For better or worse, summer vacation is coming to and end for us in the Runs With Pugs house.
I’ve been a bit vague, but we finally got little man’s acceptance to the virtual program of our choice. We applied several weeks before all the deadlines, but there was a technical glitch, and we have been on pins and needles ever since. As you can imagine, every school is so overworked and overwhelmed, so getting answers has been a challenge. However, now we are on track, and his first day is August 19.
Oh, and Happy Shark Week! Are you ready?
Sunday – 4.19 miles, walking
Happy Sunday! After my walk, I decided to try my hand at a plank. I have limited strength in my right foot, so it’s a bit of a triumph to be able to keep weight on it.
Meal prep had to get done. This week, I made pulled pork in the crockpot with roasted sweet potato chips and “not so fried” cauliflower rice (from the freezer section).
Last week, I said I committed to the Wellness Month Challenge, and it was time to get started.
Wellness Month Day 2: Take A Relaxing Bath or Shower. I always take a long, hot shower after a workout, so that was easy.
Monday – 3.6 miles, walking
I had a nice morning walk. Another week had arrived.
Wellness Month Day 3: State Your Mantra. I think this pretty much sums up my current state.
For dinner, I made Reubens In A Bowl. Mr PugRunner loves Reubens, and it’s obviously been a while since he could partake.
Tuesday – 3 miles, running + 2.29 miles, walking
Yay for running! J and I had a great 3 mile run and a wonderful cool down walk.
While we were out, little man went to a local skate park with a friend and her dad. No pictures from the outing, but rumor had it they did great and had so much fun.
Wellness Month Day 4: Make Breakfast A Priority. I generally grab a bowl of cereal and fruit, but today, I scrambled up eggs and spinach to eat with my banana.
We had plenty of Monday’s dinner for leftover before little man’s Scouts meeting. He ended up being elected Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Quartermaster. He will be leading his first meeting in a week. So proud.
Wednesday – 4.02 miles, walking
For some reason, it’s been easier taking longer walks. The miles just kind of pass and before I know it, I’m done.
Wellness Month Day 5: Stop and Stretch. I took that quite literally.
For dinner, I made copycat PF Chang’s Lettuce Wraps. Little man thought they were terrible. Mr PugRunner and I enjoyed.
Thursday – 3 miles, running + 2.39 miles, walking
Another glorious morning for a run.
Wellness Month Day 6: Drink Six Glasses Of Water. SIX!!! Friends, I hate water, and I hate drinking things. I just don’t enjoy liquids in any kind of quantity. This was a hard day.
In the evening, we went on a double date to the beach. We picked up tacos and beer, and then ended up having to eat in the car due to a random rain shower. When it was over, we took a gorgeous sunset walk. I came across this and thought it was so 2020.
Friday – 4.06 miles, walking
TGIF! Despite the late night, I was up and out for a long walk.
Wellness Month Day 7: Try That New Beauty Product You’ve Been Eyeing. To be honest, I’ve been quite curious about rose quartz and jade rollers. So I went ahead and gave one a try. After spending some time chilling in the fridge, it felt quite lovely, especially around my eyes and temples.
For dinner, I made a keto-friendly pizza casserole, which kind of sort of took care of my pizza craving. Kind of.
That night, we watched Peanut Butter Falcon as a family. I highly recommend it, even if I think Shia LeBeouf is a bit out there. He did a marvelous job in this film, and even little man was riveted.
Saturday – 4 miles, running + .7 miles, walking
I did it! I ran four miles! It required me checking in myself every quarter mile after the three mile mark, but I did it!
Wellness Month Day 8: Try A New Fitness Class. Well, we’re in a pandemic, so fitness classes aren’t really a thing I’m doing right now, so I hopped on YouTube and brought up one of Yoga by Adriene’s selections. It was a cool down yoga segment for runners, and it was a great way to stretch and chill out after a run.
I donated school supplies to a local community organization (all you had to do was go to one of they drive-up locations, pop your trunk and the volunteers would collect) and then we hung at the pool and had lunch with my parents.
This week felt great physically, although I struggled emotionally. There’s just so much mental weight right now and I’m having a hard time casting it aside. I will get there. Having school settled helps hugely, but there are still other things bearing down on me. I guess I’m just part of that club, you know?
The Wellness Challenge for August is helping. Here’s a reminder, if you missed out last time.
New menu is up and meal prep is underway!
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training?
Are you making sure to take time for wellness?
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
Congrats on 4! Running really isn’t about the distance, but at the same time I find it so satisfying when I run further than I planned on.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Fast Times
Deborah Brooks says
I like the sounds of your wellness challenge. I am also all about the long hot showers. Glad you got your school stuff figured out. It’s super stressful for sure. we take our son back to college this week. That should be interesting. Thanks for linking up and have a great week
Kim G says
I’m glad that your son got into his first choice virtual program. I imagine this is such a stressful time for parents, students, teachers and administrators 🙁
Love all the items you made for meal prep this week, especially the pizza casserole and sweet potato chips!
Wendy says
We loved the Peanut Butter Falcon–such a hidden little gem of a movie! We also watched the Boys of Summer and that was really good too! Love those coming of age movies.
I hear you on feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Living with so much uncertainty sure makes me anxious. <3
runswithpugs says
I’ll have to try Boys of Summer.
This has been the most “freewheeling” I have ever been. I don’t like it.
Chocolaterunsjudy says
Congrats on 4 miles!
I don’t understand people who don’t like water. Seems like that’s most everyone, LOL. But seriously, I am almost always well hydrated. I totally drag if I’m not.
