Happy Sunday! I hope you’ll join us for the #RIOTS (Running Is Our Therapy Sisters) link up every week on Sundays. We’d love to be a part of your weekly routine!
Set some goals, share them on your blog and then link up with other awesome fitness bloggers to help keep you on track! We’d all love to support you!

This was quite a week, and it’s just continuing. Good things, emotional things. Lots of things.
Sunday – rest
On Easter Sunday, I rested. I wanted to get out for a few miles, but after staying up late on Saturday to handle our Easter Bunny duties, I just didn’t have it in me.
We had breakfast and baskets at home, and then went to my parents’ for Easter dinner with extended family.
It was a nice day, and we were home in plenty of time for the second episode of Game of Thrones.
Monday – 6 miles, running
This ended up being a solo run as S’ alarm didn’t go off. It wasn’t a fabulous run.
The focus of the week was going to be our Cub Scouts promotion and crossover ceremony on Friday night. I had to finish the Arrow of Light plaques, make some extra centerpieces, write thank you cards and confirm all our reservations and rentals.
Tuesday – rest
More work on the event. I pretty much ducked out of all other things this week in order to get things handled.
Wednesday – 7 miles, running + 9Round
Nice solid run, for which I was happy.
I had a lot of last minute errands that morning and then I made some time to check out 9Round. We won that gift card at our elementary school’s fundraiser auction, and Mr PugRunner and I both decided to attend (he purchased a month membership to try things out).
If you haven’t tried 9Round, it’s a pretty interesting concept. Each day, clients face nine different workout stations, and cycle through them at three minutes each. One is always core work and one always involves jump ropes. It’s a kickboxing based workout, so participants use wraps and gloves and many of the workouts involve different bags for punching and kicking. There are no start times or classes: you literally show up during the posted hours, and then hop in to an open station when the buzzer signals the start of the next three minutes. Thirty minutes later? Done.
I’m not one for boutique fitness, but it is really close to home, goes very quickly, and the workouts change every day.
Thursday – 9Round
I went to this 9Round class with Mr PugRunner. We won’t always be able to coordinate our workouts, but it’s nice when we can. It’s rare that we get to work out together, so I was happy.
Little man had basketball practice, so I had a little time to work on writing thank yous to all our Scout leaders – we had a really wonderful team and
Friday – 9Round
After a terrible night’s sleep, I was both hoping for and dreading our run. However, as soon as I got laced up and outside, the heavens opened for a torrential downpour. Ugh. I went back to bed and managed two more hours of sleep, bringing my total to just under four for the night. Ugh.
I made up for it with a session of 9Round. My muscles have been super sore, but it feels better to keep pushing, especially since it’s just muscles I don’t often use. It’s a lot of hard work, but I am feeling very committed.
When the rain finally let up, I scooted over to the school to paint the celebration rock in advance of the big birthday. It came out really nice, but I don’t have any good pictures yet, but will post those soon.
On a more emotional note, I stopped to grab the mail and found this:
Our vet is truly so amazing nd I am so grateful for the all the time and care he and his staff have given us. That being said, I was taken off guard and spent a few minutes sobbing.
After I got myself together and took a quick shower, I loaded up the car and headed to the crossover venue. It was up to us to set up, decorate and get everything in place for the ceremony. We had a yummy dinner, cake and then we promoted all the younger scouts and crossed my Arrow of Light den over to their new troops. All 11 of the Scouts in my den achieved rank and ten of the 11 will be continuing to Boy Scouts. I am so proud of them all.
I got some beautiful gifts from some of the parents, and I am so grateful for the chance to have led their kids.
When clean up was done, I absolutely collapsed in bed.
Saturday – 7 miles, running
I had no desire to drag myself out of bed after working all night, but I had to get it done.
Little man had his basketball game, and we hustled home so he could get to a birthday party in the neighborhood.
After that, we did a little bit of a pre birthday celebration. All little man wanted was to see Avengers: Endgame with a couple of friends and so we made it happen. I will say nothing further on the matter.
The week really was a bit of a blur. We threw together meals, made the best of leftovers and tag teamed all over the place. Sometimes, we do the best we can.
