I think you all know I’m a pretty positive person, but this week, I just felt this awful loss of joy. It was heavy and consuming, and I just didn’t know what to do.
Sunday – 3 mile walk + Day 5 of 2 Week Core Challenge + PT Exercises
A bright spot to combat that loss of joy? The Sparkle Athletic Team Sparkle Virtual Run. Every weekend, the ladies at Team Sparkle offer a fun theme, and folks can commit to a distance, dress up in their favorite sparkle gear, and just share in the experience. This week? Mermaids.
It made me happy.
I also loved that the boys made a delicious dinner. They are amazing in the kitchen.
- Scarecrows (5 lb weights): 60 seconds
- Front Plank: 60 seconds
- Toe Touches: 60 seconds
- Flutter Kicks: 60 seconds
Monday – 2.4 mile walk + Day 6 of 2 Week Core Challenge + PT Exercises
Mr PugRunner joined me for my walk in the morning. It’s been fairly cool in the morning, so that makes things more pleasant.
Monday marked Day 1 of Distance Learning. Little man’s school makes extensive use of an app on the regular, so moving over to full time digital education wasn’t a huge leap. There were some hiccups along the way, but we navigated those and just went with the flow.
- Scarecrows (5 lb weights): 60 seconds
- Front Plank: 60 seconds
- Superman: 60 seconds
- Scissor Kicks: 60 seconds
Tuesday – 2.6 mile walk + Day 7 of 2 Week Core Challenge + PT Exercises
The temperatures dipped into the 40s on Tuesday and I was FREEZING for our walk (I thought I would warm up, but not so much). Oh, well.
Little man had another decent day of “school” and then he started his virtual karate classes. He is supposed to test for his black belt in July, so we are happy that he can at least practice some of his forms and skills.
- Scarecrows (5 lb weights): 60 seconds
- Front Plank: 60 seconds
- Superman: 60 seconds
- Toe Touches: 60 seconds
I was also motivated to sign up for the Run The Edge Un-Canceled Project. It’s a free, four-week virtual race series, where participants can sign up for a weekly virtual distance for accountability and motivation. I need all the help I can get.
Wednesday – 2.55 mile walk + Day 8 of 2 Week Core Challenge + PT Exercises
On Wednesdays, all of little man’s teachers do “live conferences” from 9 AM to 1:30 PM. It’s helpful to be watch in real-time, but they all have to record the lessons and post them for later viewing, because the system gets overloaded quite frequently. It will all work out.
I got up extra early to be sure I would be home in time for his meetings to start, just in case he needed help.
We took a little (no-contact) “field trip” to pick up a school lunch. The county offers packed lunch and breakfast to all students in our area. It was a quick drive, and we never had to leave the vehicle. Little man enjoyed getting out for a few minutes.
- Scarecrows (10 lb weights): 60 seconds
- Front Plank: 60 seconds
- Leg Circles: 60 seconds
- Flutter Kicks: 60 seconds
Thursday – 2.75 mile walk + Day 9 of 2 Week Core Challenge + PT Exercises
Thursday was a big day. I discovered this gorgeous chalk mural on my walk.
And we ordered takeout! With takeout drinks! I don’t drink a lot of alcohol, but I do love a good margarita!
- Scarecrows (5 lb weights): 60 seconds
- Scissor Kicks: 60 seconds
- Russian Twists: 60 seconds
- Front Plank: 60 seconds
Friday – 3.32 mile walk + Day 10 of 2 Week Core Challenge + PT Exercises
I really pushed my pace on Friday. It’s challenging, but I feel better seeing my speed increase. It does take me a few minutes to warm up, but once I do that, it’s not so bad.
I laid out my Flat Sparkle for the next day, embracing the Rainbow theme.
And enjoyed a really great Zoom with some St. Augustine Moms contributors. I went to bed WAY past my bedtime, but it was worth it.
- Scarecrows (10 lb weights): 60 seconds
- Front Plank: 60 seconds
- Superman: 60 seconds
- Leg Circles: 60 seconds
Saturday – 3.2 mile walk + Day 11 of 2 Week Core Challenge + PT Exercises
Happy Team Sparkle Virtual Race and Un-Canceled Project 5K Day! I went out alone and hit a post-injury walking PR!
And then we celebrated with pancakes!
I had two awesome Zoom conferences that afternoon. The first one was with some of the most incredible bloggers! I have been reading some of these ladies for years, and it was so great to be able to actually chat with them. We will certainly make this a thing.
After dinner, I had another call, with my sweet friend Meghan. And then we watched Onward, which was really one of the best movies I’ve seen in some time.
- Superman: 60 seconds
- Front Plank: 60 seconds
- Russian Twist: 60 seconds
- Flutter Kicks: 60 seconds
I go through ups and downs at this time. This week, that loss of joy led to a bit of hopelessness that I really didn’t like. I always try to get up in the morning, get out in the air and start my day, even if it means just watching TV. The outside time really seems to help.
