I wish I could tell you that my Spring Break was incredibly chill and restful, but that’s not the case at all. Things have been so chaotic and I am hoping to squeeze in a nap today to make up for it.

- Cardio: 3.51 miles, walking
- Lean Legs Challenge: :45 Bridge on toes, :20 one-legged wall sit (on each side), 13 straight leg donkey kicks (each side), 30 crunches
Happy Sunday! I got in a nice walk, and the boys came home on the earlier side from their concert.

They were tired from being away, and I was just trying to make things happen at home.
- Cardio: 4.38 miles, walking
- Lean Legs Challenge: :45 Bridge on toes, :20 one-legged wall sit (on each side), 13 straight leg donkey kicks (each side), 30 crunches
- Core Workout: 3×15 around the worlds, 3×10 crossbody wood chops (each side), 3×10 lunge trunk rotation (each side)
- Glutes Circuit: 3X12 dumbbell sumo deadlifts, 3×10 slow goblet sumo squats, 3×10 suitcase deadlifts (each side), 3×15 high-volume glute bridge
Happy Monday and Happy Pi Day! I thought about starting Couch to 5K this day, but something in me sort of chickened out so I took a pass. These weather swings are insane.

The weight and cross training is going well, too.

Of course, it was pie day, so I went to my favorite desserts shop to pick up some individual pies. I just wasn’t up for making them.

Mr PugRunner surprised me by wanting to go out to a fancy lunch at the RH Rooftop. It’s definitely a special occasion kind of place but I had THE BEST time. The food was so good, the vibe was perfection, and the company was great, too.

- Cardio: 3.31 miles, walking + Couch to 5k W1D1, 1.89 miles
- Lean Legs Challenge: :60 bridge, :55 wall sit, 16 donkey kicks, 35 crunches
- Chest Circuit: 3 x 12 alternating dumbbelll press, close grip chest press, incline chest press, close grip incline press, 2 x 25 chest flys
So I decided to take that Couch to 5k jump and it went really well. Most importantly, no knee pain. Winning! I was just so happy.

And then I came home to find Mr PugRunner emptying the refrigerator, as that had also decided to quit. We had a long conversation: sure, it’s always great to save money, but these were 15 year old original appliances, and, quite frankly, it was only a matter of time.
Needles to say, we spent the afternoon bouncing between Home Depot and Lowe’s, before settling on a new kitchen appliance suite.
- Cardio: 4.11 miles, walking
- Lean Legs Challenge: :60 bridge on toes, :25 one-legged wall sit (each side), 17 straight leg donkey kicks, 50 crunches
With the adulting out of the way, I got the day started with a walk and a quick lean legs session.

And then we took A and his buddy to the Bass Pro Shops in Daytona so they could go shopping for all the fishing gear their little hearts desired. They loaded up, and then we took them to lunch, so they could be fueled up for an afternoon of fishing.

- Cardio: 3.28 miles, walking + Couch to 5k W1D2, 1.85 miles
- Standing Core Circuit: 3×15 around the worlds, 3×10 crossbody wood chops (each side), 3×10 lunge trunk rotation (each side)
- Armpit/Braline Circuit: 3×15 Front to Side Rows, 3×15 Reverse Flys, 3×15 Reverse Rows, 3×15 Around The Worlds
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

But more importantly, happy range and refrigerator delivery day! We waited around for the delivery (they gave us the wrong time), but finally it came! The stove was gorgeous, but the fridge had a small dent in the front door. Luckily, we were able to reach our salesperson who got us on the schedule for a replacement fridge. Not ideal, but the dent was fairly obvious.
That evening, we went to J’s house for shepherd’s pie and green beer. We haven’t been able to hang out for a while so it was really nice and normal.
- Cardio: 4.37 miles, walking
- Lean Legs Challenge: :45 bridge on toes, :45 wall sit on toes, 15 fire hydrants, 30 crunches
- Glutes Circuit: 3X12 dumbbell sumo deadlifts, 3×10 slow goblet sumo squats, 3×10 suitcase deadlifts (each side), 3×10 dumbbell reverse lunges (each side)
I was able to zip through my workouts, and then convince A to come run errands and have lunch with me. He’s been pretty independent this week, fishing and camping with friends. On the other hand, I’m doing a huge purge of my cabinets, and needed some storage bins and such.
I also got my Raptor Run packet from the Alligator Farm.

My parents came over in the afternoon and we all went out for dinner. It felt incredibly normal and wonderful.
- Cardio: 5.05 miles, walking
- Lean Legs Challenge: :50 bridge on toes, :50 wall sit on toes, 15 fire hydrants (each side), 35 crunches
Since I had to meet J early in the morning, there was exactly zero sleeping in for me. I was up before the sun, getting the puggies fed and walked, and moving on to the miles. I thought about doing Week 1 Day 3 of Couch to 5K, but figured I would walk today and save for Sunday’s race. That would be fine.

I took A to breakfast and then to his buddy’s house, and then it was home to wait for the second refrigerator. My parents came over again to help out. They are so amazing.
The fridge came and this one was in perfect shape. We went out for sushi to celebrate, and then I got back to work reorganizing and loading it up. I’m getting so many steps this way.
Before bed, I laid out my flat runner, and packed my race bag. I wasn’t looking forward to another early morning but sometimes, you just have to go with it.
Goal-getting + Thoughts
With the time change and deliveries and the puppy, I haven’t gotten a ton of sleep this week. It’s a little frustrating, but what can you do. Mr PugRunner is watching March Madness in South Carolina, so I’m looking forward to some backup when he returns.
Purging has been great for me this week. It’s really clearing my head and getting me in the right frame of mind for back to school and the fourth quarter of eighth grade. How the year has flown.
On the fitness front, my knee feels good, and I feel stronger. I’m not loving the strength training, but I do love how it makes me feel. Isn’t that the important thing?