I actually was not moved by Peanut Butter Falcon, although oddly Mr. Judy really like it.It was ok.
runswithpugs says
Thank you!
I really don’t like drinking at all. A large iced coffee can last me all day. It’s super weird.
Oh, no! I thought it was so great! Sometimes, movies just don’t resonate, I guess.
Jessie says
So happy your son is in the program you wanted! That must have been stressful…
Your meals always make me hungry!
Congrats on 4 miles! Your recovery has been inspiring. 🙂
runswithpugs says
It was horribly stressful. Something was going to work out, but the clock was ticking and our hands were just so tied.
Coco says
Glad your son got into your first choice — that must be a relief. And school starts so soon there! Hurray on running 4 miles!!!! That pizza casserole looks yummy.
runswithpugs says
HUGE relief. It’s been weighing on me.
The pizza casserole was decent. Not a pizza, but close.
runswithpugs recently posted…coping with the longterm effects of injury
Laurie says
So glad you got the school choice that you wanted. Way to persevere!
I also like your wellness challenge. A long bath or shower sounds wonderful, especially after a hot run! And Mask Monday sounds great!
runswithpugs says
Mask Monday was fun. Little man wanted to play along and then regretted all of it loL!
runswithpugs recently posted…coping with the longterm effects of injury
Cari says
Mental weight is such a true phrase. *HUGS* Glad you got some good news with the virtual program of your choice. So so banans even if you understand why the delays.
*LOVE* your nails in the PF Chang pic.
I save your food posts (and Deborah’s). One day I’ll get there, cooking wise. I do love pulled pork though.
Hope this week is better for you
runswithpugs says
Pulled pork is easy and yummy!
I love the color street nails. Super easy and quick to apply. I need all the easy and quick in my life.
runswithpugs recently posted…coping with the longterm effects of injury
Cari says
I just painted my nails for the first time in quarantime. Already chipped but it felt so good.
runswithpugs says
I’m sure it did! These small luxuries make things better.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
Glad you figured out all the school stuff! So is the virtual program not associated with the school he was previously attending? I didn’t realize you were looking at such a wide range of options. I’m glad you are feeling a little more settled now knowing he was accepted!
Yay for making it to 4 miles! You have been so smart about building back up and its paying off.
runswithpugs says
It is not. We opted for the state-based virtual school. It is not subject to any of the politics or drama right now, and we just want him to have a consistent, uninterrupted education.
runswithpugs recently posted…coping with the longterm effects of injury
Chaitali says
Great job with the wellness challenge! I’m bad with drinking water too so that one would have been tough for me. And congrats to your son for getting into the online academy 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
runswithpugs says
Thank you! It was a huge relief.
runswithpugs recently posted…coping with the longterm effects of injury
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures says
That’s good your son got into the program you wanted. Uncertainty about school is a big topic around here right now. They were flip flopping on plans, and today it was recommended to go with a hybrid plan to start out. I’m excited about that. I think we can do it safely. Now, to plan on what to do for school sports. No decisions have been made on that one yet!
runswithpugs says
Our district started with hybrid and then switched to physical school as normal with a limited distance option. Nope. Not interested, thanks.
Sports are going on here. I don’t know how I feel about it.
Darlene S Cardillo says
I’m with you on water. I struggle to drink it and rarely do.
I can’t believe how fast the summer has gone.
I still struggle with anything that relates to flexibility of my ankle…esp yoga. You’re doing great!!!!
runswithpugs says
So gross. The stretching is going, but it’s slow. And therefore annoying.
Marcia says
I had to chuckle when I saw today is mask Monday. It’s pretty much mask every day. I need more yoga in my life. I was doing well with it but now not so much.
runswithpugs says
At first, I was like “ohh, that’s weird. Why would they want us to wear a mask?” And then it dawned on me that they probably meant something more facial related. Whoops.
Shannon says
You are killing it with walking miles! If it wasn’t so hot here, I’d love to take evening walks. Maybe in the Fall.
Love the Wellness Challenge, looks awesome. I too struggle with water intake, so I feel you.
runswithpugs says
The wellness challenge is really great. I’m glad I joined in.
Zenaida Arroyo says
Wait, how can you not like water? It is so good for you. I drink it a lot more in the summer because of the heat.
I remember you being stressed out about him going back to school. Is that virtual program not the one at his regular school? Aren’t schools starting off with remote learning?
runswithpugs says
I just never got into it. I know it’s great for me, but I just don’t like it.
We opted for a virtual program through our state. Our district is going back to brick and mortar, full schedule. There is a distance option and a district virtual option but both of those have now been delayed to 8/31, with the opening of the physical school, and all three are subject to whatever is going on in courts right now. The teacher’s union is suing to delay even later, which I totally understand, but we prefer not to be a part of the fight.
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
I hope Little Man has a really good school year. Having his own dedicated space will make such a huge difference.
Congrats on your 4-miler! You’ve come so far since your injury.
runswithpugs says
It is already so much better than it was last year. And I can check him so much more easily.
Liz Dexter says
Sorry to hear things are weighing heavy on you and hope the wellness month activities are helping (I’d find them adding an extra burden but realise it can help many people to do things like that). Yay for Adriene, lots of us do her over here. Lots of joyful pics that made me smile and well done on your plank!
runswithpugs says
At first, I didn’t want to do the challenge, but I’m glad I caved. Carving out just those few minutes every day has been really good for me.
I love Adriene. She’s great, especially now when going to yoga is a nope.