Happy Sunday! I hope you’ll join us for the #RIOTS (Running Is Our Therapy Sisters) link up every week on Sundays. We’d love to be a part of your weekly routine!
Set some goals, share them on your blog and then link up with other awesome fitness bloggers to help keep you on track! We’d all love to support you!

I feel like we lived out of a suitcase this week. It’s not a bad thing – I had already been planning for a weekend staycation with my sweet friend Meghan from Friday through Sunday, but with everything going on, Mr PugRunner and I decided we needed to get our family away for a few days, too. Things fell into place for a Monday through Wednesday trip, so we took advantage of the opportunity.
Sunday – 6.7 miles, running + Flat Abs Challenge Day 2
I got up a little later than planned and struggled through 6.7 miles. I really wanted to go for seven or even eight but my body said nope.
We ended up spending most of the afternoon with friends and that was nice, especially when the nasty afternoon rains came through. All too soon, we had to get home and pack.
Monday – 5 miles, running + 9 Round + Flat Abs Challenge Day 3
S and I got out on the road as planned, but we both felt awful. Awful. The air was so much heavier than it needed to be, and I couldn’t hang for more than five. It happens.
I didn’t have long to worry about it, because we had to be getting on the road to the Hard Rock Hotel Daytona Beach! Yay! It’s only about an hour drive, so we were checked in by lunchtime.
The plan was to stay on property as much as possible, taking advantage of the beach and pool and just relaxing. We were all absolutely up to the challenge.
Our first day was spent having pretty much the most chill day ever. We enjoyed lunch and dinner at the hotel restaurant, caught some live music and planned to not set an alarm in the morning.
Tuesday – 90 minutes kayaking + Flat Abs Challenge Day 4
So I confess that the entire purpose of the trip was to take a nighttime bioluminescent tour in clear kayaks, and Tuesday night was our time. It was going to be a late night, so we had a leisurely breakfast, took a stroll on the beach and played mini golf in the morning.
We did a few hours at the pool and then went back to the room for a little rest before making the 40 minute drive to the Haulover Canal Kayak Launch.
Please believe that this was one of the most insane experiences I have ever had. Me met up with our tour guides from BK Adventure and got the full rundown about the night. Basically, we would launch in hard acrylic “kayaks” (which were unfortunately a bit more like canoes), and then paddle the dark waters, watching for dinoflagellate bioluminescence, in addition to other creatures.
I ended up with little man, who got VERY nervous once we left the shore. It was pretty challenging keeping calm (I am a good kayaker but not so fabulous in a canoe), keeping him calm and staying in control of the boat while keeping up with the tour. However once we were in our groove, it was so peaceful and beautiful. I wasn’t able to focus on photos while paddling, but here is an example of what we got to experience. Every time the water was disturbed, the dinoflagellates would light up in this incredible glow. It was unreal.

I probably would opt for the regular kayak next time (and there will be a next time) but it was a wonderful tour, and by the end of the night, even little man was asking if he would go again.
Wednesday – 3.25 miles, running
The boys had had a late night so when I woke up, I bopped on down to the gym for some treadmill miles. After all, it was Global Running Day, and even though I had planned on a run with a group later when we got home, I needed something to fill the time til they woke up.
We had breakfast and then spent a few hours at the pool before checking out. I hadn’t had ice cream in days, so my one request on the drive was a soft-serve cone from a really cool place in Flagler Beach, and then it was back to the pugs and hoglet.
I ended up not going for more miles that evening because my shoulder and back were both a bit tender – I’m not sure if it was from the kayak, the bed, the car ride or a combination of the three. I was bummed, but felt it was best to listen to my body.
Thursday – rest
I had really hoped to make it back into 9Round, but my shoulder was still tweaky and I was concerned that pushups or weights might make it worse. It was feeling more and more like I slept funny on it, which made it extra annoying.
Little man was going to spend the weekend with my parents, so I loaded him up and we had lunch together before we said goodbye.
I would be leaving for Orlando the next day, so Mr PugRunner and I stayed home and had pizza with some tv and just spent a quiet night at home.
Friday – 6 miles, running
The plan was to run four or five miles and go to 9Round, but that pesky shoulder was still not 100%. I settled for six miles and no strength,
then treated myself to a donut for National Donut Day.
I got my hair colored and cut while the carpet cleaners steamed our grout and carpets, packed up the rest of my things and made way to Orlando to meet up with Meghan.
We checked into the Wyndham International Drive and then walked about a mile to a newer Italian restaurant for dinner.
We also had the opportunity to ride the Wheel at Icon Park, a 400 foot tall ferris wheel, with views for miles!
Saturday – rest
Once again, no alarm was set and we took our time grabbing breakfast at Starbucks and checking out the property. We also grabbed some morning mimosas, before hitching a ride to Dave and Buster’s for the Best Damn Race Ambassadors end of season party.
We had a great time chatting about the race series and catching up with each other. Since we live in so many different cities, it’s not often that we all get to hang out.
After playing a few games, we made our way back to the hotel so we could get ready for a preview dinner at Tony Roma’s. I haven’t been to a Tony Roma’s in years, but they have a really great summer menu including delicious Watermelon Roma Ritas, loaded tater tots and all kinds of BBQ goodness.
Fortunately, the weather allowed us to walk both to and from dinner, so we didn’t feel too guilty about splurging!
My miles were definitely back up and I am thrilled about that.
I didn’t get much reading done this week, but I also had much reduced screen time so it balanced out.
I did well with my hydration, not so well with cooking. Being away without kitchen means much more eating out. And while I never go too crazy on vacation, I am really looking forward to some time at home with lots of fruit, veggies and simpler meals.
Please join our linkup! Drop your link and please visit our Hosts and some of these other amazing blogs to share the love!
I am also linking up with the new Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
Do you splurge on yummy food on vacation or stick to moderation?

