It’s just insane to me that we are on the edge of fall, and it’s time to set some September running goals. Please forgive me that these are a week late – last week was hard with our loss, and I just didn’t have it in me to share.
My Current Status
Before I get into my September running goals, it’s a good idea to look at where I’m at right now. As it stands, I’m walking four days a week, and running three. Twice a week, I lay down 3.5 miles, and my long run is four miles. I’m not in a lot of pain or discomfort, but my ankle does get stiff and my leg tired at the end of the day. As far as I’m concerned, this is all good news, and I’m making progress.
I closed the month of August with 134.61 miles of running and walking. It’s crazy to me, but filling in my “rest days” with long walks (strenuous and not) has definitely bulked up my distance. After so many days, weeks, and months of barely clearing 1000 steps, this has done wonders for my mojo. I feel so much more confident in my abilities, and I can’t believe that I have gone from surgery and non-weight-bearing to actually running again!
So What’s Next?
At this point, I feel like I can safely bump my week distances up to four miles, and my “long run” to 4.5, maybe five. I like to keep the two distances connected, because longer runs during the week make for easier long runs. There is the matter of my running buddy to consider, but she also has a goal to reach the 10K distance, so we are on the same page. I don’t feel like there is a huge rush to do anything drastic, but I want to keep the momentum flowing.
Right now, I am registered for three virtual races:
Cupcake Run & Cake Walk – As you know, this is the race that supports Girls On The Run of Northeast Florida, so I am all in to run my 3.1 miles virtually on September 18. You have until the end of the week to register, if you want to join in the fun!
ASPN Crushing COVID 5K – I can run this anytime from September 18 – 30, and I will do it with Mr PugRunner. He normally attends an annual conference for work, and this is the affiliated charity 5K. Since the conference is a virtual affair this year, it makes sense that the race is also virtual. We are happy to support it, however.
Global Energy Virtual Race – This was (and is) a free event. Participants have from October 5-11 to complete the 5K or 10K (I signed up for the 10K!!!!!), and can receive a shirt and medal upon uploading their results. It was a lot of fun (in real life) last year, so I am all in this time. For every race completed, Bimbo Bakeries will donate a loaf of bread to Feeding America to help fight hunger in local communities.
While these events help me meet my September running goals, I would love to register for an in-person race, soon. They have started back up in my area (with restrictions and limits), so it would be nice to be able to join in the fun.
Realistically, What Do I Need To Do?
Right now, I just have to keep running. Originally, I wanted to be in half marathon shape by December, but since my goal half has gone virtual, I am comfortable waiting and taking my time.
I also need to work in some strength and some yoga. Same old story, but in order to achieve my September running goals (and beyond), I need to do extra work. The end. Period. With virtual school, I have even fewer hours to get that done, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. It will only make me stronger.
Additionally, I need to crack down on my nutrition. With Mr PugRunner’s meal plan, I’m not necessarily getting what I need and I can feel it in the mornings. It’s time to support him, but also take care of myself.
What are your September running goals?
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Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
It sounds like you are making really great progress! That would be great if you could do an in-person race this year. The only goal I really have for September is to focus on preparing for a 10k in the beginning of October. I’d like to get in a few workouts to prepare for that distance since my speedwork has been hit or miss over the last 2 months.
Wendy says
In a way, it’s kind of nice that you don’t have any pressure to be half marathon ready this year. You get to take your time with your comeback and giving that ankle time to heal! I’ve got 2 virtual halfs and one live one coming up; a trail 5k just came up as well. We’ll see how it all goes.
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says
It’s been great to see how well your running has progressed these past few months! It sounds like you have a great plan for this month. I’m hoping to get back to a consistent 3 days a week but I know I have to take it easy and listen to my body!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Must-Have Running Gear: Body Helix Face Mask
Liz Dexter says
Great progress and YES to taking care of yourself.
runswithpugs says
I am trying so hard!
