When it rains, it pours, a while I’m absolutely not complaining, Florida did get more than its share of soaking rain this week. It’s nothing compared to the devastating snow and ice Texas and the rest of the country faced, but we do deal with our own issues from oversaturated ground and eroding beaches. That being said, our hearts and thoughts are with our friends in the Lone Star State, and we hope they recover quickly.
Sunday – 3.77 walking + Balance Challenge Day 14
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Even though it was a drizzly Valentine’s Day, I still wanted to get out for a bit of a walk.
We made a brunch board for our breakfast. Next time, I will make sure we have some avocado, too.
From there, we just lounged about. The weather was gross so we watched tv, read, napped, and for dinner, we enjoyed beer cheese fondue and cupcakes.
Monday – 4.43 miles, speedwork/walking + Balance Challenge Day 15
There was enough of a break in the weather for me to finally get out to the beach and bridge for speedwork. I’ve been promising to go for several weeks, but being up on the bridge in the wind is pretty terrifying, so this was the first chance I safely had.
I wanted to head over to the beach, but the tide was almost all the way up to the walkover! Maybe next week.
Technically, it was a holiday, although A still has schoolwork to do. Since it was rainy, he didn’t mind so much. For dinner, we tried that tomato/feta cheese/pasta creation that is all over TikTok, and we all loved it. Say what you will about TikTok, but they have some solid recipes.
Tuesday – 5.25 miles, running + 1.46 miles, walking + Balance Challenge Day 16
Things were warming up, but I was still able to get a nice run. I also started bumping that five mile mark up a tiny bit to see if I might like to go for longer distance during the week. The jury is still out.
A had his last conference assessment for the school year (they get one for each class per semester), so he is moving right along.
Wednesday – 4.23 miles, walking + Balance Challenge Day 17
Wednesdays always seem somewhat dull. I walk. A does virtual school. He has karate. And done. Oh, but on the bright side, he did tell me he thinks he will be ready to test for his Second Dan in December. So amazing!
It was also National Kindness Day, so we started painting kindness rocks to hide in our community, once the rain takes a hike.
Thursday – 5.01 miles, running + .87 miles, walking + Balance Challenge Day 18
I ran with J for the first time in a while, and that was just so wonderful. It’s great running alone, but it’s also great running with friends. The sun actually made a strong effort to show itself, but its would go back into hiding as the day went on. Boo.
A got to spend a little time skateboarding that evening, for which I was very grateful. The bad weather has made it hard for him to get out there, so I’m glad he had a chance to brush up on his skills. He will be starting private lessons soon, and I can’t wait to see how he grows!
Friday – 3.05 miles, walking + Balance Challenge Day 19
I slept in a little bit, and managed to get in this walk between the raindrops. It only really started raining on me in my last mile, which wasn’t fun, but it could have been worse.
The rest of the day was fairly busy. As the temperatures dropped, A packed up for his weekend camping trip, and Mr PugRunner brought him out to the venue. Camping weekends are always fun and hectic, but at least the rain finally cleared up.
Saturday – 10 miles, running + 1.08 miles, walking + Balance Challenge Day 20
Saturday was the moment of truth: I planned to run 10 miles, no matter what. I had been sitting at nine for a few weeks, took a bit of a cutback with the Superhero 8k a week ago, and it was time.
Friends, I felt really strong and fabulous. The weather was exactly right (in fact, I switched to tights from shorts at the last minute and didn’t regret it for a second), and I was able to get through the distance and feel great. So happy, and finally feels like it might be time to pick an in-person half!
Mr PugRunner and I went out for a beachfront lunch date. He loves this one Italian place, with outdoor seating, and the best flatbreads around.
It’s always freezing when we go, but the food makes it so worthwhile.
Goals were smashed this week for sure.
More books, more movies, and more balance were all themes this week.
This week, things should be dry enough to hike, even if I have to go by myself. That’s really all there is to that.
I am looking forward to another great session of speedwork, and another solid long run, too. It just keeps getting easier, and I appreciate that. After this long recovery period, it helps to not have to fight for every step along the way.
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
How’s your weather? Any good book suggestions?

way to go on that double digit run this week! Feels amazing huh? Have a great week ahead and thanks for linking
Felt so goooood!
That flatbread looks delicious! I also want to try the Feta cheese recipe from TikTok but when I went to the supermarket the other day they were all sold out of feta cheese. I guess a lot of people in my city had the same idea lol.
Awesome job on your double digit run this week!
YES! A lot of people are saying they can’t get the feta. You can use the crumbled feta. Or goat cheese. If that helps!
I tried the TikTok recipe too and loved it 🙂 So easy! Yum.
Sorry to hear about all the rain, but you definitely made the most of it when it was nice!
Great week!
So easy. So delicious. I am adding spinach or broccoli next time, but there will be a next time.