Tomorrow, little man turns 11. We are hoping to make it a wonderful day for him and celebrate with our family on the weekend. I just can’t believe it’s been over a decade that he’s been mine <3
Please join our linkup! Drop your link and please visit our Hosts and some of these other amazing blogs to share the love!
I am also linking up with the new Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
Did you see Avengers: Endgame this weekend?
Have you ever tried 9Round?

Happy Bday to your little guy! It’s crazy how fast time flies! Our oldest will be 25 in July **YIKES**
Also, congrats to him on the crossover to Scouts 😉
Thank you so much! It was a really big weekend for him!
Happy Birthday to your son! Time really does fly. LOL on the timing of your Easter dinner. So glad you were able to get home in time for GOT. 😉 That 9Round sounds like an intense version of Curves. I love fast + furious workouts!
Coco recently posted…Graduating From Physical Therapy Again
Priorities, for sure! Not to worry – we spent several hours visiting, so we weren’t running out early 🙂
9Round is pretty intense. I don’t love the DOMS, but I feel so good when I’m done.
Happy Birthday to your son! I also loved all of your photos from Easter. It’s such a great family holiday.
9Rounds sounds like something I would definitely love to do!
Your family vet is so caring – how nice of them to do that! Veterinarians have to be some of the sweetest people on the planet and they have so much compassion.
Thank you! We had a really nice Easter.
Our vet is truly the best. He and the staff are amazing people, and I am so grateful for them.
Boxing classes are so much fun! So glad that you got to try it out a few times Going with your hubs must have been fun! Thanks for linking up
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We never get to do active stuff together, so I’m glad for the opportunity. I really hope he’s encouraged and wants to continue.
9Round sounds interesting! They used to have a workout place (it was a chain, but not sure if it was everywhere) for more mature women called Curves. It was the same theory, but it wasn’t kick boxing based. My mom used to go, and it was great for her.
I kind of like the idea of doing something different every three minutes, yet still being on your own time. I’m not a big fan of HIIT type classes, but I also have a really short attention span when it comes to working out.
That’s so sweet that someone donated to your vet in memory of your Pugger. I just got a card from my vet as well, and it had the same effect on me. His words were very kind, and meant so much.
I do remember Curves. I never went, but I know I saw them around. I feel like you can do anything for three minutes, so just when things start to get really really hard, the buzzer rings and off you go to the next station. I’ve been to four classes so far and I haven’t repeated a single combination.
Our vet is so incredible. I have to write them a thank you but I just can’t bring myself to put pen to paper yet.
Can I just say you, Mr PugRunner and Little Man look very trendy in those sunglasses! Happy Birthday to your son too – from what you’ve shared with us on the blog he really is such a special young man.
We are very much a sunglass family. I cannot be outside without them in daylight hours – it’s just so bright here.
He’s a great kid. We are very lucky.
Congrats to your Scout!! I have never heard of 9Round before. Sounds like a very interesting concept. I guess that just hasn’t made its way to NH yet.
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It’s very rare that we have something before everyone else! Our location is pretty new, but I’ve seen the storefronts in other locations for a little over a year. I wasn’t interested because I thought it was straight up kickboxing, which didn’t appeal as much, but now that I have a better understanding, I’m really enjoying it.
Congrats on the Scout crossover and a big happy birthday to your son!
9Round sounds like a unique concept – I kinda like the idea that you can drop-in whenever – I belong to a kickboxing club but am finding I can never make the class schedule work!
Thank you and thank you!
I love the drop in concept. It’s kind of hard to have excuses if you can literally just go whenever they are open. I struggle with scheduled classes and so this is a great option for me.
9 round sounds interesting! Your week does sound like a blur though – so. much. going. on. I know I’ve said it before but you amaze me. I hope you will find/take the time to really get a bit of rest soon though. I know you don’t want to miss your runs and have a lot going on with scouts, school, moms stuff, but if you are exhausted then are you still having fun?
I am. Scouts is over for me, and now is the time for all the celebrations! Little man’s birthday, my birthday, Mother’s Day, end of 5th grade, start of summer. VACATION! I like to stay busy and I do have downtime but I can’t sit still for very long.