Happy Sunday! I hope you’ll join us for the #RIOTS (Running Is Our Therapy Sisters) link up every week on Sundays. We’d love to be a part of your weekly routine!
Set some goals, share them on your blog and then link up with other awesome fitness bloggers to help keep you on track! We’d all love to support you!
This has not been the greatest week. As with all things, there were ups and downs, but the hardest part for me is always uncertainty and not knowing. I’m a bit of a control freak, so it’s always difficult for me to manage when things are up in the air.
Sunday – rest
After the usual Sunday morning errands and tidying, we actually went ahead to the mall, which we never do. However, we wanted to get some Mexican food for lunch (Cinco de Mayo and all) and little man and I both had gift cards to spend.
I was thrilled to finally get some enchiladas verde! They are my favorite and no one makes them!
We also got some really cute stuff at Old Navy. There was a big sale (as always) and I had a ton of SuperCash, so it was fabulous.
Monday – 9 Round
It was the start of Teacher Appreciation Week, but due to testing in the schools, neither PTA nor parents are really supposed to be in the building for “social” purposes. Therefore, we had to get everything handled and set up prior to the start of the day.
Our theme this year was “MVP” and we did things like a nacho bar, pretzels and cracker jacks and a “time out” day where teachers could get mini massages during their breaks.
We also put together little goodies for little man’s teacher throughout the week. Since the end of the year is literally in two weeks, it wasn’t anything huge as she will get a big gift at the end.
After setup of that morning’s breakfast, I headed into 9Round.
And then the rest of the day played out with homework and karate and the usual.
Tuesday – 6 miles running + 9Round
A double workout day and boy was I feeling it! The run was good
but by the time i got to the second to last station at 9Round, I was dragging. I’m sure it had nothing at all to do with the 1800 burpees (maybe a slight exaggeration) we had to do.
Little man went off to Scouts that evening and I used the time to catch up on work.
Wednesday – 9Round
Wednesday was a bit of a quiet day. I had a good workout and was glad I hadn’t skipped after Tuesday’s harder class.
Delilah had to go into the vet for her dental procedure. I always get nervous with anesthesia and I hate waiting – it took all day for them to do the blood work, pre-op, surgery and post-op, and I was so happy to get her home that night.
She ended up having 11 teeth pulled (not to worry, there are still plenty in there) and a growth removed from her ear (it was something she came to us with, but wasn’t of concern so there was no point in doing a standalone procedure for it).
She has made us pay adequately for our betrayal and is back to her sweet self.
Thursday – 6.1 miles + 9Round
Thursday was my birthday and I celebrated with a nice double workout. Yay!
Mr PugRunner took me out to lunch, where I splurged on this divine spinach, portabella and goat cheese bruschetta.
I crave it all the time.
It was a low key day – little man had basketball practice in the evening, so we went out for a quick bite when he was done and had some ice cream cake at home. I prefer ice cream to pretty much anything else so it was perfect.
Friday – rest
I really wanted another session at 9Round, but I was tired and I had a ton to do. We were able to set up a teacher luncheon in the one part of the school where testing was completed, and spent the day serving an Italian meal to the teachers as they came through on their breaks.
In the evening, little man had his first run at all his weapons classes, and learned how to use some pretty intimidating things. I think we were all just ready to chill when we got home that night.
Saturday – 7 miles, running
The humidity is back in Florida for real, and I could really feel it on Saturday’s run. Ugh.
We had little man’s basketball game and then I went for a very short nap. Hooray for naps!
In the evening, it was back to the mall for dinner and some more shopping. I had another gift card to use, plus some exchanges to make. I’m also still in the market for a new pair of running shoes for the rotation, but I’m unsure of what to get.
I felt really good about my training this week. 9Round is making me feel super strong and even on days I don’t want to go, I have yet to regret it.
On the new recipe front, Mr PugRunner made us some lettuce wraps this week. They were pretty delicious and definitely different in our regular meal rotation.
