Happy Labor Day to you! Normally, I’d be lining up for a 5k, but, yeah. Things are different this year. Everything is different. Did school get better? Yes. Did other things fall apart? Yes. We are hanging in there (sometimes by a thread), but doing what we can.
Sunday – 3.88 miles, walking
Another quiet Sunday. I got in my walk.

The weather has been so awful and stormy so no one really feels motivated to do very much. And quite frankly, I’m tired of always being the cheerleader and cruise director. I was just fine sitting on the couch.
Wellness Month Day 30: Try something out of your comfort zone. I feel like so many thing are out of my comfort zone these days. After some back and forth, I sent a cold pitch to a company with whom I’d like to work. It was agonizing, and very much out of that comfort zone. Fingers crossed.
Monday – 3.88 miles walking
With the start of another academic week, I treated myself to a long walk AND some iced coffee. I needed the fortification.

A worked hard, and even spent some time doing school with his friend, who is also in the virtual program. He is still catching up to some of the expectations, but maybe it’s happening?
Wellness Month Day 31: Share What You’re Grateful For. Everything. My family. My friends. Our health. Love. The list is pretty endless.
Tuesday – 3.5 miles running + 1.56 miles, walking
We had a great Tuesday run. I really look forward to runs when I have a buddy. It makes everything just a little more manageable.

School progressed decently (bizarrely, math days are good days around here).
And then, disaster. As I posted last week, our oldest pug Bentley suffers from some chronic issues. He woke with some light hacking (normal for him this time of year), which sounded a little deeper than normal. We scheduled an appointment for Thursday. By late afternoon, his breathing and wheezing just worsened, and in the matter of an hour, we realized that things were very much out of our hands. Our vet advised us to head to the ER. There was a bit of shuffling as we figured out who was going and who was staying, and A and I tearfully kissed and hugged our boy goodbye.

We all know how this ends. His trachea was breaking down. It’s something that can happen in senior dogs, especially brachycephalic ones like pugs. Our family is crushed.
Wednesday – 2.41 miles, walking
I couldn’t bring myself to get up and go downstairs in the morning. The fact that Bentley wouldn’t be down there, waiting to devour breakfast just about broke me.
We all agreed to take a semi-easy day. I only walked 2.41 miles, and I was so grateful for all the love everyone has shown us.

In the evening, instead of clarinet and karate, we went out to dinner downtown. We just wanted some time as a family, and we toasted to Bentley and his life. It felt nice to be spontaneous and get out of the house, where something is noticeably missing.

Thursday – 3.5 miles, running + 1.55 miles, walking
We had a good run. I was able to vent a little about my sadness and my over-emotional state. It was nice to get that out, and I am appreciative of friends who let me.

The weather turned nasty quite quickly, and so after school, we just chilled at home, working on A’s lanyard inventory. We had a call with his homeroom teacher – once a month, we check in to make sure he is on pace and getting done everything he needs.
In the evening, I had a round table meeting for Scouts. The BSA faces some new and unusual challenges this year in recruitment, but I am positive they will come through.
Friday – rest day
What? A rest day?
Though I thought about canceling, I had planned for a little Mimosas + Moms shindig in the driveway. Last year, when we sent the kids off to school on the first day, a few friends and I went out for breakfast and mimosas. We couldn’t do the same this year, but I wanted to recognize some of my friends and how hard they’ve worked keeping it together over the past months.

After completing his work for the week, little man went to the skate park with his friend. My parents swung by for a quick front porch visit. And that was Friday.
Saturday – 4 miles, running + 1. miles, walking
I ran a little and I cried a little. That’s how it goes.

When I was finished, I had to take another quick trip to the store for more lanyard supplies. And then we headed to Atlantic Beach for lunch. A’s Language Arts teacher has been sharing Edgar Allen Poe with the students. I have mentioned that A loathes reading and Language Arts is his hardest class. However, this teacher is somehow reaching him (I have listened to the classes, and he’s amazing), and I am rolling with it. There is a Poe’s Tavern in AB, so we had fun looking at all the EAP theming and ordering menu items like The Goldbug and The Telltale Heart.

Week 2 of school was mostly better. We are still arguing over when to get things done, but something seemed to click late this week, and A may be fully and (mostly) independently on track.
My miles were down. It was understandable, but frustrating, too. I was tired and unmotivated and really preferred to just sit around in pajamas. It happens.
Wellness Month is over, and I intended to do a fun giveaway, but… it just didn’t work out this past week. Keep an eye on my instagram tonight, though. We are getting back to it!
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
How are you enjoying the Labor Day weekend?

