Happy Sunday! It’s another cold and bright day here in Florida, and I think we will be enjoying another week of tights, gloves, and sweatshirts. It’s a little bit of a nice break, if we are being honest.
Sunday – rest + Plank Challenge Day 10 (forearm hip dips)
Sunday was a rest day in almost every sense of the word. Yes, I did my plank challenge (three 45-second sets of forearm hip dips), and yes, that was where it all ended.
Sure, there was some tidying up and organizing, but otherwise, it was a very low output day.
Monday – 4.13 miles, speedwork/walking + Plank Challenge Day 11 (plank jacks)
Speedwork Monday is a real thing now, and today I decided to try running four 1/4 mile repeats, with 1/4 mile recovery in between. Normally, the recovery would be shorter, but since this is new for my ankle, I’m making the adjustments necessary for me to feel comfortable.
On the other hand, plank jacks presented a huge challenge for me. I got halfway through the first set, and then had to switch to a modification. I felt incredibly unstable, and consequently, terrified.
Today, back to school started for real, with live lessons and assignments due. The day started on a super high note, when A received his honor roll certificate for All A’s in his first semester of virtual school.
Tuesday – 5.01 miles, running + 1.05 miles, walking + Plank Challenge Day 12 (side plank dips)
Back to normal running with five miles! Please note, this was the only tank and shorts day of my week.
A’s virtual cooking club is now on a fairly regular schedule, so he treated us to dinner: chicken noodle soup. We added some warm bread, and it was quite yummy.
Wednesday – 3.66 miles, walking + Plank Challenge Day 13 (knee to opposite elbow)
Back to freezing weather, but the walk must go on. No stopping, just because it’s cold out there!
Today’s planks went much better than the previous days: high plank with knee to opposite elbow. These have always come easily and today wasn’t an exception.
After that, I left A to his lessons to take Luna to the vet for her bordetella booster. Human clients still can’t go into the office or exam rooms, and the tech told me she fought like a tiger, even those the dose was oral. Oh, sweet Luna.
Thursday – 5.01 miles, running + 2.27 miles, walking + 1.25 miles, hiking + Plank Challenge Day 14 (knee to same elbow)
Another great run in the cold. J and I had some truly amazing conversation – sometimes we just need to get it all out. Of course I treated myself to some iced coffee with my stretching.
Plank challenge called for a low plank with knees to same elbow. This was a little bit harder.
That afternoon, we continued our weekly hiking and exploration adventures with a trip to Kingsley Plantation.
This was a more sobering visit, in that the trails are built around an actual plantation. The manor house, barn, and 25 slave cabins still stand, all reminders of some of the ugliness that stains this nation’s past.

Friday – 3.25 miles, walking + .54 miles, hiking + Plank Challenge Day 15 (Friday Flow)
Happy Friday! I started the day with a nice walk. I wasn’t really feeling it, but the sun was shining and the sky was blue. I had zero excuses. None.
A was finished with school for the week, and had earned 100s on two big writing assignments, so I decided (with a push from Darlene) to take him on the trip to Blue Spring State Park to see the manatees. Every winter, the manatees migrate to the inland springs like this one to stay warm in the 72 degree water.
On this Friday, there were 321 of these beauties at the park, just doing manatee things. We brought sandwiches to eat in the car, and spent a few hours enjoying nature.
Saturday – 9 miles, running + 1.46, walking + Plank Challenge Day 16 (wide-grip pushups)
And finally, it was Saturday. I had committed to extending my long run distance to nine miles, and here we were. J wanted to run seven, so we agreed that I would go out earlier for two, and pick her up for the remainder.
I don’t know what happened, but it was just a perfect run. Yes, it was cold and windy, but I didn’t feel tired or sore or over it the entire time. Yay! Getting to 10 miles will be easier than I thought!
We celebrated by getting lunch at the food trucks by the marina.
And then came home for a nap in our new hybrid bed!
Week 3 was pretty wonderful! My walking miles were down, but my running miles increased, speedwork was better, and we did more parks trips.

I am still holding strong with my plank challenge. Some days it’s really hard, but it’s only for a few minutes, so I can take it.
I finished Wolf Hall, and moved on to Bringing Up The Bodies, both by Hilary Mantel, and both in the same series. Here’s the link to my GoodReads profile if you want to follow along.
Also, I got fabulous news: I was invited to join the 2021 Balega Impi Ambassador Global Team! I discovered Balega socks last year through another Impi, and have been devoted to them ever since. I’m so honored to get to be part of this crew and get to spread the Balega love!
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
Do you have a hybrid mattress? Ever visit manatees? Any new wins for you this week?

