a meeting with the new President of the middle school PTSO to get to know her and talk about how I am going to volunteer next year. No one has decided on my position quite yet, but as long as I’m not treasurer or involved with fundraising, I think I’ll be good to go. I just don’t work well with numbers.
It was also tax day, so Mr PugRunner and I grabbed lunch and headed to the accountant to sign off on our return. No refund for us, of course. Self-employment is annoying like that.
Tuesday – 3 miles, stand up paddleboarding
Mr PugRunner opted to take off on Tuesday for a date day. He doesn’t often skip out of work like that, but I wasn’t questioning it. We started with a yummy breakfast at Maple Street Biscuits, followed by a morning of kayaking and paddleboarding (he took the kayak).
It was incredibly windy, but we paddled all the way to the lighthouse and all the way back. I loved it.
We had a light lunch and then tried out the new churro place in town. I wasn’t super hungry so I didn’t go all the way with ice cream. A nutella dipped and sprinkled churro loop was more than enough for me.
We had our last show of the season that night, so we snagged little man from school, got dressed and ready and headed out for an evening at School of Rock.
It was good, though not phenomenal. I never loved the movie and the highlight of the show was all the children performers. The young actors were incredibly talented and I loved seeing them in all their musical action.
Wednesday – rest
Wednesday was Wednesday. Work. Karate. And I had a conference call with the City Moms Blog Network for my new role with the St. Augsutine Moms Blog. I am now part of the Executive Team as the Sales and Community Coordinator. It’s an honor and I’ve been working hard to bring in some new partners and ideas to share with our owners and the team.

Thursday – 6.5 miles, running
Yup. This is my running face. Ugh.
I visited my friend to see her new baby and bring her a frozen ziti for a family dinner. Then I had lunch with the current PTA President to discuss the upcoming teacher appreciation week.
Following that, we went back to my house and spent the afternoon striping all the ceremonial arrows for our Scouts who have achieved their Arrow of Light rank. I will also be making them plaques in honor of their time with me.
The boys went to basketball practice while I helped out at our Raingutter Regatta for Scouts. It was my second to last event as den leader and Assistant Cub Master, so very bittersweet.
Friday – rest
Schools were closed on Friday. We didn’t really have much planned. Bad storms were coming, so I got my nails done quickly, and then picked up some last minute things for the weekend and Easter.
We had a seafood dinner out and tried to get to bed on the earlier side.
Saturday – 5 miles, running
I was really not up for running alone, but I threw on my shoes and promised myself to go for at least five. I was really thinking I would get up on Sunday morning before everyone else and do some more, but that did NOT happen. Oh, well.
Mr PugRunner had to stick around for our community’s Easter egg hunt, and so I took little man to his basketball game. His team has been struggling: the coach is amazing and a lot of the kids are really good, but there are players missing practices, and not showing up for games which is taking its toll. I’m not sure what happened today, but they definitively won their first game of the season and it was glorious.
Following that, we had plans to meet new friends at the beach. Well. It was the coldest, windiest day ever (it was like being in a sand storm) but we sucked it up. The kids actually ended up having an incredible time boogie boarding and I chatted with the mom for hours. We ended the afternoon with ice cream cones and a promise to do it again.
That evening, I did some last minute shopping for Easter breakfast and we dyed eggs.
We stayed up way too late, and I about collapsed into bed when our Easter duties were finished.
And so it was a solid week, again. I ran and I walked and I paddle boarded. I will count that as a win.
We ate out a lot and had a lot of leftovers, so there wasn’t much new or exciting on the recipe front. I was hoping to throw together a new kind of casserole for Easter morning, but…. it didn’t happen.
I am feeling a bit dehydrated this week. A few days on the beach and in the water made that happen. I’ll get it back.
We did lots more Harry Potter reading, and I’m grateful for that.
Please join our linkup! Drop your link and please visit our Hosts and some of these other amazing blogs to share the love!
I am also linking up with the new Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
Are you celebrating Easter today? What are your special traditions?

Busy week for you all! I think I might be the only one who does not watch game of thrones. Am I really missing something?? Hope you all had a happy Easter day with your family
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down NYC Style
Nope – Kimberly doesn’t either and apparently most of my blog commenters are not on the GOT train. Honestly, I think it’s one of the best-written, best-acted shows of all time, but it’s dark and sometimes (mostly) hopeless, and it’s definitely not a win for everyone.
Hope your Easter was wonderful, too!