I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
When was the last time you had some solid relaxation?

It’s so exciting getting new appliances! We finally replaced our stove this year and it was quite an upgrade! Everything else has been replaced since we moved in 25 years ago. Can you believe it?
I hope your race went well today and that you have a restful week!
I can believe it but it’s so nice to have something new and fresh after all this time. The dishwasher is limping along. The bottom of the old stove was dinged up. The microwave has a scratch in the door. I was dealing with it all, but I’m much happier have new things coming in. And it’s inspired me to purge all the cabinets, which has been amazing.
We had to get a new fridge a few months ago and it almost wouldn’t fit into the space we almost couldn’t get the old one out of (the kitchen units were built around it and our walls are weirdly bulgy!). Stress! All OK in the end, though. Hope you can catch up on some sleep this week.
I measured like 18 times. They say that the sizes are all standard, but with the way they build houses now (ours is 15 years old), the slightest variation can really mess things up. Fortunately, everything fits (so far).
I can see how the time change plus the new puppy made the week challenging. But I’m glad to hear your knee is feeling good- and I can’t wait to hear about your race! You always seem to make things fun.
Yes, this year has flown- I can’t believe we’re starting fourth quarter. Summer will be here before we know it!
I am ALL about fun.
New appliances – exciting! What did you do with all your food in between the dead fridge and the new one?? Do you have a second one somewhere?
I hope you get that nap you deserve! I’m very pro-nap 🙂
We have this old beer fridge (you know the kind that’s all banged up and rusted that you buy for $50?) in the garage. Fortunately, we hadn’t gotten our weekly groceries, so we were able to save everything. We just couldn’t get to everything because it was like a game of tetris.
It doesn’t sound like your week had much of a break in it at all. Bummer on the fridge dying but its great that you were able to get a new one so quickly — even if you had to get it replaced. When we were redoing the kitchen they first installed a completely wrong fridge!
Zero break. I am going to the Sea World Seven Seas Food Festival this week, so even though it’s a bit of driving, I’m going to count that as my little mini-cation.
Wishing I could squeeze in a nap regularly, but I manage with mini catnaps on the couch. Not ideal, but I think a real nap would hack up my already compromised sleep schedule. It’s been awhile since I worked wall-sits into my routine… need to bring those back!
I don’t get them often, but every so often I need an hour to just close my eyes. It’s so helpful.
I love wall sits.
I love the variety in your fitness – I can’t remember the last time I did any wall sits or anything fun like that. I need to – that would definitely help me get stronger! Our fridge died Easter weekend 2020, and we needed a new one, stat. It wasn’t great timing so we didn’t get to really look around. I like the new one we have but not sure I would have bought it if we had longer to look.
melissa recently posted…Feeling Back!
Similar. The fridge I REALLY wanted was just a bit out of budget if I wanted all new appliances. Other than that it was a pretty easy choice: there were two I liked, and we went with the one we could get sooner. I’m fairly decisive with stuff like this so it was quick.
So glad that your knee is feeling better and that you are feeling stronger. The strength training will pay off for you glad to see you are sticking with it. Hey, you might actually start to like it!
I’ve been pretty dedicated. It’s not like me LOL. I was actually planning to start at the new HIIT place by my house, but maybe I’ll save the money.
Glad the knee is feeling better. Hope the race went well yesterday.
You are so good with your ST. Wish it would rub off on me.
My only test is the week in May that I go to Fla with friends. Can’t wait.
Honestly, I just mentally yell at myself until I do it. I feel so much better when I do it, though.
The race was so fun.
Enjoy the new appliances! That’s awesome you were able to get them so quickly. We ordered ours SO far in advance of our kitchen reno and they were literally manufactured in that wait time. It all worked out so there’s that. Sorry your break was chaotic. Our break is this week and I’ve got SO much work, I doubt there’ll be much relaxation here either. At least the Caveman isn’t traveling but I think he’s gone the entire week next week. Cannot believe we’re cruising into the final quarter of school!
I was stunned! The set I really wanted was way backordered. If we didn’t NEED the fridge, I think I would have waited, but our hands were tied.
Mr PugRunner is having breakfast and getting on the road. I am very grateful to have him back home.
Wow! That was certainly not a lowkey week for you, but happy that everything eventually worked out with the appliances. That’s awesome that you were able to get them so quickly too. We ended up having to wait about 2 months to get a new refrigerator last year because of all the supply chain issues.
Nice to get a new suite of appliances – and it sounds like delivery was fairly quick.
It’s good to hear your knee is feeling better. Your race looked like a fun one – looking forward to hearing more about it!
Yay on the knee and new new fridge. Mine died in August of 2020 and that was *fun*. Not
Solid relaxation? Not sure. Maybe if we’d had a few more days on our trip but unfortunately we didn’t. Glad your parents were able to help you out with the appliances! At 15 years it’s time. But it’s really hard when when you’ve got to do it quickly.
Hopefully this week holds more sleep for you!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Hello Spring!: 3/14 – 20 WRD
How fun to get new appliances and purge! I’m loving all of the cleaning out and sorting I did in February when we had our kitchen cabinet painted.
Strength training is so important – it’s great that you’re doing it even if you don’t love it.