Over the last year and a half, it’s been extra difficult to celebrate those special days in your life. Holidays, both big and small, have really shifted in scope, and while we’ve done our best to adjust, I’d love to share some ideas for making the best of upcoming celebrations. This is a busy time of year for us, with A’s (13th) birthday on Saturday, my birthday and Mother’s Day on May 9, and my mom’s birthday and Father’s Day in June. We want to do it right, or at least as right as we can.
Holidays and special days aren’t for everyone, but for those who need or want a little magic, keep on reading.
Go Big Or Go Home
Ok, you’re most likely already at home. But seriously. That doesn’t mean you can’t go all out. Decorate! Wear the fabulous outfit! Prepare (or cater) a mouth-water menu! Mix up the perfect cocktail. It may not be like old times, but you can still enjoy the celebratory spirit!
Photograph The Moments
I know these aren’t the moments we would prefer to have, but these are the memories we’ve got. Even if the photos are hard to look at now, they will mean so much to us when we come through the other side. Capture them and cherish them when you can. You won’t be sorry.
Gather. However You Can.
Unless you are 100% committed to being an introvert (which I completely understand), gather. Perhaps that means just your immediate family. It could be a get together of family on a Zoom. Maybe it’s a small group in your backyard or nearby park. It could even be a select gathering in your home with people in your bubble or circle. Special days are meant to be shared, and there are ways to safely and cautiously do so. Take advantage of them however you can.
Find A Different Way To Treat Yourself
Since our usual avenues of entertainment are on pause, we have had to find different ways to honor our special days. Our outdoor options are pretty plentiful, and we are fortunate to be able to take advantage of lots of outdoor dining and activities. In the upcoming weeks, we will support some local businesses with a private tiki bar cruise and a delicious dinner in a private yurt. These are things that probably wouldn’t have come to our attention in a different time, and we are excited to try them out.
Focus On Your Own Self-Care
When it’s your own special day, focus on your own self-care and do what it is that makes you happiest. This is not the time to worry about other’s expectations of you. Instead, be good to yourself in the ways that put a smile on your face.
How are you celebrating your special days?
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Erica @Erica Finds says
Love these ideas. We’ve done some creative zoom “parties” via AirBnB experienced and lots of fun outdoor celebrations.
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says
Great advice! It’s been a while since I’ve gotten together with my family for a big Zoom party. I’m loving that more outdoor adventures are becoming viable. I hope you have a great time on your tiki cruise!
Deborah Brooks says
It has been challenging to find ways to celebrate important days the last year. It has also been a good lesson in reminding ourselves on what is really important
Darlene S Cardillo says
great post since my birthday is also May 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday twins.
My hubby’s is May 21.
Usually I am in Florida with friends when it’s not Mother’s Day weekend. That’s awesome. (in 2023 it’s on May 14 so I’ll be in Fla for my b-day)
Last year I went for a hike with my hubby (and it snowed.)
This year…not sure. I may race the day before or hike and have a nice dinner out….. but NO gifts!! I’ve got whatever I need and buy whatever I what lol
Can’t wait to hear w hat you have planned.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
Great ideas! We have alot of spring birthdays in my family. Not sure we will be able to see people who aren’t local, so I’m sure will Zoom with them. At least in the warmer months its easier to get together outside!
Zenaida Arroyo says
These are all great ideas! It’s been so hard not celebrating special days the way we used to. My family would get together for these special occasions all of the time. Sometimes it wasn’t a “special occasion” but more like a reason to get together. Now it seems like everyday is a special occasion and should be celebrated one way or another.
runswithpugs says
I’ve missed the bigger get togethers, but we are doing what we can. I’m feeling more comfortable being out and looking forward to some fun things over the summer.
Jenny says
Ha ha, love the sign from A’s birthday last year. You have some great ideas! I don’t have any big things coming up, but my son (a senior in high school) and his friends are all getting vaccinated and planning some fun end-of-the-year things. I think being vaccinated will give people more options, especially with getting together with other vaccinated people.
runswithpugs says
I agree about the vaccinations. A wants his so badly, but it’s a no for 13 year olds too far. We will get there.
Renée @runlaugheatpie says
I love your enthusiasm for special days! I do not have this same enthusiasm, in fact we don’t really celebrate things in the same way that many people do. I think our biggest thing to celebrate birthdays and the anniversary is with travel and that’s a no-no at the moment. But holidays are not my thing (nor Ron’s) so we just kind of “let” others do what they like to do and keep to ourselves. The biggest “party” in The Netherlands is Kings Day (April 28th) and last year it was completely cancelled. My neighbourhood is having a socially-distanced street party this year but I’m just not sure about it. Without covid I would join in (usually I don’t because frankly I don’t like non-running crowds where people are just drunk and obnoxious) because it’s my new neighbours but… do I? or don’t I? We’re not complete scrooges (can you be a scrooge for other holidays) but just prefer to do things on the downlow.
runswithpugs says
I think however you celebrate, just do what feels right and makes you happy. There’s nothing wrong with being low-key. I would struggle with a block party too, but it is your new neighborhood, and it might be nice to make an appearance. I guess see how you feel when it comes. The nice thing about those street parties is that you can pop in and pop out as you please. <3
Wendy says
It’s just sad, but I haven’t gotten up the enthusiasm to celebrate much this year. I’m hoping that Mother’s Day changes all that–we’ll get together with my mom and my sister. We’re all vaccinated! This will be our first family gathering since this all started. On the other hand, I have enjoyed my low-key holidays with my hubs and boys. Grateful for that time too!
runswithpugs says
Oh, that sounds lovely!
We are celebrators, so this has been hard. The holidays were a total wash when I broke my leg, since I am usually the one who shops, cooks, decorates, and plans. I worked extra hard to bring the magic back this year. I don’t know that I succeeded but fingers crossed that it was a little better.
Chocolaterunsjudy says
I worked hard to make Mr. Judy’s 60th special & was successful.
Unfortunately my birthday is in the middle of Winter — *maybe* we’ll comfortable traveling by then. Probably not, if I know my husband.
Let’s just say one of us tends to be more creative in that department than the other.
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Whatever’s the question . . .
runswithpugs says
One of us is more creative in that department as well. Actually, this year, we have some fun things planned. That being said, Mr PugRunner is a New Year’s Day baby and is not too big on celebrations. He would rather travel or go to a concert or sporting event.
Michelle D. says
I love these ideas! My son is graduating high school at the end of May and I want to make sure that it feels special even if we can’t do a typical graduation party.