Much as I hate to admit it, my quest for 2019 bling is over. Prematurely, if I do say so myself. There are a lot of things I can do with a broken leg, but running races is just not one of them. This is absolutely not the way I wanted the year to end, but I will try to focus on the fact that I ran a lot of really wonderful races this year, with a lot of wonderful people.

The First Bling of 2019
I opened the year with the Resolution Run 5K. This was a new-to-me race, with a new-to-me course. I loved pretty much all things about this race, including the long-sleeve t-shirt and the really pretty medal. It’s fabulous to start the year on a strong night and this first piece of 2019 bling was a winner!

The Last Bling of 2019
This was not supposed to be my last piece of 2019 bling, but that’s kind of how it worked out. Actually, I wasn’t expecting a medal of any kind for this year’s Pink Up The Pace 5K because it’s not something the event usually offers. I never minded, because PUTP is a local charity that does so much good for members of the community with breast cancer, but it’s also nice to get a little something at the finish line.

The Unblingy Bling
This year, I had the privilege to run the AJC Peachtree Road Race on July 4. Despite the fame of this particular 10K, the Peachtree does not offer medals to its finishers. Participants can purchase a commemorative medal, but the true prize of the Peachtree is the Finisher’s T-Shirt. Can I hang it on my medal rack? No. Do I love it so much? Yes. Yes, I do.

The Unicorn Bling
Part of my overall goals include running a race one every state. This year, I checked Massachusetts off my like when I ran the B.A.A. 10K on our summer vacation. Since the Boston Marathon is most likely not in my running future, I was stoked to score a unicorn from the same organization. This is probably my favorite of the 2019 bling.

The Bling I Didn’t Earn
This past Sunday, I was supposed to run a 10K with friends, which some of our kids ran the 5K. Seeing that I was fresh off of surgery, 6.2 miles wasn’t even remotely possible, but little man still got to go run with his buddy and my friend. What I didn’t expect was that they they would bring home a medal for me. I was so touched by the gesture, and this medal will serve as a reminder for me to always stay strong, no matter what.

All told, I earned 15 medals towards the 2019 bling count. It’s a lower number than in the past, but I also missed at least three races in these last weeks of the year, so there’s that. On the plus side, I’ve got my eye on the huge prize of making a huge, blingy comeback in 2020!
What kind of bling did you score in 2019?
What was your favorite medal?
I am linking up for Tuesday Topics with KookyRunner and Zenaida

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You had a great year in spite of how it all came to a halt. Looking forward to seeing your comeback in 2020!
Me, too! I’m so ready!
It’s fun to look back on the bling from the year. You will be back soon!
Deborah Brooks recently posted…7 Healthy Vegetarian Soups to Eat This Winter
And you know I can’t wait.
Bittersweet ending to your race year but you did get some decent bling. You will be back at it before you know it.
I did and I’m happy about that. I’m missing a great one this Saturday and that stings, but there’s always next year.
My favorite is the unicorn bling! And I’m always down for a cute shirt, since most of us don’t wear our medals after race day but a cute shirt can get a lot of use.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: Food Prep Extravaganza
I don’t wear the shirts as much as I love the medals, but I am incredibly proud of my Peachtree shirt.
So many cool medals for 2019! I really love the gingerbread one
I do, too. I’m sad I didn’t actually earn this one.
Quality not quantity but you had a great year. Our races usually hand out medals for halfs.
I think I had about 10.
NYCM was my favorite of course.
It would have been mine, too.
I only ran a couple of races this year, and sadly none of them offered bling. To counter that, I’ve started signing up for more virtual runs. I won’t let myself hang the medal up until I’ve actually complete the distance though. I have three just waiting for me to earn in the laundry room… Was hoping to get back to running while in Florida last weekend, but my silly ankle is still sore from falling down with Shiny. Soon though! I want that bling on the hook!
It still amazes me that we get so many medals for the shorter distances.
I think I got a medal for every race except Peachtree. The medal you could buy was ugly, though, so I didn’t.
Sorry about your ankle 🙁 And I love that you are completely the distances before hanging your bling.
You did great this year! 15 medals is pretty awesome. Much more than me! 🙂 Here’s to a speedy recovery so you can start running again.
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