October hit on Friday, and so far, it’s a beautiful month! I have lots to do and lots to share, so let’s get into it!

Sunday – 4.22 miles, walking
And so began the week.
We had a great morning where we went to try a new donut shop in Jacksonville. It was fun to be a little spontaneous and the donuts were great.
I ended up not going to the Hunger Fight event (Mr PugRunner took A, and it was a huge success). They were on the way out the door, and our garage door broke! I couldn’t even believe it! The cable came off the drum and it jammed open on an angle. Ugh. The repair man was slammed and wasn’t able to come until Monday, too. What a way to start the week.
Monday – 5.73 miles, 6x200m + recovery
Since we didn’t know what time the repair man would come, I opted to stay closer to home. It was a shame because I really could have used some beach time.
I also had my first nail appointment in about 18 months with an actual nail artist! It was the most amazing experience, and we booked appointment or the next four months!
The garage door did end up getting fixed, and it actually worked out because the main belt was shredded and needed replacing, too. Not a very fun expense but what can you do?
Tuesday – 5.01 miles, running + .71 miles, walking
I was in a huge rush on Tuesday. We got in our run.
And then it was off to handle Taco. He had a farrier visit that day, and at first, we were just planning to groom him, but then his mom thought he should really have a bath. He hated every second of it, but tolerated his hoof work. While he was busy with the farrier, I finished grooming his big brother, and then loaded Taco up for his visit to the children’s hospital. I don’t think I’ve ever been so dirty! That shower felt amazing!
Wednesday – 4.33 miles, walking
Yay for Wednesday. I started the day with a nice walk.
After A got out of school, we went to the Alligator Farm to help with a super fun holiday campaign. When the work portion was finished, we got to enjoy some family time, and that was fabulous!
Thursday – 5miles, running +.45 miles, walking + 7.37 miles, hiking
Thursday was a day!
We ran, and it was a good run.
I got changed and went to meet a friend for a hike. Her schedule has changed to allow for some fun like this, and I was super excited. Our hike ended up being over seven miles, and it was amazing, but for the fact we weren’t planning on that distance. Next time, I’ll be sure to have water and a snack to get me through!
I had a huge lunch, and went to bed early that night.
Friday – 4.4 miles, walking
First, a walk.
I met J for coffee. We were supposed to have Breakfast Club, but our third was sick, so owe just grabbed something quickly to keep the spirit alive.
My parents came over in the afternoon and brought a delicious donut snack. It’s been hard to organize visits with them lately, so I was thrilled to see them.
In the evening, we drove our friends to the local corn maze and pumpkin patch. It was beautifully uncrowded, but a torrential downpour had clobbered the maze. The adults went in as a group, and we started out great, but we quickly got lost with all the cornstalks flattened into the path. I’ not saying it was scary, exactly, but we did have to forge our own path, and ended up in almost knee-deep furrows in a sunflower field, before we finally found our way back to civilization.
Thank goodness for friends who love adventures, am I right?
Saturday – 5.57 miles, running + 2.11 miles, walking
Kind of fell apart on Saturday. I wanted to run a strong eight miles, but I was dragging. My legs wee so heavy and, quiet frankly, I just didn’t feel like doing anything active. The weather was kind of terrible, too: it was cloudy with a breeze, but so terribly humid. Ugh.
I even made a new friend. Oh, joy.
As soon as I was one (or gave up, as its were), I grabbed something to eat, changed my clothes, and headed to West Augustine to join the boys in a cemetery preservation clean up project. We spent four hours clearing brush, cutting limbs, and cleaning tombstones.
Needless to say, when I got home, I hit the shower, and the the couch. Stick a fork in me. I was done.
We spent the night watching movies (Antebellum and Friday the 13th), and that was just fine.
This week is going to be BUSY. In addition to the regular, we are finally going to get to use our tickets to see Hamilton, my friend has her faculty art show, I’m getting my hair done, and I’m getting away on a little racecation. All great things!
I can’t wait to share our adventures in Safety Harbor next week! I don’t know how three races in two days is going to go, but I’m planning to have fun trying!

I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training?
Any trips coming up? Do you get your nails professionally done? Have you ever been to an art show?

