The overwhelming theme of this week has been “conserving energy.” It seems I only have so much (it’s increasing as we go), but I had some big events on the calendar, and I needed to make sure I was in the right frame of mind and body.
Sunday – pt exercises + recumbent bike
After Mr PugRunner went to 9Round, he took me to the gym, so I could get in some bike riding. It was a bit of a rougher session for me, but I did it anyway.
I also started the Team Nuun #nuubie challenge: the idea is to plank for as many minutes as the date. I’m not quite there yet, and I have to modify to plank on my knees due to my current condition. Sometimes, you do the best you can.
Monday – physical therapy, 60 minutes
On Monday, I was back to PT with the therapist I originally didn’t love. However, things were much better this time around. We meshed a bit better, and spent a little more time reviewing my goals (He was very focused on my driving again. I am way less concerned). I felt good afterwards, even though we worked hard.
Tuesday – pt exercises
My plan for Tuesday was rest. We have focused very hard on being able to use our theater season tickets, and Rent was the show of the night. Rent has always been a favorite, but I was so anxious about managing. I did my PT stretches at home and then attempted to chill the rest of the day, conserving energy as best I could.
In the end it worked out. We had a lovely dinner at a local restaurant, and then drove up to Jacksonville. Mr PugRunner valeted so I didn’t have to walk far to the entrance, and he arranged for accessible seats. The show was wonderful, but it was a hard night. I wasn’t comfortable, and so many people stared, or came rushing over to help me. While I appreciated the kindness, I hate having spectacle made.
Wednesday – pt exercises
Obviously, on Wednesday, I was whipped. I really expected to do my regular exercises and then take the rest of the day to relax.
But not before some pug-assisted planking for the #nuubie challenge.
Plans took a turn when my Moms Blog boss asked if I would mind speaking to a reporter regarding a new high school coming to our area. It’s in my neck of the woods and would have an effect on our educational choices in the immediate future. Of course, I didn’t mind a quick chat. The reporter and I had a lovely conversation, and then he turned the tables by asking if he could interview me on camera.
He was very kind to agree to come to my house since I was unable to drive to meet him. I hate being filmed, but we do what we have to do sometimes.
Thursday – physical therapy, 60 minutes
And back to my original PT for my last session before Monday’s big visit. It’s still the upward flex struggle, but the therapist said that once the boot is off, things will progress. We will have more options for exercises and it will be ok.
Friday – pt exercises + core
As seems to be the pattern after a hard PT session, Friday was hard. I had pains in my arch and the sole of my foot, as well as soreness throughout my foot. It makes it so hard to get things done.
I had a little extra help however.
I had a lovely lunch with a friend. We went to a place that has delicious burgers, and it was nice to get out for a bit.
Little man came home with AB Honor Roll for his second quarter of 6th grade! He got straight to packing for a Scouts trip, and we all got to bed at a decent hour.
Saturday – pt exercises
Mr PugRunner took little man and some friends to the campout in the morning. From the quick reports I got, he worked on his axe skills and earned a Paul Bunyan award.
In the evening, Mr PugRunner and I rented Maleficent: Mistress of Evil and we both really enjoyed it. He wanted to see The Joker or Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, but I couldn’t handle anything super dark or with realistic violence (the threat of seeing bones break on screen is not appealing), so I was glad he liked it. I went to bed straight after the movie because I was hurting and tired. In addition to conserving energy, I’ve been incredibly uncomfortable this week. It leads to a lot of frustration.
I don’t know how I feel about this week. Clearly, there was not much time in the gym, but I have faithfully completed my PT routines three to four times a day at home.
My frustrations were high, as well. I’m just very sad about where I’m at and how uncomfortable I am. To be honest, I thought I would be further along, or at least not in nearly as much discomfort, but such is not the case.
Tomorrow is the big day! I am hoping for a great report from the ortho, and that’s got my mind totally occupied. Even though we all have the Monday off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I’ll be conserving energy again for my appointment so I’m at my best.
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
Will you be joining me at any of the Best Damn Races? Don’t forget to register with my BDR discount code RUNSWITHPUGS to save on any distance at any BDR location! Remember, the code for Safety Harbor will expire on 1/17 so don’t miss out!
How was your week in training?
Do you ever find yourself conserving energy in order to handle the rest of your activities?
Catrina says
Wow, planking as many minutes as the date sounds really hard!
I can only do 2 minutes.
Well done on sticking to your PT exercises, that takes a lot of discipline. You’re getting healthier every week!
runswithpugs says
I can’t do it that long either. Even when I’m well. It’s definitely a great goal, and I’m trying to play along, but… I’m not winning.
Darlene S. Cardillo says
Good luck to you.
You conserving energy is doing more than most people.
My foot still hurts. Ran a half in pain. Not so fun.