Great job sticking with the plank challenge, and a HUGE congrats for the 9-miler! I’m ready, mentally and (I think) physically to increase my distance, but am holding out until my podiatrist appointment (in a few weeks) for his blessing. Not worth over-doing things, even if I “feel” ready…
Looks like a great week for you! Congrats on getting to 9 miles and adding in that speedwork. You’ve made some great progress!
What a wonderful week you had! Crazy weather but still. I love that your son is continuing with the virtual cooking class and making dinner for you.
I visited that Manatee when I was visiting friends in Flagler Beach several years ago. Loved it!
I am surprised that you have so many cold weather running clothes. I hope it warms up for you.
I looks like your running is going great.
Congrats on your ambassadorship. I wear Balegas too. I never remember to apply for these things.
It’s so hard to believe how cold it’s been in Florida. I get what you mean though, it’s a nice break for you to have some temperate weather. Luna just cracks me up! She’s such an expressive pup. Cocoa is a lot like that–she’s got all these faces she makes and we know exactly what she’s thinking!
Congrats on the Balega ambassadorship!
Another really solid week of running for you! Nice mileage. 🙂 Congrats to your son for making the honor roll. Have a great week ahead
Thanks! We were so proud of him! Have a great week!
Congrats on the Impi team! Balega socks are awesome!
You had a great week! 10 miles will be no problem for you – way to go!
I love Balega. I could never get too excited about socks in general, but these are just so great.
Congrats on the 10 miler and being a Balega ambassador! I like plank jacks but find those cross-knee planks a challenge. 😉 Glad the next semester of school is off to a good start.
Isn’t it funny what comes harder for some people vs easier?
You had a super awesome week! Your lunch at the marina looks amazing – especially those sliders. Also, I love that photo of Luna lol.
Congrats on joining the Balega Ambassador team!
I love eating at the marina. It’s so beautiful, and we can all pick different things to eat. Although I keep coming back to those sliders.
Yay! I really like quarter mile recoveries, especially for quarter mile intervals. When the interval is that short I’m going to be running it harder and I need equal recovery distance.
I did it again today, with an extra repeat, and it worked out well.
That state park looks beautiful! I’m going to be up that way for the Spartan Super next month I’ll have to see if I can find time to check it out. 72 degrees is very cold for swimming haha I don’t think I’d go in that water either!
I totally feel you on the modifications thing. I still find that I have to take more time ‘off’ between my weekly runs than I want to for fear of re-injury and also I can’t do some things in my bootcamp that I would normally do. It is frustrating. All I try to think is that if I keep it moderate now soon I will be able to get back to 100%…at least that’s what I tell myself to stay sane.
Definitely stop by! It’s a beautiful park. All the springs stay 72 all year – I bet it feels warms right now, but in summer it’s freezing when we tube and swim.
You have it right. It’s hard to be moderate, but the end result is what we are in it for.
Ah, a fellow Florida runner! Looks like you live in Northern Florida where it really does get nippy- I’m in south Florida but we still got some chilly temps early in the morning- great running weather!
Those plank challenges are hard- for some reason low plank with knee to same elbow kills me.
Enjoy your week! Looks like we’re in for some milder temps.
It might as well be the north! We have frost almost daily now!
I hate planks so much. The fact that I made it this far is pretty crazy!
Hope the temperature stabilizes soon!
Great week for you (and A)!
The last couple of days we’ve pretty literally had to drag Bandit down the street. The radar keeps lying & it lightly snows on us. He didn’t used to mind the weather so much the joys of senior dogs.
Luna can’t make it quite as far in the cold weather. The afternoons are nice enough but her first walk of the day is BRISK.
Welcome to the Balega Impi team! I’ve lost track of how many years I’ve been a part of it. Truly they are the best socks ever. I love seeing the manatees when we visit FL. Great job getting that awesome 9 miler and congrats to A on his honor roll!
They really are! I’m surprised it took me so long to discover them!
The manatees are always so great <3
ok girl why are you ahead of me a week? ha!
you know with my foot planks can be really challenging. I think I probably would not make it through a whole plank jacks set.
congrats on your 9 miles!! I’m really excited seeing your progress! and hopeful for mine!!
My newest win is that my week 7 run 1 went really well – I am up to 15 min at a time now. Kind of scared for next week – 30 mins in one go!
LOL! I don’t know!
That’s amazing! You are doing so great and I’m so proud of you!
Great job getting all those miles in! That manatee visit sounds dreamy! I just love them.
Aren’t they the best?
Awesome running this week! Those manatees are so cool. So jealous of the sun.
Way to go on the plank challenge too!
The manatees are great. I love when I go paddleboarding and they come right up next to the SUP. <3
Congrats to A on his All A’s Honor Roll and congrats to you on becoming a Balega Ambassador. Both are very exciting!
I wonder if Luna would do better if you were in there with her to sooth her during her vet appointment?
Oh, she absolutely would. She is an angel. For me. LOL. They can handle her for sure, but it’s just funny that she puts up such a fuss.
Look at you go! Speedwork! Long runs! Great week for you. I have seen the manatees before, but not so many as you. I’m surprised there were so many of them!
This happens every year. It’s truly so incredible to behold.