I can finally share that ew have welcomed our new addition: baby Leonidas joined the family on Friday, and we couldn’t be happier!

Sunday – 3.84 miles, walking + core challenge day 14
Happy Sunday! The last day of the weekend is usually more of the same: fitness, errands, laundry, etc.

A came home from camp, so he had to get his gear all cleaned and organized. That usually takes the better part of the day, but it’s always nice to have the garage organized.
Monday – 3.54 miles, walking + core challenge day 15
Another week, another Monday. It was good to finally feel better and it’s all good that the sun is shining more and more.

A had the day off from school, so we decided to go to the movies. We haven’t been to a movie since February of 2020. Going to the movies was a favorite activity of mine, and we really missed it. I was nervous about being in a theater with people, but it went fine. We went to the earliest show, and we saw Spiderman: No Way Home, so it wasn’t busy. I’m glad we were able to do it.

Tuesday – 4.69 miles, walking + core challenge day 16 + bicep session
Just a regular Tuesday. I walked some, and I ran a little less. This may just be a season of less running.

Did I do some strength? Yes, I did. I found a really great bicep circut that makes use of all kinds of curls. I loved it, even if my arms were burning after.

Wednesday – 4.26 miles, walking + core challenge day 17
The weather is warming up and the days are getting longer. All good things.

On this particular day, I got crafty. I made dog biscuits with Luna to celebrate National Dog Biscuit Day.

And I started making cups again!

In the evening, we had our Valentine’s date: a pairing dinner at a local restaurant. The venue showcased its new speakeasy/private room, and we very much enjoyed the five course meal with complimentary cocktails.
Thursday – 4.55 miles, walking + core challenge day 18 + shoulder session
Was I dragging in the morning? Indeed. My walk was great, and my shoulders got a much needed workout.

I had to hustle to get through some phone calls, and then get to my nail appointment.

And then the rest of the day was for errands and tidying the house. A was on dinner duty that night which was great, too. He is learning about reading recipes in advance, planning ahead, and timing the meal elements properly.
Friday – 4.65 miles, walking + core challenge day 19
I woke up super early, barely able to contain my excitement. OMG!!!! It was puppy day! I started with my walk and my core challenge. Every day, the reps increase, and every day, I’m keeping up. To be honest, it’s not a super involved challenge (only five moves a day), but it doesn’t take up a lot of time which ensures I do it.

We got cleaned up and then we hit the road. Our puppy was just under two hours away, and we were anxious to pick him up and get him home. Everything went smoothly and soon the new baby was joining us for the ride back.

He did get a little carsick, but after that, the slept in my lap and all was wall.
Luna and A were both pretty thrilled. Luna was a little confused at first but she seemed to accept him pretty quickly.

Saturday – 5.66 miles, walking + core challenge day 20 + back session
Leonidas had a good night and so I was able to go for a walk with J in the morning. It was good to see her.

When I got home, I did a back workout, and then it was time to spend the day with the babies. Leonidas is doing well. He adores his sister and she is doing such a great job with him.

Goal-getting + Thoughts
As you can imagine, I’m pretty wrapped up in the puppy. He’s so cute and spunky, and Luna is really pleased to have someone to boss around play with. Getting Leonidas meant that I gave up some fun trips and events (I’ll be staying home over Spring Break, for example) because he just won’t be ready to be left, but it’s worth it.
We are coming to the end of the month, and I need to finish one more book, and get ready to slide into March. I think we can all agree that we need to push through to calmer days.

I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training? Do you enjoy going to the movies?

Congrats on your newest addition! Little Leo is so cute! It will be nice for Luna to have a little pal.
I hope you get back in your running groove! It’s so frustrating when you can’t do what you love. Hang in there.
O.M.G. THAT LITTLE FACE. Leo is the cutest cutie in the entire world! You guys must be so thrilled. How fun! That’s worth giving up some trips for.
So are you doing some running? You’re describing your miles as “walking” but in the pictures it looks like running. How is the knee? Whatever you’re doing, sounds like you’re fit and happy.
Congrats on the new baby 😉 You’re doing a good job staying active on the daily, so your body and mind will be primed & ready when running makes its grand return.
Congrats on your new addition he is so cute! Keeping moving is key and I am sure all will fall into place soon. Have a great week ahead
Little Leo/Leon/Leonidas is THE CUTEST. Two is better than one, isn’t it? I remember the puppy days, they are tough, but all worth it, even giving up some trips for a bit as he settles into his new home and routine. Congratulations!
Nice job on the core challenge! I don’t think core needs to be complicated or involved, its all about consistency and doing it every day, which you are crushing!
Congrats on Leo! That’s so great that Luna accepted him so well. The photo of the two them together is precious!
Oh yeah good week of fitness, too.
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Snow melts, more snow comes: 2/21 – 27 WRD
Your new puppy is adorable.
Great week of workouts.
Did you decide to run that 15 miler?
You are talented… those cups ae awesome.
Congratulations!!!! Leonidas is ADORABLE! (Of course, how could he not be?) So excited for you guys and Luna too!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Some Clarification
Oh my gosh, he is just too cute! Congrats! And it’s wonderful that Luna has accepted him so easily. I also have to say that photo of Luna at the table “making” biscuits is priceless 🙂
A big welcome to Leonidas – what a cutie!
So glad that you were able to enjoy a movie in a movie theater earlier in the week. Like you, I haven’t been to a movie since 2020, or maybe even 2019, so it’s something I would like to do this year.
Oh I left a comment but it’s vanished. Love little Leo!
Oh goodness your new addition is SOOOOO cute! Have so much fun with those wonderful puppy days. Love love love that pic of Luna supervising the dog biscuit production too! No sweat at all on not running as much. It’ll be there when you’re ready.
Leonidas is adorable and I can understand why you’re in love! How awesome that Luna accepted him so happily. That makes it much easier for you.
Awww, your new puppy is so darn adorable!! This was the surprise gift you mentioned last week? Those are really cool coffee cups. Do you make them using a Cricut machine or something? I’ve never used one but I know they have a lot of uses.
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