I have read every day this week. I started trying to watch A Discovery of Witches on TV as I had read the first book in the trilogy a while ago. The show is awful, but it inspired me to pick up the book again, and order the second in the series, so some good did come of it.
Please join our linkup! Drop your link and please visit our Hosts and some of these other amazing blogs to share the love!
I am also linking up with the new Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training?
Do you ever read books because of tv or movies or vice versa?
Deborah Brooks says
You got a lot of boxing classes in this week! Happy birthday hope you had a good one. Looks like you all really made the teachers feel special too
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Protein Packed Vanilla Blueberry Granola
runswithpugs says
It was a great birthday. Quiet and low-key, but that’s ok. It’s hard when I share the week with so many other events.
Darlene says
Happy that we are birthday twins.
Love the variety of your workouts…boxing, now? What next?
Just came back from Fla. How do you run with all that humidity? I must say I prefer that to cold rain which is our weather now.
runswithpugs says
LOL I have no idea at all. It’s crazy, right? Things do slow down in the summer by quite a bit. I like to pretend it makes me stronger, but I don’t know that that’s true either. I don’t love rain, though, so I guess that’s the trade off.
Kimberly Hatting says
You are dominating the 9Round workouts! Great job! I’d gladly swap out your humidity (and heat) for all the cold wind we had last week. UGH. I just want summer now…Spring has been kind of a buzzkill recently. Thanks for linking with us 😉
runswithpugs says
I know you love the warmth! I could do with a few degrees cooler, but we are here in summer and this is what it is.
Sorry for the buzzkill 🙁
Jenny Albertson says
we are finally getting nice weather here! bring on summer!
runswithpugs says
Yay for summer!
Stacie Seidman says
Busy week as usual! Glad everything went well with your pup. I’ve been putting off P’s dental because I’m so worried about the anesthesia. She’s 13 ya know? I’m sure it will be fine, and I just need to do it for her…
runswithpugs says
I was a complete mess over it. I knew she was in good hands with an awesome team, but it was hard to let it happen. 🙁
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
Awesome job with your 9Rounds workouts!
Hope you had a great birthday!
runswithpugs says
Thank you and thank you!
Kim G says
I love the gifts that you made for teacher appreciation week. I love that there’s a whole week in place o show teachers how much we really appreciate them!
Ins’t Old Navy the best when you have Super Cash? I always love when it coincides with a great sale too!
runswithpugs says
I think the teachers liked everything. I think we spoil them throughout the year, and it’s nice to be able to show how much we appreciate the hard work they do.
Zenaida Arroyo says
Happy Belated Birthday!
I also love enchiladas verde. Whenever my mom offers to make enchiladas, I request the green ones.
So many fun things for Teacher Appreciation Week. That is interesting that parents and PTA weren’t supposed to be at the school for social purposes.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: More rain and a slow week
runswithpugs says
Thank you!
I guess they don’t want any distractions or issues during the standardized testing. Personally, I am super opposed to the testing, so I’m not super understanding of the rules and regulations, but I followed the rules. :/
Coco says
Happy Birthday! Glad you are enjoying 9Round so much — sounds like a great workout. Score on all the shopping this week.
Coco recently posted…Running Route: Key Bridge Memorial Bridge Loop
runswithpugs says
I’m truly not much of a shopper, so I was thrilled to get some new stuff. I’ve also lost some weight, so it was nice to have a few things that fit me better.
Wendy says
I have to say that I have made peace with burpees and now I don’t mind them much. Much. That workout sounds hard but awesome, in kind of a sick way.
Happy belated birthday!
runswithpugs says
Thank you!
I truly don’t hate burpees, but we have to do them on our knuckles in boxing gloves, which is tricky. And then the up and down and jumping around makes me a little dizzy sometimes, depending on how they fit into the circuit. These workouts can be humbling sometimes!
Marcia says
You are killing it at 9Round. That is awesome. I’m sure it helps you run faster too.Your teacher appreciation week festivities are so fun. We just bring them a bunch of food. Haha! Glad Delilah is feeling better!
runswithpugs says
It’s too hot to run faster, but I imagine there will be some gains down the road!