We have had that same garage door problem never happens on a convenient day! Enjoy your get away and good luck on your races
I went outside and saw it just happened to my neighbor again! Now I’m all freaked out.
Wow, what a week! And so many good deeds…between Taco and the cemetery, you accomplished a lot (on top of all the running!) Good luck on your race!
(That IT themed Halloween decoration is creepy!)
I hate IT. See what I did there?
Tis the season for doing good and giving back. Really, it’s all year, but now is the time that more projects are ramping up.
Wow- you really do pack a lot into one week! I love your fall-themed nails! I had to laugh when you said this next week is going to be BUSY (wait- what was the last one?). I can’t wait to hear all about your racecation- good luck with it!
Today is literally my quietest day. And then it’s just an explosion of things. Fun things, yes, but still exhausting. Thank goodness we have off next Monday so it will be a little break from the chaos.
Wow, you did a lot this week. I’m glad it didn’t take too long to get your garage door fixed. That sounds really inconvenient and unsafe. Your nails look great!
Interesting service project at the cemetery.
Enjoy your racecation!
I was joking about how other online people have access to their property available and in the night, a pregnant dog or cat comes in and births a litter, or a baby raccoon or possum sneaks in looking for love. We got none of that, and I feel cheated.
Great week, with lots of daily action 😉 I’m my own manicurist LOL and just pampered my hands this afternoon with another in-the-pink color theme.
I wish I was good at doing nails, but it’s just not my thing. Plus, my nails look so much better when someone else does them (as far as shaping and nail beds and all that). I’m glad I found someone.
Another busy week for you! I love your manicure… my gosh it’s been ages since I’ve had one.
Enjoy your taper!
Thanks! I am so happy with it and can’t wait for my next one!
I already hate this taper.
Our garage door is very mysterious. Sometimes it opens, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s pretty stressful when I get back from a run and can’t get in the house. Now I carry a key. My hubs keeps ‘fixing’ it. RIIIIIIIGHT. Um, hubs, how about a new opener?
Have a great week!
We had to go on an actual hunt for house keys. We never use them. Fortunately, my husband knows his limits and doesn’t attempt to fix anything. It’s just not in his wheelhouse.
Wow, and I thought this week was busy! You sure do get a lot of variety in your life.
Sorry about the garage door. So frustrating.
Enjoy all the exciting things happening this week.
We are trying to plan a short getaway but not sure if it’s going to happen. Have to find a house available at the last moment basically because Bandit is just not good in hotels.
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Just Keep Moving: 10/4 – 10 WRD
I love the variety.
I hope you are able to find a house to stay for Bandit. We are super fortunate to have a great dog sitter. I want to take Luna on vacation, but I don’t know how she’d be.
What a busy week! Well done on getting through it all! I have missed two deliveries in the last three days by being out and about – at least on Saturday I was on a bus when the doorbell went on my phone and I hopped off and chased the postman down and extracted my parcel from him!
Oh, man! That’s frustrating! Fortunately, most of our packages just get left at the door.
Ugh on the garage door! Ours has broke a few times and it freaked me out. Such a scary noise when the cable snaps! That’s funny about the corn maze. I do remember making our own path last time we went to one!
This didn’t make a sound. We’ve had a spring replaced twice – that shakes the whole house when it snaps!
I don’t think you’ll ever catch me in a corn maze again. I thought this was the end!
Wow! how do you fit so much into a week? You’re amazing.
I hope you enjoy your upcoming racecation!
Just things that have to get done, I guess.
I hope the race cation is good! I need the break!
Something similar happened to my friend’s garage door and it was such a scary experience for her. Luckily, no one was hurt but just seconds before it came down, she was standing in a place where it could have hurt her. Glad yours was sorted out!
Sounds like such a busy but fun week! Also, so happy you got your nails done! I’ve been thinking of doing the same – haven’t done it in about 18 months I would say!
That was probably the spring! That brings the whole thing crashing down, and it’s terrifying!
I hope you can get a mani soon! I am so in love with my nails and can’t wait for my next appoiontment!
So excited about your upcoming event.
Yes I get my nails done. I’m worth it. Lol.
No vacation plans. Just had one. Hope to now get out on the trails more.
You are so worth it!
Can’t wait to follow your journey!
We’ve been through that with the garage door opener as well. Such a royal PIA. Props to you for navigating such a busy week. Have so much fun on race weekend!
It’s so annoying!
I will have fun, but I’m nervous!
You certainly do know how to pack a lot into a week! Can’t wait to hear all about your racecation!
I had my nails done (gel polish) pre-pandemic, and like everyone else, had to stop for over a year. I started back up in May. I don’t like the process, but love the finished product.
Since this is a private artist, I’m much happier than at my local shop. I feel like a new person.
It always sucks to have unexpected home repairs, especially expensive ones! Glad you got the garage door fixed though.
A racecation sounds so fun! I miss those. I won’t be able to do one until late April. Le sigh.