An injured athlete needs time to recover – what else is there to say?
My progress for 2019 has come to a screeching halt, and that’s all there is to that. This past week was dedicated to relearning everything I thought I knew about mobility and friends, it is exhausting.
Sunday – rest
I spent a lot of Sunday in bed. This will become bit of a recurring theme, but apparently, rest is the number one thing I should be doing right now. We used the day to get accustomed to the crutches, getting around and getting comfortable with my leg elevated.

Monday – rest
The weirdest thing about this whole experience is not setting an alarm. Since I’m not having the easiest time sleeping at night, I don’t have to get up in the morning. Not that I would be much help to anyone if I was awake. Little man and Mr PugRunner handled the morning routine like champs.
I was really uncomfortable all day and had to make an adult decision to cancel the VIP Media Tour of the Nights of Lights. I was really determined to make it happen, but I got very nervous about what to wear (the splint is huge, so I am limited to dresses and PJ pants), getting in and out of the trolley, and going to the bathroom. In the end, I couldn’t work up the courage to get out the door, and sent my regrets.
Tuesday – rest
Mr PugRunner was finally able to get my appointment at the orthopedic surgeon. It wasn’t the same one we originally thought, but Mr PugRunner was perfectly satisfied with the new one’s credentials.

Our meeting was fairly quick – we just had to confirm what we already knew and get scheduled for surgery. With the holidays, the surgeons are all slammed, but they set to work and we should get a date soon.
We also got a form for a temporary parking placard and Mr PugRunner asked if I was up to a trip to the DMV. Since we were already out, I said sure, and we handled that.

By this point, I was exhausted, so we picked up lunch and I took a nap. After all, it was time for my next disappointment: we had tickets to see Wicked that night. Once again, I was all hyped up to make it happen. We arranged for seats in an accessible area and I was ready, but the closer we got to the time, the less confident I felt. The theater is modern but crowded. What if someone hit into my extended leg? Again, how was I going to manage the restroom with the wheelchair? What if I couldn’t get comfortable?
In the end, I asked Mr PugRunner to take little man. I was more upset that I missed little man’s first live theater experience than missing the show (I’ve seen Wicked before), but they ended up having a good time.

Wednesday – rest
Little man had the day off, so he helped Mr PugRunner around the house and got some playtime with his buddies. The weather has been gorgeous, so it’s nice he was able to get some fresh air.
Thursday – rest
Happy Thanksgiving.
It was really, really hard not waking up and toeing the start line of the Turkey Trot for which we were registered. I thought maybe I would be able to go and cheer on the runners, but when the time came, it wasn’t in me. I will get there.
Our original plan was to host brunch with my parents and then have dinner with our friends down the road. Brunch was unceremoniously canceled, but we did keep our plans for Friendsgiving. I got the best view: watching the sweet baby.

I was able to hang in for about two and a half hours. After that point, my heel and ankle started feeling super swollen and constricted and I just wanted my bed. Mr PugRunner took me home, but we were able to leave little man to continue playing with his buddies. I am so grateful for such awesome friends.
Friday – rest
So. For months we have been looking forward to a family trip to Universal. The departure day arrived, and the honest truth was that I couldn’t go. The ortho said I could, if I sat in the back of the car with my leg elevated for the drive, and we planned to bring the crutches and the wheelchair for options. I was ok with hanging in the hotel room or waiting with a book while the guys checked out rides, but the reality was, I just didn’t have the strength.
That being said, I wanted them to go. They have been working so hard to take care of me and it was so important to me that they get a break. We compromised that they would spend one night away, and my parents would come here to watch me.
The truth is, it was super difficult sending them off. Deep down, I was crazy jealous of the fun they were going to have. It’s shameful, but these are the deep dark confessions of an injured athlete. I loved the pictures they sent back, though.

My positive vibes also took a bit of a detour. I gave up sappy Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel, delved into some true crime documentaries and started coloring in my new book.

