I swear, the weeks keep getting longer and longer as the year goes on. I don’t know if having the holiday weekend helped or hurt that feeling, but things definitely dragged.
Sunday – 3.22 miles, walking
Mr PugRunner and I woke up super early so we could try taking Luna to the beach for sunrise. She loved the sand and the other pups she met, but she barked at and attacked the ocean. We will try again.

I went for my walk after giving her a bath (which she also hated).

In the afternoon, we got lunch and went to the Alligator Farm for the last day of our annual passes. It was lovely to just wander around and enjoy the outdoors and the animals.

Monday – 4 miles walking
Happy Labor Day! I walked, and was super happy to find this beautiful heart-shaped leaf on my path.

The weather was off and on, so we went to the waterfront for lunch before the storms really hit.

Tuesday – 3.5 miles running + 2.59 miles, walking
Run day, fun day. I was glad to get moving after the long weekend. I was even more excited to find these shorts, which I thought I had lost.

A was back to school – it’ s a little weird with the virtual schedule. Technically, he was off on Labor Day, but he did his usual work anyway, so he wouldn’t have to catch up on it later in the week. It wasn’t a big deal, but it’s different.
In the evening, he had his Scouts meeting, and was able to collect his advancements and awards he had earned. He missed Court of Honor, due to our loss of Bentley, but he was so proud to receive these badges.

While he was at his meeting, Mr PugRunner and I went for a small date night. It was much-needed.

Wednesday – 3.66 miles, walking
This ended up being a rough day. From lack of sleep to an almost-missed clarinet lesson to a skateboard injury (he’s fine), to nasty storms again, it was a tough one.
I did get in a decent walk, but that was my only respite for the day.

Thursday – rest
I had to make up the dentist appointment I missed last week, and was not looking forward to it. Of course, my anxiety was way worse than the reality. The cleaning was fine, and my track record of zero cavities held strong. However, the dentist did give me a referral to an oral surgeon to have my wisdom teeth removed. I only have the two bottom ones, but they are now becoming problematic and need to go.

Since it was such an early appointment, I dragged through the rest of the day, and went to bed extra early.
Friday – 3.5 miles, running + 2.91 miles walking
While the running itself was horrible, I had great company and we saw so many beautiful rainbows. It warmed my heart on the anniversary of 9/11.

A had some schoolwork to finish, and he spent the morning working hard. I told him that when he was done, I would take him to the skateboard shop to buy his new board with his earnings. Obviously, that motivated him to hustle, and we were able to get takeout lunch for a car picnic on our way.
And he is now the proud owner of a new Bob Ross skateboard!

That evening, we had dinner and dessert at Food Truck Friday,

and Mr. PugRunner picked up Bentley and brought him home for good. It was an emotional and difficult evening.
Saturday – rest
Two rest days in one week? What?
A had the opportunity to take Mask Lanyards 4 U to a Children’s Entrepreneur Market. The St. A City Market offers a kids’ addition to their regular local market once a month, and this was the first one since COVID began. We were comfortable because it was outside, and all vendors and visitors were asked to wears masks.

He worked hard to get his inventory stocked, and it ended up being a great experience. He didn’t sell out, but he did end the morning on a high note, and as of Sunday morning, has broken 60 sales! So proud of him!

We grabbed good trucks for lunch, and n the evening, went to our friends’ house for some pizza, wine and conversation. These are among my favorite nights.
Two rest days in one week are pretty unheard of in my world. Ii didn’t want to take the time off, but I wasn’t feeling great after my dentist appointment, and Saturday was just too busy to get it in. Meh.
A is about 25% through his first semester of FLVS and doing very well. I’m very impressed with how he is rising to meet the expectations. If we are reading his schedule correctly, he will have a bit of a quiet week – he is finished with most of his first unit tests and conferences, so he gets to wait for everyone else to catch up.
I started to decorate for fall, too. We ain’t sue how Halloween is going to look this year, but I am all in for it!
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
Are you ready for fall decorating?

Wow, I can’t believe he’s already 25% done with his first semester! We are still only 1 week in! I don’t usually decorate for fall but I’m kind of in the mood to do something this year. I feel like I need something like that to focus on right now. But I guess I don’t really have time!
I felt like last week was super long, even though it was technically a shorter week because of the Labor Day holiday. I feel like that always happens though!
The Children’s Entrepreneur Market is such a fabulous idea! So glad that your son had a positive experience and made a good amount of sales!
Decorate? What’s that. I didn’t inherit that gene (seriously). Maybe if I’d had kids . . . but probably not.
I thought I was the only one that had my wisdom teeth out so late in life (I was 30 — my God, that was almost 30 years ago!). I had 4 impacted teeth. I was completely knocked out for that and my recovery was smooth, but I was still working outside the home back then so it wasn’t a ton of fun either.
Glad you found your shorts. Glad I’m not the only one that loses things. 🙂
Oh yeah, Bandit was super chill about his bath last week. They’re pretty good, but usually they make it clear they don’t like it. This time he seemed to enjoy it. It was really weird.
So glad school is going well. So sorry again about Bentley.
Luna looks right at home on the beach! What a sweetheart. Dogs are the best.
Last week was long for me as well. Even with Monday being kind of a free-for-all day, it felt like my job had five day’s worth of work crammed into the four “work” days. At least we had nonstop rain outside, so being inside wasn’t a big deal #silverlining LOL
I’m glad to hear that virtual school is going so well. Your son’s Kids’ craft fair booth looks so cute!
So sorry about Bentley. You have another pug besides Luna, right? How did she handle it?
Sounds like a good and positive week – but what? Luna attacked the ocean? Love her! Sounds like she’s got a big personality!
That Bob Ross board is so fun! I’m right there with you. The days and weeks sort of blend into each other. It’s crazy. Hope the wisdom teeth procedure goes well!
The week did feel like it went on forever!
Congrats to your son on both his Scouts awards and the market!
Good luck with your wisdom teeth.
Attacking the ocean. I’m with you Luna. <3
The mask lanyards are amazing and so much more sustainable than the plastic bags being advocated here.
Congrats to A on his great experience at the Children’s Entrepreneur Market. It sounds like he did well!
I hope your wisdom teeth removal goes well. Yay for only having to have to worry about having two removed.
I was hoping they were going to say just one had to go, but I guess while they’re in there…
Did I read that right..he is 25% done with the first semester? Wow! That is impressive!!
Nothing wrong with 2 rest days. It happens.
Honestly, I think I still have my wisdom teeth. I am sure I would remember a procedure like that. When I was 13 or 14 I got braces but needed to get 4 teeth pulled out (I had too many) to make room for the others, but am positive they were not wisdom teeth. Hmm.
Yup! Closer to 30% now and he might be a little further back in Spanish, but he started later.
I only have two wisdom teeth, thank goodness. But yes, that’s a big one that you would have remembered!
So much fun!
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