On this gorgeous Sunday, I am so happy to report I am feeling some serious recovery progress. It has been a LONG time coming, but something clicked this past week and my hopes are high.
It’s been very easy to lose track of the recovery progress I’ve made. I get stuck feeling very behind and “wrong” and suddenly, everything was very right.
Sunday – gym (bike, elliptical, weighted squats)
I’m continuing with my plan to get in cardio and gym time on my non-PT days, and doing quite well. This is absolutely part of the recovery progress plan, and I’m proud that I’m staying on track. In addition to strength and rebuilding muscles, my endurance needs some work. I’m humbly reminded of this every time I get on the elliptical. I added weighted squats to my 15 minutes of cycling and 12 minutes of elliptical (I’m no longer feeling discomfort in my right glute!)
After a weekend at camp, little man came home to us. He had a fabulous time with great weather. I love that every campout leads to him being more confident and sure of himself with his skills.
Monday – physical therapy
On Monday, I drove myself to PT. While I’m still not going far, I do have some of my independence back, and that’s certainly encouraging. The session itself was great, too. The PT and I both saw marked improvement in my balance, and I think that’s what set me on a much more positive path this week.
Tuesday – gym (bike, elliptical, core)
Now that things were feeling better, I started bumping up my times on the cardio equipment: 20 minutes on the bike and 13 on the elliptical. It’s nowhere near as entertaining or motivating as running, but it’s something. I was tired afterwards, but still got in some crunches and flutter kicks.
Wednesday – gym (bike, elliptical, weights)
Off to the gym again in the morning and I added another minute to the elliptical. It’s exhausting, but I’m feeling so much more dorsal flexion in my right foot and my leg isn’t getting quite as tired. This is all so positive. Upper body came left with some upright rows, hammer curls and shoulder presses.
That afternoon, rather than being tuckered, I felt energized. My right foot felt more flexible, and not quite as cold (since the surgery, that one foot has felt freezing cold to the point that I always have to wear a sock or slipper). I can sleep in even more positions than a week ago, and I can even sit with my right leg tucked up! Winning!
In the evening, I had a meeting for volunteers for a local 5K. I haven’t been able to put in quite as much time with it this year, but I am still helping as best I can.
Thursday – physical therapy
Usually, my PT sessions take place in the morning, but I had a small event for a client on Thursday morning and had to push my session back. It was my first attempt at doing it in the afternoon, but it ended up being my best hour yet.
All the good feelings from yesterday persisted. At the end of my hour, my PT pointed out how well thing are going and how I’m looking really strong. We agreed that balance and strength building are the two big things we need to work on, even though my balance is visibly better. She then asked if I could do heel raises on just my right foot. It’s something I haven’t been able to master at home, so she said just to try right then and there.
And would you believe? I did one! It wasn’t high, but it was enough to count! So she told me to do ten before leaving and I was on cloud 9! Talk about seeing recovery progress!
Friday – Sea World field trip
Prior to my fall, Mr PugRunner and I had both volunteered to chaperone the 6th grade field trip to Sea World. As luck would have it, we were both selected to join. The teachers in charge were fine with me being in a wheelchair, and so we decided to be good sports about the whole thing.
We ended up in a group with another adult and five students, and it ended up being a fun, though long, day. Chaperoning middle schoolers is way different than elementary students, but it was very rewarding in its own way.
The weather was perfect, the kids got along great, and the crowds were fairly low. We drove our own vehicle with another parents (the kids all had to take charter busses to the trip) and then we checked out our kids and one of their friends and drove home on our own. It was a fabulous, exhausting day, and I couldn’t wait to shower and get in bed.
Saturday – rest
For about a minute, I thought about getting up and going to the gym, but I was bone-tired after the field trip and decided to make Leap Day a rest day.
My parents have been getting over an illness, but have finally recovered so they came for a bit of a visit and we shared an early dinner. It was so nice to see them.
I have one confession about my recovery. Over the last few days, I’m sort of forgetting that I am dealing with an injury. I like to think of it that walking and getting around are becoming ingrained back into my subconscious, rather than something about which I need to be mindful. This is great. Really.
Except I was going down the stairs (injured foot first, and then step together with my left foot), and I completely forgot about my step together. I realized, halfway through the motion, what I was doing, tried to correct myself, and ended up slipping on the same heel! Since I do navigate the stairs with a death grip on the wall and railing, I was able to catch myself, but my heart was in my throat until I was steady again. I’m still counting it as recovery progress.
Other than that, I’m feeling better and better and looking forward to see where this week will bring me!
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
Will you be joining me at any of the Best Damn Races? Don’t forget to register with my BDR discount code RUNSWITHPUGS to save on any distance at any BDR location! Remember, the code for New Orleans expires FRIDAY, MARCH 13 so don’t miss out!
How was your week in training?
Team Elliptical or no thank you?
Deborah Brooks says
Hey look at your driving around and making so much progress at the gym. Fantastic to see! keep it up and thanks for linking up today
runswithpugs says
I need to get out on the highway. That’s going to be my next challenge.
Darlene S. Cardillo says
Happy that you are making progress. And that you sound more positive about your recovery.
runswithpugs says
I needed a big dose of positivity.
Coco says
Yay on making great progress and feeling good about it! I can’t believe you chaperoned that field trip — that was brave and no wonder you were exhausted. Yikes on slipping on your stairs again. It’s so easy to do!
runswithpugs says
I can’t believe it either. It’s so hard to gauge how many parent volunteers they need, and we are always happy to step up, but no one could have seen that I would be down for the count. It ended up being a lot of fun for all of us, but it wore me right out.
