Even with St. Patrick’s Day and all the luck of the Irish, this week was NOT the luckiest rundown. In fact, I’m still reeling from some events, and have worked hard to pull myself out of this anxiety free fall. Some weeks are like that.

Sunday – 3.55 miles walking
Happy Sunday! It was time to get the week started. I began with a walk.
A returned from camping around lunchtime and we were so happy to have him back. This was another shooting weekend, frontier style, and he had so much fun. We got him unpacked, cleaned up, and settled in for a chill afternoon.
Monday – 4.07 miles, speedwork/walking
Spring Break just hit so different this year. While it was nice to just chill out a bit, I also wanted very badly to travel and get out of town. Sooooon.
In keeping with those feeling, my Monday speedwork was a bit of a disaster. I didn’t feel great, and the weather was just not conducive to running. Ugh.
On the plus side, sweet Ollie settled in nicely for his week with us.
Tuesday – 5.05 miles, running + .62 miles, walking
I got to make up for Monday’s misery with a better run on Tuesday. That always helps.
The rest of the day was insane. I had a ton of work to catch up on, and then an evening meeting followed by a Zoom call. By the time 9:30 rolled around, I was so ready for bed.
Wednesday – 3.97 miles, walking
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I started the morning with a 7:00AM dentist appointment. Ugh. Dental anxiety is real, friends. While my cleaning went very smoothly (43 years and no cavities!), I finally had to suck it up and call the oral surgeon for consultation to have my wisdom teeth removed. Am I ok with this? Not at all. But it needs to happen, and so here we are.
To move things along, I wore my workout clothes to my appointment, and went for a walk afterwards. It was a wonderful release after a stressful morning.
We went to our local Irish pub for an outdoor lunch and green beer. The food was mediocre, but I am always down for a green beer, so it worked out.
That evening, we had mini shepherd’s pie and drinks with some friends. It was truly the most lovely evening.
Thursday – 5 miles, running + 1.26 miles, walking
Another run. It was tough getting up with the alarm after our festive celebrating, but we do what we have to do.
We had a family day with a trip to Fernandina Beach. The weather was kind of cold and windy, so we opted to take a nice walk on the sand, rather than trying to set up chairs and hang in the water. We had lunch outside at one of our favorite burger joints in town. Sometimes, you just need a good burger and fries.
That evening, we picked up dinner from our new Buc-ees. If you haven’t heard of this place, it’s about the biggest gas station you have ever seen. They have snacks, drinks, home decor, camping gear, logo merchandise, and tons of fresh BBQ, bakery items, and food to order. It’s spotlessly clean, and truly unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The food and snacks are good. Jury is still out on if I’m happy it’s here.
Friday – rest
Normally, Friday is not a rest day for me, but I just didn’t have much choice. A had plans to go to the zoo. Hufflepuff had a vet appointment, and I was supposed to get my hair done (finally). After another restless night, I just figured I would skip my walk and try again another day. Meh.
First, my hair appointment was amazing. I feel like a new person, and my stylist has moved into a private space which makes things so much safer and more secure.
A had a wonderful time at the zoo, and I am grateful that he got some fresh air and plenty of time hanging with some dear friends.
Lastly: Hufflepuff. After a thorough exam and some scans, the exotic vet found masses on her uterus and lungs. Of course, this was the worst news we could have expected. While they might have been able to remove her uterus, there’s not much they can do for her luges. She is not in any pain, so we brought her home to live the rest of her huffy days with us. We know that we may have to make a hard decision sooner rather than later, but for now, she is home with us. A is, obviously, devastated. He has done such a great job caring for her, and this is just one more awful thing in over a year of awful things.
Saturday – 10 miles, running + 1.13 miles, walking
I woke up this morning, sad that I wasn’t heading to the Gate River Run 15K. The weather was cool and the skies cloudy, which is completely atypical for this race. Then I got outside and was slapped by 17 mph winds, and promptly thanked my lucky stars that I wasn’t navigating any bridges with this wind. It was a hard run, and probably my slowest ten miler to date. Oh, well.
We watched the second half of Zack Snyder’s Justice League and went to a buffalo chicken food truck for lunch.
I don’t even know how to rate this week. I’ve been slacking on reading, strength training, and hydrating.
I am truly just drained. A is having a hard time dealing with the inevitable loss of his pet. We are all in need of some kind of break. I’m getting more and more withdrawn as the days go by. Something has to give.
To that end, I’m going to try out a new paddle board company on Tuesday as part of a media event. I haven’t been on an SUP in over a year, and certainly not since my accident. I am hopeful that it goes well.
I’m also proud to be doing with FRÉ Skincare (affiliate link) to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Girls On The Run with the Run For Girls virtual 5k! The run will be held on March 25, and all proceeds from your registration will go directly to GOTR. Will you join us?

I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training?
Anyone else feeling the anxiety spiral taking hold?