What a fun week – I loved seeing all of the photos form your adventures!
When I’m on vacation I do splurge on yummy food, but I also stay active as well. In my head, that means that everything evens out, LOL
It was so fun!
I love being able to stay active on vacation – we definitely try to plan for some outdoorsy active time when we go on trips.
What a fun week! We’ve been to Daytona Beach, but have not stayed at the HR Hotel…I bet it’s nice! Thanks for linking with us!
It’s a newer hotel, a complete remodel of an older property and it was great.
Ok, crazy busy with two trips in one week, but they both sound so fabulous and relaxing! The evening kayak trip sounds pretty awesome, too bad they clear boats weren’t actually kayaks. I’m not sure I’d do well in a canoe either.
I know it was crazy, but it’s just how timing worked out. It’s baffling that kayaking comes pretty easily to me, but canoes make me feel so unsteady. Not my best moments, but the overall experience was incredible.
Wow! What a cool kayaking experience! Looks like you all had such a great time at the Hard Rock!
Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…What’s next on my racing schedule?
Incredibly cool and yes, we certainly did I was so happy that we were able to unplug, unwind and do something so close to home and relaxing. It was needed.
Looks like a really fun getaway for all of you! The kayaks are always fun
It was just what we needed, for sure!
What a busy yet fun week.
I would have been nervous kayaking in the dark too.
It was a little intimidating at first. Once we relaxed into how peaceful everything was, it was much easier to handle.
Sounds like such a fun week! So nice you were able to fit in a little family getaway!
So nice. I was really glad we were able to make it happen. We have a big summer trip planned but it will be a little less spontaneous and require a bit more effort on our parts. I just needed a few days to decompress.
Your vacation food looks delicious, but I totally get needing a veggie once your back haha.
OMG, all I want is salad! I didn’t even eat that badly, and did eat a lot of veggies in Daytona, but man, it fell off the rails in Orlando.
Looks like a great vaca and some good eating, too!
Yes on both counts, for sure!
That bioluminescent your sounds so cool – but I can see how it would have been scary at first. Glad you all were able to enjoy it. I think I saw that Ferris wheel from my hotel when I was in Orlando. Sadly I didn’t get to go on it.
Oh, you probably did see it. The thing is a behemoth! I really didn’t think I would enjoy it, but it was fairly cool to take a ride on it. Especially at night.
That sounds like my kind of week! My kids are still in school – we are counting down the days until we can have some fun.
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Marine Corps Marathon 50K Training
I hope they get out soon! It’s crazy how many people are still in school, and how long we’ve been out already!
what a week! both trips sound amazing but i do think I would be nervous on the kayak/canoe night trip! well done for doing it! and I’m glad Little Man was able to understand just what a cool experience it was and wanted to do it again!
I haven’t been to Tony Roma’s in YONKS!! Seriously, I may need to put that on my list of restaurants to go to when I’m back in the States. I better already get my elastic waistband pants ready…
Seriously. There was definitely a moment of “hmmm. maybe this wasn’t the BEST idea” but once we got out there, it was just so cool. We are so lucky to be able to have these opportunities.
There are so many restaurants that I haven’t been to in forever. The closest one is two hours away from me so I probably won’t get to again for a while, but it was a good time.
That Bioluminescence looks awesome. And the unicorn float looks like a cousin of the one I hammed it up with at Newport. So much fun
Hope your shoukder is on the mend
Cari recently posted…Tuesday Topics: Women Run, 2019
These pictures are awesome and I’m glad you guys had a great time! I love to splurge with my eating on vacation – I eat what I want, but I also just try to have SOMETHING good for me in every meal as well.