My “Comeback Plan” has been rattling around in my head since the day I broke my leg. I think it’s only natural to want to focus on getting back to the normal, even while in the midst of a trauma.
After my last appointment, the surgeon cleared me for things like weight-bearing, swimming, cycling (not on a spin bike) and the elliptical. Takeaways included “there’s no reason you can’t get back to running”, and to resume activity “as tolerated.” I took all of that very much to heart.
I returned to PT one week later, and my plan of care evolved from stretching to far more rigorous work. The weeks passed, and obviously I am getting stronger, but I wasn’t feeling particularly focused. I’m a goal-oriented person, so I put together a semblance of a comeback plan and shared it with two of the PTs (one is a runner, one is not).
Regular Gym Sessions
I have mentioned that PT is quite exhausting, but I really need to get on the gym bandwagon. Yes, I do all my stretches and exercises at home, but it’s not doing much for my endurance and stamina. My goal is to visit the gym on my non-PT days to spend time on the recumbent bike and the elliptical. It’s also a good time to get in some weights and abs. The thought is that this will help strengthen my leg with some non-impact workouts.
Get Refitted For Shoes
An annoying side effect of this injury is that my right foot is not falling back into its over-pronating tendencies. In fact, my beloved Adrenalines are actually causing that foot to roll way to the outside. This is not at all optimal. I end up doing some of my PT balance work barefoot just to help keep me in as neutral of a position as possible, although I did find a few neutral shoes in my closet that will serve for now.
I decided that the first week of March, the swelling should be gone enough that I can get refitted for an interim pair of running/walking shoes. We all agree that this is necessary to accommodate my current situation. I’m a bit intimidated to go into a running store and expose all my vulnerabilities, but it has to be done. The good news is that I’m competent enough in the fitting process that I can do a lot of it myself. I just want some professional backup.
Start Walking For Exercise
Once I have a handle on the shoes, the next stage of my Comeback Plan is to start actually walking. Walking comes before running, and it would be wise to get used to that before I introduce a Couch To 5K training plan. I am able to walk casually right now, but it’s time to focus on my gait and building up distance.
What’s The End Game?
The end game of this comeback plan is to return to running. Or jogging. Whatever you want to call it. I have a target 5K in mind, and I’m not too proud to walk it if necessary. The truth is I miss having goals and challenges, and I need something on my radar to keep me going.
So there it is. The Comeback Plan. Obviously, it’s subject to change and I need to be flexible and cautious, but I’m pretty committed. My PTs are also on board, with the understanding that I need to be careful and realize there are no guarantees.
I am linking up for Tuesday Topics with KookyRunner and Zenaida.
Please visit these lovely bloggers, plus check out some of the other blogs on the link-up, and don’t forget to share your own post, as well!
Have you ever had to create a Comeback Plan?
Have your feet or gait changed enough to warrant the need for a completely different running shoe?
Stacie Seidman says
Sounds like a great plan to me! I’m glad you’re on the mend and looking to future (flexible) goals.
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
runswithpugs says
Wendy says
That’s interesting about your foot! I’ll be interested to hear what shoes you’ll end up with. I love your forward looking attitude.
runswithpugs says
Me, too. I’m thinking either another pair of Guides (they are stability but they tend to have a wide platform so it’s not as severe as an Adrenaline), or maybe even Ghosts with inserts. I’m open to just about anything, though, but this is where my brain immediately goes.
Kimberly Hatting says
I’m wondering if maybe an insert for your right foot would be something to consider? If your left foot is still doing what it did before, a different shoe may affect your “good” foot/leg (?). You know I’m all about walking! That was my big rally-back plan of attack 🙂
runswithpugs says
Unfortunately, there’s not a lot that can be done to correct supination, short of a really prominent outsole. However, we don’t want it made worse by shoes pushing me too far out either. I’m not sure that my left foot hasn’t compensated for everything either. When I was splinted and non weight-bearing on my right foot, I really relied on my left foot and leg, and it’s possible that I built up enough strength that its mechanics have changed too. I can’t watch myself from the back, so I’d really love another pair of eyes on it.
Kim G says
This sounds like a really good comeback plan! That’s very interesting about your foot – I didn’t even think that the injury would affect how your sneakers fit, but it’s good that you know that early on and can get properly fitted.
runswithpugs says
It’s a multifaceted problem. My right foot is my bigger foot. It still swells from time to time, not badly, but enough to effect the fit of a shoe. I sometimes need the brace, so that’s something else that needs to pack in. And then this whole rolling out nonsense. Blah.
Shathiso says
This is really solid, I love it! I’m so goal-oriented too and find I kind of lose my way, if I don’t have some goals lined up. So I’m really glad you’ve got a good comeback plan in place, one that you can adjust where needed.
That is so interesting about the shoes. I never even considered that aspect. Good luck getting some good interim shoes.
Shathiso recently posted…The Importance of Eye Protection For Runners
runswithpugs says
It was something I didn’t expect (again), but it’s pretty ugly, so I hope we can do something about it.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
It must feel so good to have a plan! That’s interesting that your gait seems to have changed. Its probably good for your foot strength to do some of your exercises barefoot! (Although I’m not sure if it’s too much for your recovering foot right now…) Walking will be great for getting you ready to run again!
runswithpugs says
It’s definitely from the atrophied tendons and the fact that I am more sure of the outside of my ankle than the inside.
Barefoot is ok (with and without the brace). Sometimes, the ball of my foot get sore but it’s to too bad. I do a lot of the standing stuff standing on a pillow or something cushioned so it doesn’t hurt too much.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
My hiatus from running is for very different reasons, but I hear you on needing that challenge & those goals!
I think what you’ve laid out is very reasonable. I know that it’s also really scary, so good for you for slowly easing back into everything.
PT exercises are hard & time consuming. 🙁
runswithpugs says
Soooo scary. I just want to be through this.
Zenaida Arroyo says
I love your plan! That is interesting about how your foot. New shoes for a new beginning. 🙂 Soon you will be running again.
runswithpugs says
Yeah, I’m not mad about new shoes LOL.