So yes, this blog is, technically, all about me, but I focus a lot on my running and fitness, and not necessarily the person behind it all. Today, I’m going the Tuesday Topics to share five words that define yours truly.
I am so proud to call myself “independent.” Seriously. I wasn’t always this way, and it’s something I’ve worked hard to become. While it’s always fun to be with others, I have no problem traveling or going out somewhere on my own. I decided, at some point, I was never going to be held back from doing something I wanted, just because no one else was on board. It’s a mindset that has certainly served me well.
Ask anyone. I’m practically Switzerland. Yes, I’m passionate about things that are important to me, but I pride myself in always trying to see the other side of a situation, and I love differing viewpoints. I don’t always agree with those other perspectives, but I have zero interest in living in an echo chamber.
People are usually pretty surprised to hear this, but I am an introvert, through and through. I love my friends and doing things outside my home, but I was made for alone-time. It’s never hard for me to fill my time with reading or projects around the house, and I don’t need to be surrounded by people or activity.
There’s a shirt that bears the slogan “That sounds like a terrible idea. What time?” I need it hanging in my closet. During my childhood, I would never dare try new things. I was so afraid of embarrassing myself or having someone laugh at me for failing. Now? Nope. Aerial yoga? Sure! Stand up paddle boarding? Sign me up! Yoga at the local brewery? Hold my beer!
Self-compliments don’t come easily to me, but I will give myself “creative.” I love anything I can make: food, cakes, art, photography, party decor… the list goes on. Bringing a bright spot to someone’s day means the world to me, so I embrace the chance to do so through crafts, gifts, and giant charcuterie boards.
I am linking up with Kookyrunner and Zenaida this Tuesday for Tuesday Topics!
What are five words to describe you?

You should have added “bubbly” and “happy”!
“Diplomatic” is a word that I would use for myself too. Like you, I am fascinated by other viewpoints. I also love having discussions with others who don’t share my view. Something I’m looking forward to when the pandemic is over!
I love this topic and love your words! From what I know of you, they fit well.
You are definitely creative–I love all the projects you share with us here on your blog. I would also use the word caring when I think about you!
You are really creative.
I should have picked independent. Ask my hubby. I go on trips and hikes by myself all the time.
It’s strange that most of the bloggers say that they are introverted.
I would agree with all of these words, especially creative! You have a knack for coming up with cool projects (pug paintings) and fun recipes. I can definitely see your adventurous side as well though your travels and races!
I loved learning more about you and also that these words may not have defined you at a younger age! I remember my first year at university and my housemate would always say she wanted to do things with me only to cancel at the last minute. One evening we were to watch A Beautiful Mind at the university cinema… Maybe 15 minutes before we were set to go, she said, “Oh I don’t feel like it anymore”. I was so upset, went back to my room, sat on the bed and then said to myself, “Well, I’ll just have to go by myself”. So I went. Gosh, it was the most liberating thing I had done at that point. Just sitting in the cinema by myself. And after that it progressed to solo coffee dates, day trips, etc etc. Forever grateful for her cancelling last minute.
We have a lot in common (no surprises there). I think I’m pretty diplomatic as well. I enjoy hearing both sides of a topic (often times, there’s also a third and a fourth LOL), and I respect everyone’s opinion(s) even if I don’t agree with them. Creative was one of the words I also chose for my #artgeek self 😉
It’s so interesting to me how many selected introverted.
I think you are so creative – it’s great seeing all of the different projects or dishes you come up with!
Interesting words, Jen! I am both independent & not, in some ways.
I don’t understand people who are bored. Not that I never get bored, but it’s usually more of a problem of finding more hours in the day!
I would definitely add devoted to your words! To the pugs, to A, to Mr. Pugrunner.
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Chocolaterunsjudy in 5 worlds
I love your words. They are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing.
You definitely come across as creative and very kind!
Thanks for sharing this about you! You are definitely creative. I never would have guessed you were introverted. That is very interesting. I am the same too. 🙂