Going to see PT today. Hopeful for a solution
runswithpugs says
I definitely hope you’re on the mend, as well. I have been thinking of you.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
Hang in there Jenn! You are doing great. We saw Once Upon A Time in Hollywood this weekend, it was good but not great, very low on the gore scale for Tarantino.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Morning Edtion
runswithpugs says
Good to know. I love Tarantino but I’m just not in a great place mentally, so movies like that are hard to watch right now.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
This is such a long and frustrating journey for you. I think its natural to have so many ups and downs but I know that doesn’t make it any easier. Hopefully you get good news at your appointment!
runswithpugs says
The ups and downs are so exhausting. I’m just over all of it.
Stacie Seidman says
Healing is hard. You’re doing great, even if it seems slow. I hope you have a positive appointment today!
runswithpugs says
But whyyyyy? lol. The appointment went really well, thank you <3
Deborah Brooks says
I am glad to see you getting out w your hubs for a date. That is a great way to keep your spirits up. Hope you get a good report today from the Dr
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Bake
runswithpugs says
I did. Im glad we were able to make it work.
Michelle D. says
You have been doing such a great job with your PT routines – I hope today’s doctor’s appointment is a good one!
runswithpugs says
It ended up being a great one.
Kim G says
Look at you rocking physical therapy and all those PT exercises!
So cool that you were able to give an interview on camera – I bet you did great!
Happy that you were able to leave the house for a date night 🙂
runswithpugs says
It was good getting out.
Kimberly Hatting says
I wonder if the pain and discomfort you’re experiencing is comparable to the “growing pains” kids go through when they hit a growth spurt? Even though it’s tough getting out, I do think it’s good for your morale. After my week-long hospital stay, I was thankful to go back to work even though it was awkward standing up/sitting down (with my un-bendable leg LOL). Hang in there, you’re making progress!
runswithpugs says
It is good for morale, until the anxiety sets in. However, my energy is LOW. I’m working on rebuilding it but the pain has been a bit of a deterrent.
After the ortho appointment, he decided it was all nerve pain, from the surgery, from the block and probably from all my new skin. We have a plan of action in place and so far, it’s going well. Fingers crossed it continues.
Shathiso says
You look very pro being interviewed! Well done for getting all your PT exercises done and I’m glad the therapist was better than last time. Maybe he also reflected on the previous session and changed his approach. Hope this week is better and your ortho appointment today went well.
Shathiso recently posted…Some Thoughts From The Mokolodi Scorpion Trail Race (2019)
runswithpugs says
Ha ha thank you! I hate being filmed so I thought I looked ridiculous. But it’s done and over with. The ortho appointment went really well (I will post a detailed update), and things are moving on.
Wendy says
Planking with the boot? You are awesome!!! I can understand your frustration but from where I sit, I think you’re making really good progress. You’re getting out, you were interviewed on TV–and you’re doing a ton of blogging, supporting all of us. Anxious to hear how things went today at the ortho.
runswithpugs says
It’s knee planking, but I’m trying. Thanks for this – logically you’re probably right, but in my moments, it just doesn’t feel like it. I know you saw the ortho update and all is well, which is really definitely what I needed to hear.
Chaitali says
Sorry it was such an uncomfortable week :(. Fingers crossed that changes soon. That’s good news things went better with the Monday PT this time. And yay for being able to see the show. I love Rent too.
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
runswithpugs says
Either way, I’m scheduled for this therapist for the next few Mondays, so it’s good we found an understanding.
Marcia says
Jenn you are such a trooper! I can only imagine how mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting all of this is. I hate that you still have discomfort and hope that eases soon. Good for you for getting out to see Rent!
runswithpugs says
We definitely got some good news from the doctor, as well as some meds and a plan to make me feel better.
Rent was hard but I’m hoping I’ll be in a much better place for Hamilton in March.
Coco says
I think you are taking the righ approach and saving your energy for things that really matter. Wow on being interviewed on TV and double wow and being ready for the camera — you look great! That Nuun challenge is crazy. I think 5 min a day of planking is plenty. 😛 Congrats to your son!
runswithpugs says
I was NOT TV ready at all. I had about an hour to hobble upstairs and try to make something happen. I was planning very much on PJs and no makeup all day.
Yeah, I can’t manage all the planks they are recommending (you can break them up), but I tried. It’s hard with the boot.
Dominique Cheylise says
This is awesome! The longest plank I’ve held in recent months is 90 seconds so I’m trying to work my way back up. Lol
Zenaida Arroyo says
Great job on your PT exercises!!! Plank for minutes as the date? No way! I can probably do 1 minute. Hopefully you got good news on Monday.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: My Winter bucket list
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures says
I hope your Dr visit went well and you got some good news. Your dog is adorable. My cat thinks my floor work is an open invitation to walk underneath me at all times 🙂 I tried a plank challenge once, and it hurt my back! I wasn’t expecting that, but gave it up after about a week.
runswithpugs says
It did! I’m going to recap it for the blog!
I love my pugs. They are the cutest <3 Super strange about your back! Planking is NOT my favorite, for sure.