Another week. All the days are really blending at this point, and it’s getting hard to manage my time.
On Friday, our local counties opened up some of the beaches (for certain hours and with specific restrictions), and on Saturday, our governor made the announcement that our students would continue distance learning for the rest of the academic year. I think we all knew it was coming, but it was sad to hear, all the same.
Sunday – 1.7 mile walk + PT Exercises
Happy Easter! I confess, it was a weird holiday. Sure, the bunny came and brought a basket for little man, and we had a special breakfast and dinner…

But, like for everyone else, it just wasn’t right. We missed my parents terribly, and we wore pajamas almost all day, and it was just weird.
On a fun note, we did take Delilah for a walk in the wagon. The weather was super cool and breezy so she enjoyed her outing (she is not a fan of exercise, bless her).

Monday – 4 mile walk + PT Exercises
I decided to push things on Monday, and went for four miles. Whoo hoo!

And then it was back to the school week. The days are all blending together now. We have fallen into a bit of a routine, so that helps things.
Tuesday – 3.4 mile walk + PT Exercises
Terrible storms have been sweeping through the areas, so I decided I would take advantage of the clear morning to do my 5k for The Un-Canceled Project. I changed my “registration” from Saturday to that morning. Easy peasy.

Tuesday is also little man’s busiest day. He has school, clarinet, karate, AND Scouts. This is definitely a change from his “Before Time” schedule, but he’s been handling it fairly well.
Wednesday – 3.4 mile walk + PT Exercises
I try to get up a little earlier on Wednesday because little man has classes and I like to be able to monitor.

I also had plans to make a super yummy chocolate chip banana bread, and as luck would have it, it was National Banana Day.

Thursday – 3.5 mile walk + + PT Exercises
When Thursday came, I was raring to go. I started with a 3.5 mile walk.

Then I whipped up this delicious Dalgona coffee. I’ve been finding lots of fun ideas via TikTok, and this did not disappoint.

I had to help Mr PugRunner buzz cut his hair (he picked up clippers the night before and took care of little man’s out of control style), and little man decided to take his hedgehog to “school.” Why not?

Also, it was National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day. Done and done.

Friday – 3.6 mile walk + PT Exercises
We wanted to take a trip to get some produce on Saturday, so I decided to do my Team Sparkle Virtual Run (Theme: Your Lack of Sparkle Disturbs Me) on Friday morning instead.

Little man loaned me the light saber for the photos. The Force was with me, and I came away with another 5K PR!

We went to pick up some drive thru for lunch, just to get out of the house for a drive. I can’t remember the last time I was in a car for anything longer than five minutes, so it was very bizarre.
Later in the evening, I did a Zoom happy hour with some of the girls, and that was lovely, too.
Saturday – 2.2 mile walk + 2.4 mile bike ride + PT Exercises
Mr PugRunner joined me for my morning walk.

Little man has been slightly less than motivated when it comes to getting out and about. He used to ride his bike to and from school, but it’s a lot less fun when you can’t ride or hang out with anyone. I’m committing to ride with him every day – it’s not my favorite activity (I just don’t feel 100% secure on the bike right now), but I guess I have to suck it up.
We also made a small outing to pick up some fresh produce. Our local farms are struggling to sell their crops, and we were hoping to do our part to support them. Everything was outside, and the farm provided gloves and sanitizer for customers to use, while appropriately social distancing.
We got super nice haul and I have big plans for everything.

I had another fabulous Zoom call with some of my favorite blogger ladies, which was SO good for the soul.

We ended the weekend by renting Jumanji: The Next Level.
I normally hate to put out a goal if I’m nervous about it, but I am planning to start Couch to 5K tomorrow. What’s the worst that can happen? I am fully prepared to look and feel like a hot mess, but I think it’s time. Wish me luck.
A while back, I had mentioned joining a neighborhood book club. Well, the first meeting was pretty much the week all the COVID-19 restrictions started coming through. I wasn’t comfortable going to a stranger’s house in the midst of all of that, so book club wasn’t to be. However, one of my fellow St. Augustine Moms contributors is starting a virtual club and I just ordered my book! (The Alice Network). Here’s hoping this works out far better!
Little man’s birthday is in ten days. We have a plan in place, and this week, I have to work on some signs and his t-shirt. I hope he has a special day, regardless of what’s going on. He was super sad about not going back to school this year, and really, it’s just been disappointment after disappointment heaped on all these kids.
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
Do you like to keep your goals a secret if you’re not sure how they’re going to work out?