On a bright note, my comeback 5K has been rescheduled for September 19! I can’t wait, and I really hope things are back to “normal” by then. The thought of still being “safer at home” months from now is really inconceivable.
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training?
Do you feel the loss of joy? How are you managing it?
Kim G says
It was great to finally chat with you “in person” yesterday on the Zoom call! 🙂
So happy that the online learning went well for your little man. Also, how cool that he can do virtual karate classes? I love that. I think it’s great that so many are making the best out of this situation and using the resources afforded to them.
Every morning when I wake up I’m a little sad. While I’m happy that everyone I know is happy and healthy, I’m just so anxious about the next upcoming weeks. I’ve found that my morning workouts have helped me deal with this a little better.
runswithpugs says
I’m always sad when I wake up. It’s just so hard to face this reality. I’m doing it because I have to, but I hate it.
He starts virtual scouting tonight, and I’m so happy for that. It will be good for him to spend “time” with his patrol and work on some more advancements and merit badges.
Laurie says
You are so lucky to have your guys cook dinner! I am so tired of eating food I have cooked myself! 🙂 I’m gonna tell Bill he’s in charge of dinner one day next week, even if we just have scrambled eggs, it will be good to have a break from cooking.
I am feeling a little bit down right now. I need to work on my gratitude – my family is all healthy, I can still run, I have a house with lots of things to distract me…
runswithpugs says
Listen, mixing it up is a huge thing. I bet they will be delicious scrambled eggs. It’s ok to not be grateful too, though. This is a collective trauma and it’s ok to be sad and down.
Deborah Brooks says
It was so nice to get to chat w you and see your smiling face. Just keep moving forward we will get through this thing. Have a healthy week ahead. Thanks for linking up
runswithpugs says
It was so awesome chatting with you and the rest of the bloggers! It made my week! We will totally get through this!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
I go back and forth on how I feel. If we’re talking death toll and job loss I’m pretty sad, if we’re talking being on lock down with my family, that’s been wonderful. One of my favorite races that was supposed to be in April was rescheduled for October, and the fall views are going to be spectacular, so I’m looking forward to that.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: a Virtual 10k!
runswithpugs says
That’s great that your race will be at a pretty time of year. I love being home with the family, but there’s just a lingering air of stress and worry and fear. I could do without all of that. Hang in there.
Jessie says
so cute that your guys cook dinner! What a treat 🙂 Glad you are getting out and getting so much fresh air! It’s such a weird time for everyone, but I’m glad the online learning is going relatively well!
runswithpugs says
I’m super lucky! The fresh air is a huge mood booster, even on the hotter days. I’m grateful to be able to do it.
Wendy says
Oh my gosh, you said exactly how I feel: loss of joy. I’m scared, I’m bored, I’m worried…it’s everything. I’m troubled by some people’s relaxed attitude about this. It’s a good thing we have our workouts–I’m so glad you feel better and that you’re moving much more. We got this, right? <3
runswithpugs says
All of those things. I mean, it sucks. That’s the fact of it. No one wants to be stuck at home or not out enjoying spring, but it’s not going to get better if people keep spreading it.
We got this!
Kimberly Hatting says
Great week! Nice seeing and chatting with you on ZOOM yesterday 😉 We all got this, each in our own way…one day at a time 😉
runswithpugs says
It was so nice chatting! And yes, we’ve got this. <3
Cari says
Oh now I remember whose blog I yoinked the core challenge from. Scarecrows are evil – just saying.
So good to see you yesterday. We’ll all get there – somehow, some way
runswithpugs says
Yeah, and I’m sorry about that LOL! I finished it today and I am not sorry it’s over! I liked the scarecrows the best of any of it, but now I can shelve the entire thing!
Coco says
That’s a stack of pancakes! And they look perfect! I think these days are a rollercoaster of emotions — so many highs and lows. It’s great that your son can do remote karate lessons. It was great chatting yesterday!
runswithpugs says
The guys are awesome at breakfast. I am getting whiplash from the highs and lows of this thing. Loved chatting!
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
So glad you have a new date for your race! Its so hard to think about how long this might go on for. I’m trying to just take it one week at a time, hoping that in a few weeks we will have some good news. I know it will take a long time for things to get back to normal.
You are doing so great with your walks and building your mileage!
runswithpugs says
I know. Right now, it seems like our summer is shot, which is pretty gutting, especially after being stuck in the house for so long. It’s not the end of the world, of course, but i was looking so forward to that break.
Darlene S. Cardillo says
You are amazing.
I would have signed up for those virtual races but I had already signed up for earth day which I will do 13.1.
Hooray for comeback races. You are so patient. Kudos.
runswithpugs says
Yay for 13.1! I cannot wait to hit those higher miles again. It’s frustrating getting tired out after 3 or 4.
