So, COVID-19 is here, the world turned upside down, and it looks like we are in it for the long haul.
As a Floridian, the idea of unexpected time off, closures, and cancellations isn’t new. We have hurricanes often enough that stocking up on supplies isn’t a foreign concept. It’s annoying, inconvenient and expensive, but we know the drill. Except for the toilet paper hoarding. I don’t get that (in hurricanes, we hoard bread, milk and eggs for all the French Toast we suddenly feel the need to make).
The social distancing is new. During major storms, I think we work hard to reach out and forge connections, so holding back feels unnatural and wrong. We are happy to do our part and staying in as best we can, but it isn’t easy.
Sunday – 1 mile walk
After a super late night at a neighbor’s house, coupled with springing forward and losing an hour, we all slept in and had zero motivation. Little man had pizza for breakfast, that’s how unmotivated we were.
However, later in the day, we decided to go out for a bit of fresh air. We had lunch, and then little man and I hunted some Pokemon on a walkway around a little lake.
Once we made one loop, I told Mr PugRunner I wanted to try to go a second time, without all the pauses and stopping. He stayed at my side and I completed a (painfully) slow 1/2 male lap. It was simultaneously encouraging and discouraging.
Monday – physical therapy
I tried the new PT at our office and it went reasonably well. She was nice enough, but we had a bit of a learning curve getting in sync. Additionally, she did not approve of my not wearing my shoes for certain balance moves. Fact: I hate shoes and go barefoot all the time.
For all that, I did manage to hold my balance on my right foot for almost 30 seconds, which is a huge victory.
Tuesday – 1.2 mile walk
Instead of going to the gym, I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and take a walk. It’s just over 1/2 mile to our neighborhood’s amenity center, so I decided to walk there and back. Whoo hoo!
Wednesday – PT exercises
Wednesday was a weird day. I had a PTSO meeting in the morning, our last one before Spring Break. We talked about a lot of future plans, but I had a feeling that we wouldn’t be coming back to school after Spring Break. I asked Mr PugRunner to pick up some extra food at the store (just some pasta, rice and beans type of things).
I did some PT exercises and spent most of the night awake, reading Twitter.
Thursday – 1.2 mile walk
It was supposed to be little man’s last day of school before break but Mr PugRunner decided to keep him home. There wasn’t much going on, so I decided it wasn’t worth arguing.
I took another walk. Again, it went fairly well, and I was glad.
Friday – physical therapy
I was back with L on Friday and it was another great session. I mentioned that I was nervous about going to the gym in light of all the COVID-19 concerns, and she was absolutely on board with me walking. I also asked if I could ride my bike (not fast, and not with clips), and she said that was fine, too.
Look at my ankle turn! I might be able to some yoga soon!
Mr PugRunner ended up taking little man back to school. All the kids were instructed to bring home their binders and textbooks, so we wanted him to have his.
That evening, we joined our friends at the soccer field so the kids could play. I wasn’t planning on going but I brought a book and a blanket and took advantage of the fresh air. It was the right call.
Saturday – PT exercises
Saturday wasn’t my favorite. Through the whole week, we had been watching the scroll of world news and local cancellations. It was hard to get out of bed, hard to get through the day, and hard to sleep that night. While we remain healthy, so far, it’s been hard to explain things to little man and hard to swallow the feelings of despair.
I don’t know what the next days, weeks, and months will bring.
My comeback race has been postponed, so I will continue to work towards that as best I can. Maybe when it comes time, I’ll be able to run for real.
Everything is closing. Little man is out of school until March 31, at least. Events are cancelled. Races everywhere are shutting down or postponing.
We are choosing to practice social distancing. Mr PugRunner has shut his office and will work from home. Little man is allowed to play outside with the local neighbors, but no playdates or big crowds. We have stopped going out to eat, and making unnecessary trips. I only hope it has the desired effect of flattening the curve and making this virus manageable.
Perspective is important. We have weathered some big disappointments, but we will get through them. This is going to be a defining time in many of our lives, and the world has turned upside down, but I have faith that we will be able to right things again.
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training?
How are you holding up?
Coco says
I’m sure this feels like piling on to your rough year, but it will pass and you will be ready when it does!
runswithpugs says
At this point, what can you do but laugh, right?
Deborah Brooks says
I agree that usually in tough times we have our friends and neighbors to count on. That is one thing that makes this all a little harder. Keep moving forward right?! Thanks for linking up
runswithpugs says
It’s a bizarre feeling.
Catrina says
I like your last sentence that perspective is important and that we will get through this. We need to stand together (with a distance) and stay optimistic. Going out in the fresh air definitely helps – great that you can walk outside!
runswithpugs says
Yup. Together. But far apart LOL!
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
Its great that you are able to walk more now since it probably isn’t wise to spend much time in the gym (if its even opened). Will you be able to continue PT over the next few weeks? I was telling my husband the other day while we were on a walk that at least this is happening in March when we could be outside rather than January.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…End of Winter Runfessions
runswithpugs says
I actually cancelled PT today. There are a lot of older people at my location and who knows if I’ve been exposed or they have. I’m trying to make it work at home, but I am afraid that my leg will never be right and I’ll never run again. I’m trying to hold that feeling down.
Chaitali says
That’s great news about the balancing and maybe being able to do yoga soon! I agree that things are difficult now but I have faith that if we take this seriously now, we can turn things around. Fingers crossed that things will go back to normal soon.
