The past week was an interesting one, with a focus on running and, more importantly, running recovery. I confess I don’t spend enough time on stretching, resting or doing any of the things that can be classified as “running recovery” – it’s a flaw. This week, I devoted myself a bit more to that cause.
Sunday – 7 miles, running + walking
On my non-running days, I’ve been helping a friend with some walks and C25K regimen. After we wrapped up our walking, I continued on alone to complete a total of seven miles.

After lunch, we loaded up the car to take little man to Scouts camp. He would be going for six nights, earning rank and merit badges as a provisional camper (this means on his own without his Troop, due to a scheduling conflict with our vacation).
We got him there and set up in his tent and campsite. A staff member gave us a tour and led him to the pool to take his swim test (he passed at the highest level).

And then we said our goodbyes. We couldn’t wait to see him at the end of the week.
Monday – rest
The truth about Monday is that we had a sleepless night. Little man had called us after lights out from First Aid, upset and homesick. He was fine, but needed to hydrate more. Between us and the medic, he calmed down enough to get some sleep.
Either way, Mr PugRunner did drive down to the camp in the morning to bring a box fan and a cooler of ice and water. The sites all have electric and since it was just so hot, it only made sense to help him out a little.
We had another Explore Tour with the St. Augustine Moms, and that was a lot of fun. I was sorry little man had to miss out, but it was a great distraction for me.

Tuesday – 6 miles, running
Tuesday was a busy day. I ran six miles.

I helped my friend taxi her kids to a camp, got a much-needed manicure and took some work calls.
In the afternoon, I went to see Spiderman: Far From Home with a friend and her kiddos. It’s my second time and I’m a little obsessed.
Wednesday – 9 Round
Finally, I dragged myself into 9Round. I just didn’t have the motivation to do it sooner, and I struggled the whole time. Ugh.
I had some PTA friends over in the evening for margaritas and a nacho bar. We had a year end gift to give our President and it was way overdue.
Thursday – 5 miles, running
First up, an easy 5 mile run.

Next? Spa day. A few of my girlfriends and I had scheduled appointments at the Spa at Ponte Vedra for various treatments. Much as I don’t love massages, I had put in for a “Therapeutic Sports Recovery Massage” and I was both dreading and looking forward to it.
For 50 minutes, I let the LMT work on my glutes and right hamstring. I haven’t been inured but there has definitely been tension and tightness in those areas. It hurt, but also brought great relief. She advised me to stretch more and spend a bit more time on my running recovery, in order to avoid future injury (or painful massages LOL).
And then? It was time for fun!

We had cocktails, pool time, yummy lunch and more cocktails.

When I got home, Mr PugRunner and I had a dinner date, taking advantage of the kid-free time.
Friday – 4.32 miles, running
S and I went out for a run but it was a pretty low-key slog. Neither one of us was particularly feeling it. That being said, my hamstring felt great, so that was a huge plus!

After getting cleaned up, we hopped in the car to attend Family Day at the camp. I wasn’t sure it was a great idea to go, but little man already knew about it and he would be crushed if we didn’t show up.
We brought him a Pub sub for lunch (he was delighted) and then went to two periods of archery with him. He earned his Red Arrow award as we watched. Rockstar.

Afterwards, we were hoping to see him in action at First Aid, but a storm rolled through, effectively delaying his last class. We left him watching movies with other campers and drove home. In the morning, we would be back to bring him home.
Saturday – rest
Usually, Saturdays are for long runs, but not this day. It was time to pick up little man from camp! Pick ups started at 7:00 AM, and we arrived just a few minutes after that. He was already up, dressed and (mostly) packed, so we just had to load the car, obtain his awards and completion certificates and say goodbye to his camp master and new friends.

While there were hard moments for him (nights were tough), he rocked it out. He earned just over 50% of his requirements for his Tenderfoot rank and three merit badges (archery, first aid and swimming). We are so incredibly proud of him for pushing through and allowing himself to enjoy camp’s offerings. He will have much more fun next year, when he goes with his actual troop, but he did great on his own.
This week, things flipped: I had way more running than 9Round. For the upcoming week, I hope to balance things out a bit. I want to feel stronger.
We barely cooked this week. We just weren’t home much, and when we were, we scrounged for leftovers or grazing foods more than cooking actual meals. It was just easier.
Reading is phenomenal. I’m actually getting lost in some of my books again, and I love that feeling.
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How was your week in training?
What’s your favorite method of running recovery?