I can’t be sunshine all the time.
Saturday – rest
My mom left early to go back to work and my stepdad hung out until the boys returned. There was awful traffic, so it was a long day for everyone.
In the evening, Mr PugRunner got me out of the house. We have neighbor who decorates his entire property with incredible lights set to music. Saturday night was the kickoff for Christmas, and he invited the neighbors out for the grand light-up, complete with Santa. It was good to be outside for a bit, and I got to chat with some friends I hadn’t seen.

We also welcomed back Sparkle, our holiday elf. Wouldn’t you know it? She has a broken leg, too! She traveled to us with a cast and in a measuring cup so little man can move her without touching. She won’t be engaging in her regular shenanigans this year, but she’s watching all the same.

The injured athlete’s goals are just a bit different. For this December, I plan on putting everything into my recovery. No matter how much it hurts, no matter how hard, once the surgeon says I’m ready to start that PT, I’m going in 110%.
I also plan to get myself out of the house a little bit more. I’ve been afraid of things like falling, or hitting my leg, or embarrassing myself in some way. Staying home is just safer, and that’s no way to live.
Nutrition is the most on point it’s ever been. Since I can’t really get in the kitchen by myself, I’m not snacking or randomly eating too much. Of course, we are getting some delicious meals from friends, and I am enjoying those so much.

I have no excuse not to read, now. So I am working through The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. It’s terrifying and fascinating all at once.
I am linking up with the new Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

Will you be joining me at any of the Best Damn Race Ambassador Crew! Don’t forget to register with my BDR discount code RUNSWITHPUGS to save on any distance at any BDR location!

How was your week in training?
What are your goals for the last month of 2019?