That’s so awesome that you were able to do 10 miles! You are definitely ready to run a half soon. Great job this week!
I am so happy and really want to schedule something to keep this feeling going!
I really need to work on balance. It’s definitely a weak spot for me!
It’s going to be nice and muddy for the Spartan race this coming weekend with all the rain we got! Hoping the weather holds though as it’s looking pretty good for Saturday!
Fingers crossed for good weather and a beautiful weekend!
Balance is super important, especially for OCR stuff!
Sorry about that rain. Better than snow lol
Congrats on that 10 miler. That’s awesome. You are definitely ready for a half marathon.
Never checked out Tik Tok recipes. Maybe I should.
There are some fun, easy and creative recipes on that app. A has found so many good ones!
I need to find a half that excites me. I think it will have to wait until fall, though, but we will see.
Great job on the 10-miler! Bummer on all the rain; totally not my favorite weather condition either.
It’s been awful.
It makes me so happy to hear about your 10 miler! Especially when I think back to this time last year. It’s really amazing.
I’ve had my eye on the TikTok Feta recipe and plan to make it soon. Is it very salty? That’s my only concern.
I think this time last year, I was still laying in my bed, pretty hopped up on meds and having a good ol’ pity party. Ugh. But here me are!
I didn’t find it super salty. I don’t really cook with salt anyway, because Mr PugRunner has high blood pressure and can’t have much. The feta itself blended with the tomatoes and garlic and olive oil, and wasn’t super overpowering at all. The next time, I would add some spinach or roasted broccoli just to kick up the flavor profile. I have seen people do it with things like goat cheese and boursin, too.
Way to go on 10 miles! That is a great milestone! I’ve resisted Tik Tok thus far but it looks like there are some good things on there. My kids make recipes from there too! Yum!
It was so good! Who would have thought so many great recipes could come from TikTok?
I’m so glad you hit 10 miles! That is such a benchmark and to have it feel good-well, you’ve been working hard all year!
I love those painted rocks–you are just so creative!
It felt great to pass those double digits. I was really anxious and worked up about it, but on the big day, it just all went as I hoped. I’m grateful for that.
Agree you are ready for a half! Right now even 4 feel hard — might have something to do with winter. You have worked so hard & it’s paid off!
Those flatbreads look amazing!
Never compare (talking weather). Sure, rain sounds easier than yet more snow but the thing is it’s your weather & you’re allowed to love it — or not!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Typical February Week: 2/5 – 21 WRD
Not so much comparing, as trying to be respectful of the awful situation that happened out west. I think weather complaints are just universal.
I hope four gets easier for you!
Yay for a solid 10-mile run that felt great! Go get that half, girl!
I hope the rain lets up and you can enjoy spring before the heat hits. Have a great week!
We very rarely get a spring, so it would be nice, for sure!
Well done on the 10 miles, that’s brilliant. Trudie and I were saying we’d like to get to doing 10 miles easily again, then being able to whip that out at the weekend. We can both do that, but not easily as yet. Hope it’s drier for you this week.
I would love to start doing six during the week, and then 10-12 on weekends. I’m close, but no rush.
Yay for a ten mile run! And it looks like it was a gorgeous day. And sounds like your balance work is going well. I’m thinking I should add more single leg exercises to my routine- it’s really important!
Hope you have a dry, beautiful week!
Already got one afternoon full of rain. Boooo!
Single leg exercises are certainly helpful to good balance!
That is awesome about the 10 miles! You go girl! My coworker also made that TikTok recipe for her stepsons and she said they liked it.
I only know one person who didn’t care for it! I think they messed it up, to be honest!
Woohoo! TEN miles! Nice work!
Sorry about all the rain. I think the weather was terrible pretty much everywhere last week. Yuck.
Stacie E Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
But yes, I’m so happy with my miles!
Woohoo double digits! That’s wonderful! I am really missing out on the positive things in TikTok. I secretly check out my teen daughter’s account, so I get a lot of questionable (but teen/college related!) things in my TikTok feed. I need to get some more searching done so I get something I’m really interested in! 😉
I have a few TikTok videos, but it’s hard to keep up. I hate videoing myself and I hate my voice on video, and quite frankly, it takes a lot of time to produce quality content, and I’m constantly being interrupted by A or the pugs. But I like some of the creators and so many of the recipes.
so much rain yet I’m always confused that you are in tanks and shorts! I have to keep remembering you are in Florida so it doesn’t matter that it’s February!
it’s wonderful to see your progression and now 10 miles!!! Congratulations!! You are definitely on your way to that Half Marathon!!
I have to say your Valentine’s Day sounded perfect to me. And I HAVE seen that feta/tomato pasta recipe floating around and I don’t even TikTok – hahaha!
That recipe has gone totally mainstream lol! It’s really good!
Yup, here in Florida we do tanks and shorts 85% of the year.