Surgery. That’s the theme for this month’s Ultimate Coffee Date. After reading here, head on over to visit Coco and Deborah, our awesome link-up hosts.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
…that coffee is in short supply over here. I’m not able to get out on my own, and I don’t want to bother Mr PugRunner with extra outings. He is truly amazing, taking over everything and taking care of me, as well. I loved that he thought enough to bring me a surprise after 9Round this week.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
That I miss the puggies. They don’t hang out on our second floor for a few reasons, including poor vision for getting back downstairs. My bed is the most comfortable place for me right now, so I’ve been upstairs. When I do venture downstairs, they are both completely freaked out by my splint, so won’t hang out by me. The other night, Mr PugRunner brought Delilah up so I could snuggle her. She’s terrified of heights and hates being on the bed, but she must have known I needed her, so tolerated some really sweet cuddle time.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
That I am going crazy being cooped up. My most intense exercises are literally booty scooting up and down, and balancing in the shower. It is awful to go from being super active to doing almost nothing. Worse, I’m exhausted by that that almost nothing, which is so demoralizing. A friend donated some dumbbells to me so I can start doing actual workouts next week and I cannot wait to do something to rebuild my muscles.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
That my surgery is today and I’m really nervous. I am such a control freak and this is a situation where I have zero control. Obviously, I didn’t sleep much last night. This morning, I’m choking down a black coffee (because I need a little caffeine), and trying to keep my mind off the wait (and the fact that I am hangry). I go in at 11:15 to get started.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
That I’m having a hard time getting in the holiday spirit. I mean, I can’t go anywhere. I can’t bake or cook. I’m missing parties and all the great events around town. The boys did some of the outside lights yesterday and my parents are coming to decorate the tree tomorrow, but it’s not the same. I just want little man to have such a great holiday so I need to snap out of it and figure out ways I can make that happen.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
That I am so grateful for everyone. I hate to be sappy, but it’s amazing how many people we have pulling for us. From our neighbors, to my regular readers, to friends and friends of friends who have reached out. We have been wrapped with so much love and support, and it’s just staggering. Sometimes, this world is almost too awful to bear, but then I look around and see so much love and it clears away all the bad. So thank you. You’re the best.
What would you tell me over coffee?
Have you ever had surgery?
Deborah Brooks says
Hoping your surgery went well today! You will see that you start making progress each day. Focusing on what you can do will be a big help.
Deborah Brooks recently posted…December Ultimate Coffee Date Linkup
runswithpugs says
The surgery was a success. The days to follow…. well, I’ve felt better in my life but one day at a time.
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Darlene says
Shower chair. Game changer.
Surgery is the first step to recovery. So you’re on your way to bring back to running. In 4-6 mos. or maybe sooner
runswithpugs says
Last night and this morning was hard. It’s frustrating to be back in pain after feeling better (even with broken bones). I am hoping to get some sleep tonight.
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Kimberly Hatting says
Thinking if you…hoping things go well. I was also overwhelmed with all the love & support during my “crisis.” I had a lot of local support, but SO MUCH from my virtual pals & blogger gals. Hang in there, each day will get easier 🙂
runswithpugs says
Every little bit of love helps. It’s sometimes too much to comprehend. I’m hanging. Hating how everything feels right now, but hanging.
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping everything went smoothly today!
runswithpugs says
Thank you. The surgery went well. Onward and upward.
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Kim G says
Been thinking about you today – I hope that the surgery went well.
So great that you were able to get in some snuggle time with Delilah this week.
runswithpugs says
She’s a funny little nugget.
Thank you for the good thoughts. It went well.
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Marcia says
I just read K’s update that your surgery went well. Hooray! You’re going to get through this and you’re going to be great. I’m so glad Delilah could come up for a bit and snuggle. It would be so hard not to have your pups around.
Sending continued speedy, pain-free healing vibes!
runswithpugs says
I miss the pugs. Delilah is such a wrecking ball though so I definitely can’t have her up here on the bed in my current condition. I would flat pass out if she ran into one of the incisions. Ugh.
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Elaine D says
Wonderful to hear you have many people who support you. It’s a big adjustment as you mentioned from being active to restricted movement. Prayers for your healing and a swift recovery.
runswithpugs says
Thank you. It’s not an adjustment I ever want to have to make again.
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Coco says
I hope your surgery has gone well and you have a speedy recovery. Are you back home or staying at the hospital? It’s no wonder this has sapped your festive spirit. You need to focus on caring for yourself for now!
runswithpugs says
I am HOME! I think this makes me much happier than staying at the hospital. Although I would have had IV meds at the hospital, which probably would have been way more effective in the long run, but what can you do?
As long as little man has a great time, that’s all I care about.
Farrah says
I hope everything goes smoothly with your surgery and that you have a super speedy recovery! I’m glad you have a great support system. Will be keeping you in my thoughts! <3
runswithpugs says
Everything went well with the surgery. I am home and recovering, which is its own challenge. Thank you for the thoughts 🙂
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Angela says
I hope the surgery went well! I know this must be a tough time of year to be laid up. You have a great attitude and it sounds like a very good support system. Sending healing vibes your way x
runswithpugs says
I admit that the attitude cracked a bit today. I had a rough night and the pain was bad this morning. I think I’m back on top of it but I wasn’t a happy camper.
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
I have had a few surgeries, but nothing that required major recuperations. So sorry that everything is so tough, but you will get through it and I’m sending you some healing vibes.
It’s super sad that the pugs have such a hard time getting to you. Mine have no choice about going up & downstairs, we live in a raised ranch and the access to outside is downstairs.
I do vividly remember our fist day here with the dogs. We lived in a ranch before this house. Even though Chester had seen — and been up and down stairs — he just stood at the top whimpering.
Of course he soon tackled the evil downstairs. 🙂 Hope that made you laugh a little!.
runswithpugs says
That’s so funny. Dogs are truly the best.
My tonsillectomy recovery was hell on earth. However, at least with that, the meds just let me sleep. These meds don’t have quite the same effect, which means I’m awake for the pain. Boo.
runswithpugs recently posted…injured runner: runs with pugs breaks a leg
Cari says
Do you have a Keurig to help with the coffee part? Happy to buy you pods. The Dunkin aren’t as good as store coffee, but they do in a pinch.
Cari recently posted…Runfessions of a sidelined runner
runswithpugs says
We have a Ninja, but the DD coffee just isn’t the same. I am a regular at our DD, and they have my coffee ready the minute I walk in the door. I don’t know what they put in that makes it taste so delicious, but I’d rather not drink it if I can’t get it from my local place.