Oh Sweetie 🙁 It’s so hard isn’t it? I *totally* get you right now. 100%. I felt so many of your feels back in August and September and had to give so many things up. My trip to Helsinki was just cash thrown into the fire. My birthday completely non-existant (like *completely*). My marathon watching on the sidelines. It sucks. You don’t have to be sunshine and light all the time. Feel what you need to feel; it’s not even shameful to feel jealous because it’s SO NORMAL! You are human, babe, and once the black cloud dissipates and you start feeling more confident things will start to fall into place. Well, not FALL. Let’s not have anything or anyone do that for a while 😉
Here for you – you know how to reach me. xx
Renée recently posted…WRD: Getting Ready to kick 2019 to the curb
Ugh. I remember Helsinki and how hard that was. And all the others, too. I do pride myself on being a positive person, and I think people have come to expect that from me. Not that it’s my job to be everyone’s jolly good time, but I do need a good mindset to get through this. I’m sure it will ebb and flow and I hope I can continue to be honest about it.
And no. Let’s be done with falling for quite some time. 🙂
Being side-lined sucks, especially at a time when you’d much rather be outside doing all your normal things. I totally get the frustration and jealousy, too. Hang in there…I bet once you’re through the surgery and are able to get in motion, your days will brighten 🙂
I know they will. I just want to be outside, enjoying the season with everyone. Instead, I’m laid up with no end date in sight.Blergh.
Injuries are so hard especially when they come on so suddenly. After your surgery you will fall into a routine and things will improve quickly. Sending healing vibes your way! ‘For now, let others take care of you a bit
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Fast Friday- Stretch Smart Infrared Sauna and Stretch Review
I can’t wait. It sounds like the scheduler will be calling tomorrow. We had to deal with all the financial and insurance nonsense today. So ridiculous. I’m letting the care happen, but it’s so hard.
I can feel your sadness coming through your words. For a gal on the go, this has to be just so devastating! Glad to hear that your hubs is really stepping up. Times like this is when you know you have a good one. I’m sure you’re ready to get that surgery over with.
Maybe next summer, when you’re healed and ready to move, you can come to Chicago and we can do a running (ok, a run/walk tour) tour of the Devil in the White City! I want to do that so badly-I just loved that book.
Oh gosh, that would be amazing! I love things like that.
I don’t mean to be sad, but ugh. I’m just so over being on my butt. Horizontal is not my natural state.
Being side-lined is so hard, but I have to say, you are definitely doing a lot to stay occupied and your positive attitude is really, really impressive. That’s going to be half the battle while you recover and you already have a great handle on that!
I hope I can keep it up. We are still in early days and I need stamina and longevity here.
I totally get being afraid to go out, especially so soon after your fall and before your surgery. Don’t be too hard on yourself and do keep resting. It really is important! Love the coloring book but it would give me such cravings!
Not all of the photos are food. And not all of the sayings are as nice 🙂 I was keeping it family friendly.
I’m so sorry to hear about your injury! It can be really tough, especially in the beginning when you’re still getting used to the state of things. I hope that your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery! I’m sure your guys missed you at Universal!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Perfect Holiday Stocking Stuffer: RoadID Sidekick ID
I am sure they didn’t miss wheelchair me. I imagine I would have been quite the pain in the butt.
It hasn’t been fun, for sure.
Oh no! I missed your post last week and am just finding out about your leg. I’m so sorry. I know two people who have broken their legs falling on the stairs this year, we’re talking young, healthy people.
Hang in there and best wishes for fast healing.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: Thanksgiving for Two and Thanksgiving for a Crowd
My husband works with anesthesiologists, and was chatting with one of them and mentioned what happened. The doctor said “You have no idea how many cases we see with this same exact injury from the same exact thing happening.” So clearly, we need to get rid of our stairs. I just want to get moving on that healing process.
Welcome to your new normal. It sucks, I’m sure, but you will find ways to have fun. I loved Devil in the White City. I grew up in that area of Chicago so reading about all of the streets I’m familiar with made it so much more fascinating to me. Happy healing!
Oh, that must be so fascinating. I’m definitely engrossed in the story and the details.
I am so sorry that you had such a tough week. It’s ok to feel what you feel — actually, I’d say it’s imperative. And as much as I promote finding happiness everyday, sometimes life just sucks & it’s ok to feel jealous and petty (but not to marinate in it, of course).
I probably said this last time, but one of my Grandma’s sayings was “this too shall pass”. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but someday this will be a small blip in the story of your life. In the meantime, big hugs!
Actually, I’m feeling good this morning. The swelling has gone way down, which makes it more comfortable. Not comfortable, mind you, but more comfortable. We are just waiting on that one call for a date. No marinating for this girl!
I know it will pass, and the sun will rise and life goes on, but it is hard when you’re sitting in the thick of it.
Ugh I’m so sorry you are going through all of this! I can relate to the not wanting to go to the crowded theater. I had to have hernia surgery – twice, because it didn’t work the first time. And after the second one, I was so afraid of going anywhere, for fear someone was going to bump into me and mess up the healing. It is frustrating! I hope you can get your surgery scheduled ASAP and move on with your healing journey!
Heather Hart recently posted…100 Mile Packing List: What to Bring to an Ultramarathon
Actually, we’ve got a date set for Friday!!!
Ugh, two hernia surgeries sounds awful!
We read Devil in the White City for book club and it was so good! I couldn’t put it down!
I don’t blame you for the FOMO. It’s so hard to miss out, and even harder when you’re in pain on top of that. But you’re a good mom for letting the boys have their fun. I’m sure they missed you too!
Since I know what you’re going through there’s not much to say. Everyone says Chin up. You will get through this. Doesn’t help. Feel free to wallow in self pity. It is what it is. All I would think about is that it is not a permanent disability. It is not fatal. Other people have it worse.
Remember I’m here for you. Virtual hugs.
I appreciate it. I do think a lot of things are mind over matter, but it’s important to do some wallowing, too. I can’t swallow all the feelings all the time. I just don’t want to turn too inwards because people do have it worse and no one likes to be around the doom balloon. I am relying on my people so much right now. You all are keeping me so very sane.
Aww baby watching — I love your hedgie blanket!
Glad they were able to do Wicked, Univeral even though it was so hard for you to miss. Guessing MrPug is in the medical field given his need to approve your surgeon – glad you have such an important ally
Cari recently posted…Runfessions of a sidelined runner
Mr PugRunner is a medical recruiter. He also used to be an EMT and a PT assistant way back in the day. All my medical experience comes from watching Gray’s Anatomy (the early seasons). He’s been truly amazing through all of this.