How is it the last Saturday of February already? Time flies, when you have runfessions to share.
For this month’s trip to the runfessional, let’s join up with Marcia’s Healthy Slice…
I runfess…
That the jury is still out on my new Koala Clip. Since my accident, I have been walking and running with my phone in my hand, and seem unable to quit the habit. My armband didn’t feel right, and I don’t like belts, so I thought I would try this. It’s going to take a little getting used to: I have to figure out how to get my phone in and out during activity if I need it (sometimes I need it), but it’s going to be great to hold keys and ID when I’m at races, so I will call it a win.
I runfess…
That boredom definitely became a factor in my speedwork. I am so glad there was finally a break in the weather, and that I forced myself to get out to a different location for those Monday sessions. Now, the question is, so I stick with the beach, or do I continue mixing it up?
I runfess…
That I haven’t been hiking since our last runfessions. Ugh. However, today is the day. Fortunately, I did a little research in this off-time and found the two attractions I wanted to visit are actually closed at the moment, so maybe it’s a blessing in disguise? I have a backup plan in mind and I am excited for the adventure.
I runfess…
That I went on a bit of a activewear shopping spree. Oops. I love Old Navy gear, and they were having a sale. They also offered an extra savings code, I had SuperCash, and a gift card. So I snagged a new sports bra, two tank tops, two pairs of shorts, and a cute regular top for $18, inducing shipping! No regrets!
I runfess…
That I have been tired this month. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt drained, but I blame the gray skies, rainy days and mid-winter funk. I’m so used to being exposed to all the Vitamin D, so when that depletes, it’s easy to spiral into a less enthusiastic place. I took some supplements to help, but meh. Fortunately, those blue skies are back and I am already feeling back to myself.
What are you runfessing this month?
Do you find lack of Vitamin D draining?
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If I had the option to run on the beach I think I would be there all the time! I only really take my phone out when I’m running to take a picture towards the end. I find it easy to get out, except when I’m wearing 30 layers. Sometimes I will put my phone in my Koala clip and the slide it into the side pocket of my tights. Its much easier to get out, but I don’t love the feeling of having it there since my phone is kind of heavy.
That’s a smart idea to use the tights pocket with the clip. I may try that on the tights days.
The beach is great, but I do like to mix things up. I kind of want to try downtown, but we’ve had some issues with the “urban outdoorsman” so I’m not sure I want to do it by myself. I will have to figure that out.
I wouldn’t say lack of Vitamin D has got me in a funk–I take a supplement, lol. There’s been a lot of the same old and it’s exhausting. The change in our weather has helped me shake it off but yeah, still tired. Hoping for better days ahead!
Better days have to come. We need them.
Yes. On Vitamin D. That’s why I went to Florida. I plan to go back the end of April.
I have resisted shopping. I have too many running clothes. And my work or dress clothes are sitting in the closet.
Hope you get back hiking
I lost a little bit of weight and my body changed over the past year, so I need to refresh some of my gear. For $18, how could I not?
Glad to read your February funk is gone. This time of year is tough anytime. This year, it’s downright depressing! More sunlight in March is something to look forward to.
You do speedwork on the BEACH??? Wow! That is impressive. I struggle to run at all on the beach. Way to go!
I do speedwork AT the beach. We don’t have hills, so I use the big intercostal bridges for my repeats. Where I park is literally 20 feet from the sand, so when I’m done with my run, I just walk over to the beach. It’s hard to beat that view.
I love Old Navy gear! And even I can’t believe the great price you paid for all that stuff! Definitely worth the splurge. Though at that price you can’t really call it a splurge, can you?
I’m glad your good sunny weather is back. It is definitely a mood enhancer.
Debbie recently posted…5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Spring Fitness w/New Fashion & Routines
Exactly! How can it be a splurge at less than $20!
I am starting to think I’m part lizard. I need my hot rock to feel good.
you and Old Navy = me and InknBurn. And I didn’t even have any discounts… (refuse to feel shame though).
speedwork and beach running will be amazing for your long runs! I am so sad I don’t live near the beach anymore.
I think a lot of us are feeling exhaustion. Don’t forget there’s a pandemic going on and that’s an added stress to everything, even when you feel like you are handling everything all right.
If you feel good and love the gear, then no need to feel shame.
I haven’t forgotten, but I just hate feeling down. It’s not how I roll.
I’ve been soaking up our sun – even though it’s in the 20s and 30s!
I’ve been wearing tights and shorts with pockets for my phone or using a SPIBelt. I like the idea of Koala Clip but I like to have access to my phone for photos!
The SPIbelt is a no go for me. I have a pooch, and the last thing I want is anything accentuating that belly!
Yeah, I’ve been in a funk this month too – I blame all the gray, all the cold, and just all of the pandemic concerns on constant repeat. I hope the return of sunny days helps to boost your spirits!
I love Old Navy’s stuff…I wonder if the sale is still going on 😉
No more funk! I’m calling it!
Old Navy is always having some kind of sale lol. If you don’t see it today, check back tomorrow or the next.
This is why I did not get a Koala clip. I don’t think I’d like reaching back for it. Glad the sunshine is lifting your spirits. That’s a great ON haul!
I have long, pretty flexible arms, so I can reach it. It’s just a new movement for me, that I have to figure out. It will be great to hold keys and gu though.
I have pockets in pretty much everything & a small phone — that works for me! Plus, no long distance running.
There are lots of people who hike through winter here but I am not one of them.
Winter in the north, a,ways has been , always will be a draining time for me — despite supplementing & the light box. Definitely hope to move somewhere sunnier in the winter — some year!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…We Can Rebuild Her: Runfessions February 2021
I usually wear shorts that don’t have pockets. Annoying. Everything should have pockets.
I never really needed a hit of Vitamin D before. I feel like I’m always outside and get plenty. But this year, ugh. And we do better hiking in winter because the weather is gorgeous right now. in the summer, it’s hot, humid, and buggy.
Running on the beach is tough! The scenery is great though. I am hooked on all the SportSkirts gear I bought last year with their built-in pockets. Since I walk Scooby before dawn and work until after sunset, I get no natural Vitamin D most days That’s pretty sad. 🙁
I don’t run on the sand. Our bridges (for hill training) are all at the beaches so I park there, run, and then hop on over to the sand.
Old Navy is SUCH a well-kept secret for great gear (and some non-running stuff as well). I have had nothing but great luck with everything from there. The Koala Clip trip took some getting used to for me, as well. I tend to carry my phone in it, just in my gloved-hands, as a “case” during the winter (an extra “slip-proof” layer to help save the battery). For me, it was just easier to remove the whole thing from my back, if I needed my phone (in warmer weather) than trying to slide the phone out of the case. It worked great for my shorter bike rides when I didn’t need to wear an actual bike jersey (with all the back pockets).
Seriously. Their things fit me so well and actually last quite a while. I lost some weight an day body changed a little so I have needed to do some restocking.
I love how you got so many great things for $18. Lucky you for getting a great deal! I will say that I still do not know how to grab my phone from my Koala Clip either. I have to stop, pause my watch (of course), and then take out the phone. I doesn’t bother me at all but I’ve read that it is supposed to be a smooth process. I am just happy that I don’t have to carry it with my hand or use a belt.
I will certainly figure it out! I have a lot of strappy bras, so I get tangled. I will get there.
I love Old Navy activewear, especially when they have a sale AND super cash – it’s a win-win situation!
Right? How could I turn that down?