I am sorry that you are having a rough week! I hope your outside time helps you escape a little mentally and physically. Hugs to you
Outside time usually does the trick.
Sorry this was such a rough week! I think many of us are starting to reach that point where we are just ready for a break. And when stressful things happens all at once it makes it that much harder! Hope this week is better for you.
I’m done! And I feel like I have no right to say that, but it’s true. Ugh. I hope this week is better, too.
I’m sorry about your difficult times. It is getting harder and harder to get through the lockdown here and I’m feeling very frayed and that’s without home-schooling and (fingers crossed) pet worries. Love from here.
Frayed is a good word. I feel like I am coming unglued, and that’s not like me. Love right back at you!
Sorry you had a rough week! Hopefully, things will improve. Sad for your son, tho, losing his pet. We’ve got Cocoa’s big surgery coming up in 2 weeks but she developed another ear infection. We’re trying to be proactive and keep it down to a dull roar. Poor thing!
I’m anxious to hear about the SUP event! So fun. I can’t wait until it’s warm enough here to get back out on the water!
Oh, poor Cocoa! Some dogs are just so prone to infections like that! It’s awful!
SUP got postponed to thursday because of the cold and wind. Thursday should be 80 and calM!
I’m so sorry about Hufflepuff and for what A will go through in losing her. Pets bring us so much joy but it hurts when they leave us. I’m sending you all of the hugs.
On the plus side 10 miles in wind is hard core!
Oh, that is very sad news about Hufflepuff. We never want our children to hurt, and unfortunately it’s unavoidable in situations like this. I hope your next week goes better. Sending hugs your way! Ollie is simply adorable – what fun to have a guest!
It’s the worst feeling. I’m glad Ollie was here to keep his mind off things.
So sorry for Huffy’s bad news, and everything else. Thinking of you, all of you.
Thank you, Kim <3
I’m so sorry it was such a rough week. My heart hurts for your son – never easy losing a pet. Sending lots of hugs your way!
It’s the worst. I explained that they just don’t ever live as long as we need them to, and we both agreed that we couldn’t be without them, but it still crushes us.
oh my gosh, Im so sorry about Hufflepuff 🙁 That is so hard. I’m glad she’s not in any pain…I’m very sorry.
I hope it continues that way until she is ready to leave us. 🙁
Sounds like you had a couple bright points in your week (your hair looks awesome and that green beer… I haven’t had green beer in a long time!). Sorry about hufflepuff though- that’s a tough thing to go through. I hope you’re having a nice Sunday- next week is a new week!
It sucks. She is a good, little hog and it’s just not fair.
We don’t have a Buc-ees here but it sounds like a really neat place! I was so disappointed that I ran out of time to enjoy a green beer for St Patrick’s Day. I ended up working pretty late and when I finished I just wanted a quick and easy dinner. Also, I love your new haircut!
I’m so sorry to hear about Hufflepuff 🙁
Buc-ees is insane! In. Sane. I didn’t even like my green beer. Beer and I have grown apart lol!
I hope work eases up soon!
Oh no! So sorry to hear about Hufflepuff. 🙁 I can imagine how sad he is. I love your haircut! Great job on your 10 miles!!
He’s so, so, so sad. It’s heartbreaking.
And thanks!
Sorry about Hufflepuff!!
I love getting my haircut – makes me feel like a new person. Yours looks great!!
Hope next week is a better one for you!!
I wish I could get it styled every day. I love how it looks when someone else dries and styles it. I can never get it the same.
I’m so sorry about Huff. It’s never easy, but all you can do is love on her as long as she has.
Spring, what little we get, has definitely helped me. I know you guys don’t really get that.
Some weeks rest is more what you need than pushing. Love the hair!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Sighting Spring: 3/15 – 21 WRD
Yeah, Spring is not a real thing here. It’s summer, summer, summer, WINTER, summer.
Next week will be the push!
So sorry about Hufflepuff. Are tumors common in Hedgehogs? Sorry A has another hard life lesson to learn. 🙁 I’m with you on the dental anxiety. I had my wisdom teeth out after college. It wasn’t fun, but at least I don’t have to do it again.
I feel like a lot of hogs I see online do end up with something similar. Even when I was looking up her symptoms before we called the vet, it was a choice of UTI, kidney infection or cancer.
And I only have two wisdom teeth in total, so I guess that makes it easier.
Hugs for Hedgie. And I have to admit she’s giving me a smile there as I think of how pointy that hug would be.
I LOVE your hair.
I don’t get Buc-ees (team Wawa) but need to tell a WPB friend that she doesn’t need to go out of state for her fix
The pointiest! And thank you. I haven’t been blond in a long time so it’s taking some getting used to, but I am happy with it.
Another one just opened in Daytona! So even closer! And I think it’s bigger than ours!
I am so sorry it was kind of a rough week for you. You did have some good things going on, and Ollie I’m sure was a wonderful little distraction. Sucks that you have to get your wisdom teeth out, but I guess just doing it is the only thing you can do now. My colleague is having hers out next week. And she, like you, really has a ton of anxiety about the dentist (hence at 43 getting it done finally). You will get through it though. I know it.
So sad to hear about hufflepuff. Devastating for sure. How is A handling the news?
Things will get better. x
I know Ill get through, but I am so scared of teeth. The mere thought of loose teeth makes me vomit, so extraction? Nope.
A is doing ok. He had good days and bad days, as we all will with this Right now, she is hanging in there.
I’m so sorry to hear the news about Hufflepuff. I’m sure A is devastated. Hugs to all of you and here’s to a better week ahead.
Thank you. She’s still huffing along, so we are grateful for that.
I’m so sorry about Hufflepuff, what sad news. And also for your feeling down (and A too).
Thanks. It’s so sad 🙁
I’m so sorry that last week was so hard for you and hope that this week is going better.