Prioritizing a a healthy holiday season doesn’t sound exciting, but if you’re trying to stick to a wellness regimen it’s not hard to make it a priority.

Just a few simple do’s and don’ts can keep you on track through the holidays and into the new year. There are so many commitments, distractions and important events in the last weeks of the year, so now is the time to take a deep breath and set your game plan.
Don’t… OVERinduge
Overdoing it is so easy this time of year. It seems like there are savories, sweets and cocktails everywhere you turn. That being said, it’s absolutely ok to treat yourself in moderation. A piece of pie or spiked eggnog shouldn’t derail your wellness plans in the longterm, so consider the holidays the exception, rand indulge within reason.

Don’t… use the time of year as an excuse
We can’t deny the holidays can be full of commitments and tough to navigate, but don’t make that your excuse. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and with a little planning, you can still manage a very healthy holiday. Don’t automatically write off all your efforts because things get a little tricky. Something is always better than nothing. Conversely, don’t miss out on great moments because of exercise plans. Balance is key, and it’s more than ok to miss the morning miles for a fabulous date night every time.

Don’t… fall prey to internal negativity
Whatever you do, please don’t let that negative chatter get in your head. The holidays can be so full of fun and celebration, but anxiety and stress are notorious for ruining a good time. Be proactive so you can stay on top of your own mental health and wellbeing: visit your therapist, get a massage or manicure, hit the mat for a yoga session, or read a good book in a hot bath. Make time for your own self care.

Don’t… punish yourself
In a similar vein, punishment is not the answer. So you overdid at the neighbor’s New Year’s party. The solution is absolutely not to drag your hungover self out to a two hour gym session as atonement. Shake it off and move on. Tomorrow is another day.

Do… sign up for that Turkey Trot
Or Gingerbread Man Dash or New Year’s Resolution Run. Having something on the calendar keeps your mind focused on a healthy holiday. Bonus: holiday runs are usually pretty fun, so you shouldn’t have any problem getting family and friends to join you.

Do… pack your fitness gear if you leave town
Failure to plan is planning to fail. Grabbing your gym clothes when you head out of town is the first step in succeeding. Make use of the hotel gym, your in-law’s neighborhood, or explore a new city on your own two feet.

Do… hold yourself accountable
Things are always easier when you have accountability. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy or insurmountable (in fact, it shouldn’t be).

At the very least, I’ll be tackling the #HolidaySweat Challenge, committing to at least 10 minutes of activity every day. I think, between scheduled workouts, and things like walking around theme parks, shopping centers and other fun things, I’ve got it covered.
Do… be flexible and creative
Let’s face it: the holidays are packed with plans. We’ve got parties and vacation days, dinners and events. Quite frankly, this time of year is a scheduling nightmare. It’s almost impossible to keep on track, so your regular fitness or meal prep schedule might go a little haywire. Instead of getting down on yourself for a missed class or less-than-nutrient-dense meal, roll with it. Make up your run as soon as you can, and do your best with food options. It’s all you can ask of yourself.

Most importantly…
Do… enjoy
Guys, the holidays should be the time for enjoyment. We should give ourselves permission to let go and take advantage of all the holidays have to offer. Eat, drink, be merry, and soak up all the love around you. That’s what it should be all about.

So there you have it: my do’s and don’ts for a happy and healthy holiday season.
Tell me how you keep your wellness on track over the next month and a half 🙂
We are also joining in with Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness, so check out that link up and share your week in fitness!

I’ve gotten so my daily (early morning) fitness just happens, without even really having to think about it. I do exercise a bit of flexibility in there if we’re traveling, etc., but I don’t stress out about making up a missed workout if things get altered with my plans. It’s life, and it’s the holidays 😉
Great tips for staying healthy in the holidays.
The holiday sweat challenge is always fun! I agree about not punishing yourself for eating more than you intended
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Fast Friday- Stretch Smart Infrared Sauna and Stretch Review
Great advice! Working out is key to keep my sanity so when things get hectic with holiday plans I find a crave a workout even more.
I think when there are already habits in place to nourish our wellness, then it becomes a norm even in the midst of the holidays. We value our wellness that we don’t even second guess our choices.
Elaine D recently posted…From Fraps to Simply Black Coffee – Less Sugar Please
Great list! I’m a big fan of “everything in moderation!” :] I think it’s important not to stress out too much and to enjoy!
a resounding YES to all of these Jenn! I couldn’t have said it any better!
I think at this point in my life, my fitness is such a priority that I always have this in mind. Because, let’s face it, if it’s not the holidays it’s something else! It’s your anniversary, it’s vacation, it’s someone’s birthday, it’s a party or a BBQ… I mean, this is LIFE right? So being flexible and always ready to squeeze something in is just part of it. But so is not being hard on yourself and not letting internal negativity bring you down.