March is the month of luck, so what could be more fortuitous than lucky runs? Some days, when you lace up and hit the road, things just feel… right. What things go into that vibe? I’m so glad you asked.
Mother Nature Does You A Solid
There are some days when Mother Nature allows her benevolence to shower you with perfect conditions. Everyone has different “perfect running weather”, but on the day when it’s yours, there is truly no better feeling.
Your Body Cooperates
We have all had those runs where our bodies just don’t want to play nice. It’s a struggle when our legs are heavy and our head isn’t in the game. But then there are those days. You know the ones when your legs are light and your positivity practically gives you wings. Those are the lucky runs, and they make it all worthwhile.
You Find Your Fortune
Ok, maybe you don’t find your entire fortune, but sometimes, you get lucky and find cold, hard cash. It’s never happened to me, but there are runners who find green out on the roads and trails (or even coins). I love reading about how some athletes just tally up the treasure they find while logging their miles.
Your Friends Need To Run At The Same Time As You
Isn’t it lucky when you are planning a solo run, and you find your friends need to get in their run, too? Don’t get me wrong: I don’t mind running alone. However, it’s so much better when you have unexpected company out there. I love how lucky that makes me feel.
You Have The Perfect Gear
Isn’t it lucky when you have the shoes or accessories to match your running vibe? I know that I feel much luckier when dressing the part, and I am always happy to capitalize on a theme. I feel faster, stronger, and more unstoppable when my outfit is on point.
You Crush Your Workout
The feeling of hitting your goal paces and conquering your workout is one that can’t be missed. Some days, everything just falls into place, and you find yourself smashing goal after goal. Honestly, there are times when it’s the result of a good night’s sleep, proper fueling, and good training. However, there are also days when luck is with you and your training plans just work out. Embrace that!
You Uncover The Four-Leaf Clover
Nothing says lucky like finding the elusive four-leaf clover. Running is a great time to hunt for this unique omen, and if you find one, you know the rest of your run and your day will be glorious.
What makes a run lucky for you?
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Deborah Brooks says
there is nothing like those runs where it seems like everything just magically comes together!
Wendy says
I love a run when it all comes together!!!
Darlene S Cardillo says
Money is great. I do find some even a $20 bill … not often enough.
The luckiest run is when I have company. I hate running alone is it is longer than 3miles.
And one where NOTHING hurts!!!!!
Hope your runs are mostly lucky one.
Catrina says
When someone smiles at me as I pass. That makes my day!
Jenny says
Alright, I’m feeling very optimistic now- March will be a lucky month! I think I’m due for some running luck.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
Runs like that are the best! I always look forward to those “perfect weather days” when my legs also feel good.
Chocolaterunsjudy says
I have found coins but never bills & not to many coins either! Truly just the ability to run is lucky — even on the days it’s sucks — & I need to keep reminding myself of that!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Compassion: February 2022
Shathiso says
I love this post! Many runs can feel so blah but when that lucky one comes it reminds me why I do this! I love the combination of mother nature and my body cooperating! And then there are those runs that I dread doing beforehand that end up going so well – I think that’s when I feel luckiest!
Laura says
I love those runs where a workout clicks!