You’re doing so well. I could not leave the house the day after we lost our cat last year. In fact I’m dreading the anniversary and trying to work out how I can just stay in and hide. I’m glad you’ve got good friends around you. Keep hanging on in there!
<3 <3 <3 it's just so hard. The hole they leave behind never seems to close.
I’m so sorry about Bentley. Sending virtual hugs to your family. I thought about your comment about being cruise director and cheerleader in the family. I can totally identify with that one! It’s tiring, but I’m sure our families do appreciate it 🙂
Thank you. <3
I know our families appreciate it, but they can also take it for granted (at least around here), and I get tired of it. Sometimes, I don't want to map out every day, and I don't want to make decisions.
I’m so sorry about Bentley. I’m glad you have friends you can run and vent with – it helps!
Good to hear that school went better this week.
Thank you. I think we have hit our stride. Maybe. We will see.
Again, so sorry about your Bentley. A cousin also lost her dog on Thursday last week, so reading about her (and your) loss gave me a nasty lump in my throat. I cannot imagine the train wreck I’ll be when/if we have to make those kind of decisions. Glad to hear the second week of school went better for your guy.
Thank you and I’m sorry. It’s the worst part of pet ownership.
I’m so sorry about Bentley. I know you will be feeling his absence constantly. ((Hugs)) I’m glad you did your mimosa celebration —- hopefully you included yourself in the list of moms who have been working so hard to keep it all together.
Cool to hear about A’s English teacher. Going to that pup is a fun way to reinforce what he’s learning. Maybe he can read the poem that goes with his favorite menu item. 😉
He did end up picking something to eat that didn’t have a fun name (grrr), but we did read The Telltale Heart and The Raven, so we got our point across. 🙂
I don’t feel super awesome or that I’ve been keeping it together. But I did have my share of mimosas and I was happy about that 🙂
So sorry to hear about your pup 🙁 Looks like that moms and mimosas get together was just what you needed
I’m so sorry about Bentley. It is so heartbreaking to lose a member of the family. I find that running is a therapeutic outlet for sadness. That mimosa get together looks very therapeutic as well. Great to hear A is settling into his school routine!
Oh my gosh Jenn…My heart breaks for you and your family and the loss of your sweet pup. I’m so sorry. Take the time to grieve.
I’m glad you were able to get out and have a family dinner and toast him.
Mask Lanyards…yes, I need to order some. Smart idea.
I’m so sad for all of you about Bentley. They always leave us too soon.
Still a full week despite the sad though. Glad things seem to be clicking for A with virtual school.
Definitely strange times we’re living in.
What a tough week for you! As if remote learning weren’t enough…I love your creativity tho, visiting a Poe themed pub to reach your son is something I would definitely have done as well! Real world and all…
I am so sorry about Bentley. It is never easy losing a furry family member. I think dogs give us so much…and it’s not fair that we have them for such a short time. What a gift they are, tho. <3
I’m so sorry that you lost Bentley so suddenly and unexpectedly. It’s so hard when they leave us. How did Luna react? Is she lost without her buddy or has she not been with your family long enough for the two of them to bond? I hope each day gets a little easier for your family. Sending hugs your way!
Thank you. Honestly, he didn’t really like her very much (she was too jumpy for his 14 year old self), so I don’t think she really noticed the loss. Delilah sits by his crate, but she’s a stoic girl. They were together five years, but she’s not a bonded pug, so I’m not sure. Some days are easier and some are harder. It will ease with time, but ugh. Just another slap in the face from 2020.
So sorry again to hear about Bentley. It’s so tough. My old pup Coco is 17 now – he has a cough because of an enlarged heart. The meds he was on was making him feel really groggy so my husband took him off them. He is a lot more comfortable without them so I’m happy with the decision. But my heart aches sometimes knowing what is to come. Sending you and the family lots of love and hugs.
It’s never easy. Never. 17 is amazing, and I am so glad you have so much time with him. <3
I was so sorry to hear about Bentley’s passing last week. It’s so tough to lose a pet because they are truly like family. I am glad that you were able to vent about your sadness with friends as I know that can be so helpful. Sending you a big virtual hug!
Thank you. It was a fairly awful week 🙁