I guess Deborah and I are the only ones who do not watch Game of Thrones LOL However, I LOVED School of Rock (the movie)! I don’t care for much of Jack Black’s stuff, but he was perfect for the role in the movie (in my ever-so-humble opinion). Our kids watched it over & over when they were younger (and so did I) 😉
That wind on the beach sounds miserable….
The actor in the show sounded EXACTLY like Jack Black, so that was cool. I’m not super into comedies and while the movie was cute, it’s not something I would seek out to watch. There was a lot of talent in the show, which I appreciated, but I didn’t walk away singing any tunes or needing to download the soundtrack. They’re not all going to be my favorites, but we are happy to be supporting the arts.
A lot of people don’t watch or like it. It’s a complicated, dark show with tons of brutal violence and very explicit scenes. You have to sit and pay attention and be ok with the fact that the good guy isn’t necessarily going to win. It’s beautifully filmed, the music is incredible, the characters are interesting and between the book and the show, I just can’t quit. Plus, dragons. I’m a sucker for dragons.
Another busy week.
So jealous of you SUPing.
That is a great photo of you!!
Believe it or not, I have never watch Game of Thrones.
Darlene recently posted…Weekly Run Down for 4.15.19-4.21.19 – Recovery and Return to Training
Busy week, but lots of fun and family, so it sounds like a good one!
That’s tough for little guy being a on a team with non committal members. I’m glad they finally had a great game though!
And UGH tax day. I had to pay… A lot. Ouch. Oh well, civic duty and all.
Weather is finally warming up, so hopefully will lace up the sneakers soon, and get back to some running!
Looks like you had a fun week and some solid workouts! We saw School of Rock in NYC a couple of years ago and I loved how talented those kids were!
Those kids were awesome! They made an announcement before the show to say that they all played their rock band instruments. So impressive.
I would love to try paddle boarding! It looks like fun but also like it would be a great workout!
I think it’s so cool that you will be hosting GOT parties. I’ve actually never seen the show but my friends absolutely love it!
It’s a wonderful workout, for sure. Tons of core work, but you don’t realize it til after the fact.
The truth is, it’s always great to have friends around for GOT. We can talk about it and feed on each other’s reactions without spoiling it for others around us.
I’ve never watched Game of Thrones either but know many of my friends do. Am I missing something?
Churros are yummy! That reminded me that I saw a place close to where I do my runs (by the airport) that I want to check out.
Curious what you will do for Teacher Appreciation Week. There are some years in which we have a great week and some that it sucks. I know, I am so ungrateful. 🙂
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: A short work week and running in shorts
Yes! You are totally missing out!!!
Check out the churros place by you for sure!
I hope we do a good job. They get a full lunch once a quarter, breakfasts on testing days, a snack cart wheeled around once a quarter. For teacher appreciation we do swag bags, 15 minute mini massages, snacks, lunches, treats, etc. I hope everyone likes it and feels appreciated!
I want to try paddleboarding once the weather turns a little warmer in Chicago. I have seen a few people do it on Lake Michigan however, I feel they are probably VERY experienced to be out on the lake. Your son looks like his dad.
They do look a lot alike. 🙂
Are there waves on the lake? We don’t really have lakes here – it’s ocean and intercoatsal waterways and springs, so it’s waves and currents. There was only one time I felt uncomfortable on the water and that was in an inlet where there had been some shark sightings. I got bumped off my board and there may have been a slight moment of panic. It’s all good though!
Congrats on the City Moms Blog position. You are so active in your community I bet you will do great things. I can’t remember the last time I dyed eggs!
Thank you! I am trying to do a great job with them 🙂
It sounds like you had a busy week, as always! We didn’t get a chance to color Easter eggs until after Easter Mass on Sunday, but at least we got them done! A belated Happy Easter to you!
That’s ok! If they got done, you were winning for sure!
That churro though… *drool*
So nice that you and Mr PR got out together on Tuesday! Have you SUP’d a lot? I have anxiety about open water but I’d love to try this. They do it in Nijmegen (the city next to us) and I’m tempted to look into it.
Congrats on your new position with SAMB!!
Maybe the win will inspire little man’s basketball team players to show up to practice now?
Busy week for you but I am always in awe how you get everything done AND get your workouts in!!
It was a yummy churro!
I don’t SUP as much as I like. We don’t have the storage space or vehicle for my own board, so we have to rent. I haven’t been out in the Atlantic but I go in the inlets, intercoastal and springs. For some reason, open water doesn’t really bother me. I’ve fallen off one time because I got bumped and I would prefer to think it was a manatee or dolphin. Then again, being in Florida on the coast for so long I think I’m just kind of used to being in the water.