Kimberly Hatting says
Excellent!!!! It’s amazing how all those “little” progress checks merge into a BIG gain 🙂 Keep up the great work!
runswithpugs says
I need that BIG gain, girl! Need it!
Catrina says
Heel raises! Great progress! You sound a lot more optimistic this week, too.
I was in an Aquarium with my parents as well last week. Loved the sting-ray feeding!
runswithpugs says
Oh, I love the sting-rays! So fun!
Shathiso says
I love that Little Man came home feeling so much more confident. Confidence makes such a difference for kids and I think activities like camps really help to build that confidence. That’s something I’m working on with my kids. As for your recovery progress, Whoop, Whoop!!! What a week for you and hope this week is even better.
runswithpugs says
So far, so good this week.
Scouts has been so great for him in so many ways. The next crop of Cubs just crossed the bridge into his Troop, so he (and his current Troopmates) is going to be a bit of a mentor for the younger ones. It’s a great thing to have the kids leading and finding their own way.
stephanie mitchell says
Happy for the progress. I start Physical therapy this week,. You have stayed positive. Hoping to keep your positive spirit. XO
runswithpugs says
I’ll be following along with your journey! I hope it’s a quick fix!
Chaitali says
That’s great news on all the progress! And the field trip to Sea World sounds like a lot of fun 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Pike’s Peek 10k training week 6
runswithpugs says
We did have a very nice time. I love seeing the kids enjoy a fun day like that.
Amanda Kerr says
Being active is great! Keep at it girl! 🙂
runswithpugs says
I’m keeping!
Hannah says
Glad you are seeing progress!
runswithpugs says
Me, too!
Renée says
you are on fire! what a great week Jenn! I’m still so proud of you. And… you really got me thinking more about doing my balance exercises, so thank you for that. The difference between me and you is that I’ve given up on my foot and my stability and you haven’t. So I decided to change that a bit!
I can just imagine the freak-out moment you had on the stairs though… OMG please don’t slip again!
runswithpugs says
It’s super discouraging, because my balance is normally rock-solid. I can stand on my left leg forever. Not having that on the right side is infuriating, so I want that back. It’s from long years of dance and yoga and I am not ready to kiss that goodbye. I will totally support you in your quest for more stability!
I’m surprised I didn’t rip the railing out of the wall, that’s how tight I was holding LOL. I do not plan on slipping again.
Kim G says
You are rocking your recovery! Great job on everything you accomplished this week. Also, I love all the smiling photos in this post 🙂
runswithpugs says
I have lots of reasons to smile, but more so now 🙂
Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder says
So happy you are making progress and feeling more positive about recovery! I know how hard it can be when you want to do more but your body won’t let you. And I totally get slipping up and doing something you’d normally do that you can’t when injured. I’ve done that multiple times before…you’re so used to doing things the way you’ve always done!
Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Yuengling Shamrock + Flying Pig Training Week 5: 2/24-3/1
runswithpugs says
While it was scary to almost slip on the stairs again, I was so happy that my body is just starting to take the lead. It’s exhausting to have to consider every step and movement, and I have hope that maybe it’s not forever.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
Yay yay yay!!! You’ve been though so much and now you’re getting the payoff for all of your hard work
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: Instant Pot Pot Roast Edition
runswithpugs says
It is such a relief and also a reward. It’s so nice to start to see a payoff.
Marcia says
I’m so glad something clicked for you and you’re able to recognize all the wonderful progress you’ve made! Hooray for driving too! So much goodness!
runswithpugs says
The click was so nice. I felt like I was working so hard with no end in sight.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
So wonderful to hear you making such great progress! Hard work really pays off.
I’m sure that the slip on the stairs was frightening, but it really shows how you’re beginning to put this behind you to some degree.
I’ve added in more time on my stationary bike. It’s great cross training. I don’t really go at it hard, but I have been slowly increasing my time on it too.
I know you’re going to be running before you know it, even though it will still feel like a million years!
runswithpugs says
I think my heart stopped! It was terrifying! But yes, I was very quick to see that things are starting to feel kind of sort of normal.
I’m going to start boosting my time on the bike tomorrow. I’m almost up to 20:00 on the elliptical, and I’m hoping to get to a 30/30 mix of bike and that soon.
Esther says
So so glad to hear you are making such great progress!
It is amazing how the little things can really help boot ones mood!
Oh that almost fall sounds terrifying! I am glad you were able to catch yourself!
Keep up the good work!
Esther recently posted…March is the new January…
Stacie Seidman says
SO glad you’re coming around that curve toward normalcy! And though I’m sure it scared the poo out of you that stair episode, the fact that you forgot shows just how much more normal you’re feeling. Great news!
runswithpugs says
It was TERRIFYING! No thank you to that again!
Zenaida Arroyo says
What a great week for you! You are making so much progress and that is great news. Chaperoning for a field trip is hard. We are planning a field trip for 3/26 and I hope I get enough chaperones to go.
runswithpugs says
I always feel like our schools get too many chaperones (there were definitely too many for this trip). I hope you get enough!
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
You’ve got a lot of good stuff packed into this post! Yay for making so much progress. Isn’t it wonderful how the human body can heal itself with a little prodding from us (and a good PT).
Take care and stay safe!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Five Selfie Taking Tips for Older Folks
runswithpugs says
I wish I had a good PT at the house with me 🙁 But I am just going to have to trust my determination and hope for the best.