Ugh, it must be so tough on the kids….It sounds like you’re planning something wonderful though for his birthday! It will definitely be one he remembers!
Good luck on the couch to 5k!
One way or another, yes, he will remember it LOL!
I personally think you’re too fit for a couch to 5k program! You’ve been killing it the past couple of weeks.
I hope you like the Alice Network–I thought it was so interesting!
I appreciate the vote of confidence LOL. I figured it would be a good way to make sure I take it slow and easy, and don’t try to push too hard or too fast. I also don’t want to get discouraged, so having those small intervals and target times might mentally help? I guess we’ll see.
I’m excited to get the book.
It’s SO hard on the kids (even the older kids). I love the take your hedgehog to school shot. 🙂
Good job on your 5k PR! You’ve got C25K. It’s a great program.
I have to pick up some supplements for Lola next week, it’s the first time I’ve driven anywhere in a few weeks. My car is due to be inspected this month, not really sure what to do about that . . .
The hedgehog is getting a LOT of attention these days. I sit with her almost every morning now, when I’m working.
We don’t have car inspection here. Are the stations open by you? We actually got a partial refund from our car insurance company since no one is driving anywhere which I thought was cool.
All of my days are blending together too. One of my friends said we should get those underwear we used to have when we were kids with the days of the week printed on them! 🙂
Way to go on that 5K PR! You are getting stronger each week.
My dog is not loving exercise either lately, but that’s a big change for him. He used to go crazy on our runs and walks. He is a senior citizen now and pretty sedate. Poor guy!
Laurie recently posted…The Change Is the Crisis; The Path Is Outdoors
Those underwear would come in handy.
Bentley used to love walks, but he was always a wild card pug (came from a very abusive/neglected situation), and he would slip his harness and would never let me pick him up. Now that he’s older, he fights me to get the harness off and on, and would really just prefer to sunbathe out on the patio. Dude is 12 and if that’s what he wants, that’s what he gets. Delilah is too good for walks and always has been (she had to go on a very strict diet when we rescued her because her obesity was preventing O2 getting to her brain). She will just jellyfish if she realizes that we are trying to make her be active, and even with her weight loss, she is not a light creature.
That was a great looking Easter basket! This is the first year I didn’t buy any Easter candy and I’m sad that I missed out on the Reeses peanut butter eggs lol.
My heart breaks for all the kids who have to deal with the reality the their school year is over. It’s just such a hard situation for everyone – parents, kids and teachers. Hang in there!
It’s so hard for everyone.
Mr PugRunner handled the basket this year since he was the one out and about, so it didn’t have all the cute things I usually find in my travels (which I’m clearly not doing LOL), but little man loved it because LEGO! It’s the little things.
I’m so excited that you’re ready to start C25K! It’s going to be good. I loved The Alice Network, hope you enjoy it!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: A Virtual Half Marathon
I can’t wait for it to arrive so I can dig in!
You definitely seem ready for C25K. You logged a lot of miles! I’m sure you will make your son’s birthday special. I’ve seen “birthday parades” with cars driving by and honking/waving and smaller “driveway” gatherings with a few kids spaced apart — might be easier with older kids.
It was great chatting!
So great chatting! There are tons of great ideas for birthdays. I don’t know how much I feel like organizing, but it will be nice day, all the same. My friend is trying to get an ice cream truck to come to the cul de sac this weekend so all the kids who have birthdays can celebrate outside together. Fingers crossed it works out.
You are so ready to run!!!
Yes just dive in. It’s just like walking.
I ran! I’m not going to say it’s like walking, but I did it!
I think the school announcement is coming this week for my kids. I think my son will be fine with it, because he’s always gaming with his friends anyways, but I know my daughter will be missing her friends and all of the social get togethers. I’m just wondering when my son will finally be able to go get his braces off! Good luck on the C25K journey. You seem to be ready for it! Woohoo!
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly workouts – all downhill from here
I hope that he will be able to get into the orthodontist soon. So stressful. We need to get little man into the doctor (he needs a physical for camp, just in case) and not sure how that is going to go over. I am so over the gaming LOL! I realize it’s how kids communicate these days but I am so anti-video game.
You have really made so much progress! Excited for you to start your couch to 5K and look forward to cheering you on
I am so grateful for the support and encouragement.
Love the sabre photo! The force must have given you an extra push for the PR! Well done! You’ve really come a long way over the last few months.
So nice that you could support the local farmers. The produce looks great.
Catrina recently posted…The End of the Swiss Lockdown is in Sight
The force was certainly with me. The produce was super yummy. Mr PugRunner isn’t the best at picking fruits and vegetables on the fly when he does the shopping, so it was nice to be able to pick things out.
I used to share my goals and then I felt like I was putting too much pretty on myself. So now I mostly keep them to myself. I had no idea it was wear your pajamas to work day this week. I bet alot of people were participating without even realizing it!
Good luck with couch to 5k!
And I’m participating again! Keep that PJ celebration going!
Thank you!
Congrats on that 5k PR! I didn’t know you had a hedgehog in the house, so cute :). Your farmers market sounds great with all the measures they’re taking.
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