Catrina says
I love the Team Sparkle outfit! Well done on the walking 5k PR!
I did the Un-Cancelled Project as well. I think it’s a lot of fun!
Isn’t it great to have the running-blog community at times like this? It’s encouraging to know that we’re not in this alone.
Have a good week!
Catrina recently posted…The Swiss Lockdown and My Outdoor Gym
runswithpugs says
This community makes it so much easier to get through our days. We are definitely not in this alone.
Chaitali says
Sorry last week was so tough, I hope there is more joy this week! I love that chalk art you found and how cool that they can do a virtual karate class! Congrats on that post injury PR 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
runswithpugs says
It’s amazing what technology allows for in these uncertain times. I’m so grateful for it.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
So far I’m really pretty good because I am busy & enjoy what I’m doing. Seriously, I could use a few more hours in my days!
40 is cold for FL. 🙂
Sounds like Little Man is being kept occupied, and that’s great. By Sept I have to imagine we will be so much further along, but no matter what, we’ll be stronger!
runswithpugs says
Being busy helps so much. I wish I had a little more to physically do, but it is what it is.
Marcia says
I think the word that best describes my state of mind most of the time lately is “fragile”. The uncertainty of coronavirus coupled with my dad’s health is tough to bear. It’s hard for me to focus. My mind races. I’ve never leaned on running as hard as I am right now. How great to have two cooks in the house other than yourself! Kudos to the little man and his school district for keeping all of that running smoothly. One way or another we will get through all of this and we’ll look back in amazement.
So wonderful to chat with you the other day!
runswithpugs says
Ugh. I hate that word, but you’re right. It’s a good descriptor for all this. I am so sorry about your dad. It’s the last thing you should have to worry about right now.
I’m thrilled the guys can cook. I love doing it, but I am just so uninterested in food right now, and also it’s hard to stand on my leg to cook a meal towards the end of the day.
We will get through this and it will be ok.
Michelle D. says
It’s definitely been a roller coaster of emotions lately. I seem to start every morning a little sad – meditation has been helping me to center myself a bit…not easy.
Huge congrats on your walking PR! And I’m so glad your comeback 5K was reschedule – something to look forward to.
It was so great to see you and chat on Saturday – can’t wait to do it again!
runswithpugs says
I also start sad. If I can just drag myself out of bed, I can manage ok. It was so great seeing you! Can’t wait for next time!
Stacie Seidman says
It’s easy to feel discouraged and sad with everything going on. But you’re doing all the right things to try and turn that around. I randomly feel really sad. I haven’t seen my horses. It’s hard! But I’m trying to get moving too, and find all the good that’s happening around me. We will all get through this <3
runswithpugs says
Oh, no! When can you see the horses! My neighbor brought her therapy mini over to the front yard yesterday and it made my week!
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
My comeback 5K has been postponed, but they haven’t set a new date yet. I suspect it will be rescheduled for the fall so the Firecracker 5K might be my comeback race. Hopefully, we’re freed by then!
I’m sure Little Man is happy to have somewhat of a routine again and how cool that his karate is available for him.
It was great to finally “meet” you at our coffee date on Zoom on Saturday. Here’s hoping that you have a much better week. Take care of yourself and stay safe!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…The Learning Curve of Taking My Business Virtual
runswithpugs says
Same to you! I feel like all the races are going to be rescheduled for the same weekends and it’s going to be a mad frenzy of racing LOL!
They just started Scouts online, and I think now all is right in his world.
Zenaida Arroyo says
So many emotions here too. I am glad things are working out with your son’s distance/remote learning. It is an adjustment for parents, students, and teachers. I am doing the best I can since I know most students don’t have a computer/Internet at home. Our school had Chromebooks (with a hotspot) for each student but not everyone takes it home. When we left school on March 13th, 5 students did not take them home. I found out yesterday that some will pick it up tomorrow (3 weeks into remote learning).
runswithpugs says
It’s an adjustment for everyone. I’m not going to complain about it, because I know this was never the plan, but I don’t know that the kids are getting a ton out of it right now, either. I’m kind of waiting for the year to be cancelled outright.
The Accidental Marathoner says
I think we need to embrace the loss of joy just as much as we embrace the joy itself. These are true emotions and feelings that I think we all share right now, and unless we fully accept having those moments, it will become harder and harder to recognize the joy when it is present. Stay strong!
runswithpugs says
I don’t know if “embrace” is the right word, but we definitely have to acknowledge it. Everything is just so hard, and I am looking forward to brighter days.
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures says
Sorry you’re feeling down. That’s good that your son is able to do the karate lessons online. It’s disappointing for the kids to be losing their team sports at school. Keep up the smiles and the sparkles (skirts!).
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly workouts – progress
runswithpugs says
All of it is so disappointing and these kids are coming through like superstars.