Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? 2020 and 2021 have felt so interminably long, and yet they have also flown by. I’m kind of relieved to know this one is grinding to a halt. At this point, 2022 will be where it’s at! I like to keep it as positive as I can!

Sunday – 3.94 miles, walking
We woke up to an absolutely beautiful day in Savannah. Of course, it would be, on the day we had to leave. I got up early and went out for a lovely foot tour of the city.

We had breakfast.

And we managed to go back down to the waterfront, to check out some of the new buildings and spaces that were put up since our last visit.

Then we hopped in the car and came home to see A and Luna!
Monday – 4.95 miles, beach + bridge + chest workout
The storms absolutely destroyed the beach. I would say the water was 15 feet away from the dunes, and there was debris from wooden boardwalks and pedestrian walkways littered everywhere. It’s heartbreaking when this happens, but the sea does what the sea wants.

I was still a little sore from the car ride and bad weather (yes, I feel it in my ankle), so I just went easy and listened to my body.
PS. I saw manatees.

And then it was time to get back in the regular swing of things. Vacation was definitely over.
Tuesday – 5.00 miles, running + .35 miles, walking
When the weather is cooler, the miles come easier. I am always so grateful for that.

We finally had an appointment to get Luna spayed. It was heartbreaking, but the right call. Even if she wasn’t on board.

Yay for Taco Tuesday. The cutie in question was a total gem, but look at his big “brother.” This horse has no business being so sweet, and gave me the sweetest cuddle.

I had to cut out early for a media brunch at Uptown Swinery in downtown St. Augustine. It was a nice distraction from worrying about my puppy. They had delicious food, mimosas, champagne jello shots, boozy Capri Suns, and Bloody Marys. Yum.

By the way. She did just fine. She wasn’t even groggy when we picked her up that afternoon. In fact, if not for the stitches, you would never know she had surgery. She’s a tough cookie.

Wednesday – 4.46 miles, walking + back workout
I slept a little bit later today, just because I was up late listening for Luna. She slept just fine by the way. I went for my walk, dud a few balance poses, and then came home to do my weights.

The rest of the day was spent quietly. If I sat still, Luna slept. If I was up and around, she was being insane. So obviously, I needed her to rest.
Thursday – 5 miles, running + .29 miles, walking
Happy Veteran’s Day! A had the day off from school, but we had to be up and out super early. So I ran.

A is working on his merit badges for BSA, and in addition to his regular volunteerism, he has to do some special work for a community-based organization. He chose my friend’s Strong Like Steve Foundation, which is a non-profit organization driven by the need to support adults with special needs and their caregivers. Thursday marked their second annual Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser, so we spent the morning making donut deliveries to the people who ordered.

It was a great experience.
Friday – 4.64 miles, walking + core/balance workout
A was back in school on Friday, but we had a busy day planned. I got in my walk and a core and balance session. That was rough but productive.

And then I met up with my ladies at the new Cuban cafe for breakfast club.

My parents came over that afternoon for a late lunch/early dinner. It’s been a while since we’ve seen them, so I was happy we got to spend the time together.
Saturday – 8.23 miles running + 1.02 miles, walking
Another dreary day with the threat of rain. Blah.
J and I did get up early to run, but we were distracted by a stray dog. We tried to get him, but he was old and confused and completely opposed to being secured. A neighbor was able to lure him into their driveway, and will be getting him scanned for a chip. Fingers crossed that he gets home.

And then the rest of the day was kind of a wash. Rain, cold, football, you know how it goes.
Everything feels very much on track. I’m back to reading, and just completed “There, There” by Tommy Orange, and “Black Birds In The Sky” by Brandy Colbert. Next up is “The Rose Code” by Kate Quinn.
In addition, i have found some great workouts and am enjoying mixing things up with my cardio. Well, maybe not enjoying but it’s working, so I will continue.
I am hoping to get in a hike this week, but we will see if it happens. A has his first ever band concert, and that will be pretty exciting. I also have get togethers planned with two beautiful, long-distance friends, and I cannot wait!

I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training? What books are you reading?

Glad to hear things are going well.
Savannah looks like a beautiful city.
I’m running a 15k today and a half next Sunday. No rest fir the weary.
I’m reading. The Plot. It’s good so far.
I’ll have to check that one out!
Such a busy week! I hadn’t heard about storms down there but we’ve had our own dicey weather, so that’s probably why. You are right about the power of water!
I enjoyed There, There, but haven’t heard of the other 2 books. Off to check them out to see if I want to add them to my TBR!
Let me know if you decide too read them!
I hope your weather is better. I just saw that we have the last tropical storm of the season out in the Atlantic. Ugh.
glad you got to have a fun few days away! Looks like it made a great difference for you. Have a great week ahead
It was good to get away.
I well remember all those volunteer opportunities for the BSA. That was a really busy time 😉
If he’s busy doing good work, he’s too busy to get in trouble LOL! That’s how I look at it.
Oh, poor Luna. Glad she sailed through her surgery!
Sounds like you got some good runs in, despite everything else going on.
I really enjoyed The Rose Code — hope you do too!
She’s a good puggy.
I am taking my time with The Rose Code. I need to savor my reading.
Glad you’re getting some good reading done, well done! I’m doing a Novellas in November challenge so seem to be powering through really short books – very satisifying!
That’s a cool challenge. I read so fast that I prefer big books – otherwise I always feel unsatisfied.
Glad you got to enjoy some nice weather in Savannah, even if it was on your last day. Great job getting in all those workouts this week! I also can’t believe 2021 is almost over. The last 2 years feel like a blur.
Times have been crazy, that’s for sure.
Sounds like a great week of workouts and other fun activities. Good to hear that Luna sailed through her surgery. These weeks are just flying by! I’d really like things to slow down just a little so we can relax and enjoy the holiday season.
I am going to make a big effort to savor every moment.
Oh, poor Luna! She does look a little sad in the car going to the vet…. glad to hear she’s doing so well.
I’m happy you’re feeling back on track! Sounds like you had a great week (in spite of some dreary weather.) I’m sure it will be a busy week coming up- this time of year is always eventful. Enjoy!
She HATES the car. It’s awful having to take her anywhere.
Sorry Luna, but it’s for your own good! Hope she’s back to 100% soon! Sounds like a good week otherwise!
She was leaping around minutes after we got her home. How she wasn’t phased, I’ll never know.
Another busy week for you! Glad to hear that everything is okay with Luna.
I also agree about time going by quickly. I am happy that Thanksgiving is soon but it feels like this month is just flying by!
She’s doing great. DIdn’t miss a beat.
I can’t believe November is over!
Poor Luna, but it’s good to get it out of the way. Sounds like she was a trooper!
Good for A for working so hard on his service projects!
She’s the best girl. A has been really dialed in on his goals and I love that for him.
Oh I’m glad sweet Luna has her surgery behind her! What a fun service project for A. Yikes on the beach devastation. Storms like that are scary. I can only imagine how much Savannah has changed since I’d last been there maybe 10 years ago!
A lot is the same in Savannah, but there are definitely some areas of growth and development.
I am so worried about the beach houses just sliding into the water and the destruction of the dunes. This is why we live just a bit inland.
I’m listening to Into The Wild audiobook. It’s quite interesting! Glad the surgery went well for Luna. What a cutie!
I will have to check it out!