You must be so proud of your little man! It’s not easy, for the kid or parents, to deal with sleepaway camps.
Awesome job with your workouts this week – you logged a great amount of miles! That massage sounds like it was rough but needed!
So so so proud. He did such a great job!
oh I felt so sad to read that Little Man was struggling the first night. kind of broke my heart! glad things worked out in the end – plus he ended up doing so well there!
I know how you feel about massage and I just want to say how proud I am of you for letting go of that for 50 min to have someone help you in recovery. I tell people all the time – massage IS actually a part of training! Mostly people see it as some sort of luxury. I don’t (well, I have a vested interest 🙂 ) – I see it as a necessity. I know it’s hard to get massages all the time (time, cost, etc) but man is it so good for you.
I had a week of pretty much only running (when I had a workout) and no strength and I miss it. So I hope this week is more “normal”.
I love your bathing suit by the way!! SO cute!
OMG. I felt like my insides were being ripped out that first night he called. I hate to see him upset, but we knew he was in good hands and was going to get so much out of it.
I do see massage as a luxury, but more so of time. I have a hard time being still and doing nothing, so the idea of devoting 50 or more minutes to just laying there on a table is something with which I struggle. I think, deep down, I also don’t like admitting something could be wrong LOL. I’m a bit stubborn. But I suck it up when I can.
It’s an Amazon suit. At first I wasn’t sold on the high-waisted thing, but I got so many compliments! Here’s the link.
spa day with friends? Yes please! Hope your son ended up enjoying his camp time
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Beets, Goat Cheese and Farro Salad with Orange Poppy Seed Dressing
He did. The days were great, though the nights were rough. He learned so much, though and I know next year will be better when he get to attend with his actual Troop.
Love your cute swimsuit. Where is it from. I can totally relate to those painful massages as I am definitely guilty of not stretching enough. Hooray to your son for passing the highest level of swim test. So great!
Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Natural Migraine Remedies and Prevention Strategies
Would you believe Amazon???? Here’s the link (not an affiliate link).
Sounds like you had a great week! I had a not so great running week, but like you got lost in some really good books and that felt awesome. What books did you read?
Sorry your running week wasn’t fabulous 🙁 Hopefully you can get back at it!
I’m rereading the Game of Thrones series. I’m on the third book (again). I just really enjoyed the novels and the show, so I want to relive some of it.
Too hot to cook LOL
Again you are able to balance life and being active. You are amazing.
Spa day with friends – Perfection!!!
Darlene recently posted…Weekly Run Down for 7.15.19-7.21.19 – Birthday Week
Way too hot to cook. And to eat, even.
It was a wonderful spa day. I don’t always love “relaxing” but it was a great time.
I’m so glad things worked out for your son. Sleep away camp can be hard, especially with a core group of friends.
Your spa day looked like fun! It’s great that the massage helped!
I am, too. It was a tough week but he got a lot out of it!
It was a great massage!
Our son always enjoyed Scout Camp. When he got older, the hubby went along on a couple high adventure trips where they backpacked & hiked in northern Minnesota & New Mexico, hauling all their camp gear on their backs for a week.
I am looking forward to a high adventure camp. I am on the list of approved volunteers, so I am all for chaperoning or being available for the trip.
Summer Camp brings back some good childhood memories. Oh when summer was fun. I need to practice recovery too. I preach it but practice? Im a work in progress
We still have some fun summers here, but work and adulting sure do get in the way.
Good for little man for sticking it out — especially in the heat; that’s tough.
I went to camp most of my life as a kid, first day camp, then overnight, right through my teens (including one year Girl Scout camp).
I’m an introvert, and it was always hard for me at first, but eventually I would find my tribe. Except maybe Girl Scout camp. That one was probably the hardest!
So envious of your spa day! I really need one. At the very least I need to schedule a massage!
He is very much an extrovert, but with anxiety, so that makes it tough. His camp master told us that hew was perfectly fine during the days, so I knew it was just the night that was hard.
Get that massage! It’s so good for you.
I just dropped my son off for sleep away camp Sunday… I think I will have a harder time them him with being apart…*sigh* but it is good for kids to get away. So, great job to your little man!!
Big hugs to you. Just stay busy and take lots of deep breaths. He’ll be back before you know it!
Oh that had to be a tough call to get from camp. I’m glad to hear things improved and I love his beaming smile as he displays his new badge! Our 13 yr old headed off to Music Camp for 2 weeks while I was in Atlanta and there is NO contact other than letters she may write. It’s weird!! And I wonder constantly how things are going. Hooray for a spa day!
It was THE WORST. I firmly believe that access to contact by phone makes it harder for everyone. I understand it’s a good idea to have a phone for emergencies, especially when they are there on their own, but there are plenty of ways to get in touch with us via the adults, and no one was ever denied the opportunity to call home if they couldn’t be consoled. On the plus side, he’s talking about his next weekend camping trip AND next summer, so he’s ok 🙂
Glad the massage helped your hamstring even if it’s not your thing. The sleepless night had to be so hard on you, but glad he mostly enjoyed the week and was able to have a fan. Being uncomfortable while sleeping doesn’t help at all when you’re already feeling off your game. That’s brave of him to go without his troop
Had a laugh with a friend this week when we saw Boyz II Men was performing with En Vogue. Brought be back to one of our sleepaway camp summers and we said since that pairing was still a thing maybe we really weren’t turning 40.
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