Chaitali recently posted…Pike’s Peek 10k training week 8
runswithpugs says
I agree with you 100%. Let’s just make the sacrifices now and get it done.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
It’s so good to see you out and walking! Yes the time are crazy but we have our fitness and although we probably aren’t training for races we are training for life. I’m really digging the WFH gig.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: New Normal Edition
runswithpugs says
LOL. It stinks because I was finally in a place where I was ready to get back out in the world, and now no. I’ve watched all the shows, and done all the hermit things, and now I’d just like to go to the beach or out to eat. Oh, well. I made it three months. I can go longer.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
Sounds like you are doing great! How I wish we had such nice weather — I mean, it’s nice for us, but most days we’re still lucky if it’s in the 40s. Mr. Judy brought up our deck furniture, I’ve no idea why.
It must be so hard to explain this to a youngster. 🙁
But yes, we will get through this. Everything passes with time. It’s sad that you won’t be able to do your comeback race, though, I’m sure that stings. 🙁
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Running down a virus: 3/9-15 WRD
runswithpugs says
It is hard. We don’t want him to worry, but we also want him to understand that it’s serious.
I think by the time they postponed the cupcake run, I was pretty prepared. First it was The Players (we had tickets for Saturday). Then we figured we shouldn’t go to the movies. Then all the races started going. Then Hamilton (ugh!!!!). But it is what it is.
Shathiso says
It does feel like the world has just turned upside down! Trying not to feel stressed but I love planning and I hate not knowing what’s ahead. But you’re right, we will get through this and be stronger for it.
PS: I honestly still don’t get the toilet paper hoarding, LOL!
Kimberly Hatting says
You are making great progress! I bet the walking feel so liberating 😉 This will be a trying time, for everyone. The best we can do is take things one day at a time, and focus on the big picture. A positive attitude won’t hurt 😉
runswithpugs says
The walking is amazing. I wish it was running, but I will take what I can get!
Cari says
That song is now in my head, thanks. But what a brilliant post title. It really, really is. And yes, all the french toast. To you it’s hurricanes, to us it’s mostly snow days.
Congrats on the PT balance and good luck with the life balance.
Cari recently posted…What a week
runswithpugs says
You are welcome! Stay well!
Kim G says
Jenn, I’m so impressed by your progress every week! You are rocking recovery.
This was quite the week, wasn’t it? I think that “social distancing” is a hard concept for many to grasp. I’m doing my best to adhere to the restrictions and still happy that I can go out for a solo afternoon walk every day.
runswithpugs says
Social distancing is awful. The boys are struggling so hard. A just wants to go outside and play basketball and we have shut that down too. He can walk or ride his bike with me, but that’s no fun for a kid. It sucks.
Wendy says
Pretty scary times, isn’t it? Here in Chicago, they’ve closed all the bars and restaurants, although you can order carry out. All my spring races have been cancelled. And yes, people are hoarding ALL THE THINGS. It’s so disheartening. Lord of the Flies in real life.
Keep on keeping on, my friend!
runswithpugs says
We are the same here. Carry out only, and while i want to support the locals, I just can’t bring myself to get restaurant food right now. I had my last DD iced coffee about a week ago and that was that. You’re right. It’s so disheartening.
Darlene S Cardillo says
Things are really crazy…a good time if you have to be recovering.
Unfortunately I AM recovered and NO races.
And no shows, restaurants..etc.
This will end and I hope soon.
Congrats on your progress. You are doing great. Your first 5k will be awesome and now you have more time to prepare.
runswithpugs says
It must be absolutely chilling to be near NYC right now. I haven’t even attempted to venture out to our downtown area. Everything we need is within 3 miles, and my husband has been doing the grocery runs. Nothing else. It’s just not worth it.
Michelle D. says
You’re doing wonderfully with your progress. I bet those walks feel good.
This was one heck of a week! I so agree with your point about perspective. Hopefully “normal” isn’t too far away.
runswithpugs says
I am waiting for normal. But it needs to come soon.
Marcia says
Unsettling times for sure! I remember years ago there were predictions that the end of the word would be due to pandemic. It’s all so sci-fi. How great to get out for some nice walks! Perfect way to be active without getting too close to anyone.
runswithpugs says
Soooo sci-fi. I can’t watch any of those virus movies though. They freak me out.
Sandra Laflamme says
Great job with your PT and getting back out there! Stay safe and healthy!
runswithpugs says
Same to you!
Renée says
I am so proud of you – I know I’ve said it so often but it’s true. Your recovery has been amazing to see unfold. You are doing so well.
I have to say I’m suffering mentally from all of this. I think part of my issue is the unknown – will I get sick? will Ron? will other people that I love? Another part (and I need to sort that one out asap) is being involved in expat groups that continually sh*t on the government’s decisions and Dutch people in general regarding how everyone is handling the situation. The thing is, we don’t actually KNOW what the best thing to do is, yet we rely on the government to advise us what to do and in turn don’t like their decisions… On top of all that I was super stressed about my parents being stuck in Spain (and my trip obviously getting cancelled) and have been pretty worried about all of it (until today since they’ve hopefully landed already in the US). Anyway, world turned upside down is about right. I’m hoping to adjust soon and find a way to get rid of the crazy with a good schedule at home.
runswithpugs says
I wish I could give you a huge hug. And I hope you can turn off the chatter. At this point, there are no right answers. We can’t place blame and fight over the what could have beens. We just have to move forward and hope people do the right things for the global good. It’s hard when so much is just out of our hands.
Love to you and your family <3
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures says
Look at your progress! That is great! For my family in Ohio, the self quarantine seems just like being in a Level 3 Snow Emergency. Nothing really different, so it’s not a huge adjustment so far.
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…GCM Training Recap – it’s the end of the world as we know it.
runswithpugs says
It’s all just so insane.