Chocolaterunsjudy says
I’m sure you’re missing that real half (aren’t we all?) but I think taking it nice & slow for your recovery is just the ticket. Think about how strong you’re gonna be when it’s finally time to race!
runswithpugs says
I hope so. Next up? I have to get my head in the game. I have had a few opportunities to join a real race locally, but now I’m scared and have all the doubt in my abilities. Ugh.
Deborah Brooks says
I think it’s great that you and your hubs are going to run your 5K virtual together. Wow you have really had a very smart and steady comeback. I hope to be right behind you!
runswithpugs says
I hope you’re right behind me, too! It’s been quite the journey.
Kimberly Hatting says
Well, my big September goal is to get this stress fracture healed. I have nothing on the roster (race-wise, virtual or live) until November, so I have no reason to rush anything. There is a virtual half marathon (that had been rescheduled from April), but Barb and I actually ran those (virtual) 13.1 miles on the actual race day…so we may bike the 13.1 distance for laughs.2020 has just been so weird…no perfect solution to all these virtual events.
runswithpugs says
So weird. Everything is just so off kilter, and I have no clue how to find the balance.
I hope your healing continues smoothly.
Michelle D. says
You have made such awesome progress!! I think not having that half marathon out there will actually pay off in the end…no pressure to get back into training too quickly.
runswithpugs says
You’re absolutely right. I was starting to get a little nervous about it, but now, I have more time.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
Jenn, you are racking up the miles! I struggle so much to get the strength in, so you are not alone. It’s just plain hard and we figure it out as we go.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: Just One Idea
runswithpugs says
I was doing really well with it, but now it feels like one more chore. I don’t like it.
Debbie says
You’ve really done so well with your recovery. Maybe the fact that everything was canceled allowed you to relax and take your time. No need to hurry when there’s nothing really happening!
runswithpugs says
As much as this has been awful, it really did happen at the best possible time for me. I was able to get the surgery and the bulk of my PT, and then didn’t miss out on much. That’s my one silver lining.
Catrina says
I think you will be in great shape to do Global Energy 10k in October! You have been very good about your comeback to running this year and now you are reaping the benefits!
Well done!
What kind of meal plan is MrPugRunner following?
runswithpugs says
Thanks for the positive vibes!
It’s kind of a cross between a high fat/low carb and keto. From what I can tell, it’s designed to teach him portioning and appropriate fuels based on the workouts he is doing – more of a way to jumpstart the metabolism. It’s not sustainable, and I can’t do it entirely with him because I don’t feel well when I eat as much protein as he is supposed to. It’s restrictive in that there’s not a lot of dairy and pretty much no sugar, but not problematically so.
Laura says
You are making great progress! Steady comebacks always beat quick ones in the long term and that is one silver lining of no live races. A 10K is a great goal! September goals here are just trying to get back into my normal routine slowly after recovering from Covid and losing fitness from almost a month off.
runswithpugs says
I was hoping to bump up the distance today, but it was too late and too hot and I just didn’t feel like it. So I didn’t. I have some time.
I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Darlene S Cardillo says
I am not even injured and I have doubts about real racing. It’s been long and I have been walking more than running. My running has been slow. But I am enjoying the slower pace. Not sure if y ego could handle it in a real race.
You’ll go longer when there’s a reason to. Your ankle will always be stiff and tired but it won’t affect you (except in maybe yoga)
runswithpugs says
Yeah, yoga is scary right now. I just can’t wrap my head around that one.
Today’s run was stupid slow for me. It was late in the morning and I was tired and I just didn’t want to. Blah.
Lauren says
You’re doing a really great job and making progress! I love how you are still planning on doing some virtual races and making the most of this difficult time!
runswithpugs says
Thank you! The virtual help fill the hole left by the real thing.
Cari says
I wish I wasn’t forever playing catchup, would have done the cupcake fundraiser. Such a great cross section of virtual runs and good path to goal. I too rebuilt via a related daily/long run path and it worked well. Touch wood. It’s a little more random these days, but the idea was a good one.
Can’t believe you’ve come so far less than ayear from the break