We have had the hog for about a year, now. Little man wanted a “personal pet” and our vet talked us into this instead of a hamster or guinea pig. She’s definitely different from anything we’ve owned: moody and grouchy. But we love her and she’s not high-maintenance. Little man is in charge of her care, but she’s easy enough that if we have to step in to help it’s not a huge deal.
I can’t wait to go back for more fruit and veggies this weekend!
Nice job this week! I think it’s great you’re going to start up Couch to 5K! I know what you mean about sharing those scary goals…sometimes I like to keep things quiet and other times I can’t resist (plus it’s nice to get the support)!
I hope your son has an awesome birthday! I feel for everyone who’s had their plans derailed because of COVID-19.
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Weekly Rundown: Doing My Best
So I shared the goal, and then I got rained out on Monday and felt like such a freaking failure! But it’s all good. I made it up!
I think everyone has had something derailed by this situation. I’ll be so happy to put this all behind us.
Awesome! The fresh produce looks great, we’ve been trying to source out some local business with this kind of service ourselves.
And, How did I miss National Banana day?! 🙂
All runners and athletes should have Banana Day on the calendar LOL!
It’s delicious so far. I live in a rural-ish area, and our farmers are hurting. I was happy to support them.
You have done such a great job with all that walking! I’ve been trying to get more early morning walking in (because it feels so good!)…now that the daylight is coming sooner and sooner, I really have no excuses. Keep up the great work!
Darn daylight! It makes it hard to procrastinate. It’s funny. I had given up on my alarm, and was sleeping “in” til about 7:30 or so, some days later. This last week, I’ve been waking up around 4/4:30 – I think my body knows it’s time to get back to work LOL.
It has been so hard to see the impact of all of this on the kids – so much stress and disappointment. I have no doubt that you will create a great day for him!
You’ve made such awesome progress – you’re going to do great with the Couch to 5K!!
I will have an update soon 🙂
I so hear you on the ongoing string of disappointments. Now I’m looking into summer and wondering if any summer camps will actually take place? Doubtful. I think you’re going to spank that C25K program!
So far, we haven’t had any word on cancellation of little man’s Scouts camp at the end of June. We are going to play it by ear. We’ve already paid, and I think I am leaning towards letting him go if it’s on. We will just have see how things progress.
How did I miss “Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day”?!! I’ll have to re-enact it this week! Haha!
Amazing week of workouts, girl!! So very sorry to hear about the school year though…:(
And Delilahs wagon is so precious!!
I mean. These days all blend together, now. In fact, I’m celebrating it again today! Whoo hoo! We are bummed about school, but I don’t think I would have sent him back if it DID open, so it’s for the best.
So many miles! Glad you’re at least able to get out for them. I love your star wars tank!
Tell little man he’s not alone. My 40th birthday is April 30th and will be a celebration of one… and a couple pugs of course! I’ll have to order some supplies to make myself a cake…
Oh, no!!!! Forty is a big year! The pugs will make it so special. We are making chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting over here. I am sad I can’t do an awesome cake like I usually do, but my leg isn’t up to standing for that many hours to deal with fondant. Hoping my dude understands.
I’m quite sure he does!
I am loving all of your outfits!! I used to have a few sparkly shirts and gave them away. Now I kind of regret it. I might buy one or two that will match and go with most outfits (maybe the black one and the rose gold). So excited about your running again!!
I LOVE the rose gold! I always say that since I’m not a good runner, I can at least dress up and look cute. I have some plain and some patterned, and I am holding back from ordering more.
Sounds like a good week. This school thing has been really hard, and it’s looking like NY won’t be opening anytime soon either. I hope your little guy has a great birthday.
I can’t see how NY CAN open at this point. I know things are slowing down there, but still, it’s been hit so hard. I think he will have a good day, when all is said and done. Not ideal, but it means 13 will be extra amazing.
Looks like you had a great week! We are struggling dealing with all of the unknown over here too. My youngest is in 5th grade, which is usually a big deal (last year of elementary school). It’s strange that there will be no ‘closure’ on that chapter of his life, and he’s off to middle school with no fanfare. What a crazy time!
Heather Hart recently posted…Running with Kids: 8 Tips For Encouraging Young Runners
5th grade is a huge deal. I keep saying how resilient these kids are, but it still just breaks my heart. I hope you get some direction soon. <3
I can’t wait to see what you have in store for LM’s birthday. It’s got to be so hard on all of the little ones, especially those who can’t have their birthday parties like normal.
I hope your new book club works out. I love how so many things are going virtual rather than stopping.
Take care and stay safe!
I hope he likes it!
The virtual stuff can be great. I do find myself a little more drained by it than face-to-face interactions, but I’m sure it’s because it’s something new and I’m still getting used to it.
I bet his hedgehog was the star attraction that day. I am all for more pets and kids and wish parents felt comfortable not apologizing for their presence. We’re all making due, and honestly they add way more flavor to a meeting. Love the teal theme of his easter basket. Hope he manages a great birthday.
Before Time – I like that. It’s a little less depressing sounding than “BCV”, which I’ve seen a lot of.
Cari recently posted…Tiptoe through the tulips
All the pets!!!!
Mr PugRunner was so pissed at the pugs the other day because they kept getting in his business live. It’s his own company, and I was like “I bet people are a lot more happy to see them being silly than you would think”. But he put them out in the living room anyway. Sigh.